March 16, 2015

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I still can’t believe I got into INSEAD! This is a dream come true, for sure. When I first called Square One, I didn’t believe I had what it takes to get into a top school - I'm from Syria, did okay in university but didn't go to a brand-name one, have worked hard but didn't work at known companies, and didn't have a strong GMAT score. I just wanted to get confirmation of that, as it has always been a dream, but one I was content with abandoning if I was directed to do so by an expert. Square One gave me a free consultation and listened to me tell my story for several hours. The owner of the company then told me what I never expected to hear – that I certainly had an uphill battle, but that with hard work, introspection, and trust in their process, I could make this dream come true. She said they were ready to work with me to make sure I took each step in this battle steadily and strategically.

They did just that, guiding me with the utmost expertise, care, and sincerity. I freely admit that I struggled with every aspect of the application process. Although I can express myself well in speech, I lack the ability to translate that ability onto paper, but that was okay because my advisor was there to guide me and help me develop that skill. It’s a skill that I will now use extensively at INSEAD. A gift I didn’t expect out of this process. Another gift is that my advisor, Erik, has become a trusted friend.

Erik could not have been more patient and simultaneously motivating. I had many life setbacks during the process due to my refugee status and inability to see my family back home. Erik took that in stride, always adjusting my schedule and finding ways to help me make progress despite my preoccupation. He helped me transform my conceptual ambitions into a career path that was grounded and "real." Together, he and I literally rewrote my resume. He then really went above and beyond to help me get my thoughts and stories into my essays. I tend to ramble and would write three times what an essay would allow. Erik helped me chip away at my work and create pieces that felt like a psychological undertaking because I got to know myself in new ways. The owner also got re-involved along the way to opine and do reviews. Everything with Square One was like this - detailed, sincere, with a goal to help me succeed. It worked!

I recommend Square One with all that I have.

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