e-GMAT GMAT Course Reviews

Everything you need to ace the GMAT

e-GMAT is the world's most reviewed company whose students have delivered 10x more 700+ scores than students from the average GMAT Club Partner. e-GMAT truly understands the test and the test taker and accurately creates personalized GMAT journeys for students, whether they start with a score of 300 or 600, and helps them achieve 740+ on the GMAT.

Created by Four out of the GMAT Club's Top five experts, e-GMAT is a unique combination of proprietary methods in Quant and Verbal. To ensure that you excel on these methods, e-GMATs' xPERT AI personalizes your learning and provides real-time feedback that can quadruple your chances of success and help you save up to 120 hours while preparing.

Finally, e-GMAT also gives you access to strategy experts who will help push your score to 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT 

  • GMAT Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Forum Support
  • Hyper-Personalized Improvement Plans
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT Mentors


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e-GMAT Course Reviews

e-GMAT Online Focused
 $399  $199
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e-GMAT Online Intensive
 $599  $299
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e-GMAT Online 360
 $799  $399
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Most Reviewed e-GMAT Instructors

Payal Tandon
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Rajat Sadana
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Krishna Chaitanya
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Shraddha Jaiswal
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2772 Reviews
4.7 Average
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May 31, 2015

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

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this is a great quant course for gmat. course is detailed and has a lot of questions with varying levels of difficulty. The advanced tests are of great help.
course has all 5 sections of quant
1. number prop
2. algebra
3. geometry
4. stats
5. adv topics

all sections are hreat but a special mention to the number property section. This is extremely detailed and helps build the right foundation that is required to answer such questions.

algebra section is also great. the graphical approach to solving inequalities is extremely helpful.

geometry section also covers all topics

overall an amazing product to help you with your GMAT quant!

good luck!

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May 30, 2015

Joined: May 15, 2015

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Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

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Amidst many prep course out there who boasts a lot about their course material , sound promising initially and fail to deliver results ,Egmat stands out by making realistic promises .I have read the CR bible and Manhattan SC c and always felt something was missing and that was application of what i learnt .Egmat helped me bridge that gap for me . The course and content are highly structured and leave no room for doubts . This is one of the best investment of time and money that i have made over a long time .The classes are highly interactive and do not have the slightest doubt that online classes could be less interactive ,the classes are more interactive and productive than the classes i attended at Princeton for over 4 months . VLP is highly effective and helpful if verbal section happens to be your weakness .I highly encourage and recommend GMAT aspirants to attend their free session to get the Feel of how the classes work . I enrolled myself for VLP after my first class and now i have subscribed to QLP . That should explain .

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May 29, 2015

Joined: Sep 11, 2014

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Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I am an Indian with 3 years of work experience who decided to give my GMAT in August 2014. however as soon as i attempted English mocks i realized i needed help. I am a Physics graduate so apart from core accounting my maths was pretty okay but English needed major improvement. I am a banker by profession which means I spend more than 14 hours in office. weekends are also sometimes devoted to finishing off official work. thus without any scope to join a live class i decided to check out online courses. I joined the GMAT clubs official GMAT prep course. now this is the best what money can buy in terms of variety and depths of questions but I needed someone to teach me English fundamentals as well. that's when I heard of e-gmat. the course is well balanced with each of SC, RC and CR broken down into small snippets. i completed the video classes soon and started giving timed tests. from my 1st test in which my efficiency was 38% to my latest one in which my efficiency was 80% i saw my huge improvement. the eGMAT Scholaranium- is also a huge benefit as the analytic's guides you in all areas which need improvement.

For all the non natives who are struggling with English I would suggest keeping things simple. there is a lot of free material available out there but most of it is incapable to help the candidate in any meaningful way. i decided to stick to only gmat club official prep tests/mocks and e-gmat, both because they have de cluttered the path to scoring well on GMAT especially the verbal section .

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May 28, 2015

Posts: 45

Kudos: 4

Self-reported Score:
710 Q50 V36

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

Hello All,

It's been 2 months since I started preparing for my 2nd attempt of GMAT. I scored 650 in my first attempt last october with V34,Q47.

The reason I could not score decent in quant was mainly due to the fear of exams I have somewhere in the back of my head.However, the reason for not scoring well in Verbal was mainly because I didn't know how to handle CR, RC or SC questions at all. In my first attempt I kept practising questions without devising any strategy or actually understanding the patterns in verbal questions. I kept making the same mistakes in the same areas in SC without any hope for improvement. It was not until my verbal score of 34 in actual GMAT when I realised I needed help in Verbal.

I read the reviews of all the courses available and the one that stood out was eGMAT's Verbal course. I sent an email to Rajat with the issues I had been facing and my expectations from the course. I got the response in couple of hours with the details of the course that would suit my requirements.

With the hope of doing well, I joined the VLP course. I have completed all the modules with couple of quizzes left in each one and I must say that I could have never solved a verbal question with such methodical approach eGMAT explains.

In SC, the difference in the usage of As and Like, the if..else framework, verb -ing and -ed modifiers were eye openers for me.

I used to be scared of bold face CR questions in my first attempt and after going through the videos in CR module I actually enjoy doing the bold face questions. My accuracy in CR has improved tremendously.

The videos in RC module have helped me understand the approach that should be taken to answer each question correctly within the time.

And above all this, eGMAT's pre-thinking approach has helped me frame an answer in my mind even before I look through the answer choices.

I gave GMAT PREP2 last week and scored 750 with Q50, V41. I hope that with the understanding I have gained from eGMAT VLP course, I will maintain this score in all future tests and of course in my actual GMAT.

I can’t wait to explore eGMAT's newly launched scholaranium 2.0.

Thanks eGMAT :):)

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May 28, 2015

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Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Whilst I am still preparing for my GMAT , this course is very helpful in enabling me to absorb the vast amount of material out there. Between my full-time work and family responsibilities, making the most out of the short time you have is crucial- and egmat verbal course does just that.
The sentence correction part is broken down into understandable sub components, which enables easy comprehension. The breakdown of complex sentences allows one to arrive at the answer in fairly short amount of time. While I am yet to try out the reading comprehension tutorial , the renaming components are defitley worth the subscription cost.

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May 28, 2015

Posts: 14

Kudos: 0

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Payal Tandon

Location Online

I am a non-native English speaker and I used to find it difficult cracking verbal section from the beginning. I tried MGMAT and other sources to improve my Verbal skills but I never felt comfortable cracking the exam. I visited GMAT club one day and started reviewing the courses available online as I needed best course available in the market and it should be available online. E-GMAT came as life savior for the requirement I was looking for. I started falling in love with the SC material, the concept files, practice files & detailed explanations. This course not only helped me to over come my worry about verbal but only improved my analysis skills. I learned focusing on meaning for SC. E-GMAT course provides information on where to focus to solve questions and how to identify the conclusion when it comes to CR. This helped me to quickly analyze CR passages and pre-think the answer before analyzing the answer options.

Overall, it is a great tool and it relieved me from my worry that will I be able to overcome the verbal part in GMAT section

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May 28, 2015

Joined: Sep 24, 2013

Posts: 5

Kudos: 5

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Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I started my preparation 2 years back.
I took up a Manya Princeton course in bangalore, I ended up with a 620. Being very dissatisfied with the Verbal teaching, I was looking everywhere to build upon on my verbal, i had got a V27.

I took up the verbal online on @e-gmat, I must say I have never come across such organized and quality material which actually convinces you that the GMAT verbal is less about the English and more about logic. This idea is also portrayed by Veritas. First and foremost the PRE-Thinking in CR is a game changer, if you get a hold of it you can crack GMAT. My approach towards the E-Gmat content was good initially, but later i slacked a bit. I was overwhelmed by the content made available to me, and since I did not sign up for the Live Prep, I kinda lacked the execution skills for all the content given to me on the live prep. To this day I regret not having attended the live session. Realizing this I went onto sign up for the Live Prep to help me build my basics and practice, but sadly I was unable to attend even a single session due to some personal issues.
I want to mainly shed light on my 2nd attempt even after I took the course my score dint improve, and trust me I DO NOT attribute my failure to anybody but myself. I realized no matter how much knowledge I have, If I cant execute it well, there isnt much use, so instead of blaming coaching companies after failures I kept my faith and re invested in E-GMAT, I noticed, my failure areas are mainly due to lack of focus, stamina and concentration. If I had practiced my verbal skills a little longer I would've cracked the GMAT, but I hurried and screwed it up. This time I am going to use E-GMAT again, because they were kind enough give me an extension due to me not using my account for over 3 months, after subscribing. I have always had the winning formula with me since the begging I only failed to execute it. I look forward to some support in cracking the GMAT from Payal/Rajat and others this time. hopefully I post a great debrief soon with a V41 ! Thanks @e-gmat !

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May 27, 2015

Joined: Nov 28, 2014

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Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Six months back when I was looking for ways to improve my verbal score, I had exhausted all my resources and having spent quite a lot of money on the exam and related preparation, I was pretty down on cash and resources. But I was determined to take another shot @ the exam.
After reading a lot of reviews I chose the verbal online course.

After taking the course,I can say that I am more confident in selecting/rejecting answer choices .

The rules and ways to attempt the question have been very helpful.

Pros of this course:
1. Very detailed and slow paced online videos to understand each concept with Summaries at the end.
2. Follow up quizzes to test our understanding.
3. Articles and discussion on how to tackle tough questions by applying the same process taught in the course.
4. Scholaranium - a huge collection of questions to prepare and analyze your mistakes.

As this course is quite exhaustive, a certain level of dedicated time is required everyday to finish the course and make the max use of it.

I am a non native English speaker, so this level of detailed explanation certainly helped me improve.
Use of Logical structure and prethinking concept for CR, breaking down paragraphs and summarizing technique for RC, and understanding the meaning strategy for SC were very helpful.

Finally if a detailed process and explanations are required, this course definitely provides them.

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May 27, 2015

Joined: Aug 04, 2014

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Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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The verbal online has been an excellent and useful platform to prepare the verbal part of my Gmat. This course helps me to understand the main concepts of the verbal part (mainly SC) and to improve my overall knowledge of the verbal part. The videos and multimedia material have been fundamental for my Gmat learning and practice. I have tried many other GMAT courses in the past year and I feel that the only one that really helped me improve, mainly in SC, was the E-gmat Verbal online. I think it is perfect for non native speakers because it explains very clear and detailed all the rules that are usually hard for non native.

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May 27, 2015

Joined: May 07, 2015

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Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

I recommend e-GMAT course help me a lot with my study. The course is extremely effective and has many materials that can help you improve your knowledge about the test. I started using the e-GMAT in Nov14 and I had many materials to improve my studying. I research many others schools but I find e-GMAT with very good cost and with many materials. Additionally, the course give you access to Gmat Club Test and 800score that have the practice test and shows you where your weakness to you are study where you really need more attention. So I believe is a very good choice for a course.

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