e-GMAT GMAT Course Reviews

Everything you need to ace the GMAT

e-GMAT is the world's most reviewed company whose students have delivered 10x more 700+ scores than students from the average GMAT Club Partner. e-GMAT truly understands the test and the test taker and accurately creates personalized GMAT journeys for students, whether they start with a score of 300 or 600, and helps them achieve 740+ on the GMAT.

Created by Four out of the GMAT Club's Top five experts, e-GMAT is a unique combination of proprietary methods in Quant and Verbal. To ensure that you excel on these methods, e-GMATs' xPERT AI personalizes your learning and provides real-time feedback that can quadruple your chances of success and help you save up to 120 hours while preparing.

Finally, e-GMAT also gives you access to strategy experts who will help push your score to 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT 

  • GMAT Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Forum Support
  • Hyper-Personalized Improvement Plans
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT Mentors


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e-GMAT Course Reviews

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November 27, 2021

Joined: Sep 30, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V41

A great guide for Verbal!


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

Before signing up for eGMAT, I tried studying for 2 weeks from a book I borrowed from a buddy. Although the book did give me a preview of the types of questions, I wasn't able to grasp the techniques mentioned and apply them. The lack of interactivity and structured feedback got to me. So, I looked for learning modules as an alternative. eGMAT was recommended to me by a friend of mine who was already an eGMAT user and had high praise for it.

The eGMAT course is very well structured and organised. I used eGMAT primarily to master SC and CR. The theory, explanation and techniques are well put forth in their numerous modules. The visual explanations complement the audio content well and help one retain what they have learned. eGMAT lays emphasis on techniques such as meaning based approach and pre-thinking assumptions which greatly help with solving SC and CR questions, respectively. The modules can be a bit tiresome but it's important to stay focused and punctually work through them to get your fundamentals right. The application files and concept practice files/quizzes embedded within the modules do a great job of summarising and reinforcing the concepts to be mastered. The RC files are useful to identify the types of questions and what the corresponding answer may look like. I did not use eGMAT to prepare for Quant or IR, so I can't comment on those sections.

The Scholaranium platform makes practice ever so convenient. While the customisability, insights and usability are all great, the quality of the content and feedback takes the cake. The questions seemed to cover good ground in terms of the concepts taught. And more importantly, the detailed explanations for the questions are based on the same framework that one would have adopted from the modules. This makes it easy to absorb the feedback. The questions can sometimes be a bit lengthy but practicing solving such questions only helps you with your timing.

The eGMAT subscription also came with 5 Sigma X mock tests. I used some of these tests primarily to assess my verbal ability and to get my timing right. As expected, a detailed analysis and feedback of your performance is available to you if you choose to do a post mortem. The mocks give you a fair (or maybe a slightly conservative) assessment of where you stand with regards to your verbal goal. However, I felt that the quant tested in the Sigma X mocks was a level higher than the quant tested in OG mocks.

Couple of areas where I think eGMAT could improve:
- Sometimes application becomes hard with time pressure. Even with a lot of practice. It would be much more useful to students if the module highlighted how to apply the taught concepts in a time crunch.
- The navigation through the online modules could be improved so students can scroll through and revise more easily.
- Summary slides could be better organised so students can use them as a base for taking notes.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
November 26, 2021

Joined: May 17, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V35

A real good course to consider for your preparations


Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Verbal Online

Location Online


Firstly, cheers to all the fellow mates who are in process of GMAT preparations and who are about to initiate. I write this review keeping in mind all their anxieties, confusions and dilemmas that anyone can have. Believe me, even I had the same kind of situation when I first appeared for my GMAT. While I was confident about both Quants and VR, the scores turned out otherwise. This was an eyeopener and I realized that I was doing something really wrong. And that is where I actively started looking for guidance. I chose to go with eGMAT course immediately.

Things that happened with me within a week of starting the course:

1. Enlightenment: I realized why did I score that low in VR in my first attempt. I realized where exactly was I making mistakes, be it grammar, reading methods, the process of solving questions or the time management. All these realizations were due to a well designed eGMAT course structure.

2. Dilemma: Just like in every online course that we take, this course initially brought a lot of dilemma to me and I was not sure if I was going on a right track even after all the above realizations. One reason for this was also the lack of personal touch which we are usually accustomed to. In this time, the eGMAT support team helped me stay calm and they made sure I follow the process well.

Over the next 2 months of my preparations, I literally started feeling comfortable with the process and method of learning. Ultimately, I was instilled with confidence when the results started showing up in mocks and scholaranium quizzes. I saved most amount of my time in SC (literally 50%) and RC (about 40%) and that ultimately helped complete my VR section almost on time.

Best to look out for at eGMAT:
1. Meaning based approach: initially when eGMAT suggested slow and meaningful reading, I was puzzled as I was already having time issues in VR section. But trust me guys, this approach is a boon. It helped me save most amount of time. It is a skill which will come for your rescue not only for the exams but for many work years ahead.

2. Quick response to queries: maximum of my queries were answered within hours, be it on mail or on portal itself.

3. Scholaranium: Level of the practice questions, in my opinion, is quite accurate and good. The that analytics and strategic reviews give you exact opinions as to where did you go wrong. NOTE: do your strategic review wisely, it helped me the most in visiting and revisiting my methods, concepts and the time management process.

I hope this review helps well. All the best!!


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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
November 26, 2021

Joined: Jun 15, 2020

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q48 V38 (Online)

Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

My GMAT Journey began in April 2020. Like many others, I decided to make the most of the extra time on my hands to start preparing for the GMAT.

During the course of my preparations, I got married, moved to a different state in the US and settled into a new job and all through that process, e-GMAT helped ensure that I kept plugging away at my preparation to help me reach my target score.

Nearly 19 months later after taking the Enhanced GMAT online and scoring 710 (Q: 48 V: 38) I would like to pass on my learnings to future test takers in the hope that this helps streamline their preparations and reach their target scores.

Real-Life learnings from the GMAT:
The GMAT as a test fascinated me. Unlike many of the other standardized tests out there, the GMAT is a test that actually tests skills that you would need to apply in the long run to navigate a future career in business. For Example, Sentence correction is important to understand what effective communication looks like, wherein mistakes in sentence structure could convey a meaning different that what was intended. Critical reasoning is something that one would be expected to apply daily as a business leader to make key decisions, but also in your daily life as you navigate through difficult decisions. Reading Comprehension in my humble opinion is the skill that is the least talked about and probably the most important long term skill that preparing for the GMAT gives a test taker. The ability to process information however complex to understand, in a timed environment, is absolutely key in one’s development.

My Takeaways :
Hyper personalization
I was invited by Archit Bhargava to be part of the e-GMAT LMP (Last Mile Program) program, a program where he would support me as a mentor through my GMAT journey. Archit’s timely feedback and hyper personalized study plan based on my Scholaranium 2.0 quiz scores was invaluable. Whenever I had questions and/or needed to modify my study plan to better fit my schedule, Archit replied back with a plan to make the best use of the time I had available. Over the course of 2 months, Archit either sent me videos whenever I got stuck on certain key concepts or got me to connected to other members of the e-GMAT team for their insight to help me understand specific topics better.
At this time I would also like to give a shout out to Harsha, who provided me a comprehensive analysis of my CR performance that pushed me over a plateau of where I was stuck at the 65%ile all the way upto a consistent 90%ile and Atreya, who the weekend before my official GMAT provided a review of my performance of my last mock to give me target areas to focus my last reviews on, when Archit was unavailable.

The LMP program was exactly what I needed to cross the 700 barrier and I can’t thank the e-GMAT team enough for always being there to support me through my journey.

e-GMAT provides a structured curriculum, one that focuses on process and content in equal measure with special emphasis on test readiness and simulating section wise tests from Scholaranium 2.0 to ensure that students are ready to tackle the Sigma-X mocks that are also offered on their platform.
Their 3 step process of 1) Building conceptual knowledge ( core content) 2) Cementing test taking process and 3) developing GMAT skills helped me first understand and then apply the concepts in an organized manner.
One of the things e-GMAT does very well is offer structure. You can plan exactly what you need to do every day of your prep and account for how long your preparation could potentially take based on your current score and your target score and this helped me understand the scope of the task in front of me and the daily accountability that the schedule provided helped me stay on track with my preparations.

The Scholaranium 2.0 is by far the most powerful platform that I’ve seen out there for a few reasons. Firstly, The data gathered from the quizzes I took on the platform was translated into easy-to-understand actionable feedback that helped me identify any process flaws, timing issues and/or knowledge gaps that need to be worked on.
Secondly, the ability to design custom quizzes to ensure that I could simulate a real life test environment, where I would need to keep on their feet at all times, was a game changer for me and I believe strongly that this practice is what helped push me over my plateau.
Finally, The level of questions that I saw on my official GMAT was comparable to if not slightly easier than the ones that e-GMAT offers. Now, I know there is not substitute for OG content since the GMAC spends a lot of money developing each question, but I believe what the questions on e-GMAT taught me was “how to think”. This is an underestimated skill that I have not seen many platforms talk about. The quote that comes to mind that best explains this is : “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”

Sigma X Mocks
The Sigma-X mocks were a real eye-opener. I had always perceived my Quant skills to be at a high enough level since I came from a Quant heavy engineering background. I quickly learned that although my math skills were where they needed to be, on the other hand my Quantitative reasoning was definitely not. This was a very important distinction to make and one I hope others reading this review pay attention to.
My scores on the last 3 Sigma-X mocks were 700 (Q46, V39), 710 (Q47, V40), 710 (Q49, V38) with my last 710 coming 3 days before my official GMAT on which I ended up with a 710 (Q48,V38). As you can see, the scores are highly representative of actual GMAT performances.
Going into my Official GMAT, I was confident that I had seen enough content and variations based on that content that tested in-depth understanding rather than superficial knowledge and having that peace of mind prevented me from stressing about if I knew enough and tackle each question confidently.

My study mentor: Archit Bhargava
My journey would not have been the same without Archit. He was there to answer my questions or direct me to other personnel at e-GMAT as I reached certain plateaus in my preparation. Close to the end he also gave me personal number so that the turnaround times to my questions would be quicker. Without the feedback and assistance he offered, I can confidently say that I do not think I could have broken the 700 barrier. Archit was the gamechanger I needed.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
November 26, 2021

Joined: Dec 11, 2017

Posts: 30

Kudos: 7

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V38

The Best Course for both Quant and Verbal


Improvement 150 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I became an EGMAT student in May 2021. Before doing so, I had taken the GMAT exam once and to prepare, had enrolled myself in a popular Bangalore-based coaching. While I knew about EGMAT even back then, I just couldn't believe that a completely-online portal can be as impactful as the ones that offer "live and personalized learning". Having used the EGMAT platform for almost 6 months, I can, without a doubt, say that I was wrong - not only about how good EGMAT is but also about it being just another online preparation platform.

Following are some of the differentiators for EGMAT:

1. Course Structure - Entire content is broken down into bite-sized videos. Rather than focusing on shortcuts and smart tricks, the EGMAT course helps in drilling down the concepts. You learn a topic, then practice questions with varying difficulty, and move ahead only once you are comfortable. This cycle worked really well for me as I already understood some concepts but here, I could apply them one at a time and learn step-by-step

2. Equal focus on Quant and Verbal - There are a lot of products out there that are strong in either Verbal or Quant but not both. EGMAT, on the other hand, helped me balance my preparation in both sections. I started with SC and was blown away by all the concepts and questions offered. While there isn't a lot of theory to learn in CR and RC, the pre-thinking approach certainly helped. Within quant, the course is broken down into various sub-sections within Arithment and Algebra-Geometry and the questions are presented in a way that makes it a routine to solve even harder ones within the stipulated time.

3. Scholaranium - Previously, when I used to practice, I did not have very clear insights on what am I weak in. Sure, I could know that, say, am not so strong in Verbal, or even narrow it down to Sentence Correction but the data presented in Scholaranium breaks the weaknesses down to sub-sections. I could clearly know the topic where am taking a lot of time or my accuracy is poor, and rather than focusing on the entire section, could do focused brush-up by creating custom quizzes. An extremely helpful feature is "Ask the Expert". Rather than looking up different websites where I went wrong in my approach to a question, I could ask an EGMAT expert or even better, just look at similar doubts asked by fellow students. The response rate in the former case was great and this helped in keeping the momentum up. The SigmaX mocks are very close to the actual exam and the debriefing of each question is super helpful.

4. Personalized Support - This is where EGMAT transcended from being a good to a great course, for me. I was bucketed into the Last Mile Profile and right from Day 1, my mentor Atreya Roy has been my go-to person for all queries - right from any doubts on what topic to pick up next to any confusion around whether am progressing in the right direction. Atreya was always quick to analyze my tests and mocks and suggest an improvement plan. I have actually just stuck to his suggestions throughout the journey and that has worked wonders for me. I always used to struggle with my pacing but in my actual GMAT, I almost finished Verbal on time and could solve each Quant question.

In summary: If anyone is looking for a comprehensive GMAT course, EGMAT should be your choice. Attend a couple of free webinars or take the trial and you will realize how amazing the platform is. I thank my mentor Atreya and the entire EGMAT team for their support :)

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December 17, 2021

Hi Manas,

Congratulations on your score and thank you for your kind words.

We had a great journey together! When I looked at your account, I concluded that it is one of the most diligent journeys I have witnessed. Here is why:

1. Your accuracies were phenomenal: 70% accuracy in hard questions (Screenshot 1) indicates high potential for success.

2. Consistent scores in Test Readiness Quizzes: You took more than 5 TR quizzes while maintaining 75% accuracy or higher in each one (Screenshot 2).

3. Responsive and receptive: In our 10+ email interactions, you were always responsive and receptive to my recommendations, even when they meant additional work for you.

Screenshot 1:

Screenshot 2:

Keep up the good work! All the best on your score and I wish you all the success in life.


November 24, 2021

Joined: Feb 16, 2021

Posts: 6

Kudos: 1

Self-reported Score:
710 Q48 V40

GMAT 710 Q48 V40 - Thanks to e-GMAT and Atreya!


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

My journey of a 710 Q48 V40 on the GMAT was slightly longer than I had expected to be. I started preparing for GMAT in February 2021 with the hopes of getting a decent score that would put me in a competitive range. Initially, my preparation was largely self-driven, and I relied on my notes from early years. However, I quickly realised that Quant on the GMAT is not that straight forward, and enough time has passed since I graduated college that I have become rusty and will need help.

I evaluated a lot of programs GMAT preparation and ended up choosing e-GMAT. There were multiple things I immediately loved about the e-GMAT portal, especially the adaptive nature of the modules and how it helps you understand what your strengths and weaknesses are on specific sections of Quant and Verbal. SigmaX mocks are also helpful in gauging you preparation levels and help in general prepare for the D-day!

I really want to call out the help I received from my guide on e-GMAT, Atreya (Atreya Roy, if you are wondering what his full name is!). Gem of a person and one hell of a GMAT support! He played a pivotal role in me getting a 710 on the GMAT - from initially guiding me on how I should plan my overall preparation (with hyper-specific plans) to helping me daily whenever needed in fine tuning my preparation to helping plan a final 7 days schedule before my exam. He was always there and was always available for help. I remember him replying to my texts at 1 AM in the night and getting on calls whenever I had a clarification. I sincerely believe that he played a very big role in me getting the score of 710 and I genuinely cannot thank him enough for this help and support. While I would recommend e-GMAT to anyone looking for good quality GMAT coaching, I would very highly recommend you ask for Atreya by name in case you do end up choosing e-GMAT.

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November 23, 2021

Joined: Jul 06, 2020

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V38

Breaking the Verbal 30 score plateau


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Mentorship

Instructor Dhananjay(DJ)

Location Online

With scores of 680(V-32) and 690(V-34) in GMAT mostly by self study methods, I was in need for guidance to break the 700 barrier. I came in touch with DJ from E-GMAT team and his first step was analysing my ESR(Enhanced Score Report) of my second attempt. The analysis was clear that I was hovering around 65-70 percent ability in all 3 sections of Verbal and work will have to be done in all the three sections. He shared with me a detailed plan for improvement.

I started with the reading exercises shared by DJ to improve my reading/comprehending skills. Further, Master Comprehension course provided by E-GMAT also helped me in gaining the right strategies to handle Reading Comprehension questions.For Critical Reasoning and Sentence Correction the webinars conducted by Rajat,Payal from E-GMAT team are really good and gives you the right approach to kick start your preparation in these sections.

DJ emphasised on Pre Thinking approach for Critical Reasoning and using it definitely helped me in boosting my score. Coming up with your own assumptions before jumping into the answer options definitely helps. For Sentence Correction, the meaning based approach(Intended meaning of the sentence) is the only right way to solve medium and hard questions in the given time frame. With trap answer choices all around this strategy definitely works.

The strategy of cementing your learning through scholaranium is gold standard and it raises your ability considerably in that section. One can take multiple quizzes from scholaranium with more than 600+ verbal questions which are on par with the real GMAT questions. There is a detailed analysis available for each question attempted with most of the tougher questions having a video analysis. Scholaranium tool also has an error log which provides useful information like topic wise ability in each sub-section. Key to getting a good GMAT score is to use scholoranium to its potential.

I was able to get the 30 point improvement(V-34 to V-38) in under a month through the E-GMAT score.I would highly rate the E-GMAT online course for the verbal preparation as it is structured and quite easy to navigate. Further you can easily get in touch with E-GMAT mentors like DJ who are always ready to help.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
November 23, 2021

Joined: Mar 28, 2021

Posts: 8

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q49 V36

650 to 700 within 20 days


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I had taken E-GMAT's online intensive package in March, I was not particularly good at grammar, The course helped me improve my grammar and the package is structured in such a way that I was able to understand the basics in a concise and structured manner. Also at the end of every section, there is a review test to check our progress.
I am particularly fond of Scholaranium, where you can choose the type of questions and level of questions. I liked the quality of explanation and analytics provided by the E-GMAT team to help me understand my weak points and to work on them.
Sigma-X mock tests approximated the real GMAT tests, and here again, the level of analysis provided is exemplary.
I used to score above 700 in my mock tests, but when I scored 650 on my first attempt I was worried and reached out to e-GMAT team, they calmed me down and gave me pointers to focus on my strengths and not get tensed up. I am happy to report a fifty point increase. I wholeheartedly recommend e-GMAT for excellence in GMAT.

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November 23, 2021

Joined: Jul 20, 2021

Posts: 1

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V40 (Online)

Stick to the process


Improvement 110 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

The e-GMAT approach is truly a game changer. As a non-native speaker, the e-GMAT interactive and self-pacing approach really helps me be more efficient in my preparation. I personally used Manhattan prep 7 years ago. While it was good and it helped me to score a 700, I was not able to take the next leap to 700+. This time around, I figured I needed to use a different approach to break the 700 barrier and I am proud to say that the e-GMAT approach really works.

After reading reviews on GMAT club, I decided to use e-GMAT back in late June. In my first SIGMA-X mock, I only scored a 630. The meaning based approach for sentence correction and the pre-thinking methodology for critical reasoning is a game changer BUT you really, really need to master it and do not short circuit. I personally had a time when I knew the concept, but was not able to apply it efficiently while solving questions. It was VERY frustrating and I thought about giving up the meaning based approach many times. BUT do not give up. I went back to study the materials again to master the methodology and was slowly able to use the right approach to solve questions effectively and accurately.

In addition, having an error log and analyzing every single question and every single option is super important. As mentioned by many before me, quality trumps quantity. Make sure you learn from every single question and find your weaknesses.

In my second and third SIGMA-X mock tests, I received a 760 and 750 respectively. It was really eye opening on the power of the e-GMAT material. However, because of some major technical issues in my online GMAT exam, I was only able to score 700.

After this, DJ from e-GMAT reached out to me to join the Last Mile Program (LMP) and I can tell you this was next level. The first thing we did was figure out what’s wrong and why did you score just a 700 and not more than that. The process of diagnosis was done by DJ and we figured out that I take longer on SC, CR questions – and get tired. Therefore, we started a 3 step process to solidify my ability and increase my stamina.

In the first phase 3R plan (Revise, Review and Reboot), DJ asked me to go back to review all of my previous notes. This was meant to get me back in GMAT studying mode. This phase was completed by taking a few tests on SC, CR and RC and achieving >70% accuracy.

In the next phase, I went through all of the mistakes I've made in the past through my error log. The analysis template provided by e-GMAT is super helpful and also really insightful in finding my weaknesses. In this phase, I noticed that I was getting lazy in pre-thinking so I went back to the CR material again to practice pre-thinking.

In the final phase, it was an intense 4-day cycle last mile. SIGMA-X mock -> Stress Test -> Pace Test -> Weakness Review. And I can tell you this was really important in building up stamina. One of the hiccups I had was getting a 640 on my last SIGMA-X mock test. Here I would like to especially thank DJ for continue to encourage me and keep me calm during this set back. He noticed that I had ability gaps in my SC and CR and was able to help me continue to focus and keep pace in my preparation. Some other useful test taking tips that helped me included warm-up exercises and testing at the end of the day. Every little tip helped.

Lastly, I would just like to thank DJ and the e-GMAT team for helping me achieve my target score I set back in June. Also, for everyone still hesitating, I would encourage you to fully commit to the program and stick to the process. It my take longer than you expect, but you will get there! All the best!

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November 22, 2021

Joined: Aug 25, 2020

Posts: 21

Kudos: 15

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V40 (Online)

A One-Stop Shop


Improvement 140 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

When I first started my preparations for GMAT, I used only the Official Guides as I thought that my subject knowledge was good enough to crack the exam. But boy, was I wrong !!

When I figured out that there's more than just subject knowledge needed to crack GMAT, I started looking for an online course that would help me in the same. That's when I took a trial session with E-GMAT.

The course is so comprehensive that I didn't find the need to look further. E-GMAT not only helps understand the concepts but also helps with the approach to get above 700.

The course has everything you could ask for, and more. I would strongly recommend E-GMAT to any person, be it a professional or a student, preparing for the GMAT.

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November 22, 2021

Joined: Jun 29, 2017

Posts: 23

Kudos: 13

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V41

The only course to be seriously considered for GMAT preparation


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Verbal Online

Location Online

After my first GMAT attempt stood at a 690 score (it took a good amount of self-study and practice), I could not leave it to chance to get past the 700-mark since I had given it all. As for most non-native speakers, my first score reflected a lack of preparation for Verbal section with a V34. And so, researching on which verbal prep course to sign up for became the Level-0 for my second shot at GMAT. The reviews on GMAT club for the course providers seemed to be a credible source given the verified score improvements, and among those, e-GMAT stood out by a huge margin. My secondary research for e-GMAT on its free webinars and recorded videos gave me no less reason to go for it.

e-GMAT asks a simple thing of you when you sign up. Forget what you think you know. Doing so is not as simple as it sounds, but rewards you the more you believe in the course’s philosophy. The course is designed in such a way that it makes you effortlessly dive deep into basics and ensures that you haven’t lost the crux of the initially studied concepts till the very end, while comprehensively touching upon every testable area in the GMAT exam.

Beginning with its infamous SC course, e-GMAT brings in the Meaning Based Approach which, in my opinion is the life saver for many when attempting a lot of 600+ and 700+ level questions. This approach, combined with the relevant grammatical rules, makes up for a huge chunk of the course, proportionate to its importance in the Verbal preparation. For the CR sub-section, the course introduces to concepts usually overlooked by a lot of test-takers such as identification of premises and conclusion, grasping the author’s intent, and prethinking the assumptions before jumping to option analysis. Following the prescribed process reduced my average time spent on the CR questions by about 25%, which let me have more time to attempt the once dreadful RC questions. RC too became easier through e-GMAT’s Master Comprehension pointers at the beginning of the course, which became a habit by the time I reached RC sub-section.

To supplement it all, the newly introduced Scholaranium 2.0 which includes all of e-GMAT’s practice questions has a very high-quality database for explanations and data insights for each and every question in it. This same quality applies to the Sigma-X Mocks designed by e-GMAT, giving these tests their accuracy.

In addition to all of the preparation, the support provided by e-GMAT’s strategy experts in the Last Mile Program is something that brought me to a V41 and a 70 points improvement. Shweta Koshija, one of the experts at e-GMAT, was available throughout my course tenure and helped me through personalized videos and hyper-specific plans for any and all of my queries.

Considering all of it, signing up for e-GMAT should be a no-brainer for anyone aiming a competitive GMAT score.

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528 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for e-GMAT
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