October 22, 2013

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Extraordinary consultant!

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With little more than three weeks to apply to my three dream schools (Kellogg, Tuck, Yale SOM), I had very little room for error and no time to waste.

Insert: Tyler Cormney.

After a speed dating rotation (i.e. free 30-minute trials) with the most highly recommended MBA consultants available, I signed with Ty believing he could provide something I just could not get working on my own. I could not have been more right!

Ty is an extraordinary coach. From the moment I signed on, I felt that he was as invested in my success as I was. With such a tight deadline, it was invaluable to have a counselor whose feedback I trusted wholeheartedly. Ty’s advice is the product of having worked with hundreds of applicants, and I felt the value of it through every step of the application process.

As a “career switcher” into brand management, I specifically appreciated Tyler’s guidance in crafting a detailed career goals plan. He helped me identify my transferrable skills, coached me through informational interviews with professionals at various levels of their marketing careers, and even put me in touch with his own contacts!

In three short weeks, Tyler motivated me through his entire process of approaching MBA applications. When I finally pressed “SUBMIT”, I was confident that I had put the best “me” forward in my applications and I would have no regrets regardless of outcome.

As Ty has often reminded me, “It’s not where you begin, it’s where you finish.” In hindsight, I know exactly how different my application would have been with and without Tyler’s help. I feel so blessed to have made the choice I did to work with Tyler Cormney.

- Kellogg, Class of 2015 (with scholarship); admitted to Tuck and Yale SOM

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