January 08, 2021

Joined: Dec 21, 2020

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Heidi is Fantastic!


In spring 2020, I declined five acceptances to MBA programs due to COVID-19. Although I was accepted to my dream school, Wharton, I hoped to reapply and earn a scholarship. With Round 1 deadlines quickly approaching, I questioned whether I should also throw my hat in at Harvard. During my first call with Heidi, she helped me unpack my story, dig deeper, and uncover a side to myself that I had been afraid to share. She assured me that we could create two compelling packages for HBS and Wharton within a few weeks. Her support gave me the confidence to apply to both schools.

When I submitted my essays to Heidi for review, she responded quickly and provided feedback that was tangible and in-line with my personal message. Her comments never took away from my authentic voice and enabled me to create two applications that I was incredibly proud to stand behind. I was accepted to HBS and received a full tuition scholarship to Wharton!

I could not have accomplished this feat without Heidi’s support! In addition to being an excellent admissions consultant, Heidi is a wonderful human being. Her positivity and thoughtfulness are unmatched. I am so grateful for her help and HIGHLY recommend her!

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