Premium Service Reviews

You're at square one with the application process. Partner with us to ensure your next destination is business school. We’ve helped 1,200 clients since 2009. 90% succeeded and 35% secured unsolicited scholarships. Our focus isn’t client volume or revenue; it’s you. We hope you sense that when you read reviews.

Top business schools teach that diverse teams create the most impactful solutions. Our diverse team ensures our clients craft the most impactful applications. In addition to being the most diverse among admissions firms, our team is the most rigorous and hands-on.  Who’s on our team?


With PREMIUM NEED-BASED service, your team is:

-An Advisor (a top MBA with proven coaching and writing skills)

-A Career Narrative Expert (a current/former MBA Career Management professional)

-A Former MBA Admissions Officer (no further description necessary)

-An Editor (an author with a creative writing MFA)

-A Partnership Manager (an MBA with operations and client relations expertise)


With PREMIUM service, your team is everyone above, plus:

-A Current MBA Admissions Officer (yes, you read that right)

-Square One’s Founder (to amplify your relentlessly supportive SOP team)

4.9 /5 Average Rating
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Based on 543 reviews
March 18, 2015

Joined: Mar 18, 2015

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I am so grateful I found Square One Prep. I knew I was a strong candidate for top schools - but so is everyone else that applies! My advisor worked very closely with me to elevate my story and highlight a unique theme throughout every element of my applications in a way that made me distinct and truly competitive. She always told me what I needed to hear, even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear. She even told me when she thought I was ready to work on some schools' applications without her to save a little money! Her personal touch, unwavering honesty and genuine desire to see me succeed made the entire process of applying - as well as the process now of preparing to matriculate in the Fall (with a $100,000 scholarship, woohoo!) - surprisingly enjoyable. I would look forward to our calls because her thoroughly dedicated coaching helped me reflect personally and uncover so much more confidence than I knew I had. My recommenders were also so impressed with how easy she made the experience for them that they wanted to hire Square One for their kids applying to undergrad!

Square One's coaching was priceless to me - I feel like I cannot express my gratitude enough!

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March 17, 2015

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I began my business school application with much anxiety. Like many of my fellow applicants, I thought I had a compelling story, with my military background and entrepreneurial endeavors. However, on my first call with Square One Prep, my consultant made me realize that I needed to do much more in order to standout, not just apart from other applicants, but apart from the other military applicants. With my consultant's constant coaching, I dug deep and found a stronger inner voice and self-confidence, not to mention a common theme that bound all my isolated experiences into a unique, personable and heartfelt story. My consultant spent months working with me to help me find my way. Her honest feedback and suggestions were what really made the difference in my applications. Furthermore, I had a fairly unimpressive GMAT score, but with my consultant’s encouragement and support (which included study tips and was outside the bounds of our engagement), I took the exam one more time and raised my score significantly. Knowing that she was so invested in my success was invaluable. I started the process confused. I ended the process with clarity about who I am, what I want to do, and an invitation to matriculate at the one and only school I applied to - HBS!!!!
–client from: United States
–admitted to: HBS

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March 17, 2015

Joined: Mar 17, 2015

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My consultant at Square One Prep (Kathryn) was excellent; the entire experience overall was very satisfying. Kathryn was very personable and patient with me, as well as very knowledgeable of the requirements for this type of application. She really made the experience smooth and as pleasant as possible, which was definitely appreciated.

I would certainly recommend this company (and Kathryn) as the fee was reasonable and the quality was certainly there. I was very happy with the process overall, and would recommend it to anyone who needs this type of consulting service -- especially for someone like me who has a GPA that may not be as high as he or she would like.

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March 17, 2015

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I tested out a number of big-name consultants during my MBA admissions process before I hired Square One Prep, who was a clear stand out. First, my consultant had many years of experience in admissions consulting and offered rare knowledge of the inner-workings of admissions committees. Second, while it was on me to drive the process with other consultants, my consultant at Square One Prep was consistently one step ahead of me on my applications--it was encouraging and helped me sustain momentum. Third, she was also able to schedule around me, which made the process easier to manage alongside my demanding professional obligations. Fourth, her consistently thoughtful strategies made me feel like the weaker parts of my candidacy were surmountable. The entire time I felt as though my consultant was invested in my candidacy, a dynamic which was entirely absent in my relationships with other high-profile consultants. Her energy was infectious. I couldn’t more highly recommend Square One Prep. I'm off to Wharton in the Fall and in retrospect I realize that the price of their service is a bargain!

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March 16, 2015

Joined: Jul 27, 2013

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I first called Square One Prep last Fall. I was referred by a friend who'd had success partnering with them. The owner was mighty impressive, and I wanted to sign up, but because the price tag was tough to swallow, I chose to partner with a less expensive group.
I worked with my consultant for three months, but never felt fully supported by them. Three weeks before I submitted my applications, concerned that my work was showing that lack of support, I reached out to Square One's owner. I really didn't know what my next step should be. The owner sensed that and offered to review my body of work - for free - and give me an honest assessment. She clearly spent several hours. When she walked me through all her comments, which took more than an hour, I probably should have been distraught by how much work I realized I had ahead of me. I instead felt a sense of relief because I finally felt like I had an expert at my side, guiding me. On the spot, I hired Square One and stopped working with my other consultant. Not once did I think about the new cost. Square One more than earned it. And I learned a lesson. With mba admissions consulting, what you pay for is what you get.
When I got offers from Columbia, Kellogg, and Wharton, my first call, each time, was to Square One because I knew that had I not worked with them I'd have gotten no offers. For something as important as an MBA, it's not worth compromising on anything, especially an admissions consultant. I got offers in the end, but I should have worked with Square One from the beginning! Thank you Square One!

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March 16, 2015

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"I am off to Kellogg, knowing this would never have been possible without Square One Prep’s help. My consultant took the time to understand who I am, explained the process and the challenges I faced (low undergrad GPA, suspension from college), brainstormed with me to develop a strategy, and helped me execute a plan. She was passionately interested in my success. She was also always available, promptly replying to my questions and providing feedback. Although there were times when the application process felt daunting, my consultant was always there to re-energize me. She was a joy to work with, always positive and frank. If you want results, call Square One Prep."

client from: Canada

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March 16, 2015

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I still can’t believe I got into INSEAD! This is a dream come true, for sure. When I first called Square One, I didn’t believe I had what it takes to get into a top school - I'm from Syria, did okay in university but didn't go to a brand-name one, have worked hard but didn't work at known companies, and didn't have a strong GMAT score. I just wanted to get confirmation of that, as it has always been a dream, but one I was content with abandoning if I was directed to do so by an expert. Square One gave me a free consultation and listened to me tell my story for several hours. The owner of the company then told me what I never expected to hear – that I certainly had an uphill battle, but that with hard work, introspection, and trust in their process, I could make this dream come true. She said they were ready to work with me to make sure I took each step in this battle steadily and strategically.

They did just that, guiding me with the utmost expertise, care, and sincerity. I freely admit that I struggled with every aspect of the application process. Although I can express myself well in speech, I lack the ability to translate that ability onto paper, but that was okay because my advisor was there to guide me and help me develop that skill. It’s a skill that I will now use extensively at INSEAD. A gift I didn’t expect out of this process. Another gift is that my advisor, Erik, has become a trusted friend.

Erik could not have been more patient and simultaneously motivating. I had many life setbacks during the process due to my refugee status and inability to see my family back home. Erik took that in stride, always adjusting my schedule and finding ways to help me make progress despite my preoccupation. He helped me transform my conceptual ambitions into a career path that was grounded and "real." Together, he and I literally rewrote my resume. He then really went above and beyond to help me get my thoughts and stories into my essays. I tend to ramble and would write three times what an essay would allow. Erik helped me chip away at my work and create pieces that felt like a psychological undertaking because I got to know myself in new ways. The owner also got re-involved along the way to opine and do reviews. Everything with Square One was like this - detailed, sincere, with a goal to help me succeed. It worked!

I recommend Square One with all that I have.

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March 16, 2015

Joined: Mar 16, 2015

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I initially signed on with Square One Prep because it was the best personality fit for me among all the firms I spoke to and I appreciated my counselor’s straightforward manner and confidence.
Everyone looks for something different in their counselor. I work in a high intensity finance job with an erratic schedule and itinerary and I am a serious procrastinator so I needed someone who was flexible, kept long hours far beyond usual business hours, would hold me accountable to deadlines and remind me, and was available on short notice. Also, I needed someone who thought differently from me, would not be shy about sharing their own opinions, perspective, and experienced, and yet would not be dismissive of my ideas.
During the months I spent working with my counselor, she showed all of the qualities that were important to me. I was pleasantly surprised as my applications unfolded. She was very responsive, from the morning until well past midnight. There were no days of the week that were off limits; weekends were treated the same as weekdays. There were no parts of the application or interview process that were not covered and I never sensed that there was a reluctance to do work on my part because other clients were demanding my counselor’s time. My counselor was organized, and nothing slipped through the cracks. Most importantly, I was consistently pushed in directions and into areas that I would never have discovered myself, not just for the sake of doing so, but because doing so made my application better; that was the biggest value-add of working with Square One Prep. I came out of the process feeling that between all of the work that I put into the process and the significant guidance from my counselor, I did everything I could in my power to get into business school. I am happy with my outcomes and heartily recommend Square One Prep.

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March 15, 2015

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Thank you Square One Prep. My consultant, Kathryn, was exactly the personal adviser I needed to get into a top business school. After a few sessions with two consultants from large admissions consulting companies, the personal dedication that I got from Square One Prep was a breath of fresh air. My consultant really took the time to fully understand my background and my career aspirations. Not only did she help me sharpen my essays and prepare for interviews, but more importantly, she helped me with the very crucial “soul searching”, before I even started working on my essays. After just a couple of coaching sessions with her, I was able to clearly articulate my career goals and aspirations, while creating a fit with my prior experience and the specific MBA programs that I was applying to.

While Kathryn was my biggest fan, she was also very direct and did zero sugar-coating, which was exactly what I needed because I was on a very tight deadline. She helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses, polish my story and present myself as a unique candidate by highlighting the relevant aspects of my work background, academics and life experiences. In a nutshell, she gave me peace of mind and took the stress out of what could have been a stressful process.

I ended up going to the Johnson School, which was exactly the right fit for me. The career path that Kathryn helped me articulate in my applications is exactly the path I am currently successfully following - so her career advice was priceless and spot on.

I highly recommend Square One Prep to anyone who wants personal and dedicated help from an outfit that knows everything there is to know about giving you a competitive advantage.

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March 14, 2015

Joined: Mar 14, 2015

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I went to an Ivy League college, did well in class while doing sports as well, then did investment banking for a couple of years followed by PE for a couple more, had a strong GMAT score, and want to stay on the PE path. I figured getting into b-school wouldn't be too hard. Then I talked to Square One Prep and was humbled pretty fast. They opened my eyes to the fact that my profile wasn't so special for the schools I wanted to apply to, and could make the application process tougher, not easier.
Square One Prep, through a lot of patience, educating and pulling back layers I didn’t know I had, helped me see that I’d had defining moments and do have a distinct story. My consultant was indispensable from strategy through execution. The results: in at HBS, Wharton, Haas and Kellogg, with $25,000-$40,000 scholarships.

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