Comprehensive School Package Reviews

MBA Prep School’s faculty of admissions experts work with a select number of clients each year on a comprehensive or hourly basis. We also offer essay editing, resume editing, and mock interview consulting services. See what's included in the Comprehensive Package
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April 22, 2014

Posts: 2

Kudos: 1

Exatrordinary Consultant

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I worked with Daniel J. on my Stanford and LBS application and got into both schools! Daniel is an experienced and trustworthy consultant. He is very responsive (I usually get feedbacks to my essay drafts within 1 day), very good at story-telling (he always helps me see my own stories from a different yet much better perspective) and has a good sense of humor (very important too if you need to spend hours talking to your consultant every week!)

Daniel insisted on spending a lot of time going through my stories, experiences and strengths before I started to look at essay questions. This process turned out to be one of the most important steps in my MBA application because it helped me select my brightest achievements and also helped me to examine my past experiences (extremely important for Stanford applicants!)

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March 03, 2014

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Kudos: 5

Tyler Cormney - the best of the very best!

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Tyler Cormney, the co-founder of MBA Prep School, is absolutely amazing, the best of the very best! No words can really describe how thrilled I am about our work together and the awesome results, but I will do my best. Not only did I get into the school of my dreams (and others I applied to), but also learned a lot about myself and what future life- and career choices I should pursue.

Coming from a finance background, and with some considerable weaknesses in profile, I knew I was up for an intense competition but wanted to get into a top program (think Harvard/Stanford/Wharton). Given my age and professional category, I didn’t want to leave anything to chance or have a single regret. For this, I needed THE best MBA admissions consultant, who would work as hard as I would and help me create absolutely rock-star applications. You have to have full confidence in your admissions consultant and in entrusting your fate in this process in her- or his hands. You can’t compromise on quality here – the process is just so competitive. You need someone who is as invested as you are in your success.

I first came across Tyler Cormney, and MBA Prep School while doing a thorough diligence and speaking to several consultants. His application philosophy, and the organized and comprehensive MBA Prep School application process, appealed to me a lot. Most of the consultants out there looked good on paper, and sounded encouraging. However, among all of them, Tyler really stood out by his unique background in both business (incl. Harvard Business School MBA) and creative writing training. Excellent track record and reviews written by his former clients, and a great impression from our introductory conversation (where he shared valuable insights and we connected on an interpersonal level), ultimately convinced me to embark on my “MBA application journey” with him. I signed on for a multi-school comprehensive package. This was the single best decision I made in the MBA application process!

As said, I had (very) high expectations, which Tyler instantly started exceeding. We spent weeks doing an extremely organized and comprehensive review of my background (in line with MBA Prep School methodology) and designing application strategy, which produced stunning material for the “real fun” later – essays, application forms, supporting recommenders, and interviews. Right away, I saw that I made a great choice. Tyler was extraordinarily responsive (still don’t know how he manages to turn stuff around and answer emails so quickly and so thoroughly!). He drew exactly the right information from me – often stuff I would not have considered important, but through his creative and experienced eyes, he saw how the dots connected into something powerful. From an “ocean” of content, step by step, week after week, we described the real “me” at my very best. It was completely personalized – nothing “cookie cutter” or “fitting into a template.” He got to know me inside out, remembered everything, pointed to connections and themes I didn’t see myself, and in the end I knew what my “story” had to be.

It quickly turned out Tyler is not (just) an “MBA admissions consultant,” or advisor. Tyler became way more than this – a confidante, a strategist, and really a friend. He was there to help on anything, and no matter what – incl. GMAT strategy and answering my last-minute frenetic emails at light’s speed. Already at that stage the Skype calls we had and emails we exchanged counted probably in hundreds, and their content could fill a new thick novel or memoir on MBA applications. Tyler keeps you on track with timing and process, sends emails reminding of upcoming deadlines, and I can’t even count how many times he “rescued” me by squeezing rush (and voluminous) work in his schedule to save. Whenever I needed something extra, he was there to help by making personal sacrifices and squeezing work into my mad schedule and deadlines. In fact, he over delivers both on timing and on quality. Working with him, you’re fully confident you’re with the best pilot and on a seat in the “private jet.” And I really, really admire his superhuman patience, kindness, and authentic friendliness!

What happened once we started work on the actual applications was simply a masterpiece. I had read reviews from excited clients about Tyler’s creative writing knowledge, and what I experienced first-hand was way greater than I had even expected. Having survived MANY revisions of outlines and “first drafts” (again – immense kudos to his incredible patience; you can tell by reading this review that I like to say it all...), we started producing applications, which evolved from decent in my first draft to extraordinary (after Tyler’s editorial suggestions and our countless Skype discussions). Whenever I thought my work was already great, and felt satisfied, Tyler proved it could be taken to the “next level.” When I opened a file coming back from him, I couldn’t help but say “woooow.” We never stopped until it was all perfect. And this applies to absolutely all items of my MBA application – essays, data forms, resume, guidance for my recommenders’, and absolutely every, tiniest detail. Upon submission, my applications were holistic, school-specific (Tyler knows the nuanced differences between schools) and presented an authentic 3-dimensional picture that I felt very proud of. At the interview stage, his help was just as fantastic, and the preparation equally brilliant. The call(s) from AdCom saying I was accepted are the ultimate proof!

It’s not only the quality Tyler guarantees, and the outstanding output which results from working with him, that makes him so special. It’s also the attitude, and the 1000% dedication in client’s success, like it was his own. It is my biggest pleasure to wholeheartedly recommend Tyler Cormney and want to say with total confidence that however gruelling the MBA application process might be, embarking on it with him makes it a completely different experience – to the point you can even enjoy it (I’m not joking). I’m heading to the business school of my many-year-long dreams, filled with joy and knowing it is due to TYLER that it happened.

THANK YOU TYLER, you are the best!!

- Top-3 MBA, class of 2016

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February 24, 2014

Posts: 11

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:

740 Q49 V42

Great Experience with Chris Aitken and the MBAPrepSchool Platform

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I interviewed several consultants and would recommend any MBA applicant to do the same. Ultimately the rapport and personal fit between you and the consultant is most important as you will spend a lot of time working together and will need to be comfortable opening up about your strengths and weaknesses.

I immediately appreciated Chris’ fair, honest feedback. He was comfortable being critical and asked a lot from me, but was always diplomatic when bearing bad news. For example, he convinced me to write the GMAT a second time, and rewrite essays numerous times.

I found the introspection necessary for strong essays difficult, but Chris asked the right questions to find great stories, recognize new value in my experiences, while rightly convincing me to disregard others. His advice was substantive, constructive, personalized, and actionable from day one.

It was also very important to me that Chris was always available to help, whether calling me from the airport after I sent him a stressed out email or pulling late nights as I put final pieces together last minute.

In addition to Chris’ consulting, the structure that MBA Prep School’s online platform provides was key to my success. They have effectively compartmentalized self-reflection, and turned the application into a step-by-step process that is much more approachable then staring at a blank word-doc.

Also, Chris was able to leverage the expertise of the rest of his team for their school specific experience, and varied creative writing styles to help me get into my dream school. Additionally, Chris opened his own personal network to help answer career focused questions I had.

Chris truly went above and beyond what I expected from a consultant, acting as a friend and mentor who was truly invested in my success. The value Chris provided far outweighed the cost. Because of Chris’ help I will be attending Columbia Business School, but more than that, conversations with Chris helped me identify and solidify my long-term goals such that I am confident that I will get the most out of my MBA experience.

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January 23, 2014

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Review for Tyler Cormney

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The business school application process can be daunting, including the process of choosing a consultant! Tyler stood out to me because of his extensive experience and more importantly RESULTS. Tyler came highly recommended by friends who were successful as a result of his help. During my initial consultation, I appreciated that Tyler was realistic about my candidacy. I felt like he saw possible pitfalls and solutions that other consultants missed.

I was not disappointed. In regards to my essays, Tyler was able to help me pick apart major events in my life and narrow in on an interesting theme, which I believe helped me stand out from the pack. Not only did he provide great advice on the application, but he also provided a much-needed push when I started to get worn-out. I felt like he was personally invested in helping me get into my dream school, Harvard Business School! Make an investment in Tyler. You will have the peace of mind of knowing that you are putting your best foot forward with your applications.

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January 16, 2014

Joined: Dec 10, 2013

Posts: 3

Kudos: 6

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Tyler is worth it!

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I come from a fairly traditional/over-represented background (2 years of banking, 3 years of private equity) and I was concerned about my chances of being accepted into HBS or Stanford. After interviewing 7 different admissions consultants, I selected Tyler for a couple reasons: (1) some of my close friends had used him in the past and had nothing but great things to say [and had also gotten accepted], and (2) I felt like Tyler would be someone that could help me create a unique, personal narrative unlike some other consultants who like to squeeze all their clients into a pre-determined mold.

Regarding point 2, I would say that Tyler has exceeded my already high expectations. Tyler guided me through a step-by-step process to bring out my most relevant / interesting / unique stories and helped me craft them into powerful narratives in my essays. He is disciplined, responsive, and in particular, his attentiveness almost made me feel like I was his only client.

If you come from an over-represented background and care about crafting a unique story that still represents who you really are, PICK TYLER!

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January 06, 2014

Joined: Aug 02, 2013

Posts: 2

Kudos: 1

Transforming experience with Esther Choy and Faisal Khan at MBAPrepSchool

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I’d like to start by saying that I am very hesitant to refer to Esther Choy and Faisal Khan as admission consultants. I see them more as mentors and partners that are indispensable in my quest to gain admission to top MBA programs.

Almost everyone who chooses to go through the grueling MBA admission process is motivated, disciplined, and has a successful track record. What differentiates one candidate from another is the way he/she conveys messages. Esther and Faisal helped me to build a compelling and genuine story throughout this process.

Esther started off the process by story mining, refining, and more refining. She constantly pushed me to look beyond the norms and examine myself more thoroughly. I ended up learning more about myself than I ever did. At the same time, she was very careful with not putting words in my mouth, so what I presented to the admission committee was truly my voice.

The next step was to put together an engaging story that resonates. This was where Esther’s gift in storytelling and Faisal’s incredible writing skills came in. Esther started with the basics such as the structure of stories and the art of what to leave out, which made an ordinary event sounded much more interesting and engaging.

While Esther taught me how to communicate effectively, Faisal focused on how to communicate more efficiently. I was amazed by Faisal’s ability to cut down a lengthy essay to something that was very concise without losing its character. The essays demonstrated truly who I am rather than a façade tailored to the MBA admission. Their guidance was instrumental in helping me to convey a powerful message to the admission committee and securing a position at one of the top MBA programs.

However, an acceptance letter from a top MBA program is hardly the most valuable thing that I’ve gained through working with Esther and Faisal. I’ve learned through this process how to communicate effectively and efficiently, and how to connect to my audiences through powerful storytelling. This is something that will benefit me for the rest of my career.

I would highly recommend Esther and Faisal to anyone who is seeking a transforming experience, and who is looking far and beyond the MBA admission process.

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October 22, 2013

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Extraordinary consultant!

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With little more than three weeks to apply to my three dream schools (Kellogg, Tuck, Yale SOM), I had very little room for error and no time to waste.

Insert: Tyler Cormney.

After a speed dating rotation (i.e. free 30-minute trials) with the most highly recommended MBA consultants available, I signed with Ty believing he could provide something I just could not get working on my own. I could not have been more right!

Ty is an extraordinary coach. From the moment I signed on, I felt that he was as invested in my success as I was. With such a tight deadline, it was invaluable to have a counselor whose feedback I trusted wholeheartedly. Ty’s advice is the product of having worked with hundreds of applicants, and I felt the value of it through every step of the application process.

As a “career switcher” into brand management, I specifically appreciated Tyler’s guidance in crafting a detailed career goals plan. He helped me identify my transferrable skills, coached me through informational interviews with professionals at various levels of their marketing careers, and even put me in touch with his own contacts!

In three short weeks, Tyler motivated me through his entire process of approaching MBA applications. When I finally pressed “SUBMIT”, I was confident that I had put the best “me” forward in my applications and I would have no regrets regardless of outcome.

As Ty has often reminded me, “It’s not where you begin, it’s where you finish.” In hindsight, I know exactly how different my application would have been with and without Tyler’s help. I feel so blessed to have made the choice I did to work with Tyler Cormney.

- Kellogg, Class of 2015 (with scholarship); admitted to Tuck and Yale SOM

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August 13, 2013

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Kudos: 0

Chris - A fantastic guy

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Chris is a fantastic and marvelous guy. We had lengthy discussions on how to frame the answers and he never really bothered about the time we spent. In this process, he ensured that we come up with the best answers. He worked well beyond his role of an advisor and a consultant and helped me more as a friend and a well-wisher. Chris also prepared me well for the interviews and ensured that I give strong responses. In addition, his coaching was insightful and effective. It was great working with him and I really enjoyed the interaction. I applied in the third round deadline, yet due to Chris’s strong inputs, I was able to make it to my dream school. I would not hesitate to say that the credit for my admissions to Stanford, Yale and London Business School goes to him.

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June 19, 2013

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Great Experience - Highly Recommended

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I used Tyler Cormney this past year and only have the best things to say. As a someone reapplying for the second time, I knew the process well and just needed a knowledgeable external party who could take a look at my essays and general application. Tyler gave specific and actionable feedback with a very short turnaround. Initially I was hesitant to use a consultant given the costs but it was well worth it.

Tyler was responsive, friendly, professional, and most importantly, he genuinely cared about seeing me admitted. His feedback helped to tighten up my stories and improve the flow of my overall application. He also raised some bigger questions that I could later go back to and resolve myself. Overall, it was a huge value add and I would recommend him to anyone (at any stage of the MBA admissions process). I am thrilled to be heading to Stanford in the fall - thanks Tyler!

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April 11, 2013

Joined: Apr 11, 2013

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Lorraine Tong helped me get into Wharton!

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Should you apply in round 1 or round 2? If you still can’t decide after reading all the MBA blogs and forums, go with the round for which Lorraine still has capacity – she’s that good. Having applied to b-school on my own before, I’m certain Lorraine’s guidance and MBA Prep School’s systematic approach to the application process are what got me results this time around.

My background:
• Top 10 UG business school, 3.6 GPA, 710 GMAT
• Non-traditional career path at little-known companies, solid international exposure
• Limited leadership experience outside of work

Never would I have thought I could get into Wharton with those credentials. Applying to Wharton was Lorraine’s suggestion. I thought she was crazy, but I’m very glad I trusted her, as I’m going there this fall.

My favorite things about Lorraine:

1. She only takes on a few clients each round and is deeply invested in every one of their applications.

2. She can help clients find dimensions that are truly unique to them because she 1) spends a lot of time getting to know them, 2) listens well, and 3) has good instincts. She saw value in things that seemed very trivial to me but really captured who I am and probably made me more memorable to the ad com.

3. She has an uncanny knack for finding the common thread among seemingly unrelated bits and pieces. There were a lot of things I wanted to communicate to the ad com. Without a strategic approach, I would’ve come across schizophrenic. Lorraine helped me figure out my core identity, thus enabling me to weave the different components of each application into one compelling narrative.

4. Her diverse experiences (corporate/nonprofit/creative) and knowledge of many different industries translate into her ability to help clients 1) best position what they’ve done and, 2) clearly define what they want to do after b-school. I struggled with the latter, but under Lorraine’s guidance, I was able to transform a vague vision into concrete goals and articulate how an MBA could help me achieve them.

5. She gets the nuanced differences among top schools. The information I gathered on the schools were a lot to digest. Lorraine helped me isolate the unique characteristics on which each school prides itself, characteristics applicants must understand if they want to craft targeted applications that demonstrate fit, which is critical. If you work with Lorraine, you won’t be doing much recycling/copying & pasting.

6. Like a good personal trainer, she will motivate you until the very end, past writer’s blocks, burnouts and breakdowns, and the point where you just want to submit what you have and “get it over with.”

7. She is very understanding. As a former MBA student and seasoned consultant, she gets how exhausting it is to apply to school while working and how frustrating it is to sit in front of the computer for hours only to write two sentences. She kept me sane and focused when I wanted to pull my hair out.

8. She is punctual with calls and quick with feedback.

9. She is a cool person with a good sense of humor and a quirky personality. Very easy to talk to.

10. She loves what she does.

No Lorraine, no Wharton. I <3 Lorraine!

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