August 22, 2022

Joined: Jul 05, 2014

Posts: 4

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Melissa Joelson CHANGED my life beyond INSEAD

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Just having read the previous reviews on Melissa's page has put - an embarrassing big self-conscious smile on my face. I couldn't echo their sentiments more. The memories I tried to shut out in the darkness, Melissa made them shine as powerful tools for my interview. You may say my title is exaggerated, but I feel it is an understatement and here is why.

I am the worst at interviewing. I believed I did not have the “right” background and did not have a clue where to start and how to best use my time, given I was in the middle of a relocation and assigned a new programme to lead.

I did many intense interview preparation sessions with Melissa. When we were in the flow, Melissa stayed on past her paid time to ensure we got to where we needed for that session. There was homework with the right focus, so I did not have to worry about anything else.

To be able to decipher someone, break down their beliefs and build them up again to be someone that can use their setbacks as strengths in an interview and beyond takes more than skill, experience and knowledge. It is all of that, with the complete devotion that Melissa had put into my success, that made this happen.

I put my faith in Melissa's guidance, and it paid off. I am now on the INSEAD Global Executive MBA (GEMBA) programme starting in October.

Thank you, Melissa Joelson. My family thanks you too and so do my friends. See you at my graduation!

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