e-GMAT GMAT Course Reviews

Everything you need to ace the GMAT

e-GMAT is the world's most reviewed company whose students have delivered 10x more 700+ scores than students from the average GMAT Club Partner. e-GMAT truly understands the test and the test taker and accurately creates personalized GMAT journeys for students, whether they start with a score of 300 or 600, and helps them achieve 740+ on the GMAT.

Created by Four out of the GMAT Club's Top five experts, e-GMAT is a unique combination of proprietary methods in Quant and Verbal. To ensure that you excel on these methods, e-GMATs' xPERT AI personalizes your learning and provides real-time feedback that can quadruple your chances of success and help you save up to 120 hours while preparing.

Finally, e-GMAT also gives you access to strategy experts who will help push your score to 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT 

  • GMAT Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Forum Support
  • Hyper-Personalized Improvement Plans
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT Mentors


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e-GMAT Course Reviews

e-GMAT Online Focused
 $399  $199
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e-GMAT Online Intensive
 $599  $299
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e-GMAT Online 360
 $799  $399
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Most Reviewed e-GMAT Instructors

Payal Tandon
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Rajat Sadana
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Krishna Chaitanya
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Shraddha Jaiswal
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2772 Reviews
4.7 Average
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July 25, 2014

Joined: Sep 29, 2013

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Kudos: 0

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I registered for the e-gmat course after my first attempt. I was not happy with my score, and decided to take up some guidance because in my first attemp I saw self study helps but you need to have a tutor to guide you and give you the confidence.I found my tutor in eGMAT. I have been going through its SC course and its pretty awesome. Now I don't choose the correct answer but I eliminate the wrong ones. This approach gives me assurance on my answer and boost for other questions coming up. Similarly, CR course is also helpful. Though, I am still facing issues in Assumption question but I am sure with help of eGmat i can handle it.

To conclude, I would recommend all starters to enroll for this course as it will definitely save your time.

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July 24, 2014

Joined: Aug 01, 2013

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Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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i took my GMAT test for the first time in aug 2013. i crashed heavily and was disheartened. my verbal score was very low. then i subscribed to E-Gmat.
The E-GMAT course starts with basic level and moves to advanced level. you go through each section and score a minimum to let the next level of the course open up for you. you feel confident with each section you complete. from the dashboard of the course you get an overview of your performance and can easily make out the level you have reached and it gives you a drive to work harder to achieve the bet score.
each topic is arranged to a level of difficulty.
also the examples in the audio visual lectures are so precise and well explained that they get deep into your mind and you never commit the same error.
the course is structured in such a fashion that you never get bored or stop studying. the feel of improvement and betterment lets your drive alive.
i feel this course is a must for every GMAT test taker.
today i feel very confident and my understanding of verbal questions has improved a lot. i owe all the improvement to the E-Gmat course.

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July 22, 2014

Joined: Dec 12, 2013

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Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I came to know about the verbal on-line course via friend of mine and I found it really useful. It helped learn about the concepts related to SC, CR and improve my thought process in order to crack the questions for these sections. Not to mention that RC section really helped me get to keep being curios enough to seek what may be lying in the next section.
This course has helped me to crack the questions and presently I am finding a lot of improvement with in myself since the time I started the course.

Really helpful course for verbal section :)

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July 22, 2014

Joined: Aug 29, 2013

Posts: 3

Kudos: 1

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Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

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I enrolled in course in January after scoring 23 in verbal in my GMAT attempt in November '13 and saw my verbal score improve to 32 in mocks (though scored 28 in next attempt in early March "14 ). I read theory files till now sans application files ; the e-gmat course has so much to offer to improve your verbal score - Specially recommended for Non-natives who do not have required training in standardized testing. I intend to complete to complete the course to increase my verbal score to sub 35- level , which would help me to get the optimal GMAT score . I regularly attend verbal live sessions which are very helpful to clear any doubts . E-gmat Team is very helpful and easily accessible for query .

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July 20, 2014

Joined: Nov 06, 2013

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Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I have registered for the e-gmat Verbal online course this January 2014 after giving my first GMAT exam. I was not happy with my low Verbal score and finally decided to take up E-GMAT Verbal Course.
E-GMAT is an excellent source for Verbal. All the concepts tested on the GMAT exam were covered.

The best part is
SC - The modules are very well structured and content wise very good.It Covers the key areas and the E-GMAT 3 step process to solve a SC question makes you feel confident.
CR - PreThinking Concept in CR's helps you to analize the passage/Argument given and a perfect approach to find the right answer.
RC - The RC module can help speed up reading long passages by a great extent. It is a must if one is aiming a 40 plus score in verbal section in quick time

Overall, I feel that the e-GMAT verbal online course is a really good course and do recommend it to the GMAT takers !!
I hope everyone, finds success in GMAT with E-gmat.

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July 17, 2014

Joined: Jul 17, 2014

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Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

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I was hitting a plateau after self preparing considerable time for GMAT. I couldn’t get beyond certain level in Verbal. Then I thought I need professional guidance and resource. There were lots happening about e-gmat in gmatclub. I am regular use of gmatclub though wasn’t a member. There were lot of positive reviews especially from non-natives. I myself being a non-native thought about giving it a try. The very first material for SC emphasized the importance for process. And in subsequent Live sessions Payal stressed it again, even if you cannot finish things in time, don’t skip the process. 1. Process 2. Practice and then comes 3. Time management. I realized my mistake once I get complex questions I use to skip the process and I couldn’t go beyond the plateau. They have process & approach for every type of questions in each section. Once you master the process then gmat verbal is done. Provided their Study Schedule gives you an opportunity to be organized in the preparation, unless you don’t have personal or professional obstacles. At last they have excellent customer support team as well.

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July 12, 2014

Joined: May 14, 2014

Posts: 10

Kudos: 4

Self-reported Score:
720 Q50 V38

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

I scored a 700(49,36) in GMAT and decided to retake the test an year later. I had kind of stagnated in verbal and hence was looking for a test prep company that can focus on the core skills and take me beyond. Took a free session in e-gmat. Was impressed by the logical way in which the instructors approached the section. Immediately registered for the Verbal live prep. I actively use the online content and have found it out to be of very good quality. I'm more confident of my verbal now. Hopefully it pays in my GMAT test next month.

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July 10, 2014

Joined: Jan 04, 2014

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Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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After wondering through various sites and forums for the good GMAT prep course I came across e-gmat.
The most difficult part of an online course is to figure out whether it will be a right fit for you. Most of the courses provide limited free access, so that a person can get a look and feel of their material. But for me that was not enough. Thanks to E-gmat that their limited access is good enough to make up your mind without any ambiguity. They not only provide free trial for SC, RC & CR but also to some of their Webinar sessions.
webinar on boldface was an amazing . It taught a very simple and effective approach to tackle complex looking bold face CR passages.
This strengthen my trust in E-gmat and I finally purchased their Verbal Online Course.
RC was my biggest pain area. I was able to manage a descent score in RC but I was taking more than average time to solve a passage. I went across many books and read lot of articles on forums but none of the techniques worked for me. But e-Gmat course is Superb. Their step by step procedure to comprehend a passage and techniques to get completely engross in a passage really clicked .
Their SC explanations, especially breaking the sentences into clauses, helped me to solve some complex SC questions like a charm.
Highlights for this Course :
1) a very nicely knitted course structure and plan.
2) Extensive explanation of some difficult rules in a simple and clear language , advantage for non Natives, backed by practical explanations on some Questions, is outstanding.
3) Pre and Post Assessment Quizzes, are the quantifiable measures to access one's progress on a topic.
4) SC technique to break down complex and long sentence into small clauses and then analyze for the correctness of a sentence makes SC piece of cake.
5) Prompt response to your queries.
After Applying E-gmat's techniques I could feel a drastic difference in my verbal practice score from 25- 28 to 36 - 38 V
I wish if e-Gmat team can add some more practice questions in each section, then it will act as one stop shop for GMAT verbal practice. Hope E-gmat team will work on it.
I strongly recommend e-gmat to all the students who are looking for an enhancement in their Verbal Score.
All the best friends with your preparation.

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July 08, 2014

Joined: Jan 27, 2014

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Kudos: 0

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

I took this course sometime in Jan, 2014. Was very skeptical about an online course. But e-GMAT course proved otherwise. It is very useful for all non native speakers. Even though I haven't given my exam yet, I can see a tremendous improvement of 8-10 points in Verbal.

Software used for the training is pretty fluid. Instructors are knowledgeable. Approach is very structured.
The best part that I liked about e-GMAT is that for any given question, instructors not only explain why a given answer choice is right but also explain why a given answer choice is not right.

It is very important to know why an answer choice is incorrect.

I would suggest e-GMAT for all non native speakers especially SENTENCE CORRECTION.

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June 27, 2014

Joined: Dec 20, 2013

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Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Krishna Chaitanya

Location Online

The e-GMAT verbal live prep course exceeded my expectations. Course (including study plan) is very well laid out. Concept files include detailed explanation of every topic with examples. With all the application files, you can practice the process learned in concept files. Live sessions are very engaging and helpful. Also the recordings available allowed me to take the course within my schedule. My favorite part is the workshop, which not only helped me focus on my weaknesses but also gave me a strategy to improve. And no doubt the staff is very helpful and active in replying to the queries. I highly recommend anyone taking the GMAT to take e-GMAT Verbal Live prep course.

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