July 16, 2023

Joined: Feb 05, 2018

Posts: 3

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q51 V34 (Online)

e-GMAT helped me improve from Q50 to Q51


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I started with a strong Quant score and a mediocre Verbal score. I took GMAT 4 times and I have not opted for any other resource other than e-GMAT. After going through the course for the first time and reading a few solutions for Verbal Questions on GMAT Club, I found differences in overall process and most importantly the logic used by e-GMAT and by other resources. This problem solving approach is the reason I never used any other resource except e-GMAT.

My requirements were very simple. I wanted someone to teach me the basics of Verbal. I found the e-GMAT verbal course extremely useful. One of the most important skills needed for GMAT is comprehension, comprehension of various kinds and various volumes of content. In my view, Master Comprehension (MC) is the most important module of the whole e-GMAT course modules. MC actually helped me increase my score in Quant.

Previously, I consistently scored Q50. The most notable thing here is why I marked questions incorrectly. There were only two issues. I either missed noticing a keyword or I did not break the problem in an efficient way. Since there were hardly any conceptual gaps, I assumed I would overcome these challenges by myself. Hence, I did not use the e-GMAT Quant course previously. However, I could not solve these in the previous attempts. But this time around I took advantage of the Quant course as a part of Last Mile Push Program and I successfully scored Q51. I overcame the first challenge with my learnings from the MC course. Not rushing, pausing, summarising at various stages were few aspects which helped me here. This solution was crucial in getting comfortable with Word Problems, which was a problem area for me. Secondly, I knew where I was unable to use efficient methods immediately after I started the program. Such is the design of the program. Solutions by the subject matter experts are so clear that I understood the problem solving structures within no time. Additionally, PACE and analytics helped me focus in the right places.

Understanding the meaning of a sentence is the right first step to correcting any grammatical error in a sentence. I strongly believe that we must not correct anything that anyone says/writes unless we fully understand what they say. Hence, for me, a Meaning based approach for SC is the right approach. This stood out for me. Pre-thinking approach for CR helped me sharpen my critical thinking skill. Once I got hold of this process, I found my accuracy and ability go up within no time. RC module is to the point. It taught me how to immerse myself in a rather boring passage.

I also believe I got very comfortable at IR and AWA due to this rigour in Quant & Verbal. Building a question bank like Scholaranium is not an easy task and I appreciate the e-GMAT team for this.

In achieving anything, we need the right processes and a right direction. While the right processes were given by e-GMAT course modules, the right direction was only possible because of Dhruv, my mentor. He was not transactional at any stage, an attribute which is very important for me personally. He was extremely empathetic and compassionate. I went through highly uncertain times during the prep which actually impacted my overall success. He was kind to me during that stage too. He gave me a chance to express my thoughts and my analysis. He helped me even if I did not ask for, only by looking at the results, since he felt he could be of help to me. He played a pivotal role in my improvement and I am extremely grateful for what he did.

I scored Q51 V34 IR7 AWA5 and a total of 710. I can vouch for the e-GMAT Online 360 course as I experienced my transformation across the sections. The e-GMAT online 360 course is well built for any test-taker. The concepts are well explained for a novice to understand. The quizzes are gradually ramped up. The processes and methodologies are aptly built for success. I highly recommend the e-GMAT course for aspiring test-takers who are seeking to work on their fundamentals and want to approach GMAT with a fool-proof process.

July 31, 2023

Hi srikanthpilla007

Heartiest Congratulations to you on your 710 score!  

Attaining a remarkable 80-point improvement is a goal that countless individuals aspire to achieve, yet only a privileged few succeed in accomplishing. Your accomplishment of achieving a Q51 score truly deserves recognition.

By mastering the Meaning-based approach for Sentence Correction, you significantly improved your SC abilities. Mastering the structured approach resulted in a significant rise in your abilities while reducing the time you took to answer SC questions which is evident in the image below:

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You excelled across all the Quant subsections by following the structured approach and process skills. The same can be seen in the Quant Scholaranium stats.

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The consistent Quant success you experienced on your last 2 Sigma-X mock scores, with scores of Q51 and Q50 respectively, instilled in you the confidence needed to excel on the test day. Simply by glancing at these scores, you were able to predict your impending success.     

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Srikanth, it was a pleasure working with an ever-positive student like you. On behalf of the entire e-GMAT team, I wish you the best for the next steps.


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