Manhattan Prep Live Online Reviews

There are higher standards for what defines a competitive GMAT score today. We have no magic formula, no silver bullet, no empty guarantees. Instead, we have three basic principles that separate us from other test prep: the best teachers, the most advanced learning approach, and a focus solely placed on the GMAT.
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4.8 /5 Average Rating
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Based on 140 reviews
April 06, 2016

Joined: Apr 06, 2016

Posts: 0

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q47 V44

Great Course No Matter Where You Are In Your Prep!


Improvement 60 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Instructor Stacey Koprince

Location Online

I signed up for this course with some hesitation for how much this would help me. I was scoring roughly around 650-670 on practice tests before beginning the course, with my goal just to get to 700. But man, did the course exceed my expectations!

The course does a great job of laying out what you should expect for the test, which is great for those with little to no idea what's on the GMAT. It takes you through each of the various question types for each topic, breaking down various strategies to approach each one. This is ideal as not everyone learns the same, so you can find the method best suited to you and your strengths. Even if you are familiar with the GMAT or are scoring pretty high, the various tips and strategies will provide you with opportunities to bump up your score. Beyond just tips and strategies, it also provides the foundation of knowledge you will need to do well.

Stacey was a fantastic teacher who was both engaging and extremely patient. Even though you are part of a class, she makes the time to get to relate to each and every one of you and she is never to busy to help you out. She understands the concepts extremely well and delivers the class in an understandable and concise manner.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
March 16, 2016

Joined: Mar 05, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
590 Q37 V34



Improvement 90 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Instructor Ryan Starr

Location Online

I cannot say enough GREAT things about the Manhattan Prep Course. From the teachers to the content, the course is definitely worth every penny spent (and more). With the GMAT exam being so long and covering a lot of material, Manhattan Prep does a great job of breaking down the sections. The teachers not only know the material inside and out, but they're also always willing to take extra time to help the individual student. As long as you are willing to put in the effort, the Manhattan Prep course will definitely pay off.

There are so many courses out there to take, and although Manhattan Prep doesn't guarantee, I still decided to take the course because of the structure, broken-down syllabus provided, and the availability of the course content after the course is completed. Manhattan Prep thoroughly screens potential instructors, which is comforting going into a course knowing your instructor is one of the best in the markets.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
December 12, 2015

Joined: May 22, 2013

Posts: 6

Kudos: 5

A must for the Quant Section


Improvement 100 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Instructor Ryan Starr

Location Online

Its True: Manhattan GMAT provides students with the skills and strategies essential for success !

The course is very comprehensive given you the opportunity to improve your skills in each of the section tested on Gmat Exam.

The course is special good for the ones who want to improve the quant score - i notice that the mocks exams on quant section are harder than the real exam.

My improvement on quant section were from Q37 to Q47.

Notice that our score really depends on the work he put into studying plan. With discipline, focus, and a time, he can achieve our dream score.

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December 07, 2015

Joined: Feb 05, 2008

Posts: 1823

Kudos: 1154

Self-reported Score:
710 Q48 V38

MGMAT -- Excellent (but you can self prep)

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Improvement 100 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Location Online

Part of my debrief includes my feelings on MGMAT:

In a nut shell, learning as a 20+ something is much more difficult than learning as a 8-20 year old. The older you get, the more set you become in your ways (yes all ways), so if you have subconscious tendencies that are wrong educationally (math, grammar, etc.) it will be VERY difficult to get over those obstacles on your own. MGMAT puts a lot of emphasis to help you understand the "why" aspect of getting answers incorrectly. Obviously, a 1:1 is much more helpful, but the program does cater to this. The instructors are top notch, the material is excellent, but you as a student must invest the time to utilize these resources.

The flip side is self prep is possible, but you really need to invest the time to identify these tendencies and overcome them (the importance of the error log). No matter what you decide, the GMAT is a test that can be overcome, but you must invest in what your needs are (there isn't a one size fits all).

The class is well worth the money.

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November 23, 2015

Joined: May 05, 2015

Posts: 5

Kudos: 9

Verified GMAT Classic score:

Pretty good.


Improvement 100 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Location Online

Overall, I felt this was really good. I like how it was really organized with the lessons and homework planned out for you each week. I think I focused a little too much on the textbooks, though, whereas focusing on practicing actual GMAT problems was a lot more useful to me in preparing for the exam. The Manhattan questions, especially the verbal questions, were not representative of the actual GMAT questions, so I would recommend practicing with real GMAT questions as well. In terms of the quant, their questions were a lot harder than the actual GMAT questions so I guess it "over-prepares" you in a sense, but still I got thrown off during the actual test because I though I was doing badly when I was getting what I perceived to be "easy" questions (I ended up getting a 47 on quant, so not TOO shabby). Anyways, I ended up supplementing this course with Magoosh and buying real GMAT questions from GMAC, which I think helped me a lot. I also purchased the practice tests from GMAT Club. I ended up with a 690, and I think that was a result of a combination of different things, not just Manhattan.

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January 07, 2015

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Kudos: 0

Dedicated Instructors, Great Course Materials


Improvement 50 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Instructor Joe Lucero

Location Online

Initially had some misgivings about spending so much on an online course, but the format ended up working out really well for me. The 9 courses helped me to structure my studying initially, and then I used about 6 weeks after that to work on sections I was weak on and to really drill prep problems. Joe and Dejan were everything you would hope for in instructors--ridiculously enthusiastic and amazingly knowledgeable about the GMAT.

I ended up with a 730, which was a little below where I had been scoring in the official prep tests, but was still enough to get me into several top schools.

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December 31, 2014

Joined: Nov 17, 2014

Posts: 32

Kudos: 8

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V35

Excellent resource!


Improvement 150 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Instructor Mark Sullivan

Location Online

Manhattan GMAT has been a great help in preparing for my GMAT exam. I started way back in January 2014 and gave the exam in June. The live online course is a great way for professionals like me to prepare and secure a good score. Mark and Saxon were great in explaining the various concepts in verbal and Quants. The materials provided by MGMAT are the best resources one can have. Even though i started my main preparations after the live course ended, the materials and recordings helped me prepare to the best of my capability and secure a good satisfactory course. I would recomment this to anyone planning to take his/ her GMAT.

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September 21, 2014

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Kudos: 0

Thorough prep program focused on content


Improvement 100 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Instructor Whitney Garner

Location Online

Manhattan GMAT live online course was helpful in preparing me for the GMAT. The math matreial covered in the books is very helpful to review the basic concepts and also helps to give you problems to apply these concepts to from the Official Guide.

The syllabus and the quant books were most helpful for me. The courses were ok in helping to understand certain problems, but may not be worth if for all who are good at self-study (nearly all of the problems they go over in class have video answers stored online). Doing it again, I would just purchase the books and the online tests/Interact program and skip the course.

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August 19, 2014

Joined: Jul 13, 2014

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Great experience with the exception of CAT exams


Improvement 130 Points

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Instructor Brett Kimball

Location Online

Overall I had a great experience with Manhattan GMAT. I took a 9-week, online class with Brett Kimball, and actually enjoyed attending class sessions. He did a great job tailoring the class material to our level. I was very nervous about the "online" nature of the class beforehand, because I've never been great at learning off of a computer. However, the software MGMAT uses for the online sessions is truly fantastic, and I had no trouble remaining engaged in the course.

The course materials were incredibly comprehensive. I've heard of other people studying for the GMAT mix and matching materials from a variety of test prep companies, but I felt that I was 100% prepared with the materials that Manhattan GMAT made available.

One of the most worthwhile features of Manhattan GMAT, for me, were all the materials on the website. GMAT Navigator is a great program for answering prep questions, and the tools to analyze results/progress are really helpful. In addition, the online workshops are great for a deeper dive into a concept at your own pace. I especially liked the one for the Integrated Reasoning section. The question banks were also really helpful, as I was able to really ascertain what my mistakes were in regards to specific topics, and I was able to note what to make sure not to do when I saw those types of questions again. Finally, I found the online forum to be really helpful, especially since the instructors are very active in answering questions.

However, I feel that MGMAT could definitely improve its CAT exam experience, specifically with the Quant section. I found MGMAT's CAT exams' Quant section to be much harder than the real thing, and I ended up having a severe confidence issue with the test because of it. I probably ended up studying much harder and for the wrong topics because of the difficulty gap. I also wasn't able to practice timing properly as I was struggling so much with the difficulty level. I would have really appreciated if MGMAT would have been more upfront about the difficulty level of their exams, especially since I have heard of many people feeling the same way about their CAT Exams as I did. Otherwise, if MGMAT does not want to let its students know that its CAT exams aren't fully accurate, then they should fix the types of questions generated to make them more representative of the actual test. As a testament to this difficulty gap, my best score on a MGMAT CAT was a 720, but on the real thing I scored a 770 (which was comparable to my GMATPrep scores).

Overall, I wouldn't have been able to score as well as I did without the class and resources Manhattan GMAT provided. However, I do feel the inaccurate difficulty of Manhattan GMAT's CAT exams did hurt me in some way. Regardless, I do highly recommend Manhattan GMAT, but advise that when doing their CAT exams you keep in mind this point about difficulty.

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August 05, 2014

Joined: Aug 05, 2014

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Fantastic Course! Bit pricey but worth it


Improvement N/A

Course Manhattan Prep Live Online

Instructor Ryan Starr

Location Online

I took the Live Online course in preparationg for my first (and only) time taking the GMAT. The class was great - the teachers were engaging and they cover a lot of material. Manhattan GMAT itself has a lot of resources on the website: PDFS, flashcards, practice exams, forums, bonus questions, etc.. They honestly had more resources than I could use and I found the books and the timed practice exams extremeley helpful. I'm very satisfied with the course and my GMAT score - I took the GMAT 3 weeks after my class ended.

Overall, definitely consider taking a course with Manhattan GMAT - it's extremeley pricey (the only reason I'm giving 4 stars instead of 5) but it's worth it in the end.

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35 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for Manhattan Prep
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