Atreya Roy Reviews

Company: e-GMAT

4.8 /5 Average Rating
Based on 13 reviews
January 03, 2022

Joined: Jan 03, 2022

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q50 V34 (Online)

e-gmat review


Improvement 10 Points

Course e-GMAT Mentorship

Instructor Atreya Roy

Location Online

I joined e-gmat in September and was a part of the Last Mile program. Before joining them I had a 690 on Gmat. The courses on verbal were fantastic and gave a structured process to approach a problem. Under the LMP, Atreya Roy gave the personalized support to identify weak areas, made me take a number of quizzes and helped me fix timing issues. He also analysed my sigma-mocks.

Unfortunately, my variance in mocks was something that we could not fix (710-760). Even though I ended up with a score I am not satisfied with and a low verbal I don't think e-gmat's course and support was in anyway lacking.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
January 13, 2022

Hi Dkp,

First of all, congratulations on scoring a 700. I wish you would have gotten to the 730. You were well on the way, and I hoped you will reach there. Nevertheless, let us understand the key takeaways of your journey till now.

Breaking the 700-barrier needs persistence efforts, diligence, and resilience. You had portrayed all the above and hence you were able to get to a 700. From our journey, I found two major highlights:

1) I loved the fact that you completed the course diligently and that translated to your scores in Scholaranium. The screenshot below entails more information.

Course Stats of Dkp:

2) Perfect Test Readiness Scores: You had great scores in your Test Readiness quizzes that laid the path to a 740.

Test Readiness Stats for Dkp:

I wish you all the best for the next steps. In case you retake the GMAT, you know whom to dial 😉

Best Wishes and Regards,

December 24, 2021

Joined: Jun 21, 2018

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q48 V38

700 and relieved


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Mentorship

Instructor Atreya Roy

Location Online

I spent long time figuring out which GMAT course I wanted to try out. After reading a variety of reviews I decided to go for E-GMAT and I do not regret that decision at all.

E-GMAT's online study course is very good, especially on verbal. I think it got the best SC section of all the courses (I have also seen a few others), leading to my 87th SC percentile score. The SC course is very comprehensive and goes through EVERY RULE you need to know. Scholarium is also great, providing a fantastic learning platform. It breaks down your performance on e.g. verbs, modifiers etc, in which is really great.

I was fortunate to get invited into E-GMAT's last mile programme with Atreya as mentor. He was always positive and provided help when I needed so, for e.g. setting up a tailored study plan. We had meetings over Teams and he gave me tailored videos e.g. going through the ESR, in which was very helpfull, so thanks for that!

Another great thing with the course is that if you have any question you can just send it to customer support or post it on the forum and you receive an answer within 24h. I was in the Last Mile program and sent directly to Atreya, and he always responded in great fashion.

I also tried out the quant course but my focus was on the verbal section as I got Q48/Q49 without much troubles.
I also tried the sigma mock, but only once. It seems to be fairly accurate.

I can really recommend the course, especially if you are struggling with the verbal section. SC/CR/RC section is great both in terms of online videos and questionnaire bank in the Scholarium. It provided you the tools you need to get strong score in verbal.

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January 03, 2022

Dear Student,

Congratulations on your 700! I am very happy that you could break the 700-barrier after being score stuck at 670 for a long time. It was possible through your diligence and hard work.

Any student who is looking to overcome a score plateau needs to be resilient. You did the course well and that translated in your Scholaranium Statistics. See the screenshot below of your Scholaranium Statistics on how you did Medium Questions.

Screenshot #1:

All of this, translated in the Hard quizzes where accuracies were particularly good. The Last 20 questions show your Test readiness stats and you have done well. See the Screenshot below.

Screenshot #2:

I am very happy for your score and wish you all the success for the next set of steps.

All the best!


October 16, 2021

Joined: Apr 15, 2020

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V35

E-gmat online preparation with mentorship : Verbal and Quant


Improvement 20 Points

Course e-GMAT Mentorship

Instructor Atreya Roy

Location Online

I started the e-GMAT online course only with the verbal package. The verbal course is well designed for all the 3 sections. The meaning-based approach for sentence correction and pre-thinking approach for critical reasoning definitely helped enter the 700 score bracket. I opted for the Quant package as well to leverage the Sigma-X mocks. The mocks are quite accurate and give a detailed analysis of the performance in different sections and help identify the weaker sections at a glance.
I joined the mentorship program with Atreya as my mentor. He helped me fine tune the skills by identifying the exact weak topics and chalking out a timeline to achieve them. Having a set timeline and small set of topics to focus on helped a lot. Scholaranium for both verbal and quant is very useful and the fact that you can practice questions not just according to topic but also according to difficulty level and create your own customised tests is very useful.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
October 15, 2021

Joined: Jun 17, 2021

Posts: 34

Kudos: 17

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V41 (Online)

Focused approach to reach 720 in second attempt


Improvement 130 Points

Course e-GMAT Mentorship

Instructor Atreya Roy

Location Online

When I first started my prep for the GMAT, I started in the usual way of buying the OG and solving the questions there. Soon I realised that my accuracy on the OG was high and I wasn’t really learning anything new. To solve this, I started researching about online GMAT prep and came across e-GMAT. The main point for selecting them being the insights provided by Scholaranium and I must say it has exceeded my expectations.

Firstly, my first interaction with e-GMAT started when I requested them for a study plan. They insisted that I go section by section and me beating me I said I’ll do both Quant and Verbal together. In hindsight, I know I could have saved a lot of time and effort if I would have just followed their simple advice. So everyone reading this, trust your mentor !!! They do this day in and day out and know what it takes to get a good GMAT score in a predictable manner.

When it comes to the course, I used to rely heavily on how sentences SOUND before starting this course. But the structured way of teaching me to spot errors and the meaning based approach to understand what the sentence really wants us to communicate have been game changers for Sentence Correction.

When it comes to Quant, the cementing quizzes really do cement the concepts and help you improve in the subsections. Do not repeat my mistake of not doing the cementing quiz immediately after the section. Following the strategy of Learn concepts and then cementing the concepts using timed quizzes will help you reduce the time you spend for your preparations.

Further, Scholaranium and the level of granular data that it provides is what everyone needs for having efficient GMAT prep. It helped me pinpoint my weak areas to as granular as absolute values in Algebra or comparisons in sentence correction and helped me tackle that and improve my score.

Lastly, a special shout out to Atreya Roy who has been guiding me and helping me get a good score on the GMAT. His support and advice has been extremely prompt. My emails to him have always been late in the day and I have always been shocked to receive his response with strategies to improve and focus areas even before I wake up the next day. In my first call itself he said, don’t hesitate to call/text if you need help even on weekends. This really shows the dedication that Atreya and the entire e-GMAT team has for helping you succeed.

Thank you once again !


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September 26, 2021

Joined: Jul 06, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V42

GMAT 760 Prep


Improvement 20 Points

Course e-GMAT Mentorship

Instructor Atreya Roy

Location Online

I had already attempted the GMAT three times - getting scores of 720, 740, 740. I needed that extra jump for my target schools to stand out given the extremely competitive Indian demographic. I tried several other platforms before settling down on E-GMAT.
Right from the start. they were super helpful. I loved their precision targeting strategy. While we focused on improving my Verbal score, we also subsequently worked on Quant areas that could boost up my score.
I never did pre-thinking before, specially in RC, which was an immense help. The scholaranium tests and diagnosis helped me chart out my path ahead and work on my weak areas.
Atreya was super helpful and would push me to take mini mocks every week, analyze it and then recommend the next steps ahead.
The Sigma-x mocks were a game changer too and i took all of them before my final exam.
I wish I had just started with e-GMAT at the very start but I'm grateful that at the end, I found the right place!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
September 13, 2021

Joined: Jan 14, 2018

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V39

From 710 to 730 (V39, Q50)


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Mentorship

Instructor Atreya Roy

Location Online

I’d just given an official attempt scoring myself a 700. Given I was touching upwards of 750 in my mocks but was not able to translate the same in my official attempt – I felt quite disappointed. I approach Atreya from e-GMAT for last mile support in GMAT. Him and the e-GMAT offered me unparallelly set of questions and high-quality topic wise study material that helped me improve 30 points in a month.

e-GMAT’s self-leaning modules are quite comprehensive and offer in depth understanding of concepts by offering examples with detailed solutions. The cementing quizzes helped me identify my baseline performance in respective sections and Atreya was kind enough to help me build an error log and to device a customized strategy plan to improve on my weaker topics.

Apart from practicing from their high-quality question bank, Scholaranium 2.0, the meaning based approach preached by e-GMAT helped me refine my approach towards solving, improving accuracy as well as speed.

Their Sigma-X Mocks offered under their comprehensive package were also quite accurate in their capacity and offer sectional performance insights, like what ESRs offer. Something quite helpful in planning out strategy for the D-day.

The support, as well as motivation, offered by Atreya and team was quite helpful in helping me improve. I would like to recommend e-GMAT to fellow test-takers.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
September 06, 2021

Joined: May 05, 2021

Posts: 2

Kudos: 3

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V42

760 (Q50 V42) in first attempt


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Mentorship

Instructor Atreya Roy

Location Online

I came across eGMAT when I attended some of the free webinars hosted by them on CR and RC. After attending those webinars and taking the free sigma mock, I booked a strategy consultation with their expert. I decided to enroll in the course as I really liked the analysis of my cold mock provided in that call.

Through the analysis, I knew that I had to focus more on Sentence Correction than on the other verbal sections. So, I went through all the concept and practice files for SC and followed the meaning-based approach to solve questions in Scholaranium later. eGMAT’s SC curriculum is very extensive and helped me get a solid grasp of the major topics asked in the exam.

After SC, I moved on to CR and went through their videos in which they mainly taught how to apply the pre-thinking approach to solve questions. Initially, I used to focus only on accuracy and used to take a lot of time in solving questions with this approach. Once I was able to get good accuracy, the timing gradually improved on its own with practice. So I would advise anyone starting with CR to trust in the process and not worry about timing yourself in the beginning.

I did not spend much time going through the concepts of RC or Quant and started using Scholaranium to attempt ability and custom quizzes. The level of analysis provided in Scholaranium is simply great. I was able to use the portal to effectively identify the areas in which I was weak and fine-tune those areas by revisiting concepts or practicing particular types of questions I was frequently getting wrong such as Boldface or Modifiers.

Sigma-x Mocks provided by eGMAT are very good estimators of the actual exam and may be considered more accurate than official mocks. The verbal section is of almost the same difficulty level as the actual exam’s section whereas Quant could be a little bit tougher than the actual exam(Quant of official mocks is a lot easier than the actual exam). Also, the mocks are adaptive and you get an ESR-like analysis of every mock.

Apart from their study material and tests, eGMAT also provided one-to-one mentorship and paired me with Atreya. The mentorship was objectively the best part of the course as he not only provided me with weekly plans but also helped me analyze my mocks properly. He also encouraged me to schedule the exam sooner when I was not confident that I was fully prepared.

The eGMAT portal is also very well made and I did not face any difficulty or encountered any bugs while using the portal. The support on the “Ask an Expert” forums is also very prompt and I always received replies in less than 24 hours

Overall, I would genuinely recommend eGMAT for anyone appearing for the GMAT for their great tests, course material, mentorship, and support.

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August 27, 2021

Joined: Aug 07, 2021

Posts: 13

Kudos: 12

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q50 V41

How E-GMAT helped me reach a score of 750


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Mentorship

Instructor Atreya Roy

Location Online

I had given 2 GMAT attempts in Oct'20 and Nov'20 and scored a 700 in each, after which I decided to take a break and restart afresh at a later date. In May’21, I attended a free e-GMAT webinar related to Number properties and found the session really insightful. After going through multiple reviews and debriefs on GMAT Club, I took a counselling session with their team and found their personalized study plan approach best-suited to my requirements. In no time I took a free SigmaX mock (on e-GMAT portal), in which I scored a 680 and enrolled myself for a 3-month course. I got a personalized study plan, based on my performance in the mock and my target score, and started preparing.
E-GMAT’s self-paced course is so well designed that you’ll learn all the concepts that require most of your attention without wasting time watching videos of topics you’re already well-versed with. In verbal section, the CR and SC modules were particularly helpful for me. The CR modules progress in a manner such that they test your detailed understanding of the argument given, recommend skillful ways to pre-think the answer and provide feedback on your selected choice versus the correct answer. Before adopting the e-GMAT approach, I used to go through the answer choices first and then decide the best one, which did not always work out. WIth e-GMAT's approach, I started to pre-think potential answers and it became easier to eliminate the wrong answer choice. thus, the time spent in solving a question significantly reduced. SC modules also help you gain a very clear conceptual understanding of all the topics. In QA, all the modules had a problem based approach in which you get to solve the questions and learn the concepts accordingly. QA in particular was a huge blessing for me in my GMAT journey. In general, all of e-GMAT's modules start with a diagnostic quiz to test your current level of understanding and then guide you through the rest of the modules according to your performance. The GMAT Skills and Application based modules that contained higher difficulty level questions, allow more careful analysis of the question and answer choices to avoid any potential mistakes. Moreover, Scholaranium 2.0 helps you cement your concepts at every difficulty level and has tools for in-depth analysis of your mistakes and weak areas and accordingly decide on the further course of action. The strategic review videos and error log templates are extremely helpful for improvement. I specifically liked the prompt and detailed responses to posted queries (which, honestly, I initially thought wouldn’t be as useful).
Within a few days of starting the course, I was enrolled in their Last Mile Push (LMP), given my decent performance in practice quizzes. As part of the program, I was allotted a dedicated mentor, Mr. Atreya Roy, to help me and guide me on a daily basis. I was given daily study plans, with specified timelines, which gave a structure to my self-study regime. My performance in quizzes was constantly monitored and my study plans revised, as per the need of the hour. My mentor connected with me on a regular basis to ask about how I felt about my progress and about my next steps in learning. The prompt responses to all of my doubts made it no less than private tutoring. My mentor literally went the extra mile by motivating me whenever I scored low and help me plan my studies with adequate breaks. I got advice and key-pointers from other subject experts also until the end day for improvement in my weaker areas and it certainly helped me score well in the exam.
Not to forget, the Sigma X mocks by e-GMAT are very well created. They give you a fairly accurate idea of your potential score and analysis tools, which are very crucial to your performance in future tests.
I gave my third attempt in Jul’21 end when I scored a 690 because I got extremely nervous and panicked during the exam. I was so demotivated, but my mentor encouraged me to try once again as I had consistently performed well in my mocks. For 20 odd days, I prepared myself, not just for the exam, but also to not take stress (Atreya helped me with stress management articles as well). This time I scored a 750 (Q50, V41, IR7 & AWA6) and I was finally satisfied with my performance.

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August 22, 2021

Joined: Aug 29, 2020

Posts: 14

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q50 V42

Great service for that final push


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Mentorship

Instructor Atreya Roy

Location Online

For me, Atreya helped me focus my preparation by identifying weak points and suggesting exercises to address these weak points. The suggestions were thoughtful and actionable. Atreya was always responded promptly, answering any and all types of questions. He was supportive and empathetic. I get anxious as the test day nears, and he always had some kind words to cheer me on. Thanks Atreya.

The best advice that I got from him was to focus on OG towards the end. The Scholaranium makes it easier to track mistakes and review them before the exam day. I instruction material for verbal is also great. I would recommend spending the money if you want to improve on the verbal section. Quant questions are a bit too tough and tricky sometimes.

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August 17, 2021

Joined: Jun 19, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V42

My Personal Experience of the EGMAT Prep Course


Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Atreya Roy

Location Online

I did not research very extensively on which prep course to take for GMAT but rather went ahead with the course that 2 of my friends were preparing from – E-GMAT. I was skeptical about whether or not I should be paying a high amount for the study material mainly because I believed that I needed help with only some of the sections of GMAT. My quant was good to begin with and I was of the opinion that I couldn’t improve some areas of the verbal (RC and CR) much in a short duration of time by using some sort of study material because I thought that these sections mainly hinged on factors that could only be changed by engaging in long term activities and habits such as reading different types of texts. So I was apprehensive about paying the amount just for the SC section’s study material.
What convinced me was the sigma-x mocks and the EGMAT’s scholaranium since my friends told me that the difficulty level of the questions of the scholaranium is very close to that of the questions you see in the actual exam and the sigma-x mocks had an adaptive grading algorithm that is also very close to that of the actual exam. I also realized that just finding such exams that are similar to the actual paper and give a good reflection of the score that you can achieve was a big deal and hence these sigma-x mocks alone were very valuable.
The platform also has other useful features. It has a section where you can create your modifiable study plan, good extensive study material, a very good and apt question bank, options for creating quizzes in which you can even customize the difficulty levels, the number, and the topics of the questions that you want to have, a good test series, detailed customizable analysis of your progress, active forums for asking your queries and also a very prompt customer support service.
Following is a description of how I utilized the platform for various sections :
1) Verbal (SC) – This was the section I spent the most of my time on. I went through all of their study material, which is very extensive, and I also made some notes so that I do not have to go through the videos again. Then I followed the approach that they had defined for the questions and I performed well in it. I got all the questions correct in SC in my final exam and this most likely has to do with me spending my largest proportion of time on it.

2) Verbal (CR) – I did not go through the study material of this section extensively but I did see their pre-thinking approached. I went through the quizzes that were spread throughout the study material. I used to get most of the questions wrong at first, but since their questions are very good and have detailed explanations attached with them, I soon got the hang of this section and the pre thinking approach. But I mainly learned it through practicing the questions from their scholaranium and OG. I got just 1 question wrong in this section in the final exam.

3) Verbal (RC) – I did not go through the study material for this section but again went through the quizzes that were spread throughout the study material. My accuracy slowly improved as I practiced the questions but this was till the end the toughest section for me. I have a slow reading speed and that is mainly what was my weak point. I got 4 questions wrong in this section in the final exam.

4) Quant – I have good quantitative aptitude and hence did not have to go through their study material. But I did take some quizzes from their scholaranium. I then analyzed my section wise accuracy using their platform, and gave some more quizzes for my weaker sections. I got only one question wrong in my final exam for quant.

5) IR – I went through all of their quizzes from the study material. The difficulty level of the questions was higher than the actual paper but the question types and the explanations were good.

Apart from this, whenever I did not understand the explanation properly or was not convinced by it (did not happen many times tho), I went through their forums for that particular question and 90% of the time had my doubt already posted by some other student in the past. The experts had also already answered that doubt. This usually helped solve the doubt. In case it did not, I wouldn’t scratch my head too much over it and just move on to the other questions but again, there were not many instances of this.
Also, whenever I mailed the E-GMAT team regarding any issue or when I was stuck, I got a very prompt reply. Their Last Mile Program also helped me where they assigned a mentor – Atreya Roy to me for making a customized plan for me. Although I did not follow his directions a 100% (because of my other personal commitments and shortage of time), he DEFINITELY gave me a lot of important insights. He nudged me into giving the exam sooner than I had planned and also helped me identify my weak areas and accordingly devise a study strategy for my final week. He was very helpful with the process and also helped me have more self-confidence and take less stress for the final examination. He also offered to help with any type of questions that I was having difficulty with. This made me feel like I had a private tutor/expert with me that I could go to for help if I needed.
In conclusion, although I did not research extensively on other prep courses and also did not use a lot of material and features of the platform (mainly because I did not spend enough time in exploring the features), I can say with confidence that the platform has everything that you would need for your preparation for the final exam and the quality of everything is also top notch.
Finally, if you’re thinking of taking GMAT, I would advise you to do the prep with a positive mindset and not take stress or set unrealistic timelines for yourself. Rather, just try to enjoy the process and give lots of time to any section that you think is not saturated for you yet. I was able to improve my score by a 100 points with just 120 hours of preparation because I took proper rest, enjoyed myself and did not pressurize myself too much with the preparation. The quality of time you spend on studying is more important that the quantity. Don’t just keep on doing questions for the sake of it and try to learn as much as you can from a whatever you can – be it the study material or the explanations and analysis of your attempted questions. All the best!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
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