June 10, 2024

Joined: Jun 07, 2023

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Harold is of the highest caliber


Everything mentioned about Harold across all of his reviews is completely accurate. Harold is an exceptional advisor, coach, and mentor.

Most recently, Harold helped me navigate the school decision process after receiving my acceptances. He helped me think through what my life would look like at each school and what the main priorities I would likely have were I to go to each. I really valued his perspective because he not only has a lot of insight considering his experience, but he also always shared his thoughts in an objective and unbiased manner. Harold also provided great advice on how to approach admitted students weekends and gain the most valuable insight out of these events for my decision-making process. There are many hard decisions and second guessing one goes through throughout the business school process. My conversations with Harold continue to make me confident in the choices I have made throughout both my application and decision processes, and I often think back to them to remind myself of this.

Further, as many other reviews mention, Harold is in addition an exceptional person. It is noticeable that he genuinely cares about the current and future success of the students he works with. Harold is a very well-rounded coach who does not suggest you prioritize one aspect of life over another. These are the best and most valuable kinds of coaches.

As many have also mentioned, Harold is extremely responsive. Another thing that stands out a lot is that he actually listens and remembers what you have previously said.

Harold is a consultant I can trust. I trust his experience and insights, his logic and way of thinking, his advice and guidance, and that is the #1 thing you need in a consultant. I would 100% recommend Harold to anyone looking for a consultant, and I am confident you will recommend him yourself after just your initial consultation with him.

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