Katharine Lewis Reviews

Company: mbaMission

Spending several years reading and evaluating MBA applications for the Stanford Graduate School of Business inspired Katharine Lewis to coach business school applicants on her own for a time before becoming an mbaMission Senior Consultant. She has since earned more than 70 five-star reviews on GMAT Club, making her one of the top-rated admissions consultants in the industry. With 12 MBAs from six schools in her family, she passionately believes that business school provides essential leadership training for any career. After graduating summa cum laude from Yale, Katharine earned her JD and MBA (with distinction) from Harvard. She then joined McKinsey & Company, where she completed consulting projects for finance, forest products, retail and nonprofit clients, and designed and established two business-government advocacy groups: a roundtable partnership under David Rockefeller comprising the top New York–based CEOs, and a Washington, DC, coalition of AMEX-listed, midsize companies committed to pro-growth tax and regulatory policies. After reluctantly declining a teaching offer from Harvard Business School, Katharine practiced law with Morrison & Foerster before switching her focus to education and nonprofit consulting. She chaired finance at a highly successful start-up school, served on four school boards, and completed projects for the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation and the San Francisco Foundation. Katharine also assisted Professor Kathleen M. Connell (the former California State Controller) in her finance class at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, and contributed to Moving Up to Millions: The Life Calculator Guide to Wealth (Wiley, 2007)

5.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 173 reviews
January 21, 2015

Posts: 2

Kudos: 6

I worked with Katy on a 4 school package and was admitted to my top choice and waitlisted at two others. When I first spoke with Katy during a free consultation I was immediately impressed with the amount of background research she had already done, really familiarizing herself with my resume and the company I worked for. She really took the time to address my questions and concerns and didn’t aggressively force a sales pitch upon me, which is why I knew she would be great to work with.

Coming from an engineering background where going to business school was a foreign concept, I decided I wanted to go with the comprehensive 4 school package. This turned out to be a great decision. As someone totally unfamiliar to the application process, the comfort of always having someone to turn to for the even the smallest questions proved to be invaluable and really allowed me to relax and focus of getting my story across. From the outset, Katy helped me narrow down the schools I should apply to based on the criteria that were most important to me, a step I feel is often overlooked. During our brainstorming sessions, she delved deep into my experiences and aspirations to really get at the heart of who I was and what I bring to the table as a candidate. Taking the time to be thorough early on really aided in essay writing and interview prep later on.

Katy was also instrumental in honing my essay writing and interview skills. In an ultra-competitive process such as applying to top B-Schools, you never know which little mistake may be the difference between acceptance and rejection. Katy helped me get my message across in a clear and concise way while avoiding the pitfalls of coming across as too arrogant, too modest, too wordy, etc. Our mock interview sessions, while exhausting, proved to be just the tune up I needed prior to my actual interviews, allowing me to walk in feeling confident and relaxed.

Overall Katy was extremely helpful through every step of the application process. She went above and beyond the “required” duties of a consultant and really built a relationship with me. I would strongly recommend Katy to any prospective students applying to top schools.

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August 10, 2014

Joined: Jan 23, 2014

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I had the pleasure of working with Katy Lewis of mbaMission for my application to Columbia Business School and was ultimately admitted. As someone in my mid 30s who had always been working in academic biomedical research, I was initially unsure about how to put the best representation of myself through my essays. I spoke to a couple of different admission consultants from various companies but Katy was the main person who I felt a good chemistry. Moreover, she was able to give me a very balanced assessment of my situation in our first contact and I really appreciated that. In my 3 hours with Katy, the first 1-1.5hr was spent on brainstorming about my past experience and really got to the root of why I want to go to business school. This was an extremely important exercise between it gave Katy a chance to get to know me better while giving me the confidence that I could craft a strong story for my essay. During the actual essay writing phase, Katy was extremely efficient in turning around essay drafts that I submitted to her, typically less 24hr and with very helpful insights that were specific to me. Of course, I was absolutely happy with the final version of the essay. Even after the paid hours were up, Katy continued to check in on me and even gave me advice when I was waitlisted, which was a big surprise for me. Overall, my experience of working with Katy was extremely positive, not just because of her in depth expertise but her sincerity in rooting for my success. In conclusion, I have no hesitation in recommending Katy Lewis to anyone in search of a mentor/advisor for the MBA application process. In my humble opinion, it was money well spent!

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June 30, 2014

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Katherine is more than an essay consultant; she is a true mentor and adviser. Not only did she exceed my expectations - helping me craft my essays, but she continued to help me craft e-mails to admissions staff, current students and alumni, which is what I believe sealed the deal. More importantly, she was a constant source of support and advice thought out what was a very stressful time.

I would have not gotten into my top choice school if it wasn't for her and I know my co-worker (who referred me) feels the same way. In fact, I recommend her to all my friends and wish I could still pick her brain as I apply for summer MBA internships.

I cannot imagine an admissions consultant better than her and I give her my highest recommendation.

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June 03, 2014

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I worked with Katy Lewis from mbaMission for my Round 3 2+2 application the Harvard Business School and was ultimately admitted. As a non-STEM student, I knew it would be an uphill battle to convince the Admissions Committee that they should accept me to the program. Right away, Katy made me feel comfortable going forward. No matter how many questions or concerns I brought to her attention, she was always enthusiastically helpful, aiding me in portraying my best self to the Admissions Committee, from the application portion all the way through the interview. Katy was crucial in helping me craft my story. Before we spoke, I was unsure and unclear with my vision for what I wanted to put in my application and how best to present myself. Through our essential brainstorming session, Katy got to know me better than I knew myself, helped me refine and carefully choose which parts of my experiences were appropriate, and ultimately made me feel more than confident in my ability to put together a stellar application. Any time, any place – Katy was there to read through a draft (or several!) and suggest creative and unique ways to answer those tough application questions. In fact, after looking at my profile, Katy understood the career path that was best suited for me at this time, and that would shed my past experiences in the best light. She is more than an admissions consultant; she is like a career and life coach! And, I am glad to call her not only my trusted advisor, but also my friend! If you want to ensure the best chances of acceptance at your dream school, do not miss out on working with Katy!

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April 24, 2014

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I was initially not going to use an admissions consultant but after buying GMAT books from Manhattan GMAT I was offered a free 30 minute consultation and figured I would try it out. I was very impressed by Katy on our first call. She had really done her homework before the call and knew my resume and had creative thoughts about my application and how I could tell my story. She was thoughtful, methodical, and very clear. I decided to work with her and am very happy I made that decision. While she helped me in countless ways, I think there are three areas where she was truly invaluable.

First, she really helped me tell my story in the most coherent way possible. I had to explain certain non-traditional parts of my application and she helped me come up with elegant ways to do so. She didnt change my story or goals, just helped me display them in a coherent way. After coming up with the story and crafting the essay, I sent them to her to have her poke holes in them. She analyzed my 'why MBA' argument the way a lawyer analyzes a case (not surprising she went to Harvard Law School). While the application is certainly not a legal case, this was really helpful in a number of ways. First, it forced me to make the strongest and most logical case possible for why I needed one of the seats at GSB and HBS. Second, it prepared me for the interview. I knew what to expect.

Second, Katy was really helpful in advising me how to manage my referees. She suggested that I prepare a memo outlining some examples that I thought illustrated the qualities that the b-schools were after. Since I was no longer working for those recommenders, they said they really appreciated the memo as it helped jar their memories.

Third, Katy really made me feel prepared for my interviews. The analysis of my argument showed me what to expect and we did a few mock interviews wherein she critiqued my answers. She also gave me a list of questions to expect given my background. Nothing surprised me about the interviews.

I can't recommend Katy highly enough. She is a pleasure to work with (friendly, responsive to emails, excellent listener) and I intend to stay in touch with her. Her advice and help played a big role in my admission to Harvard and Stanford.

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April 12, 2014

Joined: Apr 12, 2014

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My application was far from ordinary. I was applying to two business schools (CBS, LBS) and three real estate programs (Harvard, Columbia, MIT). My undergrad GPA was under a 3.0 and I had started my own development company instead of having bulge bracket experience. Initially Katherine helped demystify the process and gave me a non-sugar coated analysis of my application, which I very much appreciated.
In dealing with my low GPA, she suggested an unapologetic approach that ended up turning a weakness into an opportunity. I don't know how many clients Katherine was helping at the time but she certainly made me feel at ease by being consistently available to address questions and concerns. She got to know me quickly, understood my strengths and weaknesses, and helped my leverage the former over the latter in both the big picture and small details of my essays. Katy helped me see the application as a holistic process and crafted it accordingly with essays, recommendations, and a resume that worked together to really bring out my story to the admission committee. I feel like this was especially helpful given my background. Katy helped me tell a great story about myself, sometimes in under 500 words. She was great at showing me what was important, what was not, and what I shouldn't say at all.
There wasn't much information on the real estate programs available, but Katy researched what others within mbaMission had done and provided greater insight than what I could have found on my own.
At first I was hesitant to hire an admission consultant after already paying for Manhattan GMAT prep. Those hours were well worth it, not only for the results but also because I felt less stressed throughout the process. I was admitted to all of the programs except London and will be attending Harvard in the fall. I would absolutely recommend Katy for anyone pursuing a graduate degree at a top tier school.

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March 26, 2014

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mbaMission was incredible in helping me apply to school. I am a joint-degree candidate, who was interested in only HBS and I was able to work with a joint-degree holder from HBS, Katharine Lewis. That in and of itself is unique. But Katharine was above and beyond fantastic. My application was very last minute and she took on the case because of an obvious interest in my story and love for her job. She was always available, be it weekends, or two days before the deadline.

Katharine worked with me in reviewing my application and in my mock interview. Because I was interested in only one school, Katharine’s “insider baseball” knowledge was really useful and comforting. In addition, her feedback was insightful and helpful in shaping my story and improving my candidacy.

Working with Katharine was great not only because of the work we produced, but also because she is really on the ball. You can tell she is just an incredibly sharp person (in additional to her killer resume at McKinsey, Stanford, etc.) who likes working with applicants. As a result, I felt like my two hours went an incredibly long way—definitely a solid investment.

I should note that I came to Katharine after an incredibly negative experience with someone from MBA Exchange who literally called me by the wrong name in all of our email exchanges, despite the fact that she had read my resume, spoken to me on the phone ,etc. Do NOT just go with any consultant who has worked in admissions at your target school, because they are not all made the same. Katharine is clearly just sharper and doing this consulting because she likes it and finds it interesting as opposed to “hey, I used to interview for a top school so I’m probably qualified.”

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January 17, 2014

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Before committing to mbaMission, I explored some other high-priced consultants through the 30-minute free consultations that many of them offer. I was disappointed with how the other consultants used the time to provide vague and generic advice. Because of this, I doubted that I would use a consultant, but Katharine Lewis at mbaMission really wowed me in our first meeting with her specific suggestions about what I should highlight in my essays. She was realistically honest, but confident in my abilities saying, "If you can convince Berkeley-Haas that you really want to go there, I think you have a great shot."

Katy ultimately helped me craft my personal story by probing me with insightful questions and challenging me to think about why I do the things I do. She helped me identify my strengths and experiences that would specifically resonate with my top choice, Berkeley-Haas, and was very knowledgeable about what they were looking for.

With Katy's guidance, I was able to convince Berkeley-Haas that I really wanted to go there and was recently accepted. I am so excited and grateful to Katy.

Sign up for a free consultation today! There really is no risk at all and I am confident you'll be impressed.

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January 16, 2014

Joined: Jul 02, 2013

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700 Q49 V36

As a prospective MBA student 10 years removed from writing essays for applications, I knew applying to Wharton's Executive and Berkeley's EW program would be a challenge. What I didn't realize was that the application process was so much more than simply writing essays. Thankfully I met Katy, and she helped lay out a plan for tackling the applications.

Specifically, these are reasons why I would recommend Katy and MBA consultants in general.

- She facilitated a discussion to help draw out themes that would be highlighted in my application. Spend the $ on the brainstorming session, it's worth it.
- She explained the differences between MBA programs from a perspective I hadn't thought of.
- She introduced me to current students in the program.
- She was very good at helping create a clean narrative from my own prospective and with my own style.
- She could answer the one-off odd questions that invariably arise during the application process (the ones you can't really ask the adCom).
- A word to the wise, if you plan to use hourly service do some research first and have an idea of what you are looking for as far as assistance goes, otherwise the per school cost makes more sense.

Thank KL!

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November 01, 2013

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I just thought I would take a minute and review my experience using MBA Mission. From the beginning, my consultant was very patient with me and took the time to understand my background, my reasons for applying to business school and gave me honest positive feedback along the way.
I would love to say that I don't procrastinate but that is not always true. When you are working 80 hour weeks, studying for the GMAT and writing applications, sometimes you end up waiting till the last minute. My consultant was very understanding of my commitments and she was prompt about replying back to me within a couple of hours.
My work background is very different from your typical business school applicant and she helped me overcome that barrier very easily. She was also kind enough to guide me through the interview process and getting in touch with the alumni.
I truly feel that hiring a good admissions consultant is key in getting through the tough admissions process and I would not have made it without her.
Thanks a lot KL

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