e-GMAT GMAT Course Reviews

Everything you need to ace the GMAT

e-GMAT is the world's most reviewed company whose students have delivered 10x more 700+ scores than students from the average GMAT Club Partner. e-GMAT truly understands the test and the test taker and accurately creates personalized GMAT journeys for students, whether they start with a score of 300 or 600, and helps them achieve 740+ on the GMAT.

Created by Four out of the GMAT Club's Top five experts, e-GMAT is a unique combination of proprietary methods in Quant and Verbal. To ensure that you excel on these methods, e-GMATs' xPERT AI personalizes your learning and provides real-time feedback that can quadruple your chances of success and help you save up to 120 hours while preparing.

Finally, e-GMAT also gives you access to strategy experts who will help push your score to 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT 

  • GMAT Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Forum Support
  • Hyper-Personalized Improvement Plans
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT Mentors


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e-GMAT Course Reviews

e-GMAT Online Focused
 $399  $199
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e-GMAT Online Intensive
 $599  $299
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e-GMAT Online 360
 $799  $399
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Most Reviewed e-GMAT Instructors

Payal Tandon
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Rajat Sadana
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Krishna Chaitanya
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Shraddha Jaiswal
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2773 Reviews
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February 13, 2016

Joined: Nov 05, 2013

Posts: 9

Kudos: 6

Quant prep for high scores


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Japinder Kaur

Location Online

Before eGMAT, I used several prep materials (forums + MGMAT guides), but I got a true help from the eGMAT quant course.
I liked the design and the structure, and all the support materials (email, forum and the learning platform Scholaranium).

It focuses on the concepts that are sufficient to master the topics, and you can clearly quantify your understanding on the section with pre assessment and post assessment tests.

There was a considerable improvement on my preparation. I hope that this review can be helpful to decide your preparation course. I strongly recommend this course for people with ambition of high scores on GMAT.

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February 13, 2016

Joined: Apr 29, 2014

Posts: 6

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Classic score:
690 Q49 V35

egmat Quant Live Prep - Simple yet effective!


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

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Egmat’s Quant Live Prep offers a very simple format. They’ve broken down the content in their concept files to such granular level, that you’re actually reminded of your 10th grade maths classroom sessions! But that’s the best part of egmat. It explains the concepts in a lot of detail, rounding up each concept file with a list of key approaches to remember under each topic.
Each topic starts with a diagnostic test to help you assess your existing competency, followed by the concept file. This is immediately followed by a series of practice questions that push you to apply these concepts then and there before you forget and help cement what you’ve just learned.
With each short test, the target score is mentioned, so you know with a particular score where you stand and what more you need to work on. Egmat seems to have thought through the entire course from a student’s perspective, highlighting the common mistakes test-takers make and simplifying the concepts they struggle with. Definitely one of the best Prep courses available for GMAT quant!

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February 13, 2016

Joined: Nov 05, 2013

Posts: 9

Kudos: 6

Perfect course for non natives


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

I've been trying for some months to find a strategy to prepare for GMAT verbal. My first attempt was to follow the explanations on the official guide, but I wasn't able to define a clear approach to verbal questions.

After reviewing all the online possibilities, I finally decided to go for eGMAT. The materials and the examples of the course are of high quality, and the live classes on the weekends are really useful to better understand concepts and clarify doubts.

If you have troubles on the verbal part and if you are a non native speaker, I recommend to take up the eGMAT Verbal course, you won't be disappointed.

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February 12, 2016

Joined: May 17, 2013

Posts: 35

Kudos: 19

V36 ----> V40... and going V40+ using e-GMAT Verbal Online


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I am a low 700 GMATer, and have picked up the GMAT again to push my score to the 750 range. In my last attempt I had used e-GMAT for SC and had my verbal score go up from V36 to V40 (my de-brief can be found on gmatclub). To push above V40, this time around I am using the entire e-GMAT Verbal Online course. I found it to be the most effective of the resources I picked up, and wanted to share some of its key features.

1. Focus on right processes:-
You need to approach each verbal question type in a systematic manner. Developing the approach is the 1st step. Repeating it to the point of internalizing it is the more difficult step. This was probably the single-most important difference in my V40 attempt. I had used the e-GMAT approach to solving SC questions, and had my accuracy go up. Building an ‘approach process’ has helped me improve my RC and CR accuracy (I am weakest in CR, and have seen my accuracy go up from ~50% - 70+%). e-GMAT does a great job of breaking down the process and helping you understand it (the focus on the right process is there throughout – right from e-GMAT’s information session to solutions of practice questions – they highlight the importance of processes really well).

2. Quality over Quantity:
This is something that I did not pay attention to in my 1st attempt, and something that made a huge difference in the 2nd time. For eg:- In my 1st attempt, I focused on ‘bulk practising’. I would practise 20 questions of a concept that I was fairly good in at. Getting these right made me feel good about my practise. I thus neglected my weaker areas. In my 2nd attempt, I spent more time with ‘verbs and tenses’ and other weaker concepts. I found e-GMAT’s SC course to be particularly effective because each question was testing a ‘concept’. I would thus be forced to learn a concept, as without this I cannot get it right. This was very important, and the course does a great job of allowing you to zero down on your weakest areas exactly.

3. Understanding the verbal section:
In my 1st attempt, I never spent too much time understanding the exam. I thus went in with many misconceptions – Doing section A vs section B in Verbal is going to be more effective. RC will have the toughest questions while SC will have the weakest questions. Etc. – the list was huge. In my 2nd attempt, I was able to get a lot of these misconceptions clarified, and e-GMAT’s strategy sessions and verbal lessons do a great job at de-mystifying the exam. For example: e-GMAT’s strategy session has this brilliant section on ‘what is the impact of getting the 1st couple of questions right vs getting them incorrect’. Knowing these potholes is imperative if you are going to score high on verbal. e-GMAT does a fantastic job of helping understand what is being tested, why is it being tested, and how should you approach it.

I would highly recommend e-GMAT if you are serious about touching a high verbal score.

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February 12, 2016

Joined: May 17, 2013

Posts: 35

Kudos: 19

Raising Quant score, after stagnating


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I have signed up for e-GMAT’s Quant live prep, and wanted to share some key differences that I have found. I am a re-taker, and got the same Quant score in my 2 attempts. I found my quant prep to be stagnating, and have found the e-GMAT Quant prep to be much more insightful.

The questions are based purely around concepts. I found that a lot of questions I did from other sources (including OG ones) could be solved by hook or crook even if you did not know the tested concept (by substituting numbers for eg.). This was bad for practice, as during the actual exam, I was going in with a weak concept that I certainly would get wrong if tested on it. e-GMAT Quant prep does not allow me to use this short-cut. This is so important.

Quant Scholaranium is such a neat ‘focused’ tool. The style is great. Explanations of questions are simple to understand. I am learning different ways to ways to solve each questions. Probably the most helpful bit is that it is very clearly bifurcated with tags (topics, difficulty level, PS/DS, etc.). Thus earlier while I had a rough sense that ‘remainders’ is a weak concept, now through Scholaranium I know exactly that even in ‘remainders’, DS XYZ is my weak area. The analytics dashboard is also really good, as it tells me exactly how I have progressed.

I am very happy with the progress I am making (finally) on the Quant portion using e-GMAT’s course/processes, and am now feeling much more confident of raising my Quant score.

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February 12, 2016

Joined: Apr 15, 2013

Posts: 140

Kudos: 6741

E-gmat verbal review


Improvement 20 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I have subscribed for e-gmat verbal online course for GMAT verbal section. The course helped in understanding the concepts in a better way.

SC and RC were a big issue for me and were main factors hindering me from a good score in GMAT, the course provided me a systematic approach and helped me improving V32 (Actual GMAT) to V35 (Current Mocks), in short span of time.

Although you may not find support as required but most of cases you would require any support as the solutions are self- explanatory.

The questions were quite representative of the actual GMAT exam.

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February 11, 2016

Joined: Jul 15, 2013

Posts: 1

Kudos: 1

Self-reported Score:

Fabulous Verbal Course


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

Prior starting GMAT preparation, I had a chance to join e-gmat free strategy workshop, which Rajat shared his opinions on how GMAT aspirants should prepare for exam. The session was really useful to me. Later, I decided to enrol for e-gmat verbal live prep.
Once I started verbal preparation, I've found that e-gmat strategy taught for SC and CR is very effective. Initially, it was bit hard to follow but over the time I made a routine to follow the instruction and it became easy. The live session is very useful place to learn from other attendees. It helps you learn, practice questions, and gives you opportunities to practice concepts you just learned. I have found that e-gmat concept files and practice questions tests your understanding and application of those concept. E-gmat strategy teaches you how to eliminate wrong answers in SC. My favourite part was modifier. I did not have clear understanding of modifier prior taking e-gmat verbal live prep.
The course not only has helped in verbal preparation but also to write better English at work. I highly recommend the course who are planning to take GMAT.

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February 11, 2016

Joined: Jul 15, 2013

Posts: 1

Kudos: 1

Self-reported Score:

Amazing Course Content


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Krishna Chaitanya

Location Online

Initially, I joined as a guest and I was given access to quant live prep trial to get an insight of the course structure. I am currently preparing for GMAT and have enrolled in e-gmat, Quant live prep course. I thought, I was good at math. But. I was wrong. e-gmat quant live prep opened my eyes. I realised quickly that I had lack of understanding of math fundamental.
Most of the course module checks your ability and tells you if you need to review the concept. Post assessment quiz assess the understanding of the module. e-gmat structured approach, study plan and the clarity with which all the fundamentals are taught is amazing and it has helped me to understand math fundamental a lot.
The live session is one of the best features of the course. You can review the recording if you have missed the live session. I have seen e-gmat updating its course content. Someone from e-gmat team always there to help you out if you have any query.

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February 08, 2016

Joined: Jun 04, 2013

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:

Comprehensive Preparation


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I am yet to appear for my GMAT, but the resources of E-GMAT are very comprehensive and upto date.
The focus of the course never shifts away from the core understanding of the concepts which is the most important part in the preparation. The design of the course takes care of the understanding and the sequence you should follow for your preparation and you can trust it and follow it without worrying about a separate plan for your prep.

The free resources and webinars are a plus which give you a snapshot of their live programs. Due to time and other constraints I was not able to sign up for that, but would highly recommend it to fellow colleagues who want to max their score in the best way possible.

Best of luck to anyone who finds this review helpful and ends up getting a score they desire after using E-GMAT's products.

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February 08, 2016

Joined: Aug 31, 2015

Posts: 34

Kudos: 9

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V44

Hitting 760 the first time!


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

As an Indian Engineer giving the GMAT I was having mixed feelings about the exam. On one hand, I knew that Quant would be easier for me than most, whereas Verbal would be much tougher. There was also the additional pressure to score well since most of my peers would have scores well above the median.
As expected, I quickly picked up Quant never dipping below Q47. But Verbal was giving me trouble with my score hovering around V38. I knew that I needed help. I was introduced to e-GMAT through reviews submitted by my peers.
Initially, I attended one of Rajat’s seminar’s on Critical Reasoning. By the end of the webinar, I was totally impressed with his teaching methodology and insight while answering students’ queries. As the icing on the cake, e-GMAT’s pre-thinking method helped me solve almost every CR problem in 45 seconds. Even after crossing questions of 700+ difficulties, I found that pre-thinking helped me avoid the obvious traps set by the test.
After joining, I found e-GMAT’s question bank to be an invaluable tool providing the right mix of questions and testing all the right concepts.
e-GMAT is an excellent all round package – with one caveat. You need to have the self-discipline to practice what Rajat tells you and do your exercises. So as long as you’re self-driven and willing to put in the work, I’d say go with it.

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December 09, 2017

useful information

528 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for e-GMAT
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