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I signed up e-GMAT Verbal Live Prep in Sep 2015. The main reason that I chose it was because of very positive reviews. "Best course for non-native speakers", "Huge improvement in verbal scores" etc. These advertisements and reviews really attracted my attention. I'm a non-native English speaker and I want to improve my verbal score. So I decided to buy the course. Now, when going through the course, I can see what did I miss in my first attempt. I will share some positive aspects of this course.
1. Provides a very well structured study plan with concepts and quizzes for each section. (This may be useful for anyone who lacks discipline)
2. Comes with free mock exams that can generate performance analytical reports. (However, the timer doesn't work well, leading to wrong timings of your response time)
3. The e-GMAT time was kind enough to extend my course when I couldn't finish it in time. (The login was valid for about 6 months and they extended it for 1 month)