Magoosh GMAT Course Reviews

Magoosh provides online test preparation with hundreds of video lessons and practice questions that cover every topic tested on the GMAT.  You can study anytime, anywhere on your laptop, smartphone, or iPad. Learn by watching short video tutorials that are tailored to you based on your performance.

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Magoosh GMAT Course Reviews

Magoosh Math
 $219  $187
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Magoosh Premium
 $249  $212
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 $599  $509
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August 17, 2016

Joined: May 27, 2016

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q47 V44

Excellent Prep Course


Improvement 80 Points

Course Magoosh Premium

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About me: 31 year old attorney, native English speaker, decided to take the GMAT because I want to transition into more of a business role or industry.
I signed up for Magoosh after reading a few of the blog posts on the Magoosh blog written by Mike McGarry. The blog posts were substantive, detailed, and easy to understand. I had never heard of Magoosh before, but after reading Mike's posts and trying a couple of their practice questions, I felt confident enough that the $99 premium subscription would be a good tool and worth the price.
Initially, my quant skills were weak, so I started the course by watching the quant lesson videos and practicing my "number sense" as Magoosh suggested. I watched many of the videos more than once and read the related blog posts and did practice questions. The Magoosh content was thorough, coherent, and well organized.
Since my verbal skills are pretty strong, I didn't watch all of the verbal videos, but I watched the videos on topics I hadn't thought about in a long time and the videos suggested in the related videos section that was provided underneath the explanations to questions I got wrong.
Magoosh's emphasis on mindset and approach was one of the most helpful parts of the course. Mike really emphasized understanding the logic of the question and understanding the concept being tested rather than just trying to get the question right. When I changed my mindset from trying to get the question right to understanding the logic of the question and the logic of the test, my scores really began to improve.
With the help of Magoosh, lots of studying and lots of practice, my test day score of 740 was 80 points higher than my diagnostic score of 660.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
August 28, 2016

Thanks for the write-up! I'm pretty similar to you. Native English speaker, 31 years old, and I'm also pretty rusty with the math that appears on the GMAT. I'm finding Magoosh to be very good, but just out of curiosity, did you use any other materials in your study plan? Your score would leave me very happy with my performance. Kudos on that!

August 29, 2016

I also used the Manhattan guides, read a lot of the Magoosh blog posts and did their practice questions, and various materials put together and posted on GMATclub. The Manhattan materials were very helpful too and GMATclub is absolutely a great resource. They have comprehensive reviews on subjects like exponents and mixture problems and a huge problem database. I also googled all of the OG quant questions I missed and watched video explanations whenever possible.

August 29, 2016

Awesome. I'm following the 3 month plan, but I have a little extra time built in to go over Manhattan and other stuff. Did you purchase anything from Manhattan besides the books themselves to go through alone?

August 30, 2016

I took the 6 practice tests that come with the book. For more information on specific topics, I searched for it on GMATclub. I always carefully reviewed the explanation to every Manhattan quant problem I missed until I understood the concept.

August 31, 2016

Really appreciate the responses! Great score and good luck with everything in the future.

September 09, 2016

Thanks for your detailed review.
Just one more question about your experience: how long did you study? Did you follow the daily plan (just to understand how many hours you spent on it)? Thanks and good luck!

September 10, 2016

I studied for 5 months. I got a few extra weeks to study because the earliest available exam appointment I could get was a few weeks after the day I registered. If I had one critique of Magoosh, it's that the study plans are written in a way that's a little hard to follow, so I didn't really use them. I studied Thursday, Friday, and most of the weekend because I worked while studying. It varied a lot, but I put in anywhere from 3-8 hours a day and that includes taking full length practice tests. Good luck to you! :)

August 03, 2016

Joined: Jan 11, 2016

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
660 Q50 V30

Excellent Product for someone having a good background of English


Improvement N/A

Course Magoosh Premium

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Magoosh is an excellent product. The video lectures are really helpful and easy to access. The access of the material can be also done using your iPhone or Android phone.
The sections are well defined and very well explained.
Although, the Verbal lectures delved a lot into the grammar and terminology parts of things and I being a non-native speaker found it difficult to understand and ended up with V30.
The support was good and any doubts or questions were cleared within 24 hrs no problem.
Overall, the experience was good and I would also like to mention that I saw the AWA part in the morning on test day and scored 5/6 :).

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
August 02, 2016

Joined: Dec 01, 2015

Posts: 25

Kudos: 7

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V41

Top value in quant preparation


Improvement 120 Points

Course Magoosh Math

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Really excited to write my review of Magoosh's quant section. Overall, I can say with confidence that this product facilitated my final 740 score, including an improvement from Q40 to Q49. I will be limiting my review to just quant.


GMAT Prep 1 - 620 40/35
GMAT Prep 2 - 640 42/36
Started with Magoosh here. Before my next CAT I worked with its videos and practice questions for a solid month - ~40-50 hours
GMAT Prep 3 - 710 48/37
GMAT Prep 4 - 720 48/39
Official GMAT 1 - 620
Huge disappointment given where practice CATs were but performance largely attributed to nerves - lesson: plan on taking the test more than once. In terms of practice, I continued to drill and redrill the Magoosh quant questions - everyday whenever I had free time.
GMAT Prep 5 - 740 49/42
Goes without saying that this was a confidence booster.
GMAT Prep 6 - 760 51/41
Official GMAT 2 - 700 48/37
To this point my verbal had been unpredictable and I felt I got the "wrong" verbal questions. Still unhappy given my practice performance but breaking the 700s barrier was huge for my psyche
Retake GMAT prep 6 - 760 49/44
Official GMAT 3 - 740 (done!) 49/41

Magoosh quant is the complete package. I spent time watching all of the math videos and doing each of its 500+ questions.

The videos, narrated by Mike Mcgarry, offer deep explanations of every math concept tested on the GMAT. Mike is incredibly clear and grants you access to his brain, walking you step by step through each problem. The system focuses on fundamentals first then builds well on those fundamentals to some of the tougher concepts the GMAT tests. The format offers the type of flexibility that those of you with either unpredictable or simply demanding schedule would require. I work 70 hour weeks and enjoyed this. Additionally, every one of the 500 problems has their own explanation narrated by a Magoosh math expert and includes that experts notes. An extraordinarily helpful feature.

Comparative Value:

I found that this site writers dont do a great job of defining the differences between the variety of Prep products out there so the below represents a summary version based on my experience.

Magoosh vs. MGMAT self study -
Some people swear by MGMAT books and I know some people that have been very successful using them. I am not one of those people. The MGMAT books have a lot of material but I actually found them lacking in some detail and lacking enough relevant examples. The cost compared to Magoosh is simply not worth it in my view. It could be part of why the books read the way they do is because they are really meant for people who sign up for the class.

Magoosh vs. GMAT Club (cats)
GMAT Club CATs are tough, but they offer amazing insight into your performance. I actually view Magoosh and GMAT club CATs as complementary to one another. Where Magoosh offers excellent lessons and excellent practice questions, GMAT Club offers more realistic challenging questions and the ability to really pin down your weaknesses. The tests are the money.

Magoosh vs. OG Books

Obviously, get your hands on all the OG books for problems. For learning why questions are wrong/right, the books lack severely. Magooshs strength is the OGs weakness. Another complementary option.

Magoosh vs. Kaplan 800

Kaplan 800 was fine at best. Decent question bank but nothing too special. Not needed. Magoosh +OG+GMAT Club CATs would render this book useless.

Magoosh vs. Princeton Self Study
Princeton's question sets are a bit easier than the official GMAT and noticeably easier than Magoosh's. For its tougher questions, i found these questions to be quite dissimilar from the official.

For your CATs I would not recommend using Magoosh. They have some tinkering to do with their scoring system and the order of questions is not representative of the order on the GMAT. Note Manhattan CATs suffer from this issue as well (I achieved a 680 on Manhattan one week before my official 740!)

I hope this review helps!


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December 13, 2016

Hello there,

Thanks for a very detailed and insightful review. Do you mind telling me what material you followed for your verbal prep ? I am just starting out on the prep and your write-up gave me a pretty solid idea about where to look for the quant but would appreciate if you could comment on a comparison between different verbal material available and which one you think would be the best to go for. I have 2.5-3 months before I sit for the exam.

Faisal` .

July 30, 2016

Joined: Aug 18, 2015

Posts: 2

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
640 Q50 V26

My GMAT - 640


Improvement 40 Points

Course Magoosh Premium

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Magoosh Premium has been really helpful for study of GMAT. The video lessons are very understandable and Help tab is also very responsive.
- Easy to Use
- Many practise questions for Quant and Verbal
- Video Explanations for all the Practise questions and almost all OG questions
-They do not review your AWA Essays
- More IR practise questions needed

Overall, I would say Magoosh is recommended for GMAT prep especially because it is flexible to use by working professionals. For Quant, Magoosh is entirely sufficient, it has all types of questions and these helped be score 50 in Quant. But for Verbal, you might need extra focusif you are a non native english speaker. From my experience I advise everyone to complete all the Verbal questions from Magoosh and of coarse from OG , My failure to do so may have resulted in low Verbal score.

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July 26, 2016

Joined: Dec 05, 2013

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
710 Q47 V38

Magoosh helped me fulfill my dreams


Improvement 60 Points

Course Magoosh Verbal

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I have been struggling with the goat since a couple of years. Initially I got a score of 610. Even after months of preparation my score barely moved next time around and I could hardly get a score of 620.

Thereafter I took a long sabbatical and thought that I would never crack the goat however I gave an exam very recently and got a score of 650. Although I this wasn't the score I was hopping for, I was convinced that I could improve.

I brought the Magoosh verbal prep. Initially I felt that it was very technical as it used grammatical jargon. However I soon realised and this was pointed out by the professors also that we needed to focus on the concepts and not what they are called.

I started going through the concept videos. The sc module is really through. The strength of the course is also in its questions. I finished the hard and very hard questions across the three modules.

At this juncture, I would also like to highlight the help that I received from the support team. They helped me analyse my GMAT Enhanced report. There was a phase when my mgmat scores were declining. I turned to the core team for help. Finally in the last week, they gave a simple most important tio that I need to revise questions.

The result of sustained efforts and coaching was an improvement of the verbal score from34 to 38. My gnat score improved from 650 to 710. Thanks for making this happen!

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July 22, 2016

Joined: Oct 30, 2011

Posts: 14

Kudos: 1

Self-reported Score:
720 Q50 V37

Highly recommend


Improvement N/A

Course Magoosh Premium

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I would like to thank Magoosh Team for their incredible support and course!

I am a non-native. My last GMAT score was 630 (Q: 49, V-26). However, my simulation scores on the GMAT software were 710 and 730 so I believed that I could do better.

I used Magoosh for both Quant and Verbal but I spent 80% of my time on Verbal.

Sentence Correction Module: Covers all the topics quite well. I recommend that one use Manhattan Book along with the course. It covers basic as well as advanced modules.

Critical Reasoning Module: I went through the module and it summarizes everything for you. I find that for critical reasoning pre-thinking is the key so I worked on changing my approach whilst attempting the question.

Reading Comprehension: This is the first time I gave importance to RC as I always believed that this skill was something too hard to be improved. However, the module guides you how to attempt a question (Pre-thinking) and was very helpful in streamlining my approach.

Quant: I have never had any issues with the Quant and I believe that Magoosh's Quant section is very good if you are aiming at scoring high score.

Support: Their support is incredible!! You can't beat that! before this attempt, I used e-GMAT's support, which is basically discouraging and not helpful at all. e-GMAT would make you travel a mile before they even try to address your question. They would force you to post your questions on third party forums before they even look at the question. Having said that, e-GMAT's content is good but the support makes me feel that I don't want to deal with them for number of reasons.

Value for money: Can I give Magoosh more than 100%? Is so, then pick that number yourself!

Thank you,


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July 19, 2016

Joined: Dec 24, 2014

Posts: 100

Kudos: 53

Self-reported Score:
750 Q50 V41

Simple and effective product


Improvement 60 Points

Course Magoosh Premium

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Magoosh is a very simple platform that is equally effective. The dashboard gives you a comprehensive summary that tells you some of weak points, but also points out your strengths.

The number of questions that Magoosh provides is outstanding. I found the quantative section to be challenging (I was previously already strong at quant). The verbal I found to be very rewarding. Although not a perfect match for "real" GMAT questions, I think the point of the verbal questions provided by Magoosh was to teach and make certain points that are invaluable to test day success.

I absolutely recommend Magoosh to everyone! You can't beat the value.

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July 11, 2016

Joined: Sep 03, 2015

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V39

Very good course, the online videos were very helpful


Improvement 70 Points

Course Magoosh Premium

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I really liked the platfom. There are many practice questions for different levels and it is very easy to customize your study considering the amount of time you have per day or the type of question you want to practice.

One of the things more useful for me was the online videos from the verbal part. I could watch it on a mobile app and the tips & tricks given were very helpful.

Some points of improvement are:
1. Increase the amount of hard and very hard questions (both verbal and quanti)
2. Increase the number of full length practice tests and make tests that do not use the questions from the practice questions bank

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
June 26, 2016

Joined: Apr 17, 2015

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V38

Very handy and useful resource


Improvement 80 Points

Course Magoosh Premium

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Magoosh is one of the better Gmat prep resources out there in the market. It is very versatile and has a good UI. I am pretty sure it has one of the best value for money propositions out there. More than that I loved the way it handholds you through timely reminders and emails regarding important test information and motivates you periodically to login to the website and continue your preparation. Also with the Magoosh interface you will be able to understand your weak areas and strategically improve your score in a short amount of time. The timed tests gives you a close feeling about the tests the test environment. All in all, magoosh is an indispensible tool for all GMAT aspirants out there.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
June 21, 2016

Joined: Apr 15, 2013

Posts: 34

Kudos: 10

Self-reported Score:
710 Q47 V41

Best value out there


Improvement N/A

Course Magoosh Premium

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Loved the course. Went from 590 to 710(Q47 V41). 4 months of prep in between attempts. I finished the course by watching all the videos, answering all the questions, and watching all the videos on missed questions. I sent two emails to customer services while I had the subscription and they responded within 24 hours. This course along with the OG and manhattan prep books is all you need to be very successful on the GMAT. I know if I spent some more time with these 3 resources I could boost by score even higher. The score guarantee provided the assurance I was looking for (even though I improved by 120 points!). The "resources" tab in the program was also extremely helpful. The blog has a great many articles about test taking skills (I think these are available without the subscription as well).

This program should be your first move for GMAT prep. If it doesn't work out you can always pay $1,500 for a high end course. You can download apps on your phone for flashcards and videos, which allowed me to study during lunch breaks at work. Thanks to Mike McGarry and the Magoosh team.

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