Tim Reviews

Company: MBA and Beyond

1.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 1 reviews
April 05, 2023

Joined: Dec 20, 2020

Posts: 15

Kudos: 3

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V38

Horrible experience with MBAB


I engaged with MBAB's service after the Marketing team showed extreme confidence in my profile and told me that they'll be able to turn around my 3 applications in the stipulated period of 1 month. Thinking that MBAB could really identify and highlight my strengths and also help me navigate the complex of process of filling applications, I enrolled for their premium price.
I was promised an entire comprehensive process that would help select schools and match it to my profile. But in real,I was asked to pick my 3 colleges all by myself. After much nudging, the consultant provided me with 3/ 5 school options, degrading my target school to #22 school ( this is when I was shown great confidence in #9 school during the marketing call)

The content specialist's only contribution to the process was ' I ll push you think to harder'. There was no support inthe branding and writing of essays. All I heard from my admission consultant is that 'look you have to decide what story you have to present' when asked to zero in on one storyline. In 2/3 brainstorming calls, I was the one providing ideas and story lines instead of vice versa.

Even their reference material was subpar. I got ONLY ONE essay for reference that was not even aligned to my industry and function. I was told that I have an ML based profile and MBAB hasn't seen such profiles and point blank told 'so sorry we cant provide you with any more reference material.'

When asked to provide me with content related to my specific school in essays, I have been told to Google things and do my research myself. Despite paying a premium fee for their services, I received absolutely no assistance in navigating the complex MBA application process.

It was super stressful to work with MBAB and I had to do triple the amount of work to do because of lack of any 'consulting' from their end. I couldn't apply to more schools and it infact became a huge opportunity cost for me to leave out applying to more schools in this cycle.

I was super dissapointed with MBAB and I really wished they did a better job especially when candidates's stress levels are high and add real value to the process.

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