Lisa (SBC) Reviews

Company: Stacy Blackman Consulting

5.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 24 reviews
February 06, 2024

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Lisa at Stacy Blackman


Lisa and the entire SB team helped demystify the MBA application journey. I had no idea what to expect and they helped level set and create a game plan for success. I had an initial conversation with Bill who then recommended Lisa as my primary consultant. Lisa helped me think about career goals, what aspects of a school I want, and break down the application process. We created a schedule so I would get my applications in on time and was always there to help answer questions I had.

After initial discussions with Lisa, I decided to apply to a broad range of schools and ended up getting admitted to CBS, UVA, UNC , UT McCombs, USC and UCLA. I even managed to walk away with a full ride and half ride to a few schools. I definitely could not have done this without Lisa and the entire SB teams' support.

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April 07, 2020

Joined: Apr 07, 2020

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Big thanks to SBC!

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I highly recommend Stacy Blackman Consulting. I worked with Lisa, who is a former MBA admissions officer, and I honestly do not think I would have made it through the long and complicated admissions process without her help. Lisa is amazing – she has a lot of knowledge / insight into the admissions process, having been an admissions officer prior to joining SBC. I enjoyed working with Lisa so much, as she is very friendly, incredibly knowledgeable, and super quick to respond. I had a lot of questions during the process and Lisa was able to answer everything, usually responding to me that same day. With Lisa’s help, I was admitted to my top choice schools (even my reach schools!), almost all with scholarship money (including one full ride).

In addition to Lisa, there is a lot of support from the entire team at SBC. My flight tester, Caryn, who is also a former admissions officer, gave me helpful feedback on my application. Basically, everyone at SCB has some sort of background in MBA admissions, which makes the admissions process as a candidate much easier to navigate. Everyone I worked with at SBC was great, so you cannot go wrong when choosing SBC for such a stressful / important process, like MBA admissions!

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April 04, 2020

Joined: Mar 21, 2019

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Lisa Anderson - top notch SBC consultant

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I cannot say enough positive things about working with Stacy Blackman and Lisa Anderson. I chose SBC as I felt that I connected with the mission of Stacy Blackman and I liked how personalized the advice was. I worked with Lisa Anderson throughout my entire MBA application process and she was an excellent resource for me. Lisa brings tremendous expertise to the process and is incredibly knowledgeable about a variety of top MBA programs. Lisa had excellent ideas and helped me brainstorm my list of MBA schools. Lisa helped me broaden my search and had exceptional suggestions as far as to what to look for in a program. Once I narrowed my MBA search, Lisa was a great partner in providing advice on resume tips, interview prep, and ways to finesse my essays. I ended up receiving acceptances from all 5 programs I applied to and received 3 scholarship opportunities. I highly recommend working with Lisa Anderson if you’re interested in applying to a top MBA program as you will not be disappointed.

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December 18, 2019

Joined: May 20, 2019

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
690 Q46 V38

Worth the Money


I was hooked on Stacy Blackman after having a free consultation. After my initial conversation, it was apparent their consultants have extensive knowledge and experience in MBA Admissions. I worked with Lisa, who was extremely helpful and supportive. She helped me every step of the way, even with the small details of the admissions process. I ended up getting a full scholarship to my top school - so it really paid for itself. I know two other people that used Stacy Blackman and also got into their number one schools. If you're serious about getting into a top MBA program, I would 100% recommend!

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February 15, 2019

Joined: May 19, 2014

Posts: 1

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q43 V40

GREAT experience with Lisa A


I began the MBA application in early August, after completing my GMAT and achieving my target score. I grabbed lunch with a work colleague who had a great experience with SBC, so I decided to go with them. I, like my work colleague, had an overall great experience with the services that SBC offered and my consultant, Lisa, who was punctual, professional and a pleasure to work with. I was admitted to the two schools I used the all-in package for, admitted to two other programs, and wait-listed at one school. I received scholarship at 3 of the 5 programs I applied to (all in R1) and was happy with the outcome.

I would highly recommend Lisa for any candidate who has a lower GMAT/GPA score and a technical background. Lisa's feedback on my interview prep also helped me become more confident in my answers during the interview.

One word of advice, if you decide to buy a multi-school all-in package, be aware that the 'fight test package' is only performed on ONE school, not all the schools in the package. If I had known this, I would have chosen the one-school package and purchased additional hours.

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December 28, 2018

Joined: Aug 26, 2015

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Highly recommend!

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As I started my MBA journey, I was very keen on hiring a consultant since I wasn't an "easy" candidate. I started researching and had conversations with at least 7-8 different companies before settling on SBC. Going into the process I was looking for a company that would not sugar coat things and would take a personal interest in me. Two things sold me on SBC:
1) An initial conversation with Esther Magna. She gave point blank and honest advice on my application, which is exactly what I was looking for. I was also struggling between which consultant, and Esther was incredibly transparent about who would fit my needs best
2) Lisa's persistence of exploring the why behind each question. I made a point to have a conversation with her before officially signing on, and she really helped ease my nerves. Also, I'd read solid reviews on Lisa being a great consultant for difficult candidates (by difficult, I mean applicants aiming for Top 10 with lower GMAT scores). She was fantastic throughout the process, and I could not be happier!

Ultimately, I had a great experience and got admitted to 3 of the 6 schools I applied to. Highly recommend SBC!

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March 18, 2018

Joined: Jul 21, 2016

Posts: 17

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V41

Going to Rice on scholarship thanks to Lisa!


I worked with Lisa for a few months and she mostly helped me with my essay and interview prep. I'm really grateful to have her since I didn't realize how out of my depth I was until I signed up. When it came to the essays, Lisa was great at making my papers sound very well articulated while preserving my voice. We did a couple mock interviews too and she was able to help me address my weak spots; I received positive feedback from all of my interviews.

I applied to three Texas schools (UT, Rice, A&M) since I knew for sure I wanted to be in Texas post-MBA. With Lisa's help I ended up getting scholarships to A&M and Rice, and waitlisted at UT. I learned during my MBA journey that it is incredibly difficult for someone with my stats to get scholarship money to UT had I gotten in, and I probably wouldn't be able to stomach the full tuition anyway, so I'm not too miffed about it.

I highly recommend Lisa. Her invaluable help cannot be emphasized enough. Aside from the essay and interview prep, Lisa was available to answer any question I had no matter how trivial regarding the admissions process. The cool thing about Lisa is that she was a former adcom for A&M and Rice, so she knew a lot of ins and outs about the programs. My only regret is that I didn't start working with SBC sooner during my cycle!

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March 28, 2017

Joined: May 14, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q48 V42

Fantastic experience with Stacy Blackman


I worked with Lisa Anderson at SB during the round 1 application cycle and the experience with SB and Lisa could not have been better. The company itself is professional and responsive - staff was quick to put me in touch with a few consultants and always responded immediately when services were needed.

As for Lisa - I am convinced that I would not have been nearly as successful in this process without her help and guidance. Lisa took the time to listen to me, develop a plan, and make sure we stuck to that plan throughout the process. My essays and applications were polished and represented me in the way that I wanted. Lisa's ability to be genuinely invested in the process and willing to help in any way possible is truly invaluable as this process can be long and grueling. She was/is always there to talk through ideas, keep you on track, and be a support line when needed. If you are so lucky to work with Lisa, you will be forever grateful.

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March 20, 2017

Joined: Mar 30, 2011

Posts: 2

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MBA Adcom= Booth + Scholarship


I decided to sign up for 2 schools with Blackman and do the other 2 (easier ones) on my own. So I applied to MIT and Booth with Lisa my consultant and then NYU Stern and Michigan separately. Lisa came from MBA Admissions and SBC has so much knowledge across all the top MBA programs with respect to Admissions focus areas. I am very happy with the results. Booth was my first choice and I was accepted with scholarship money. I was also admitted to MIT and Michigan. I was waitlisted at Stern. I had a great experience with Lisa and really everyone that I worked with. They were all very professional and cared a lot about my satisfaction and success. I worked hard but I learned a lot about myself in the process and ended up with great results. I think my results at the tougher schools were better and that was great proof of how good the Blackman services were. I had a very rigorous work schedule during the time I was applying and traveled a lot so I needed Lisa to bend to my schedule - which she 100% did. She also helped to keep me on track because I was scattered with all of the travel. So I am really appreciative of the service that was provided and highly recommend the SBC team.

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June 25, 2016

Joined: Jun 25, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q50 V37

Big Thanks to Stacy Blackman and Lisa Anderson


If you are struggling whom you should ask for help when applying for a business school, I highly recommend Stacy Blackman!
When I decided to go to purse an MBA, I had no idea what I should do. And I didn't think I could go to a good b-school because my work experience was less than 2 years. Everyone around me told me that it would be impossible for me to get into a top 20 b-school. And I almost gave up....until my friend recommended SBC to me.
My consultant is Lisa Anderson, a sweet lady with rich experience in admissions. I wasn''t confident of my academic and occupational background, I knew nothing about the b-school application, AND I didn't even take GMAT until October(which was really behind the application timeline). After we talked, Lisa inspired me to discover my strength, suggested schools that I could try with my little poor work experience, and helped me figure out my timeline. Without rich knowledge of admissions, she wouldn't have known that so well.
During the several month application process, she always answered my emails within 24 hours, reminded me to stay on my schedule. She was very helpful when I edited my resume and essays. She was able to spot my unique qualities and gave me insightful suggestions for resume and essays. Not only did she prepare me well for my interview, but she also inspired me during my interview process. I remember that after my first interview, I was so upset that I called her. She comforted me and made me confident to confront my following interviews. Without her, I am unsure if I could be successful in the following interviews.
With Lisa's help, I got accepted to 3 good schools with scholarships and one of them is a top 20 school. I was so satisfied with it and I really enjoyed working with Lisa!
Thank you, Lisa!

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12 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for Lisa (SBC)
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