February 24, 2016

Joined: Jan 15, 2015

Posts: 0

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V38

e-GMAT - Simply Amazing!


Improvement 120 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Krishna Chaitanya

Location Online

After a failed attempt at the GMAT, I was desperately looking for a verbal course that could seal the deal for me. I had been attending the free sessions from e-gmat but since I was doing reasonably well in the mock tests leading to the exams (scoring in the V35 to V38 range), I never bothered to take up the full course. After my first failed attempt and a lot of agony, I purchased the MGMAT verbal books but even they could not help me build a strategic approach for the GMAT.
Finally, I subscribed for the e-GMAT course and it was a real game changer. With the initial lessons in SC, I started to feel the difference. With every section that I completed and with every minute that I spent on e-GMAT, my accuracy, and thus my confidence, grew. I knew all the right reasons for choosing or rejecting an answer choice.
I used their amazing resources such as section tests, blogs, scholaranium (an amazing tool for a SWOT analysis) and others.
e-GMAT is really an amazing course as it simplifies the most difficult of the topics and more importantly it helps build a strategy which I think is the key for the GMAT exam.

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