School Package Reviews

mbaMission believes in its package approach; this flat-fee option gives you unlimited brainstorming assistance, ongoing feedback and advice and as many revisions to your essays, resume and other elements of your application as you feel you need to craft the most successful application possible. Here we outline our Complete “Start-to-Finish" package—a comprehensive process that has proven to yield results.
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April 22, 2022

Joined: Jul 26, 2020

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GSB Admit - The best consultant out there

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There are truly no words to describe how wonderful it was to work with Krista. She took what was originally a stressful, daunting and complicated process and made it simple. Krista is organized, knowledgeable and strategic -- she took time to learn exactly about ME, and then helped me craft a thorough application at each school that both stressed my strong-suits and the elements that each school cares about. She was also a pleasure to work with -- she was enthusiastic, kind and responsive. She goes above and beyond for each of her clients, and is a true supporter of the people she works with. While some other consultants I interviewed started to pick apart the weak parts of my application, Krista was only constructive and strategic.

In the end, I received an admission offer at my dream school: Stanford, in addition to Wharton and CBS. This is in large part due to Krista -- she help me show the AdCom the real me. She's a wonderful partner and champion in this process -- couldn't recommend her more strongly to anyone going through this process.

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April 22, 2022

Joined: Apr 22, 2022

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q49 V42 (Online)

Thoughtful, caring, and brutally honest


Katy is someone whose judgement and advice I fully trust. Since we started working together, she made the effort to fully understand me as a person. I went into our first brainstorming session with a series of disjointed experiences and Katy helped me identify the best parts and form a cohesive narrative. As I started sharing essay drafts, her feedback reflected a deep and specific understanding of the schools I was applying to. At one point, she gave some blunt feedback that I felt was exactly what was needed.

The whole process can also at times be an emotional rollercoaster. She was there to support me every step of the way, including when she advised me to make the difficult, though ultimately right, decision to postpone my application to round 2.

I was accepted to my top choices, including HBS and MIT. I honestly believe that I would not have had this outcome without her support. If you get the chance to work with her, it will be one of the best decisions you make!

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April 19, 2022

Joined: Apr 19, 2022

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Kate is amazing!

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I spent a lot of time and effort researching Admissions Consultants and was lucky to find Kate before she was completely booked.

As someone with a busy schedule who is struggles with procrastination, it was incredibly helpful to have Kate there to keep me on track and ensure that I put my best self forward. She helped me with dozens of revisions and always made herself available to talk through any of my questions, doubts, and concerns. With Kate’s help, I was able to clearly convey my story and future goals through compelling essays.

I worked with Kate on three of my five applications, which resulted in two acceptances (full-tuition merit scholarships to Yale SOM and Tuck) and one waitlist (Wharton). I leveraged what I learned from my experience with Kate to apply to Haas and Ross, which resulted in two additional acceptances with merit scholarships.

Kate was invaluable throughout the application process, and I don’t think I would have had the same outcomes without her.

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April 17, 2022

Joined: Apr 17, 2022

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q47 V44

Harshad is truly one of a kind. His abilities as an amazing MBA consultant start with the genuine care he has about your life, your career, and your pursuits in the short and long term. Through the questions and discussion Harshad and I had, I felt he truly understood my background, the academic, professional, and personal decisions I had made in my life, how important an MBA was to me, and how these all fit into the story of my life.

Because he took the time to truly understand who I am, Harshad helped me tell extremely compelling stories about my life and make them shine in my application in ways that I couldn't have done on my own. From full length essays, to short answers, to the resume, to interviews, Harshad gave me a fantastic structure to approach the daunting task of an application. He helped me take the accomplishments, values, and stories from my life and use them to represent myself well to the admissions committee.

I was so impressed with Harshad's ability to help make my essays concise yet powerful in delivery. Time and again through several revisions, Harshad found ways for me to hit my word count, organize ideas in ways that make sense, and convey the core of my message in response to the essay prompts. Harshad is an amazing essay writer and editor, the best I have ever met or worked with. I was similarly impressed with his communication and work style. Harshad's reviews were not only thoughtful and thorough, but timely as well: I received prompt edits and comments on my essays, and they always contained extremely valuable guidance with no fluff.

It is because of Harshad's mentorship through every step in the process, from school selection to requesting recommendations to writing essays to interviews, that I can proudly say I have gotten 110% out of my MBA application experience. That is exactly the feeling you want to come out of this process with.

And it is because of Harshad that I can proudly say I've been admitted to Kellogg!! Harshad has enabled me to achieve a long-standing career goal and dream of mine, as I know he has done for many before me and will undoubtedly do for many who come after. He has truly been a great friend through this process as well, and has been reassuring without sacrificing honesty and trustworthiness; this is an incredible skill and one that few have. If you are pursuing an MBA, you will truly make the most of your opportunity by working with Harshad. His services are worth every penny (and more)!

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April 13, 2022

Joined: Mar 18, 2021

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q49 V45

I am an Indian male with a management consulting background. I have limited extra curriculars. My biggest challenge was standing out among the extremely competitive Indian consulting cohort.

1) Julie-Anne is super clear and frank. She encouraged me to apply to a mix of dream, reach & target schools given the competitiveness of cohort. This turned out to be a solid bet as I got 2 amazing admits & 2 waitlists out of 9 applied schools!

2) Julie-Anne brainstormed with me to understand my entire life journey and interests. She understood me as a person which helped bring out stories from my backpacking experiences, specific assignment as a consultant, my passion for music that truly brought out me and helped me stand out in my application

3) She was extremely invested throughout the process. She created resources for resume creation, form filling, interview prep, attending events, networking in schools etc. that made the whole process simple. Her nudges on networking in schools ensured I was well bonded and had a nuanced understanding of how the schools fits with my journey and vica versa. This along with her amazing interview prep guide + mock interview ensured I had amazingly smooth interviews (despite getting a hostile interviewer in some cases). Even on resume, her nudges made my resume stand out (an ad com at a school I got admitted to highlighted how my profile stood out due to that and full credit to Julie-Anne for it).

4) Julie-Anne is not just a consultant, she is available even when you're panicking or worried. E.g. In my 4th/5th application I was starting to lose hope and steam. This started to reflect in my output. She had an honest chat with me about how I was feeling. This nudged me to keep pushing and write authentic + specific stories for all!

5) She has a high bar on each doc. On some schools, she continued to push even though through several iterations to get a clear goal story, why the school, specific experiences/reflections from me. I credit both my admits to this, my applications wouldn't have been half as good without her push!

6) She has amazing clarity on the culture, approach, things to look out for in each schools. This combined with how well she understands your story results in amazing brainstorming sessions where you know what you should speak about in the application!

I would urge you to work with her with your eyes closed. By far the best admissions consultant you can work with!

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April 13, 2022

Joined: Apr 13, 2022

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
770 Q51 V42

Julie-Anne helped me land my dream school GSB!


My background is fairly "vanilla" for a finance candidate - 2 years IB BB, 2 years private equity, econ grad. Given how difficult it is to stand out in the finance crowd, I knew that good essays were key to getting into my top choice schools.

Julie-Anne was 100% essential in helping me craft my stories and dig deep into who I am and what I want out of my career. What I appreciated was her honesty - whenever something worked, she pushed me to dig a level deeper, and whenever it didn't, she told me upfront that the story would not work. I ended up scrapping several ideas I started with, which looking back was absolutely the right move. Furthermore, she showed a level of detail and care in every piece of my application that surprised me - for example, having gone through banking and private equity recruiting, I'd thought my resume was polished and good to go, yet Julie-Anne pointed out several spots I could improve my phrasing and highlight my leadership and responsibilities. My resulting resume was at least 2x stronger.

I applied in R1 and was initially waitlisted at Stanford; I knew the chances of getting off the GSB waitlist were very low, but wanted to give it my best shot. Julie-Anne was extremely supportive in helping me draft my waitlist updates and offer career advice throughout. I ended up getting into GSB in R2 and was also accepted to Wharton with $$.

I highly recommend Julie-Anne to every applicant - not only is she a fantastic consultant, but she is also the most wonderful mentor and cheerleader throughout the process. I could not have asked for a better experience; I owe getting into my dream school to her!

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April 13, 2022

Joined: Apr 13, 2022

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A No Brainer - Hire Rachel Beck!

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After interviewing countless MBA consultants, I knew Rachel was the right fit immediately. Thankfully, my gut was correct as she ensured I got into my dream Business school - wharton.

Being an untraditional candidate, I was desperately seeking help on how to craft my background into an appealing story for admissions. Through my brainstorming document, Rachel expertly wove together my experiences into an attractive business school package — extricating finance, marketing, and leadership skills I could not have recognized myself.

Rachel’s background as an MBA herself, an alumni admissions interviewer, and a journalist is the triple threat that makes her the best MBA consultant. She requires hard work from her clients and pushes them to the next level by offering unhindered, sometimes tough to hear, feedback. In my time working with her, I could sense her complete passion for my process that served as my guiding light.

It was a pleasure working with Rachel and I couldn’t recommend her services more highly.

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April 13, 2022

Joined: Apr 13, 2022

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
660 Q48 V34

I would not have gotten into business school without Rachel!!


I found Rachel through a friend of mine that used her services in the past. I had heard such great things so I decided to meet with her and I felt that she would be able to help me reach my goal of getting into business school. I was right; Rachel helped me get into 3 out of the 4 schools I applied to, including my dream school!

I was terrified to start the application process but Rachel made it so much easier and helped make sure I made the deadlines. I was really struggling with the GMAT and her suggestion to take the Executive Assessment was a real game changer. She also really took the time to get to know me and help me craft a compelling story for my applications. It was great to know that I could reach out to Rachel with any questions or concerns I had during this stressful time and she was always quick to answer and put my worries at ease. The mock interviews we did were so helpful and made me feel prepared going into my actual interviews.

When I told Rachel about my acceptances, she was as excited as I was! She is so knowledgeable about the admissions process and is such a genuine person. I am so grateful for her help and I would recommend her to anyone looking to apply to an MBA program!

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April 12, 2022

Joined: Apr 12, 2022

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A decision you won't regret!


As a South Asian woman with below average standardized test scores and years of work experience, I knew that achieving my dream of attending a top MBA program would be an uphill battle - that’s where Harshad came in. Harshad helped me navigate the extremely daunting task of applying to top MBA programs and was there to support me every single step of the way.

Harshad is extremely organized, highly knowledgeable and tremendously structured in his approach with all his clients. In addition to being a fantastic editor, Harshad has a deep understanding of what admissions committees look for and helped me craft a very compelling story which highlighted my strengths and mitigated my weaknesses. I genuinely appreciated his direct feedback on my essays and at times when the entire process felt overwhelming and emotional, Harshad was always there to support me and lift me back up again. Towards the end of the application process I came to see Harshad not just as my MBA consultant, but also as a mentor and a friend.

Harshad truly changed my life by helping me and my twin sister get into our dream school, Wharton. I highly recommend anyone looking for a consultant especially those from South Asian backgrounds to choose Harshad - it is a decision you will not regret!

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April 11, 2022

Joined: Aug 25, 2020

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Krista & mbaMission were AMAZING

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Used a package service with Krista and got in nearly EVERYWHERE, including Stanford GSB, Wharton, and Columbia. She knew the ins and outs of every school and their applications, made the process as stress-free and fun as possible (grueling as it was), and the worry I'd previously had that I was missing something, somewhere, went away because I was confident Krista knew everything. She was also fun, kind, generous, energetic, and I felt like she was really rooting for me throughout. Finally, she especially helped me apply to CBS on a time-crunch, which turned out really well. Couldn't recommend her more highly!

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203 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for mbaMission
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