April 30, 2023

Joined: Apr 27, 2023

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Best Coach I Could Ask For! Kind, Genuine, and an Expert in The Field!

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I worked with Jenifer Raver from Fortuna Admissions as part of my MBA application journey, and highly recommend her to anyone looking for an admissions consultant!

Thanks to Jenifer, I was accepted to 3 out of 4 of my target schools (including H/W) and waitlisted at the GSB.

From the beginning, I knew I wanted someone “in my corner” to root for me, while providing expert guidance throughout the application and interview process. Jenifer was the best coach I could have asked for. As an international student/third-culture kid, I knew I had a unique story to tell, but wasn't quite sure how to bring this forward in my application. Jenifer saw this from our very first intro call, and we instantly bonded thanks to her experience working abroad and living in Southeast Asia. Over the next few months, Jenifer helped me narrow down my target schools, patiently walked me through each essay/app requirement, and acted as an empathic sounding board as I reflected on experiences that shaped who I was, and where I was hoping to go. This was especially integral as I crafted my narrative on “why MBA.”

Like an expert storyteller, Jenifer spent countless hours combing through my essays, and helped me weave a cohesive narrative that connected both past and present, professional and personal. As we transitioned to additional applications, Jenifer shared clarity on what each school was looking for, and gave insider knowledge on each school’s unique culture.

I also appreciated Jenifer’s proactivity – early on, she helped me update my professional resume to be MBA-friendly, while helping me shape a comprehensive recommender package (contents of which ultimately came up in my interview!)

After my applications were submitted, Jenifer hosted a series of mock interviews for each of my schools, culminating in detailed debrief sessions where she played recorded clips and provided feedback on how I could do better. Jenifer was incredibly respectful, and encouraged me to be my best authentic self in each interview.

Looking back, I don’t think I would’ve been able to embark on the time-intensive and highly introspective MBA application process, if it weren’t for Jenifer’s guidance. Her personable and genuine approach to coaching immediately dispelled any fears I had about the often-daunting process. From hourlong essay workshopping sessions, to shorter messages that shared “good vibes” on interview days, Jenifer’s dedication to her clients shines through.

I highly recommend Jenifer to anyone looking for a consultant that will help bring your best self forward to the MBA admissions committee. You will not regret it!

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