Manhattan GMAT 9-Session In-Person Prep Course Reviews

There are higher standards for what defines a competitive GMAT score today. We have no magic formula, no silver bullet, no empty guarantees. Instead, we have three basic principles that separate us from other test prep: the best teachers, the most advanced learning approach, and a focus solely placed on the GMAT.
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Based on 419 reviews
February 22, 2013

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ManhattanGMAT is Wonderful!


I enrolled in a Manhattan GMAT course after my college recommended it. My instructor was extremely knowledgeable and made the three hour class very pleasant. The study guides Manhattan GMAT publishes were also very helpful.

One thing I would note is that it is very important to keep up with the homework between each class. I definitely would not have achieved a 740 without doing all the practice problems each week. Also, it is a good idea to give yourself a few weeks to study after you complete the course (I took 3 weeks) before you take the exam so you can really focus on areas you have trouble with.

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February 05, 2013

Joined: Feb 05, 2013

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I would highly recommend Manhattan GMAT because of the high quality instruction and materials.

I took the 9-week Manhattan GMAT in-person class in Manhattan, and my instructor was Jonathan Schneider. I was extremely impressed by Jonathan as an instructor, and I would recommend Manhattan GMAT because I would advise other students to take his class. Jonathan was enjoyable and engaging in class, and he clearly had a mastery of the material and cared about student success. I felt extremely lucky that I had such an effective teacher, and even though Manhattan GMAT came well reviewed, Jonathan exceeded my expectations as a teacher. Jonathan was responsive via email, was willing to meet with students before and after class, and even let me tag along with him during his lunch break right before my test to talk me through a difficult subject matter I had missed in class.

The materials were also excellent. It had been 10 full years since I had done any serious math, and my quant score increased by 20 percentiles.

My only complaint is admittedly selfish - I wish we could have spent even more time on the quantitative section. I walked in significantly stronger on the verbal section, however, the techniques taught in the class helped me a great deal even with the verbal section. I got a 700 overall score on the test, but that was largely on my verbal skills being even better than my math skills. I was glad that my verbal score increased significantly as well, but I wish there could be even more of the math materials taught in the class. That said, the course was excellent, and I was very satisfied with my experience.

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February 01, 2013

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Manhattan GMAT Course


I was looking for a GMAT course and I chose Manhattan GMAT after reading good reviews online. I couldn’t be happier with my choice. Working long hours in finance, I really had to maximize my studying in order to get a good score.

My teacher was Stacey Koprince. She is dedicated, communicates the material very well and makes the entire experience enjoyable. I had difficulties managing my time properly during CAT exams and Stacey gave me several good tips on the matter. Also, she helped me a lot on how to approach +700 questions within 2 minutes.

Manhattan GMAT books are very good. They cover the material efficiently and will provide you with great insight about the exam. Also, the CAT exams are great at spotting your weaknesses and working on your timing.

Overall, I had a great experience with Manhattan GMAT and Stacey is a Fantastic teacher. Thanks to them, I improved my score and got 700 on the GMAT!!!!

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January 12, 2013

Joined: Jan 12, 2013

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A rewarding course!


I like the course overall. The class was fun and engaging. As an ESL learner, I especially like MGMAT's SC book and the FOGV book. I like the way they teach Quant, but I do think it takes extra practice besides attending the course to ace the GMAT.

Additionally, I like MGMAT's student service. They are quick in response and helpful in terms of tailoring the course (time/location/make-up) and providing information that could be helpful not only to the GMAT but to the whole MBA application.

Finally, I scored 510(with 0 preps)for the first mock test, and three months later in a real test I scored 690, and another month later I concluded my journey of GMAT with a 740. I hope that is an encouragement to people who are on their way of beating the GMAT— don't give up, and you will get there!

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January 08, 2013

Joined: Aug 23, 2012

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Self-reported Score:
720 Q48 V40

720 - excellent!


I chose to use a prep course because I only had one shot at the GMAT before applying R1. I needed the rigor of a study schedule and accountability of classes (and money!) to force me to study.

My instructor was engaging and had been with MGMAT for awhile meaning he was excellent at addressing questions and leveraging different thought processes in the class to help us all learn. Example - I have a strong quant background (engineer) and he would call on me to answer a question when he knew I didn't have the right answer. This forced me to think through my process out-loud and learn where I went wrong.

Verbal prep helped me significantly with Reading Comprehension - my weakest area. I needed to speed up and the structure of how to read and answer questions was invaluable.

The online tools were probably the most helpful for me. Being able to track specific types of questions I was getting right and wrong along with time was key in my final week of self-guided study before the test.

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December 31, 2012

Posts: 2

Kudos: 2

Manhattan good for SC and math but lacking in other verbal sections

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I took the 9 week course and studied very intensely for a month after the course. I got a 540 on the actual GMAT exam because I scored well in the math with a 44. I started with a 37 on practice tests in math so I believe that Manhattan had good math strategy. However, Manhattan really lacks in the verbal section so I am going to look for another company before I retake the GMAT.

My verbal score on their exams really fluctuated with the highest being a 37 and on the actual exam I got a 21. Their SC section was good but just knowing that is not enough to bring up your verbal score.

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December 19, 2012

Joined: Dec 19, 2012

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Great Prep Course and Quant for Beginners


If you are a beginner in quant like I was, go for Manhattan GMAT - their strategy books are hugely helpful and give you a roadmap to learn what you need to knew. The online CAT assessments helped me identify my target areas. When I had a case of text anxiety and didn't do as well on my first exam, they did a one hour session with me to reset my study plan for the next exam. This really helped me zone in on why I didn't perform as well as I expected to on test day. They recommended I start taking tests in less comfortable atmospheres since test day would be a new environment and it really worked! I was very happy with my final score - 690 - which was my target score.

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October 18, 2012

Joined: Oct 18, 2012

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I truly believe I should be the MGMAT spokesperson


I've been struggling with the GMAT since I started in 2007. I took Kaplan paid over $5000, got a private tutor and did the whole course. The result on the official test was a 480 in 2008. Discouraged I gave up trying to take the GMAT. I hated the damn thing.

But about 1.5 years later I realized I needed to ask the GMAT out on another date. So I signed up for MGMAT. Again same story my diagnostic showed me scoring around 490, so I was kind of hoping for a miracle from my instructor and course. I worked really hard, did everything I could possibly do to get my goal of 660 or higher. I finally take the test and this time score lower than my first test, receiving a score of 470.

Now you can imagine how I felt. I just wasn't good at the GMAT. So discouraged again I contemplated giving up on going to business school. A month later without studying I took a practice cat exam at got a 530. So I'm thinking to myself, okay maybe their is hope. This motivates me to retake MGMAT, but this time online from 9:30-11:30. I work really hard and on my 5th session I'm like what the heck I got $250 to blow let me take the GMAT. So the weekend before Fourth of July, I take the test and get a 570. I'm like wow, I'm amazing.

So I finish the remaining of my course and decide in a few months I might try to retake it again or just apply to a dungeon business school. I continue to work hard and start reviewing my material over and over again. I decide that my score wasn't good enough to go to a top business school, so i promised my self i would take GMAT one last time. I schedule my test for sept 29th, which gave me a month to tweak my skills. I take practice test after practice test and I'm no where I need to be. I can't even break 600. The last practice GMAT prep test I take gets me a score of 530. This is one week going into the exam. But I told myself I worked too hard to not break a 660. So the day of my test, I tell myself to put it all on the line. I take the quant and it’s very difficult, I'm like great here comes another 500. I take the verbal and I feel better. Than it comes down to accepting my score. I hit yes and than the score appears. The score was kind of blurry because I had tears in my eyes. Here I am a grown adult tearing on my score. I got a 680, with a 50 on my quant. I'm like are u kidding me. I still feel like my official score will come back and say “sorry we made a mistake". It's just a relief to have closure. The scary part is I got in the 64% in verbal, a few more questions correct on that section I could of broken 700.

I promise I'm not thinking of taking the test again. But I can tell you with experience if I can go from a 470- 680, than anyone can be taught the GMAT. The structure that MGMAT has is not like no other. Everything you need to obtain a 800 is in the MGMAT curriculum. From the CAT Tests, detailed workbooks and forums, MGMAT does wonders. It just requires sacrifice and dedication.

If anyone needs any guidance please contact me, I want to pay it forward to anyone that wants hope. I'm sure some of you might think that my story is impossible. I'm just like you guys, seeing is believing. So i've attached a picture of my latest score report. Again, i'm more than happy to help anyone.

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October 06, 2012

Posts: 13

Kudos: 60

9-week course


The course focused more on verbal which I would have preferred Verbal since I feel that Quantitative is easier to teach oneself and I struggle in verbal. We did cover Sentence Correction in full detail. I wish more time was spent on CR and RC.

The instructor did a great job at being available before class to answer questions that I had. He also would respond to my questions by e-mail very quickly and even has followed up after the class. My favorite part of the class was the powerpoint slides with different problems as each one would be completely different and we'd learn how to approach them.

Overall, I feel that the class sometimes moved too slow. It may have been that no one completed the homework assignments so the instructor had to go over things that they should have read so class went by really slowly as students would ask questions pertaining to that. My score did not go up at all even though I completed all of my homework assignments, read all of the chapters, and did more than the expected practice CAT exams. I'm not sure what went wrong as I did everything to get a score increase.

I would recommend Brett as an instructor.

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September 05, 2012

Joined: Aug 29, 2012

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A serious course that's worth the cash


I was not excited about ponying up the cash but I am so glad I did. I was dragging my feet on the GMAT and this course a) got my butt in gear, b) made me familiar with each topic, c) broke down the importance of each area and d) made me familiar with test taking strategies. I took the class with Steven Jupiter who was fantastic and very no-nonsense (good approach to have for the GMAT!).

Steven was good for both topics but my main weakness was in verbal (Reading comp and critical reasoning) and he totally nailed it for me. I don’t know how else to explain it except that I went to his class, did some practice sets, and that was that.

Regarding Manhattan GMAT in general: I appreciated that they had simulated testing rooms, too, and a seemingly unlimited amount of resources. My only advice would be to grab the "road to the GMAT" at the very beginning of the course - it can assist in providing study tips. Again, can't say how much this was worth it - I went from a 680 to 750.

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129 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for Manhattan Prep
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