[Tests] Reviews

Our GMAT practice tests are built with adaptive calibration and Select Section Order, just like the real thing. Try one now and see how close you are to your goal score. Try a free Manhattan CAT now
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May 15, 2016

Joined: Nov 02, 2015

Posts: 0

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
770 Q50 V47

Harder than the Real Thing


I took the Manhattan GMAT CATs as part of my prep through Manhattan GMAT. I had heard from a lot of people that it was harder than the real tests, which I found to be true for the math section. The verbal section does a pretty good job approximating what the real test is like, probably better than any non-GMAC test.

In my opinion, the biggest difference between these tests and the GMAC ones is that here the difficulty trends in a linear fashion (question correct --> harder next question), whereas the real tests will drop down in difficulty a little bit when introducing a new concept. If you get most of the early questions on these tests right it becomes brutal pretty quickly, which I found not to be the case on GMAC practice tests or the real test.

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April 23, 2016

Joined: Nov 04, 2014

Posts: 9

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
690 Q48 V37

Excellent pack for all parts of GMAT. You will be tested on AWA, IR, Quantitative and Verbal parts.

Having bought the pack and gone through 3 of the tests, consistently scoring 630, I became slightly alarmed that this score was too low. I then decided to go through the Official GMAT tests, I scored consistently 690 - my actual GMAT was 690.

Bottom line, these tests are very good, but the Quantitative part tends to be more difficult than the real tests. This is not a bad thing - these tests are great for training. But do not take them as accurate on your real value and rely on the Official tests for that.

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February 09, 2016

Joined: Feb 08, 2016

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
410 Q32 V16

good source rely on and easy to acess


Manhattan is very economical and best source for students to read and practice. There are 6 tests and one practice test.
We can retake these tests any number of times. These questions are very realistic and thought provoking questions. Review of these questions is very easy and simple to access.
we can break our tests for maths and verbal section. Maths questions are very easy compared to other test series. I think English is good in Manhattan, we can easily understand the answers of test series.
The score which we get in Manhattan is almost same as GMAT prep score. i would recommend this to my friends.

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January 14, 2016

Joined: Sep 21, 2015

Posts: 87

Kudos: 479

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q49 V46



I had a fairly good experience with the Manhattan CAT's. They are a good indicator of where you stand. The questions are unambiguous and certainly of a higher difficulty level than those found in the official mocks. The explanations provided are comprehensive and easy to understand.
The only drawback was that the first three tests were much tougher than the actual GMAT and although i never scored more than 690 on the mocks i scored a 730 on the actual exam. However they did help me to get used to the pressure and acquaint myself with timing strategies. Overall i felt they were the closest representation of the exam and quite invaluable in my preparation.

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