July 25, 2014

Joined: Sep 29, 2013

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Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I registered for the e-gmat course after my first attempt. I was not happy with my score, and decided to take up some guidance because in my first attemp I saw self study helps but you need to have a tutor to guide you and give you the confidence.I found my tutor in eGMAT. I have been going through its SC course and its pretty awesome. Now I don't choose the correct answer but I eliminate the wrong ones. This approach gives me assurance on my answer and boost for other questions coming up. Similarly, CR course is also helpful. Though, I am still facing issues in Assumption question but I am sure with help of eGmat i can handle it.

To conclude, I would recommend all starters to enroll for this course as it will definitely save your time.

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