May 11, 2023

Joined: May 09, 2020

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Priceless Support - 10/10

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Working with Gavriella was an absolute pleasure and I cannot recommend her enough. I can truly say I would not have gotten into my school, much less a full scholarship, without her support and guidance. She is a highly skilled communicator and was able to help me organize my thoughts in a clear and concise manner, ultimately enabling me to put my best foot forward.

On top of communication, Gavriella was always very quick to respond and provide feedback. I started the application process late in the cycle and as a result had to work into the early morning, but Gavriella would also review and respond well ahead of the mbaMission response times. As a result, I was able to submit 9 applications in a matter of weeks.

Gavriella also has a deep understanding of what AdComs look for, and ways to strengthen applications as a result. Coming from an unimpressive undergrad with an equally average GPA, she advised me to complete, which was not remotely on my radar. This paid off as the AdCom asked for the transcript prior to offering admission.

Finally, Gavriella was a pleasure to work with. She acted as a partner throughout this whole process, and I felt she was genuinely interested in my success. I fully plan to partner with her in the future for executive coaching (or any other needs that may arise).

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