July 05, 2023

Joined: Oct 29, 2022

Posts: 11

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q49 V42

How eGMAT helped me achieve 750 on GMAT


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


The following are according to me the areas in which the product stands out ( In the order of importance as per me):
1) Mentor support through the course. This support I think was most important to me as I could discuss all the issues I was facing during my prep and could obtain expert opinion.
2) A huge question bank in the form of scholaranium in both verbal and quant which gives more than ample questions of different difficulty levels. ( Best way to use them I feel is taking a quiz of 10 or 15 questions on a topic . Analysing each question after the mini-test. I recommend that before we go to solutions we should try the incorrect questions again after the test and see if we can solve them. )
3) Third in the rank would be the verbal section with its video lectures , practice quizzes and applications . As a person who knew little about how GMAT verbal works , this section provided me the foundation before jumping to scholaranium to solve questions.
4) The PACE feature in the quant section of eGMAT is also impressive as it identifies the areas where you need to work and which areas you may skip based on your performance in diagnostic tests. For someone who wants to save time on quant or is very thorough with concepts this feature is a boon.
5) Finally in the last mile push program , the mentor assigned to the student helps the student to ensure that his/her preparation level is sound enough to crack the score he is aiming at. The program consists of timelines , daily targets and assessment milestones which cement the learning of the individual and also give him confidence to take on the exam :) .

Would make the product better:

While prepping I saw that in case of some questions on scholaranium and practice questions , there is no video explanation by a SME. Its just a personal opinion that watching a video with a SME explaining how to go about a question helped me absorb all the concepts much better . This area can be looked into.

It was somewhere in November 2022 when I decided to appear for my GMAT. I searched the internet and GMAT club and other such sources. My expectations from the course were that its offerings could help me create a proper foundation on theoretical level ( concepts ) and provide me enough practice material for putting those concepts to practice. An additional concern for me was the cost . eGMAT I felt that was the best fit for me on all these fronts.
After taking the course I started with the verbal part ( SC , CR and RC in that order). The course is so designed that it will guide you step by step in your journey and all you have to do is to follow this guidance with enough sincerity and conviction. I went along the course , gave the practice exams and appeared for the mock tests and eventually I could feel that I was beginning to understand what GMAT expects from me. Yes, I had my falls during the prep but these were more due to my follies than any external factor. For example I exhausted the mocks fairly early when I was not even well prepared with the concepts. So all in all the course has all the elements in it to help one get to his target score. These include robust course material , fantastic practice questions in form of scholaranium , 5 mocks and expert support. IMO anyone who goes through the course with good level of dedication is set up for a good score on the test.
The review would not be complete if I do not reemphasize on how much I benefited from the mentorship support of eGMAT. Rashmi Ma'am has all through guided me in this journey . A simple email such as ' how is your prep going' was a reminder for me to keep on track and not deviate. Further the strategy session with her helped me realize where are stood in terms of prep.
Thank you Rashmi Ma'am , Thank you eGMAT :) A huge part of this 750 is because of the guidance provided by you.

July 11, 2023

Dear AmiyaDash,

Congratulations on the 750! What an achievement this is! It has been a pleasure working through the Last Mile Push program with you toward this target.

This mail from you captures the joy that you must have felt seeing the score pop-up on the screen:

Image Link -

What stands out in the entire journey is your determination to make it to the top of the GMAT. I remember from the first discussion onwards how set you were to score a 740+ on the GMAT.

You left no stone unturned! You did the entire verbal section diligently, first laying foundation by learning concepts and applications and then mastering the applications by practicing on medium and hard GMAT-like questions through cementing.

See how this dedicated approach helped you improve your CR accuracy to a 91% while reducing the overall time to 1:48 minutes:

Image Link -

Amiya, it is this focused and structured approach that helped you improve across all the sub-sections in verbal and get to that V42😊

It is commendable how in quants, you leveraged the PACE feature of the course to help you identify and selectively work through your weaker areas. I am glad that this helped you save 48 hours in quants, and in Algebra alone, you were able to save 13+ hours as seen here:

Image Link -

To falter is human! But what differentiates a winner is the ability to learn from these setbacks and use them as steppingstones to success. To have proved through this journey of yours that no matter what the obstacles or the setbacks, if one has his eye set on the final goal, no achievement is impossible!

Amiya, I am sure you will go on to achieve great things in your future.

I wish you all the best for your forthcoming interviews from all your dream b-schools.

Best Regards,
Rashmi Vaidya

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