May 12, 2015

Joined: Nov 10, 2014

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Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Trekking is to train , Picnic is to entertain and a correct path is to gain.
When I made up my mind to appear for GMAT , I started looking for a resource and it all started with random google search.It gave couple of sources to move forward with but it also gave different path to reach to one goal.This in-turn led to go through different material and finally the gain was not accountable. Out the these resources, I got a chance to attend e-Gmat online session. After the end of first session I was surprised with the way e-Gmat team conquer GMAT preparation. Proper guidelines, hitting on exact target and the simple approach makes the preparation enjoyable.

The one best thing e-Gmat provided me in my preparation is "enjoy while prepare" and being a non native I consider this the best thing which I acquired to prepare for GMAT.All credit goes to e-Gmat team who dedicatedly works to help us achieve our dr

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