May 31, 2020

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MBA Interview Preparation

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Approximately three weeks out from my London Business School (LBS) MBA interview in February, I was feeling extremely anxious. Although I had prepared responses to typical MBA interview questions, it felt unnatural for me to practice out loud in front of a mirror or webcam. After several conversations with my partner and family, it became apparent to me that getting help from an expert could go a long way towards being accepted at my target business school.

I had already approached Krista prior to Christmas for a free 30-minute consultation. In that time, Krista provided me with invaluable advice on my application materials and it was clear to me that Krista had come to the meeting thoroughly prepared. Although I did not engage her services during the application season, I was convinced that I could not find a better person to help prepare me for the LBS interview.
Prior to our practice interview session, I used the very informative LBS-specific interview guide which Krista provided. Our session was scheduled approximately 2 weeks prior to the actual interview. I was visibly nervous as I answered Krista’s first question which required me to walk her through my resume. Krista was extremely constructive with her feedback but more importantly, she constantly asked me how I could have improved my response to a given question. With every question, I felt that my speaking style and response improved. Since I was concerned about the impromptu case question, Krista devoted extra time to run through two different case questions. I could already see a difference in my approach to the second case question after taking on Krista’s feedback from the first case question. At the end of our session, I felt more relaxed about the whole interview process and Krista was instrumental in helping me realise that I should treat the interview as a conversation with someone who is interested in knowing more about me as a person and professional.

I used the feedback from my session with Krista to prepare for the actual interview. By the day of the interview, I felt relaxed as I walked into my interviewer’s office in London. As Krista predicted, the interview was conversational and I really got the sense that my interviewer genuinely wanted to get to know me. This allowed me to speak in a calm but confident manner as I approached both the interviewer’s questions and the case-study.

Two weeks before the decision date, I received a more than pleasant surprise- an email from the LBS Admissions office saying that I had been accepted to the MBA Class of 2022! I couldn’t believe my eyes and it took a while for the news to sink in! Along with my family and friends, I made sure I informed Krista because she was pivotal in helping me reach this position. I am truly grateful for her constructive feedback and ongoing support with countless questions relating to both the interview process and my decision to take the GRE before the admission decision was made.

To all future MBA applicants thinking of engaging an admissions consultant in their interview preparation, I highly recommend Krista Nannery!

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