e-GMAT Online Focused Reviews

Full access, Focused Preparation, High GMAT Score

The most reviewed course on GMAT Club, GMAT Online Focused, is built for those who need in-depth preparation in one section – Quant or Verbal and a few points of improvement in other. Your learning starts with identifying specific conceptual gaps. The platform then provides you with a clear, milestone-driven plan which enables you to maximize your score gains without wasting on concepts you have already mastered, saving you 80+ hours of preparation. While learning, our xPERT engine provides real-time feedback to ensure that you excel in the first go. Cementing and ability quizzes in Scholaranium then help push your ability to the 90th percentile or higher. 


Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Focused:

  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Course correction with Hyper-Personalized Plans


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4.7 /5 Average Rating
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Based on 1205 reviews
May 12, 2015

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Trekking is to train , Picnic is to entertain and a correct path is to gain.
When I made up my mind to appear for GMAT , I started looking for a resource and it all started with random google search.It gave couple of sources to move forward with but it also gave different path to reach to one goal.This in-turn led to go through different material and finally the gain was not accountable. Out the these resources, I got a chance to attend e-Gmat online session. After the end of first session I was surprised with the way e-Gmat team conquer GMAT preparation. Proper guidelines, hitting on exact target and the simple approach makes the preparation enjoyable.

The one best thing e-Gmat provided me in my preparation is "enjoy while prepare" and being a non native I consider this the best thing which I acquired to prepare for GMAT.All credit goes to e-Gmat team who dedicatedly works to help us achieve our dr

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May 07, 2015

Joined: Jan 05, 2014

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Improvement 130 Points

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I had read all the rules in the Manhattan GMAT Verbal Books, completed the OG 13 questions and still was scoring around V28. I heard about E-GMAT from my sister and bought it. This course was really helpful. The pre-thinking approach of the course really helped me. Though it's an online course, it's much better than any classroom program or books can do. I have been recommending this course to all my friends who are interested in GMAT and are Non-Natives. I will still do the same and am scoring around V40 in my mocks and am planning to write GMAT soon now. Please buy the E-GMAT Verbal course.

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May 07, 2015

Joined: May 26, 2013

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Self-reported Score:
670 Q47 V35

Improvement 10 Points

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I’ve got to say that E-gmat is the best course for a non-native speaker.
I’ve improved 10 points in my verbal score after following the strategies explained in the course. The approach to breakdown a sentence into clauses is really helpful. I am now able to solve some difficult SC questions comfortably by using this approach.
In CR, the concepts explained are really helpful. Identifying the logical structure of the stem is the key, and the course offers a stress on this topic.
I was very weak in RC, but I’ve to say that after following the approach of E-gmat I learned that how to approach RC questions; not only I am feeling comfortable in approaching RC questions but also I am improving a lot. The approach of Pre-Thinking helped me a lot in the Main point questions.
So all in all, I must recommend this course to all the non-native speakers.

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May 07, 2015

Dear Caesar,

Thank you for being a customer and posting a review. Just to clarify - the 10 points improvement that you mentioned is on a scale of 60, which is equivalent to 80-100 points on a scale of 800.

Lastly - make sure that you try Scholaranium to improve your score by another 5 points.


Rajat Sadana

May 04, 2015

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e-GMAT Verbal Online is an elaborate and comprehensive package that includes sentence correction, reading comprehension and critical reasoning. I was looking to strengthen my sentence correction skills and this course proved to be a boon for me. Practice exercises after every session made me exam ready. I am now able to concentrate on the syllabus and clear all my doubts on the forum. I have improved up to 60 points in the GMAT practice test after taking up this course. Now, I feel confident to write the GMAT exam. I would highly recommend this package to other aspirants especially non-native speakers. Good Luck!

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May 03, 2015

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Improvement 70 Points

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Being a re-taker, when I started preparing for GMAT again, I was finding a right course for my verbal preparation. Till that time, I have already tried various courses in my first attempt but I could not get benefit to that level so that I can improve my score in significant manner for verbal section. Then i came to know about E-Gmat from my friend who is already in very good B-School. I tried some free lectures of E-Gmat and found that this is the course where I can find get my concepts cleared in details. Because E-Gmat verbal section will take you thorough very basic concepts of grammar and meaning understanding that will help to understand your weakness. Knowing your weak and strong points is the key for the success in GMAT.

I bought verbal online section that includes SC, CR and RC courses. All course are pretty good for those who are struggling for verbal score improvement. I liked most the sentence correction section that helped me a lot in improving my concepts and score. I would say that for non-natives, best course available for sentence correction is E-Gmat SC course. To get success in GMAT verbal section, you have to be very accurate and fast while solving SC Questions because this kind of strategy will provide you enough time for RC and CR questions where minimum time required for solving questions is little more.

Good Luck for your preparations!!

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May 03, 2015

Joined: Sep 20, 2014

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The course is extremely well structured. It will immensely benefit the non native test takers .I had subscribed for the 6 months course. Initially after studying the regular GMAT worbooks by Manhattan and Kaplan ,I could not increase my performance in verbal section in various GMAT practice tests. Then I simply concentrated on the structured egmat program and my practice test scores after 6 months improved well beyond my expectation .The special features of the program includes logical 3 step process for SC,various diagnostics methods for getting clarity in complex CR questions.The course is so structured that you need no additional study material.The structure of the course allows you to get into a new concept only after you have succesfully gained ideas about the prevoious concepts and this allows you to go through all the concepts in a planned manner without skipping one concept, that many of us do while we prepare on self study basis.I had not taken the test yet.But this course helped me to gain confidence through practice series .So for all non native MBA aspirants I think it is a must to subscribe for their course . All the best.

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May 03, 2015

Joined: Dec 16, 2013

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Self-reported Score:
580 Q51 V16

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i came to know about egmat from my friend.
i took gmat senetence correction subsciprtion in the month of december 2014. once i completed the course ,i was like expert in understanding the structure and tackling the sentence correction question
it gave immnense confidence for me to attemp gmat. entire course was well designed and user friendly.
Being a non native i though it would be difficult for me to tackle sentence correction the problem got solved by e-gmat

after getting good exposure on sentence correction,i subscirid even for critical reasoning,i felt critical reasoning is also very good
my gmat exam is sceduled on june 9th 2015.i hope i could acheive very good score by this foundation

Suggestion for all members: if you are non native ,most of you needed spoon feeding for you to understand gmat way.

the only way to get this is to try e-gmat

Thank you.

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May 02, 2015

Joined: Feb 09, 2014

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First of all I will like to be clear that I have not appeared for GMAT till date, this is a mid-preparation review written with intent of helping fellow GMAT test takers who are preparing for GMAT. I also request all to please suggest changes that will help me improve my score on D-Day.

I am an Engineer & non-native speaker. Needles to say my Quant is my pretty strong and I have been struggling with all 3 sections of verbal for day 1. I started preparing for GMAT in 01st Week of April with a target score of 760 & preparation time of 3 months, out of which I will be holidaying for almost 2 weeks. So effectively I had 70 days to prepare for my GMAT.

I started with a GMAT prep Mock test. Score was disappointing to say the least, with a score of Q43 & V25. My score was bad not only in Verbal but also in Quant. I started my preparation with reviewing my Quant concepts. But in verbal there was no headways as I work in a very remote location, so tutoring or classes were out of Question. It is then, one of my friends told me about e-gmat. Later in week I attended a webinar hosted by Rajat on GMAT strategies. I was pretty impressed and bought the verbal online course that very day. The course, whatever I have been able to complete till date has helped me tremendously. I will not further elaborate on course as enough has already been said as to how helpful the course is in helping students, especially non-natives.

I would like to specially mention the strategy used and taught by e-gmat, as it has immensely helped me in my preparation for GMAT not only in verbal but also in Quant. In the recent mock test that I gave, I scored a Q47 & V34, which is equivalent to a 9 point improvement in verbal in 15 days and a 4 point improvement in Quant. In conjunction with e-gmat, I have been using Grockit for practicing and it has played a vital role in my preparation.

I have been maintaining a Flash Diary instead of cards as diary seems more manageable. I have been thoroughly reviewing all wrongly marked answers. I have still not started GMAT Review and am planning to go through it once I had reviewed all the concepts once. I have been studying for Verbal and Quant for alternate days, planning to do 1 topic each day, studying for approx 3 hours each day.

Even though my score has improved but there is still a long way to go in a very short duration. I hope that my review will be helpful to some of others GMAT takers. I will appreciate any suggestions which will help me further improve my score.

Thanks in advance!!!

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May 01, 2015

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When i gave GMAT the first time i was scoring around 740 in the mocks and was sure to get a good score. But when i received a mere 640, It was a huge shock to me. I came home & immediately signed up for this course. My quant was ok.. but fared very badly in English. To tell the truth... i hardly understood SC. I mugged up the rules and applied them wherever i could. But this course made me see SC in a new light. I could understand sentences in a way never before, without even trying, i could easily make out the verb, the subject, the modifier, the clause..... it never felt so easy... i haven't given GMAT again yet... but i already feel so confident...

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May 01, 2015

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Improvement 50 Points

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Egmat verbal online course is very detailed and I have improved a lot in my mocks by following the egmat videos. The videos are listed topic wise and each has a pre assessment quiz as well as a post assessment quiz which evaluate our understanding. The solutions to the post assessment quiz each contains a video which explains the step by step process on how to solve each problem. This course also contains IR videos which explain the different concepts and ways to attack them. I would recommend this course to anyone who wishes to improve their verbal score. I am very happy with egmat verbal online course.

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