June 01, 2012

Joined: Apr 23, 2012

Posts: 2

Kudos: 5

Improvement 90 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Instructor Gilad Edelman

Location Online

Some background info about me and the GMAT- I took the GMAT 2 years ago using the Kaplan self study program and got a 610. After deciding to retake the exam, I decided to switch up my prep materials.

MGMAT is a great prep company - the instructors are very helpful, the customer service team is friendly, and MGMAT gives great instruction on how to target weaknesses. If you are really looking to improve, this is an investment that will definitely pay off.

I decided to go with the online course because I felt it provided the perfect amount of structure that I needed to succeed. I decided to go with MGMAT because I was told by a friend that they were the best, he was right.

All in all I couldn’t have been happier with my experience. I felt that MGMAT truly cared about how well I did even after I paid them.

I took the GMAT twice; the first time I got a 680 (my target was a 700+). After I missed my target score, MGMAT offered a free 45min consultation one-on-one with an instructor to debrief my exam and outline a plan to help me reach my goal during my next exam. MGMAT recommends taking the exam twice, but I decided I only wanted to take it once if I could get my target score. Turns out MGMAT was right, I needed to take the exam twice. On my 2nd attempt I hit my target of a 700! I don’t think I could have done it without MGMAT!!

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