May 07, 2015

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After a less than stellar GMAT, I was nervous about applying to business school. I was trying to decide if my time and money would be best spent retaking the GMAT (and waiting until next year to apply) or focusing on putting together the best application I could this year. I signed up for a free consultation with Dan Richards to discuss how my profile looked for my target school and decide if it would be valuable to use consulting services. After speaking with Dan, I felt much more confident about applying this year, and I ultimately signed up for 4 hours to focus on one school. I was very budget conscious and Dan was great at providing constructing feedback without using too much time for each edit. He helped me with my resume and essay. We even ended up with one hour left for a mock interview.

The first draft of my essay was all over the place. I was having trouble putting all my thoughts into a cohesive story. However, Dan was able to really help me focus my thoughts, and I was very happy with the end result.

I would highly recommend Dan and the hourly services, especially if you just need someone impartial to look over your essay and you don't have the budget for full school packages. The process was very efficient and extremely helpful.

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