e-GMAT GMAT Course Reviews

Everything you need to ace the GMAT

e-GMAT is the world's most reviewed company whose students have delivered 10x more 700+ scores than students from the average GMAT Club Partner. e-GMAT truly understands the test and the test taker and accurately creates personalized GMAT journeys for students, whether they start with a score of 300 or 600, and helps them achieve 740+ on the GMAT.

Created by Four out of the GMAT Club's Top five experts, e-GMAT is a unique combination of proprietary methods in Quant and Verbal. To ensure that you excel on these methods, e-GMATs' xPERT AI personalizes your learning and provides real-time feedback that can quadruple your chances of success and help you save up to 120 hours while preparing.

Finally, e-GMAT also gives you access to strategy experts who will help push your score to 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT 

  • GMAT Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Forum Support
  • Hyper-Personalized Improvement Plans
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT Mentors


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e-GMAT Course Reviews

e-GMAT Online Focused
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 $799  $399
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July 16, 2023

Joined: Feb 05, 2018

Posts: 3

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q51 V34 (Online)

e-GMAT helped me improve from Q50 to Q51


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I started with a strong Quant score and a mediocre Verbal score. I took GMAT 4 times and I have not opted for any other resource other than e-GMAT. After going through the course for the first time and reading a few solutions for Verbal Questions on GMAT Club, I found differences in overall process and most importantly the logic used by e-GMAT and by other resources. This problem solving approach is the reason I never used any other resource except e-GMAT.

My requirements were very simple. I wanted someone to teach me the basics of Verbal. I found the e-GMAT verbal course extremely useful. One of the most important skills needed for GMAT is comprehension, comprehension of various kinds and various volumes of content. In my view, Master Comprehension (MC) is the most important module of the whole e-GMAT course modules. MC actually helped me increase my score in Quant.

Previously, I consistently scored Q50. The most notable thing here is why I marked questions incorrectly. There were only two issues. I either missed noticing a keyword or I did not break the problem in an efficient way. Since there were hardly any conceptual gaps, I assumed I would overcome these challenges by myself. Hence, I did not use the e-GMAT Quant course previously. However, I could not solve these in the previous attempts. But this time around I took advantage of the Quant course as a part of Last Mile Push Program and I successfully scored Q51. I overcame the first challenge with my learnings from the MC course. Not rushing, pausing, summarising at various stages were few aspects which helped me here. This solution was crucial in getting comfortable with Word Problems, which was a problem area for me. Secondly, I knew where I was unable to use efficient methods immediately after I started the program. Such is the design of the program. Solutions by the subject matter experts are so clear that I understood the problem solving structures within no time. Additionally, PACE and analytics helped me focus in the right places.

Understanding the meaning of a sentence is the right first step to correcting any grammatical error in a sentence. I strongly believe that we must not correct anything that anyone says/writes unless we fully understand what they say. Hence, for me, a Meaning based approach for SC is the right approach. This stood out for me. Pre-thinking approach for CR helped me sharpen my critical thinking skill. Once I got hold of this process, I found my accuracy and ability go up within no time. RC module is to the point. It taught me how to immerse myself in a rather boring passage.

I also believe I got very comfortable at IR and AWA due to this rigour in Quant & Verbal. Building a question bank like Scholaranium is not an easy task and I appreciate the e-GMAT team for this.

In achieving anything, we need the right processes and a right direction. While the right processes were given by e-GMAT course modules, the right direction was only possible because of Dhruv, my mentor. He was not transactional at any stage, an attribute which is very important for me personally. He was extremely empathetic and compassionate. I went through highly uncertain times during the prep which actually impacted my overall success. He was kind to me during that stage too. He gave me a chance to express my thoughts and my analysis. He helped me even if I did not ask for, only by looking at the results, since he felt he could be of help to me. He played a pivotal role in my improvement and I am extremely grateful for what he did.

I scored Q51 V34 IR7 AWA5 and a total of 710. I can vouch for the e-GMAT Online 360 course as I experienced my transformation across the sections. The e-GMAT online 360 course is well built for any test-taker. The concepts are well explained for a novice to understand. The quizzes are gradually ramped up. The processes and methodologies are aptly built for success. I highly recommend the e-GMAT course for aspiring test-takers who are seeking to work on their fundamentals and want to approach GMAT with a fool-proof process.

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July 31, 2023

Hi srikanthpilla007

Heartiest Congratulations to you on your 710 score!  

Attaining a remarkable 80-point improvement is a goal that countless individuals aspire to achieve, yet only a privileged few succeed in accomplishing. Your accomplishment of achieving a Q51 score truly deserves recognition.

By mastering the Meaning-based approach for Sentence Correction, you significantly improved your SC abilities. Mastering the structured approach resulted in a significant rise in your abilities while reducing the time you took to answer SC questions which is evident in the image below:

Image Link -

You excelled across all the Quant subsections by following the structured approach and process skills. The same can be seen in the Quant Scholaranium stats.

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The consistent Quant success you experienced on your last 2 Sigma-X mock scores, with scores of Q51 and Q50 respectively, instilled in you the confidence needed to excel on the test day. Simply by glancing at these scores, you were able to predict your impending success.     

Image Link -

Srikanth, it was a pleasure working with an ever-positive student like you. On behalf of the entire e-GMAT team, I wish you the best for the next steps.


July 15, 2023

Joined: Mar 24, 2020

Posts: 17

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q49 V36

From 470 to 700 - Debrief from a Peruvian Non-native Speaker


Improvement 230 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

Hello everyone there!

After a long journey, I’d like to share with you a debrief of my journey in the preparation in the GMAT. This have been a tough process with a lot of ups and downs

I started preparing on December 2021, so it’s been almost 1 year and a half until I got my final score. This probably doesn’t fit with everyone else’s timeframe in the forum, but probably there are some non-native speakers (Latinos like me) who will find this insightful for their preparation

Let me tell you a little bit about me: I’m from Peru, majored in Industrial Engineering and nowadays working as a Product Owner in Retail Banking for SME (my career is really versatile here and it’s not weird finding industrial engineers in every working field such as consulting, finance, consumer products, technology, manufacturing and nonprofit/government)

I have a special interest with Entrepreneurship and it was in the last years of my career where I decided to dive deeper on this. That’s when I started to look at role models in that specialty. I found that USA was a good place to find what I was looking for and that’s how I met some Peruvians in Silicon Valley. I asked them what they did in order to get closer to that entrepreneurial environment and every response had something in common: a prestigious MBA and the importance of the GMAT in this goal. By then, my outlook had become clear.

It was on December 2021 when I decided to finally put hands on and started to look for options to prepare. That’s when I realized that there were not many options in Peru: 2 academies dominate the market share and neither of them offer a choice I feel comfortable with (they are mostly focused on shortcuts and hacks to ace GMAT). After some days of research, my co-worker who got 690 told me that he had good results in Verbal in an online course called E-GMAT. I was skeptical that an online course could help me towards my goal, but I decided to give it a chance.

I was in awe after taking the Master Comprehension course. It was a total different approach in every section of Verbal. They were focused on – indeed- comprehend and understand what the question was asking for. I knew at that moment that GMAT was not going to be an easy exam, but rather a marathon. So, I took my first Sigma-X Mock to have a baseline and ended up with a 470

Overview of the course:
Completing the course took me longer than expected principally because my English foundations were not good. Happily, the course included every aspect for a non-native speaker. It is incredible how detailed the topics are and the quantity of exercises you can find there. Let me highlight how useful the feedbacks of the E-GMAT forum are too! (thanks Harsha, Stacey an Shraddha). I left TONS of question in their forum and every one of them got answered with a depth of detail. Taking an online course instead of a “live” one was never a problem.

In the math side, even though I had more foundations in numbers, I felt that GMAT Quant questions needed a total different strategy. Apart from that, it was my first time solving problems in English. Never had I focused before on solving math problems focusing on the details of the statement and trying to no get “caught” on those classic GMAT traps (for example: not evaluating all the scenarios). E-GMAT made my life easier by setting an approach for every type of question. This was really helpful for me in order to not “review” the problems in ALL the different angles possible but maintaining a fixed strategy and perfectioning it. Finally, it was amazing getting to know stats of my performance in a really precise way in each area. This made evident where I needed to invest more hours!

To sum it up, I’m really happy that this course had everything I needed in order to ace the GMAT. It covers every aspect of the topics in a holistic manner. Not only do the E-GMAT team focus on the quality of the questions, but also they have created a process in order to gain proficiency (cementing, ability quizzes, test readiness and their owns mocks are part of this). Having this depth of content was awesome for someone with my profile who needed to learn every topic.

About Scholaranium:
You can’t imagine the amount of effort I invested to succeed taking the cementing quizzes. These questions are TOUGH and really INSIGHTFUL in your preparation. But be sure about this: if you handle these cementing quizzes, you CAN surely move forward to the next topic.

I loved Scholaranium from E-GMAT (even though it gave me sleepless nights hahaha). The quality of the questions from the experts is amazing. That’s not something you are going to see on other platforms where they mostly “adequate” OG questions.

Last Mile Push:
On March 2023, I decided to finally schedule my GMAT. After taking 4 consecutive mocks in Kaplan and scoring 680 consistently I felt frustrated for not being able 700. That’s when I decided to wrote to Rajat Sadana from E-GMAT. He answered really fast and assigned Rida Shafeek to guide me in this road.

Rida is amazing. She landed a first plan for including these points:

• Refining Math Topics (GEO, Probabilities, Combination, Permutations)
• Ensuring Test Readiness in every topic with a plan of exercises for every week (this helped in getting used to solve mixed questions in a timed environment)
• Specific tips in every sub-section where my performance was not good in the Sigma X-Mocks

This plan encouraged me to practice in a more structured way to gain more test readiness and build stamina. That approach helped me to gain that muscle to solve mixed topic questions and to practice time management. She suggested increasing the number of questions solved every day (and practicing verbal and quant in the same day). This helped simulating the GMAT experience a lot. Once the day of the exam arrived, it felt really natural for me to solve 60+ questions in 2 hours.

Sadly, my first official exam was not good. I ended up with 630 (Q49 V26). I was totally discouraged here. All the time invested felt useless and I started doubting about my abilities (“probably I was not good enough for this exam?” – the kind of questions that arrived in my head). I noticed Rida with this score and she did help me a lot trying to identify the flaws of my exam. We were both at shock since my last 2 Sigma X-Mocks gave me in average a score of 680. I found that I need more guidance in CR as well as improving strategy in the day of my exam regarding time management.

There were 3 principal areas to focus for my next attempt:

1. Critical Reasoning
2. Time Management
3. Aggression in the first section (without compromising accuracy)

Time management was the key in my last month of preparation. Rida identified some bad practices in my mocks and she suggested me to change my strategy by using a time matrix. It worked!

Rida and the E-GMAT team also helped me scheduling a session with one of their verbal experts: Harshavardhan (Harsha) because - even after practicing CR – I was struggling with the questions. We had call of more than 1 hour where he deep dived on my approach towards CR. This session was mind-blowing. It’s amazing having the opportunity to talk with an expert on a topic like him. He made it evident where I need to focus the majority of time with a really detailed diagnosis. Until that session, I didn't know my mental process doing CR exercise could be split in 7 parts (for example: visualizing, understanding, details, falsification question, pre-think scenarios, analyzing options). Only after noticing that my biggest flaw was at analyzing options, then I could focus on a more intentional way on that side. He recommended to practice this in untimed manner and, only after feeling more comfortable with process, then I could go back with a timed environment. It worked!

From a personal and mental perspective, it was awesome having that mentorship support during the last stage of my preparation. GMAT has been a tough exam for me (a total rollercoaster) and Rida helped me in not giving up in these last moments when I started to feel frustrated, stuck and discouraged. Mental attitude and confidence play a big role in the day of your exam.

Let me share with you the results of my mocks and official exams in a chronological way:

470, Q30 V26 - Dec 7th 2021 (Sigma X-Mock)
620, Q41 V34 - Apr 7th 2023 (Sigma X-Mock)
710, Q48 V39 - Apr 9th 2023 (Sigma X-Mock)
660, Q46 V34 - Apr 15th 2023 (Sigma X-Mock)

630, Q49 V26 - Apr 16th 2023 (GMAT Official Exam)

660, Q48 V32 - Jun 11th 2023 (Sigma X-Mock)
680, Q49 V32 - Jun 18th 2023 ( Mock)
690, Q48 V37 - Jun 25th 2023 ( Mock)

700, Q49 V36 - Jun 26th 2023 (GMAT Official Exam)

Ok, this went longer than I expected. If you are still here, I hope this debrief could help on your journey. Thanks to the E-GMAT team for creating such a wonderful product in the market. I hope to contact you soon with more news about my MBA Journey.


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July 27, 2023

Dear Kevin,

Congrats on GMAT 700!! A 230-point improvement from 470 (Q30, V26) to 700 (Q49, V36) is supremely impressive

I hope this message finds you well. First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude for taking the time to share your journey and experience with the GMAT preparation. Your dedication and peseverance are truly commendable, and I'm thrilled to have been a part of your preparation process.

Being a non-native speaker from Peru, you faced some challenges when preparing for the GMAT. It's a demanding journey, but your determination and passion for entrepreneurship have been inspiring throughout.

I can see this determination in the way you have gone through the course. You worked to extract the maximum learning from each and every file and aimed to reach excellence, as we can see below.

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I'm thrilled that you found our Scholaranium platform helpful and our questions insightful! Scholaranium is specifically designed to test your skills and help you grow, so your hard work and dedication in mastering those quizzes is clearly visible in your results, where you constantly strived for improvement

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You carried forward the same resilience and dedication in quant as well, where despite solving Quant questions in English for the first time, you developed the right methods to get to a Q49 – a massive 19-point improvement from your starting score!

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Your journey wasn't without its bumps, but what impressed me the most was your resilience and willingness to seek guidance when you faced setbacks. Working with you during the last mile was an absolute pleasure.

I understand that the initial GMAT score was disheartening, but you didn't let it deter you; instead, you took it as an opportunity to identify areas for improvement and tackle them head-on.

Your progress from a 630 to a fantastic 700 on the official GMAT exam is truly remarkable, and it's a testament to your hard work and dedication. Moreover, I'm delighted that the session with Harsha proved to be instrumental in enhancing your Critical Reasoning skills and refining your approach to tackling those questions.

Throughout this journey, you displayed an unwavering mental attitude and confidence, which undoubtedly played a significant role in your success. I'm immensely proud of your achievements, and I'm confident that your MBA journey will be just as exciting and fulfilling.

Best wishes and congratulations once again on your outstanding achievements!


Rida Shafeek

July 15, 2023

Joined: Apr 18, 2020

Posts: 1

Kudos: 4

Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q48 V35

Journey to 680


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


For me, the Strength of this product is SC for sure.
I really like the way that there's no shortcut is introduced, rather a very detailed meaning based approach is introduced to students.
Further, I really liked the Support of Mentors on each step.
They are always just an email away to help you with the doubts and what not.

I would highly recommend E-GMAT to non-native speakers especially for SC course.
With E-GMAT, I have improved my scores by 90 points.
Prior to E-Gmat course, for me the approach before was to read the question and mark the answers based on either intuition or "sounds good" rule.
With the help of E-Gmat I was able to make the meaning-based approach as the second nature to solve really complex SC questions.
I really appreciate the detailed videos and exam type questions for practice in order to prepare you for the exam day.
Last but not least, I would like to thank Harsha and Abha for their constant support and Help.
Harsha’s explanation and approach to solve the question really changed my perspective towards the Verbal and Abha’s consistent push helped me to Score 680.
Further, though there’s an improvement, I am looking forward to retaking the GMAT to aim higher score.

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July 27, 2023

Hi ritika95,

Congratulations on 680!!

Thank you so much for taking out the time and sharing your experience with our platform.

It's heartening to know that you've seen a significant improvement of 90 points in your scores after taking our course, it has been a sheer pleasure working with you.

I'm glad the meaning-based approach became second nature to you, replacing the intuitive and "sounds good" approach. Here is an image where you can be seen conquering SC with excellent accuracy and time reduced to 1 min per question.

Image Link -

You've already achieved a commendable 90-point improvement, and I have no doubt that with continued dedication and hard work, you'll surely get to the 730+ in your next attempt 😊.

Abha Mohan

July 15, 2023

Joined: Jul 03, 2022

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V39

Comprehensive GMAT Course


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


-Detailed Course Modules
- Scholaranium Questions
- Data Driven Insights
- Mentor Support

I first went through the overwhelming process of researching multiple GMAT prep courses, reading reviews and watching demos. After signing up for a free trial of the e-GMAT course, I chose to go ahead with the same for the following reasons.
The course modules are comprehensive and well-structured with detailed focus on each sub-topic. All modules start with the basic concepts, building a strong foundation and then move on to developing the application skills needed to solve actual GMAT questions.
The structured approach given in the quant solutions helped me achieve speed and accuracy. Such an approach with focus on question statement analysis and inference was particularly useful to me while solving Data Sufficiency questions, in which I previously struggled.
The Verbal course starts off with a Master Comprehension Module and though basic, the reading strategies taught helped me avoid re-reading sentences and understand the given meaning. Such a skill obviously helps in all the verbal sections.
e-GMAT's Scholaranium, an exceptional and vast question bank, offered immense value in my preparation. Its custom quiz feature allowed me to focus on specific areas and gradually work on my progress. The detailed statistics pointed out my weaknesses, enabling me to work on them.
And while I initially thought the Quant questions to be more difficult than the OG questions, I am glad my mentor encouraged me to keep solving those questions since I found my actual exam at a similar difficulty level. I would not have been able to achieve a Q49 otherwise.
Lastly my mentor, Dhruv Joshi who provided me 1:1 support as part of the Last Mile Program, was a constant source of discipline and encouragement. He drafted personalized study plans depending on my progress and pointed out various other improvements in areas such as my stamina and time management techniques.
With a prompt customer support team and dedicated mentors, the e-GMAT course is a boon to all aspiring GMAT test takers. Look no further for your preparatory needs!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
July 27, 2023

Hi srikanthpilla007

Heartiest Congratulations to you on your 710 score!  

Attaining a remarkable 80-point improvement is a goal that countless individuals aspire to achieve, yet only a privileged few succeed in accomplishing. Your accomplishment of achieving a Q51 score truly deserves recognition.

By mastering the Meaning-based approach for Sentence Correction, you significantly improved your SC abilities. Mastering the structured approach resulted in a significant rise in your abilities while reducing the time you took to answer SC questions which is evident in the image below:

Image Link -

You excelled across all the Quant subsections by following the structured approach and process skills. The same can be seen in the Quant Scholaranium stats.

Image Link -

The consistent Quant success you experienced on your last 2 Sigma-X mock scores, with scores of Q51 and Q50 respectively, instilled in you the confidence needed to excel on the test day. Simply by glancing at these scores, you were able to predict your impending success.     

Image Link -

Srikanth, it was a pleasure working with an ever-positive student like you. On behalf of the entire e-GMAT team, I wish you the best for the next steps.


July 09, 2023

Joined: Mar 03, 2023

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V40

V28 to V40 with e-gmat


Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


1. The course is taught from the basics.
2. Teaches every skill that GMAT is looking for in the test takers.
3. Cementing and Ability Quizzes.

e-GMAT has the best foundational modules. The course also taught me reading strategies that helped me to avoid re-reading sentences, critical thinking strategies that helped me understand the author’s reasoning and SC strategies that helped me understand the intended meaning and identify the errors. These strategies helped me solve questions faster and gave me an instant boost to 85th percentile, and with some practice, I was able to break the 90 percentile barrier.

The quizzes and mocks gave a very good analysis of my weak areas and helped me spend my already little preparation time wisely. I work 6 days a week and without the analytics given by the platform, I could not have prepared as effectively as I did.

Lastly, I want to thank Rashmi, who, by analyzing my previous score report, gave me a personalized study plan and tons of support and guidance. Her tips helped me stay calm on the exam day.

e-GMAT is a complete package and I highly recommend the course to anyone looking to score above 90%ile.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
July 11, 2023

Dear Surya499, 

Congratulations on a tremendous 80-point improvement to 730! It has been a pleasure working with in this journey to ace the GMAT!

I am glad that the verbal strategies helped you crack the 90th percentile in verbal. A 12-point improvement is truly commendable and would not have been possible without your hard work, determination and a single-minded focus on building ability. See how following a structured approach of building rock-solid foundation and applying the pre-thinking approach in CR, helped you get to a consistent 75% + accuracy for hard questions:

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I appreciate that you mention the value of a data-driven approach to improvement. Data helps us identify and focus on fixing our areas of weakness at a granular level. This helped us identify Physical Sciences and Bio Sciences passages as the weaker areas in RC. See how working on that helped you improve to an 88% accuracy here and helped bring down the overall time to 1 min 24 seconds:

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I am really glad that this data-driven approach helped you manage the prep amid the hectic work schedule. It not easy to balance prep with work, but you have shown that with determination and a structured data-driven plan, it is possible to ace the GMAT.

I on behalf of the entire e-GMAT family want to wish you the best of luck in this new endeavour that you are setting up on.

Wishing you all the very best,

Best regards,
Rashmi Vaidya

July 07, 2023

Joined: Mar 02, 2022

Posts: 1

Kudos: 3

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V39 (Online)

440 TO 710 ON GMAT!


Improvement 170 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


-Structured approach
-Strong foundational concepts
-Enormous quality question bank
-Great mentorship support

Would make the product better:

- Quant section can be reduced in quantity. However, they already have the PACE system which allows you to focus only on weaker sections in Quant.

I started preparing for GMAT in January 2021. I tried to approach the GMAT by collecting random information from youtube and Gmatclub. I studied dedicatedly for a few months but I was unable to improve my score from 550s. On my first mock, I had scored a mere 440. After suffering for months and losing hope, I finally decided to sign up for the egmat course which proved to be a total game changer and helped me score a 710.

The course structure of egmat is perfectly aligned for the GMAT exam. All modules of verbal and quant are beautifully crafted and as a student, it was very easy for me to navigate through the course and study smoothly.

The verbal course of e-gmat is a game-changer. The best part about their verbal course is that it focuses on building solid concepts and does not forces you to use any kind of tricks or learn any jargons. The meaning based approach along with the grammar rules in the course are more than enough to excel in SC. The prethinking approach in CR not just helps you to score better in the exam but builds a logical mindset to dive deep into an argument and question it. Overall, the verbal course is well structured and helped my reach V38-V40 in a very efficient way.

The quant course of e-gmat is very detailed and involves a lot of quizzes and question types. Initially, as I did not like to study for quant personally, I moved along the course slowly but when I started realising that these concepts are helping me solve questions with good accuracy, I just completely committed to it. The quality and quantity of questions will make sure that you score atleast a Q49. Extra efforts can make you reach Q50 as well.

The thing that helped me most was e-gmat’s mentorship support. I was working with Abha Mohan, she is not just a good mentor in terms of strategy building and exam approach but she also helps you in regards to mindset approach. I was about to quit my GMAT journey, but she was persistent that I should keep continuing as I have the ability to score good and ultimately, I did score good because of her. Under the last mile program, she helped me with hyper-specific plans and that really changed the game for me.

The entire portal- Scholaranium, is well prepared and helps you build so many variations of quizzes that you don’t have to look anywhere else. The verbal and quant question bank allows you to pick questions from different subsections as well and this really helps when you want to improve a specific subsection. Their analytical approach will definitely help you to understand what is specifically lagging behind.

Finally, the Sigma-X mocks by e-gmat are just a bonus on top of the course. These mocks are well prepared and provide proper analysis as well. Sigma-X mocks along with official mocks are more than enough for GMAT prep. I would definitely recommend the course to anyone who wants a structured approach as well as mentorship support for their gmat journey. I was personally stuck in my GMAT journey for a long time and this course helped me sail through.

Best of luck to all the GMAT aspirants!!

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July 20, 2023

Hi Neel7736,

Congratulations on the 710!!

Thank you so much for taking out the time and sharing your experience with our platform.

From the get-go you truly immersed yourself in the processes and approached your preparation with utmost sincerity, completing each of the sub-sections and then mastering your knowledge on GMAT-like questions on the scholaranium.

Here is an image where you can be seen effectively applying the conceptual knowledge and excelling across the Verbal sub-sections with 60%+(80th percentile ability+) accuracy.

Image Link -

We are glad that you found value in our Quant course. Our goal is to make even the most complex quantitative concepts accessible and enjoyable for our students. Starting with a Q36, you left no stone unturned in your Quant preparations and completed each of the sub-sections devoting enough time and efforts which can be seen in the image below.

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We are delighted to hear that you found Scholaranium and Sigma-X Mocks helpful in building your skills and understanding your strengths and areas for improvement.

At last, I just want to say it was a pleasure working you and I wish you the very best as you embark on the next chapter of your educational and professional journey.

Abha Mohan

July 05, 2023

Joined: Oct 29, 2022

Posts: 11

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q49 V42

How eGMAT helped me achieve 750 on GMAT


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


The following are according to me the areas in which the product stands out ( In the order of importance as per me):
1) Mentor support through the course. This support I think was most important to me as I could discuss all the issues I was facing during my prep and could obtain expert opinion.
2) A huge question bank in the form of scholaranium in both verbal and quant which gives more than ample questions of different difficulty levels. ( Best way to use them I feel is taking a quiz of 10 or 15 questions on a topic . Analysing each question after the mini-test. I recommend that before we go to solutions we should try the incorrect questions again after the test and see if we can solve them. )
3) Third in the rank would be the verbal section with its video lectures , practice quizzes and applications . As a person who knew little about how GMAT verbal works , this section provided me the foundation before jumping to scholaranium to solve questions.
4) The PACE feature in the quant section of eGMAT is also impressive as it identifies the areas where you need to work and which areas you may skip based on your performance in diagnostic tests. For someone who wants to save time on quant or is very thorough with concepts this feature is a boon.
5) Finally in the last mile push program , the mentor assigned to the student helps the student to ensure that his/her preparation level is sound enough to crack the score he is aiming at. The program consists of timelines , daily targets and assessment milestones which cement the learning of the individual and also give him confidence to take on the exam :) .

Would make the product better:

While prepping I saw that in case of some questions on scholaranium and practice questions , there is no video explanation by a SME. Its just a personal opinion that watching a video with a SME explaining how to go about a question helped me absorb all the concepts much better . This area can be looked into.

It was somewhere in November 2022 when I decided to appear for my GMAT. I searched the internet and GMAT club and other such sources. My expectations from the course were that its offerings could help me create a proper foundation on theoretical level ( concepts ) and provide me enough practice material for putting those concepts to practice. An additional concern for me was the cost . eGMAT I felt that was the best fit for me on all these fronts.
After taking the course I started with the verbal part ( SC , CR and RC in that order). The course is so designed that it will guide you step by step in your journey and all you have to do is to follow this guidance with enough sincerity and conviction. I went along the course , gave the practice exams and appeared for the mock tests and eventually I could feel that I was beginning to understand what GMAT expects from me. Yes, I had my falls during the prep but these were more due to my follies than any external factor. For example I exhausted the mocks fairly early when I was not even well prepared with the concepts. So all in all the course has all the elements in it to help one get to his target score. These include robust course material , fantastic practice questions in form of scholaranium , 5 mocks and expert support. IMO anyone who goes through the course with good level of dedication is set up for a good score on the test.
The review would not be complete if I do not reemphasize on how much I benefited from the mentorship support of eGMAT. Rashmi Ma'am has all through guided me in this journey . A simple email such as ' how is your prep going' was a reminder for me to keep on track and not deviate. Further the strategy session with her helped me realize where are stood in terms of prep.
Thank you Rashmi Ma'am , Thank you eGMAT :) A huge part of this 750 is because of the guidance provided by you.

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July 11, 2023

Dear AmiyaDash,

Congratulations on the 750! What an achievement this is! It has been a pleasure working through the Last Mile Push program with you toward this target.

This mail from you captures the joy that you must have felt seeing the score pop-up on the screen:

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What stands out in the entire journey is your determination to make it to the top of the GMAT. I remember from the first discussion onwards how set you were to score a 740+ on the GMAT.

You left no stone unturned! You did the entire verbal section diligently, first laying foundation by learning concepts and applications and then mastering the applications by practicing on medium and hard GMAT-like questions through cementing.

See how this dedicated approach helped you improve your CR accuracy to a 91% while reducing the overall time to 1:48 minutes:

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Amiya, it is this focused and structured approach that helped you improve across all the sub-sections in verbal and get to that V42😊

It is commendable how in quants, you leveraged the PACE feature of the course to help you identify and selectively work through your weaker areas. I am glad that this helped you save 48 hours in quants, and in Algebra alone, you were able to save 13+ hours as seen here:

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To falter is human! But what differentiates a winner is the ability to learn from these setbacks and use them as steppingstones to success. To have proved through this journey of yours that no matter what the obstacles or the setbacks, if one has his eye set on the final goal, no achievement is impossible!

Amiya, I am sure you will go on to achieve great things in your future.

I wish you all the best for your forthcoming interviews from all your dream b-schools.

Best Regards,
Rashmi Vaidya

July 04, 2023

Joined: Jan 07, 2023

Posts: 13

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q49 V42 (Online)

MY JOURNEY TO 750! (Q49, V42, IR8, AWA6)


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

If you're searching for a top-notch course to help you achieve your target score, I highly recommend giving e-GMAT serious consideration. After trying out several online resources, I can confidently say that e-GMAT is truly exceptional. It stands out not only for its extensive content and comprehensive course material for each topic but also for its dedicated team of mentors.

If you're aiming for a 98 percentile or higher, you may encounter a stage where you've completed the course but find yourself stuck at a plateau score of 700. Progressing beyond this point and achieving even a modest improvement of 10 points can be quite challenging. I personally faced a similar situation.

Before I purchased e-GMAT, I was stuck at a score of 700, relying on a strategy of analyzing mock exams and dedicating a week to practice my weak areas before attempting the next one. I would practice a large number of questions without a clear direction in mind. However, despite my sincere efforts, I couldn't break through the 700 barrier.

Realizing that there was an unidentified issue, I decided to invest in e-GMAT's 2-month online course, primarily for their dedicated mentorship. Luckily, I was assigned Rida Shafeek as my mentor. Rida carefully analyzed my mock exams and provided me with a day-by-day plan to address my weaknesses over the course of a month. I followed Rida's advice diligently, treating it as invaluable guidance.

What kept me motivated throughout the journey was Rida's constant encouragement and belief in my abilities. Even on days when my scores weren't satisfactory, she reassured me that I had a solid grasp of the concepts and emphasized the importance of my energy and self-belief in achieving scores ranging from 670 to 760.
During this process, I came to the realization that I had been focusing on identifying conceptual knowledge gaps or specific application techniques to break through the 700-score plateau, when, in fact, the underlying issue was something entirely different. Surpassing that plateau required nothing more than a boost in my self-confidence and belief in my abilities, and Rida played an instrumental role in helping me achieve that.

I must give full credit to Rida for my improved score. Her unwavering positivity and calm demeanor made all the difference in my journey. Without her dedicated efforts, achieving this score would have remained a distant dream. It is solely due to her guidance that I was able to make a significant improvement of 50 points within a month.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Harsha, the e-GMAT expert in Critical Reasoning (CR). A single one-on-one session with Harsha revealed the power of visualization, which transformed CR into a much more manageable aspect for me.
Some fantastic offerings provided in the e-GMAT course that worked for me (apart from the invaluable mentorship) :
1. e-GMAT’s Scholaranium 2.0 is an unbeatable asset. It helped me tremendously to focus and improve my weak areas while paying attention to the timing as well as the accuracy of questions with different levels of difficulty.
2. The LMP program is a boon for people who have limited time to achieve their desirable score. It offers a day-to-day set of activities for each day so that one can fully and efficiently utilize their each day.

Thanks e-GMAT! :)


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July 13, 2023

Hey Ridhi,


This is Rida, your mentor. What a journey it has been! I am so incredibly happy to see you on the other side of the finish line.

Navigating yourself out of a score plateau can be really tough. It can be a very frustrating and demotivating experience. But one thing was clear – you were in it to win it and were determined to succeed.

You worked constantly to identify weaknesses and worked to convert them into strengths.

For example, in SC, where your ability was already on the stronger side, we identified certain key areas that could cause your score to drop. By working to fix these gaps, you were able to improve your SC ability to 90th+ percentile!

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You also built methodologies that enabled predictable success, such as in the case of Critical Reasoning, where in during our initial discussions, you confessed to not having a good methodology to tackle questions and were instead playing it by ear. But, after putting in the time to perfect the pre-thinking approach (as well as a little bit of help from our CR fairy god mother, Harsha), you were clearly able to improve your stats.

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Most importantly, you trusted yourself and the data to show that you were ready to take the exam.

Ridhi, you have been far too kind to me in this review. But the fact is, just as I have always emphasised, that my belief in you was backed by numbers and data. From the get-go- you had the drive to excel, and I helped you channel those efforts in the right direction. I gave you the green light for mocks and then, for the exam, because your ability was clearly displayed over hundreds of data points! Though it was hard, you put in the effort needed to cut out the noise and focus on applying what you know. You didn’t let your own self-doubt be the Achilles heel of your prep.

As the stats below show – you were 100% ready to ace the GMAT.

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I wish you all the very best in all your future endeavours Ridhi. I am sure you will undertake your MBA journey with the same passion and enthusiasm you have displayed throughout your GMAT journey.



July 03, 2023

Joined: Feb 16, 2016

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q47 V40 (Online)

Finally 700+


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


- Very detailed explanations
- Step by step processes for each type of question
- Super strong sentence correction approach

Would make the product better:

- nothing

The e-GMAT course is by far the best GMAT course that I have tried, and I have tried many. I have started from a very low score many years ago and tried different online courses before ending up with e-GMAT.

What I like about e-GMAT is that the course is incredibly more detailed than similar products, and it helps you developing a consistent approach that you can apply to all questions. Nothing is left to chance.. they really explore all possibilities so that on test day I did not have any surprise.

I really enjoyed the sentence correction modules; these are really a game changer. They are so well structured that after you go through and you attempt a SC question it will almost feel like solving a quant question.

Overall, I was able to improve 50 points from the 660 that I had scored 2 years ago. I spent 2 months / 3h a day on e-GMAT.

I really recommend it.

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July 14, 2023

Dear giovib,

Congratulations on scoring 710 and becoming a part of the 700 Club!

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your wonderful feedback regarding the e-GMAT course.

I am so glad to hear that detailed explanations and step-by-step processes for each question type helped you excel! You worked to build a consistent approach that ensures no surprises on test day. As we can see below, these methods helped you ace GMAT Verbal

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I am particularly pleased to hear that you found our sentence correction modules to be a game-changer. You put a lot of effort into perfecting the concepts and processes taught in these modules to enhance your skills and make solving a sentence correction question feel as easy as pie.

Your recommendation means a lot to us, and we are grateful for your support. All the best for your next steps!

Best regards,


July 02, 2023

Joined: May 04, 2022

Posts: 5

Kudos: 3

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V37

Overall a Great Course..


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

The Egmat offers comprehensive course for Quant and Verbal. These courses are structured topic-wise. Quant was always a strength for me , so this course has helped me much more in Verbal.
Starting from Master comprehension, in which i learned how to comprehend a sentence in an easier way , the course helped me in understanding the nuances of SC, CR and RC.
SC Improvement- The Meaning based approach made this section easier for me. In case of hard questions, this approach helped me in eliminating wrong answer choices easily. Shraddha's explanation for many questions also helped a lot.
CR- The pre-thinking approach taught by the course was amazing . I specifically liked Harsha's explanation in breaking and understanding the CR question.
cementing quizzes- At the end of each topic, Cementing quizzes helped a lot in learning the concept . In quant also, cementing quizzes covered the questions of all difficulty level , so it helped a lot.
Verbal and quant scholaranium have their different importance. They have lot of questions of all difficulty levels, which are sufficient for a good prep.
Egmat's sigmaX mocks are also at par with Gmat level. The scores in these tests reflected my true abilities.
Further, the push given by Dhruv during LMP made this journey easier.

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July 13, 2023

Dear Cheenu123,

Congratulations on the 710! It has been a pleasure working with you during this journey to success!

I am glad that the verbal course helped you approach the questions methodically. It is commendable how you followed a structured approach to learning by building rock solid foundation and then mastering application through internalising the meaning-based approach in SC and pre-thinking in CR.

See how this zeal to excel helped you improve to and 87% accuracy in SC while reducing the overall time to 54 seconds:

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I am really glad that you found the process of cementing in Scholaranium useful and the SIGma-X mocks at par with actual test. It is great that you leveraged all these features to ace the GMAT!

I am sure that the qualities that you have displayed during the preparation, will help you succeed in all your future endeavours too.

All the best and Best Regards,

528 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for e-GMAT
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