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April 24, 2019

Joined: Jul 22, 2018

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q51 V39

Couldn't have done this without Kate


Kate is the perfect mix of professionally capable and personable. I have an unconventional background and short WE which made it challenging to apply to top 20 schools. Kate was very patient in the early stages when I was trying to figure out how to tell my story. Here are the things I was impressed by later on as we delved in the application process:

1. Documents: Kate was such a big help in my resume and essay drafting. She really helped me phrase things in a non-technical way without losing their significance. She offered a fresh perspective on the dos and don’ts for business school application for a young applicant who’s only been in the technical field. For my essays (on average 2 essays/school x 5 schools), she made detailed editing and gave valuable input on re-wording, themes and ideas of each essay. I easily went through at least 3-4 drafts with each essay. Kate thoroughly looked through them and responded to my comments on every single draft. The thing with essay writing is, even if you’re extremely savvy in business jargon and good at writing, it’s still nice (& necessary) to have someone else’s perspective on your essays because you should never assume other people (Adcom) would react to what you write the same way you do, and this is where consultants who know how Adcom thinks come in. I got interviews to ALL BUT ONE school I applied to, which I could’ve never done without Kate’s help.

2. Content: Kate is REALLY thoughtful and efficient in her communication. For example, I’d tell her my concerns, and she’d respond with her take on the issue and multiple solutions to resolve the problem. This pattern persisted all the way from September to April, from drafting essays, attending events, to selecting letter writers, communicating with schools, and then to waitlist strategies and negotiating scholarships! Even when I didn’t ask, if she had material that she knew would be of help to me, she’d send them to me. She takes client’s concerns seriously which I appreciated. Kate also doesn’t beat around the bush if something does not look right. She gives honest, direct and constructive feedback every time. Remember you’re paying thousands of dollars for quality, which is content in the most efficient way possible, and Kate lives up to that expectation.

3. Timeliness: Kate never failed to be responsive. This is something I was really touched by. Around the Holiday seasons when according to mbaMission schedule or her vacation, she didn’t need to respond to any emails, she swiftly responded to my inquiries (not document editing) because a lot of R2 deadlines were right around the corner. She had in mind the schools I was applying to and understood my priority. This is not to say that you should submit documents and expect her to edit them for you when she’s on vacation! The fact that she checked her email AND RESPONDED with thoughtful feedback within a day really showed that she cared, and I appreciated that.

I'm very happy with the result and glad Kate was there throughout the whole thing. Highly recommend Kate for those in need of guidance along the way!

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April 24, 2019

Joined: Jul 06, 2018

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Kate knows how to present you!

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I was a little late in the game as I only started the process in August. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to work with Kate throughout the process (brainstorming, essay editing, interview preps and mocks, etc). She was very good at identifying my strength and right stories to tell. She was very responsive and always offered good ideas. As an international student with an OK GMAT (730), differentiating my profile was the key, and she did a great job on that. I was admitted to Booth!

If you are trying to differentiate yourself in application, I highly recommend Kate! She will exceed your expectation!

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April 12, 2019

Joined: Feb 27, 2018

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Self-reported Score:

Confidence Inspiring

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Harshad and I started working together in August and he helped me through two rounds and applications to seven schools. I can honestly say this feat would have been impossible without him. Fundamentally, he is a warm and kind person who has just the right touch of honesty and pragmatism to keep you focused on what really matters. He is extremely efficient and is more than willing to help you under tight deadlines, which for me was crucial in round 2 where a number of deadlines were back to back. His approach helped me discover a lot about myself and he really pushed me to dig deep and develop unique and interesting ways of defining who I am within each school's vastly different essays.

Harshad made me a better writer and helped me write great essays. He never injected his voice into my content, but simply helped flush out my own ideas in compelling narratives. I felt confident that my essays were the best I could have done and I am not entirely sure what that peace of mind is worth.

Best of all, Harshad's hard work helped me get interviews at every single school I applied to, which was a difficult feat given my competitive but not stellar GMAT.

Four admits, two waitlists (hopefully admits), and one rejection (after an interview) later, you could say Harshad was worth every penny. I am still deciding between two of my dream schools (both in the top 10) and I know I wouldn't be in this position without Harshad. I would highly recommend his consulting services to anyone.

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April 11, 2019

Joined: Jun 10, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q45 V44

Awesome experience with Jen!


Working with Jen was both a very helpful and enjoyable experience. She is definitely a pro in this field and working with her was worth the cost. In total I spent 10 hours with Jen on two applications. We started with brainstorming and narrowing in on which stories to tell. From there she reviewed outlines and multiple drafts of multiple essays, in addition to helping me refine my resume tremendously. I was impressed with how she kept all my essays very focused when I'd stray or ramble a bit- we ended up developing highly effective and efficient essays. Jen is also very responsive to emails and just genuinely pleasant to interact with. Ultimately I was accepted to both of my top European schools with scholarships. Thanks again Jen!

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April 06, 2019

Joined: Mar 23, 2019

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Best advice

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The application process is awful, but you have to commit to it. It’s nearly impossible if you don’t have a support system that’s pushing you, encouraging you and supporting you. Harshad is incredible. In the midst of all the self-doubting, he’s there to remind you why you are embarking on this journey. He gets you excited about the prospects, and with it, motivates you to put your best application forward. He’s incredibly wise and his advice has been unparalleled to anyone else I’ve spoken during this application process. He is able to shape your story in a way that makes so much sense that you wonder how you didn’t come up with it yourself — that’s how natural it flows and that’s a huge + in applications. His tips on crafting the story and guidance on the daunting essays are truly what helped me get to where I am now. I would not be where I am now without Harshad. He is so excellent at identifying which schools would be a good fit for you. If you have decided to embark on this MBA journey with all the potential loans in the future, this initial investment is essential. You will not regret it. There are so many consultants out there, but I can honestly say that this is was the best experience and I could not have imagined having to work with anyone better.

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March 29, 2019

Joined: Mar 29, 2019

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V41

Admitted to HBS and Wharton


I initially did a free 30-minute consultation with Katy. She was very helpful during our chat so I ended up working with her further after that. There were two parts of my application she was extremely helpful with. The first one was brainstorming ideas around what my essays should be about (I applied to HBS and Wharton, and HBS has a notoriously vague prompt). She helped me decide which parts of my story would be interesting to highlight and which parts not so much. Having a third party (Katy) who was great at identifying best parts of my candidacy and working with me to highlight them was invaluable.
The second aspect Katy was extremely helpful with was interview prep. Katy did an amazing job helping me practice my interviews. I had talked to some friends who had previously gone through the interview process and the advice I was getting from them was stressing me out. Katy calmed me down and helped me practice for these interviews. If you end up working with her on your application process, make sure she is your main source of truth for the interviews and not some friends who might’ve gone through the process. As she told me “everyone attributes their success to different parts of their application/interview, it doesn’t mean they are right”. If I were to do the process over, I would practice my interviews with Katy and maybe one more trustworthy friend.
Overall, Katy really knows what she is doing and I would highly recommend her. I ended up getting into both HBS and Wharton and am Boston bound this fall!

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March 21, 2019

Joined: Mar 21, 2019

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Katy made it happen!


As a career academic and Latin teacher transitioning into sustainability management, I was not your typical MBA applicant. I was making a major career shift and I’m confident that, without Katharine’s guidance, I would not have had the success I did. In just the initial consultation, Katharine helped me create a focused and direct action plan. She guided me through the creation of a narrative that both highlighted my achievements and captured my personality.
Once the applications were in, Katharine led me through mock interviews and the development of an elevator pitch. She boosted my ability to speak with confidence and clarity about my goals. Before interviewing for USC Marshall—to which I was recently accepted!—Katharine provided me with resources for both school-specific and general information and advice. Currently, I’m waitlisted for NYU Stern and Katharine continues to provide support and aid from reviewing update emails to admissions to creating a game plan to get off the waitlist.

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March 19, 2019

Joined: Nov 18, 2017

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Dan Richards - Highly Recommended

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I was referred to Dan by a friend and used him on an hourly basis for my applications. He was absolutely fantastic throughout the entire process. He was always honest (which I really appreciated), helpful, and responsive. Dan molded my essays and made them that much more detailed, poignant, and meaningful. For my resume, Dan transformed what I thought to be a polished resume to a business school resume ready to be submitted. Throughout the revision process, it was clear to me that Dan's suggestions and feedback were worthwhile to my entire application. Dan consistently set realistic expectations and guided me through a constructive timeline. In the end, I got into my top choice, and I know that I could not have done it without Dan's help. I would recommend him to anyone interested in applying to business school.

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March 03, 2019

Joined: Mar 03, 2019

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q47 V45

Highly recommend Jen at mbaMission


I highly, highly recommend Jen Kedrowski. After working with Jen, I got accepted into Columbia! She was an amazing consultant and partner throughout my entire application process. I worked with Jen on two applications on an hourly basis, and also practiced for one of my interviews with Jen. I was able to work on two applications with fewer hours than I expected because Jen was so efficient, and every call was productive. She gave excellent advice and feedback on each piece of my app, from resume to essay to interview. In addition to having incredible experience to help me improve every aspect of my application, Jen personally was always encouraging and supportive and an absolute pleasure to work with.

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February 27, 2019

Joined: Feb 27, 2019

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
640 Q39 V38

Still Valuable Despite All My Research


I attended a mbaMission webinar about Harvard Business School's 2+2 program. It was a fairly small group (less than 10 people) and it was at 9PM but Jessica Shklar was able to keep the presentation engaging and relevant. She provided specific examples to show the differences between a strong and weak essay. She was extremely attentive to the specific group's needs by answering all of our questions.

I felt like she was able to provide immense help to my application despite the fact that I had done an extreme amount of research on the MBA admissions process at Harvard Business School, especially the 2+2 program. I decided to follow up with a 30-minute consultation with Jessica to discuss my profile. Within that half hour, she was able to help me craft a narrative for my holistic application and even provided me with structural tips on my essay - without even reading my essay. She wasn't afraid to point out the weakness of my application, which I'm glad she did because I have heard of some admissions consultants who do their best to only make their clients happy. I wanted someone who was honest and catered to my profile, which she was able to do!

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