May 01, 2023

Joined: May 01, 2023

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Worth every penny!


I signed up for hourly services with Gavriella after doing an initial consultation (30 minutes - Free). After talking through my options and focus schools and laying out a potential game plan together I purchased a 4 hour package. I was initially nervous about spending money on a consultant to help but I am so glad I committed to making use of our time together. After an in-depth brainstorm session that I completed on my own, I felt like Gavriella truly had an understanding of some of my background, successes and motivations and was able to point to specific examples that would be beneficial to highlight. We made sure my goal schools were realistic and also some opportunities to stretch to some that may be more challenging.

After each essay draft (which she reviewed on her own and kept track of time) I would receive feedback/edits back within 2 days and was able to see the track changes made in each version. It was helpful to get such concise feedback that better set me up for future drafts and future schools I hadn't started yet.

The best part of the experience was during interview prep. MBA Mission has an incredible database of former questions to help you prepare for what to expect. Every school interview I had was unique and because I was able to get some potential questions in advance I felt very confident answering.

Couldn't recommend the hourly services more for any future applicants!

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