Wilson Yeung Reviews

Company: Square One Prep

5.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 7 reviews
July 19, 2024

Joined: Nov 21, 2021

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Look no further, SOP is the one!


Navigating the MBA application process was incredibly daunting for me, as it is for many people. With lackluster scores, I knew I had to excel in other parts of my application, so I sought out a consultant to guide me. That's when I found SOP, and I couldn't be happier with my decision.

My first introduction call with Kathryn blew me away. What was supposed to be a 30-minute call turned into over an hour of Kathryn genuinely getting to know me and my story. I had spoken with other companies before making my decision, but Kathryn made me feel most respected and heard. Her prompt responses were a lifesaver during such a stressful time.

After deciding to go with SOP, I worked very closely with Wilson, who is equally just as fantastic. Our efficiency together was unmatched, with turnaround times usually within 24 hours, compared to the 48 hours offered by other companies. Wilson helped me drill into the "so-what" and "why" behind my storytelling, which significantly strengthened my narrative—something I couldn't have achieved without his guidance.

Wilson doesn't settle for mediocrity. He constantly pushes the boundaries and challenges you to write something that is authentically you. Through this process, I found myself digging deeper into my experiences and aspirations, leading to essays that were not only well-written but also a true reflection of my journey and goals.

I also can't forget to mention Horatiu, who was incredibly helpful with my career narrative, and Kelsey, who ensured I received timely feedback on my essays. Their collective expertise and dedication were instrumental in shaping my application.

I make myself more clear how supportive the entire team at SOP was. When I was waitlisted at schools, every team member hopped on a call with me to talk through the process and develop a plan on how to convert—spoiler alert... It worked! Their collective dedication and expertise turned my waitlist status into acceptance, and for that, I am beyond thankful.

Thanks to SOP, my application was not only stronger but also authentically reflective of who I am. I wholeheartedly recommend SOP to anyone embarking on their MBA journey—they truly are your champions along the way!!

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July 02, 2024

Joined: Jun 28, 2024

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Working with Square One Prep was a game-changer for my MBA application process. I found them through a friend's referral just a week before my first school deadline, and I couldn't be more grateful for the experience.

After struggling with an unresponsive and unprofessional previous consultant, my initial conversation with Kathryn was a breath of fresh air. She provided expert advice and instilled confidence that I could still meet my looming deadline. The efficiency of the S1P team was impressive - from our first consultation call to completing my revised resume with my mentor Wilson, the process took only a few hours.

Wilson proved to be an exceptional mentor. He offered the professional guidance and support I had been seeking throughout my application journey. His attention to detail was remarkable, ensuring every aspect of my application was thoroughly reviewed and polished.

One standout feature of S1P's approach was their commitment to excellence. For instance, Kathryn sent my video essay to multiple mentors on the team, guaranteeing that what I submitted was of the highest quality.

The level of personalized attention and expertise I received from Square One Prep, especially given the time constraints, was truly outstanding. They transformed what could have been a stressful, last-minute scramble into a focused and productive experience.

I wholeheartedly recommend Square One Prep to any MBA applicant seeking top-notch guidance and support. Their professionalism, efficiency, and dedication to their clients' success make them an invaluable partner in the MBA application process.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system or .edu email address and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
March 25, 2024

Joined: Mar 25, 2024

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A couple of my friends had previously collaborated with Square One and successfully gained admission to their dream colleges. Their glowing recommendations led me to engage with her for my own applications. From our initial conversation onwards, it was clear that Kathryn's expertise was invaluable. Because I did premium service, she guided me through the entire application journey. Initially intending to apply to two schools, I later decided to pursue a third option. Despite this last-minute addition, Kathryn and her team ensured that we met all deadlines promptly. Working closely with Horatiu, my career narrative expert, and Wilson, my advisor, was an absolute pleasure. Thanks to Kathryn and Wilson's dedicated support, I secured admission to all three schools I applied to. The process was not just about gaining acceptance but also about reflecting on my career journey and appreciating my progress. Kathryn and her team transformed what could have been a stressful experience into a fulfilling and exciting opportunity. Without their expertise and guidance, this achievement would not have been possible.

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July 07, 2023

Joined: Jul 07, 2023

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One of the best decisions I have made!


"Partnering with SOP was one of the best decisions I have made"
I am so grateful to Kathryn (Wow!!, really couldn't ask anything more from her as she really knows what she is doing and knows how to get things done), Wilson (my awesome, superb, and fantastic advisor), Cristina (who really ensured that we adhered to the timelines and coordinated the process so well), and Horatiu (who really pushed me to ensure that I have a strong career narrative - thank you so much!!).

I couldn't have achieved this without SOP and I strongly recommend it to anyone who is in the journey of MBA applications. This is one investment that you will cherish. I really did land up in my dream school and so will you!

To the entire team - thank you so very much!

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April 26, 2023

Joined: Nov 10, 2018

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Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V35

I first started my MBA application journey in October 2022 and decided to use admission consulting services. The hardest decision was to choose what company’s services I would use. Of course, my instinct told me to look at the most reviewed companies in GMAT Club. After trying free consultation services from the top 5 most reviewed admission consulting services, one company stood out: Square One Prep (S1P).

When you book a free 30-minute consultation, your expectation should be low: you could probably meet with a client rep, with an engagement manager, or, if you’re lucky, with the company’s founder, but you will feel rushed since it’s only 30 minutes. But with Square One Prep, you meet Kathryn. Yes, she is the founder of S1P, but to only say you meet the founder is not the best way to put it. You meet Kathryn, period. After that, you will feel that your time with Kathryn should not be free.

When you meet Kathryn, you should not worry about the 30 minutes. If she believes she can help you, she will invest her time in you by delving deep into your stories to find your genuine aspiration in seeking MBA. Then, she will recommend you the best of her squad of advisors to work with you and let you meet with each of her recommended advisors for a 20-minute intro call. In my experience with S1P, I talked with Kathryn for more than one hour and did three 20-minute intro calls with three different advisors before choosing Wilson. These all proceeded before I made a single penny of transactions—you see, they invest in you before they even begin.

Your advisor—mine is Wilson—will then assess your MBA candidacy, and Kathryn will provide you with her recommendation of business schools that suit your profile. But, as you might already read in other reviews, Kathryn will not talk you out of the school of your choice. She will give you a well-informed risk level for each school you plan to apply to. I chose INSEAD and Haas, and, given my profile, Kathryn gave these schools “Super Reach” risk level, just one level below “Out of Reach”. Such a risk level means that I will have a tough time and might need some luck to get into these schools. But even after that assessment, Kathryn and Wilson continued to help me to get to the school of my choice when I decided to take the risk.

After you decide on the schools of your choice, you begin to work on the school’s application with S1P and therefore start a deep, soul-searching experience. Wilson tirelessly helped me dig deep into my course of life and career to help me find meaningful stories for the essays. Horatiu helped me build upon my work experience a narrative of my future career that was convincingly impactful. And finally, Kathryn gave her final touch and approval while she oversaw all the other S1P clients’ essays, ensuring that my application was unique among others and would catch Adcom’s attention.

From where I come from, the cost of admission consulting services is very expensive. But If I were to repeat my MBA application, I would—again and again—choose S1P to help me. The cost seems to set me back just a little, given S1P’s excellent guidance and the usefulness of the content material they build for me. Other than applying to INSEAD and Haas, I use the S1P-built essay content to apply to not only four other schools but also several scholarship programs—of course, with few modifications.

It feels almost irrelevant to discuss which schools you want to apply to or get into with the S1P’s help because I believe S1P will work hard to help you as if all the schools you apply to were top, hard-to-get-into schools. Frankly, though, I never expected to get admitted to the schools I worked with S1P since Kathryn labeled these schools “Super Reach” for me. But in the end, I got admitted to INSEAD from the waitlist, an unthinkable reality for me had I not worked with S1P.

After the MBA application journey, I realized that what is special about S1P is that Kathryn runs the company with her heart and soul. Sometimes I wonder how this world would be if every business were run with Kathryn’s principles. Please look at her replies here on the GMAT Club admission consulting review page, her bio on the S1P website, and her profile on LinkedIn. When reading those, you might only see words. But when working with S1P, you’ll see that Kathryn did not just write words.

Overall, if I’m allowed to give you an analogy, the entire MBA application journey with S1P is akin to creating a movie where Kathryn is the executive producer, Horatiu is the screenplay writer, Wilson is the director, and you, the applicant, are the starring, debuting actor. S1P will shoot a movie for each school of your choice and will work as hard as they can to make you--the actor--look great. Kathryn says, “Our focus isn’t client volume or revenue; it’s you,” Indeed, she means it: it’s you, the actor, that matters.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
May 07, 2022

Joined: Dec 27, 2020

Posts: 1

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q48 V44 (Online)

Great experience working with SOP team


Square One Prep has played such a massive role in my entire application process. At the start of my application journey, I was overwhelmed trying to juggle my current job, GMAT prep, and multiple applications. Kathryn and I had an hour-long initial consultation where she took the time to understand me, my story, and my goals and I instantly liked her straight-forward and structured approach to work. The SOP has set up a truly comprehensive process and put a great deal of attention to every aspect of the application- I especially found the career narrative to be a complete eye-opener. Luis had me dig deep to discover my ultimate "why" and my dream career, and whilst this was very challenging, it was hugely rewarding to see the result later. I also worked with Wilson as my consultant, and I cannot recommend him enough. He was super responsive, thoughtful and completely dedicated to setting me up for success. I enjoyed having brainstorming sessions with him and he truly invested a lot to make sure we communicate the story in an interesting and authentic manner. I couldn't have asked for a better experience for my MBA applications, and there is no doubt in my mind that SOP is the reason I am going to my dream school!

If you are considering using an MBA admissions consultant, I would implore you to definitely consider working with SOP.

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July 13, 2020

Joined: Jul 13, 2020

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Headed to B School


Going into the application process I knew I had a lot of work to do. With Square One Prep I had a team supporting me from start to finish. Kathryn, Wilson, and Wendy worked with me to make sure I stayed organized. The team was always there when I had questions and pushed me to do my best. The career narrative work was particularly helpful as defining your career vision is essential to craft strong applications and then do strong interviews. The team will push you to get very detailed and challenge you to think deeply about what you really want to do. I gained valuable insight about my interests and feel the vision I created with them could become my business plan post-mba!

The application process is not easy, but I’m glad I chose them to help me out with the process. Everyone is rooting for you and giving you the support you need to succeed.

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