Jen Kedrowski Reviews

Company: mbaMission

Having been accepted at several top U.S. and international business schools, Jen Kedrowski ultimately chose to earn her MBA at Cambridge University’s Judge Business School in the United Kingdom. There she focused on marketing and entrepreneurship and was on the winning team of the A.T. Kearney Global Prize Competition, an annual strategic case competition. She also worked closely with the school’s admissions office and founded the Judge Student Ambassadors Club to assist with MBA admissions. After graduating, Jen returned to the United States to work at the corporate headquarters of Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions in the areas of brand management, strategic marketing, GMAT curriculum and MBA admissions. Jen spent several years in London, advising applicants to the leading U.S. and international MBA programs and has served as the featured MBA admissions presenter at seminars across the United States, United Kingdom and Canada, representing Kaplan and the World MBA Tour. In addition, Jen has provided articles and admissions advice to such organizations and publications as, MSN, Vault, Bloomberg Businessweek and the Association of MBAs, and has developed MBA admissions seminars and workshops that have been used in hundreds of test prep centers in both the United States and the United Kingdom.

5.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 65 reviews
May 29, 2021

Joined: May 29, 2021

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Working with Jen is 100% worth the investment!


I was beyond satisfied with the experience I had working with Jen - she was instrumental in elevating and helping me create a standout application. I decided to work with Jen as I was applying solely to international MBA programs, and she has extensive background working with schools abroad and personal experience from her studies at Judge. In addition to being a wealth of knowledge about the admissions process and what schools are looking for, Jen is incredibly thoughtful and supportive. She took the time to get to know me and my motivations for applying for an MBA, recommended potential schools to look into and was available and willing to answer all of my questions throughout the process. She successfully helped me craft a compelling story across my essays and CV, providing meaningful feedback across these aspects as well as during the interview prep phase. As a result, I’ll be attending a top 10 global school in January 2022. My acceptance would not have happened without Jen’s thoughtfulness and creativity - I highly recommend working with her.

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April 29, 2021

Joined: Apr 29, 2021

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Jen is amazing - don't hesitate to work with her


I hesitated using an admissions consultant at first, but I don't know why I did - Jen was a godsend and worth every penny. She supported me every step of the way, got to know me well beyond my resume, and helped me craft a compelling story that maximized every word of every essay and every line of my resume. Jen is helpful, motivating, an expert in all things admissions, and is happy to answer any question about any part of the process (no matter how minor) and review all the millions of iterations of essays with great attention to detail. I couldn't have achieved the results I did without Jen's help, and she got me there way faster and way more efficiently than I would have on my own.

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April 29, 2021

Joined: Aug 28, 2020

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Would recommend Jen Kedrowski 100% !!

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I started the MBA application process, hiring Jen as my admissions consultant almost exactly a year ago, having no idea what my final list of schools to apply to would be or where I would end up! After a year of self reflection, countless essay drafts, and tons of anxiety in the mean time, I am so happy to be attending one of my top schools (Kellogg) in the fall!
Jen took the time to understand who I am and what I want out of an MBA program and career and helped me learn these things about myself as well. She is great at pulling the most compelling aspects of a candidate out through discovery sessions and helping weave them throughout your application to make a cohesive and compelling story. She knows this industry up and down and is very familiar with how to present an applicant in the most compelling way for each individual school. Many other consultants are very knowledgeable as well; however, what made Jen stand out from all the rest was her supportive and understanding nature. I felt like we were in this together and my success was her success. We had many long conversations about what schools would be the best fit for me versus what schools I was best qualified for as a candidate. We talked about options to improve my application and what parts of myself were most important for me to showcase.
I worked with Jen on a 4 school package and ended up adding on a 5th school. Most of my schools were M7s and I got rejected from a few, with Jen there to support me; however, my Kellogg acceptance made this whole process worth it! In the days leading up to Kellogg releasing their decisions in December 2020, I kept re-reading my application and the Kellogg website and I realized that everything I showcased in my Kellogg application perfectly aligned with what the school was asking for in their essays and in their students values and attributes-- I have no doubt that Jen was instrumental in me crafting an application that reflected the core values of Kellogg and made me stand out as an applicant. Admissions consultants are a big investment, one that I was nervous about but looking back, I am confident that this investment was the key to my success!

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February 04, 2021

Joined: Feb 04, 2021

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q46 V44

Jen Kedrowski is great!!


Jen was a fantastic resource and supporter - she was a huge factor in my application successes. I cannot overstate how much she helped me to shape my personal story to shine through in my essays and interviews. Her responses are tailored, detailed, and thorough, and her feedback is extremely helpful. Her responses and suggestions helped to elevate my essays to the level that I required to be successful. I cannot recommend her enough to any MBA aspirant targeting top programs. I would absolutely advise applicants to use her as a resource. At the very least, use the free consultation to see for yourself.

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January 05, 2021

Joined: Aug 22, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q49 V34

Jen Kedrowski is amazing


I booked a mock interview session with Jen to prepare for my interview in Dec and the experience was far beyond my expectation.

Jen is knowledgeable and dedicated. I turned to Jen almost the last minute before my interview, but Jen still kindly booked a weekend session with me to fit my tight schedule. The Q&A part at the beginning of the session was full of insights, and in the following mock interview part I could clearly tell that Jen reviewed my application in detail and prepared for the mock interview carefully beforehand. We covered all the common questions and the tricky ones specific to my school, and Jen provided very meaningful feedback to each of my answers. The mock interview last longer and was more thorough than I had expected. I was impressed by the session not only because I was technically prepared for the interview, but also because I was emotionally ready. Jen effectively reduced my anxiety and cheered me up.

I would like to give my special thank you to Jen because even though I only booked one mock interview session, Jen gave me so much support during the two stressful weeks between my interview and my offer email. Thank you Jen for being a tremendous consultant and a trustworthy partner!

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August 06, 2020

Joined: Feb 29, 2020

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Jen is Fantastic to work with!

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I had an initial phone consultation with Jen and felt her energy and enthusiasm immediately. Jen was very detailed when covering my background and helped immensely in crafting my story in the best way possible. Jen was always available for help and provided feedback quickly. Jen was also extremely helpful with my interview prep, running through mock interviews and making sure my responses were concise and detailed. Jen's knowledge and expertise with the admissions process from the top schools is exceptional, and without it I would not have been accepted into my dream program. I would recommend working with her to anyone considering!

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August 05, 2020

Joined: Aug 05, 2020

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Jen Kedrowski has my highest recommendation!!


Working with Jen Kedrowski was truly a gift and likely the best investment I made for myself to gain admittance to my top choice, CBS.

About me: R3 extended applicant, above average GPA from a mid-tier undergrad program, untraditional background, employment gaps, strong EA. We completed 3 applications in about 1 month. Jen completely helped me to revisit and revise, taking my applications from decent to a top 10 admittance.

At the core of her is a ridiculous breadth of knowledge on how to best advocate for yourself and showcase your core truths, and thus, your most compelling MBA application. Her ‘make-it-happen’ mentality is peppered in with the perfect amount of urgency and confidence-boosting kindness. During brainstorming she got to know me well beyond my resume (I even joked saying she would make a great life coach!) and pushed me to dig deep to get to know myself. Jen spent ample time delving into my stories and strengths. I was impressed when Jen would reference stories, I brought up in the first brainstorming session, weeks later!

Jen’s strength is in story crafting, application strategy, and resume editing, which felt like the most daunting part to make everything cohesive. She was always super responsive and thorough, frequently responding into the early hours of the night and on weekends. I think I gave Jen over 15 pages of my scrapped essay material before I started with her. She went through everything meticulously and pulled material across essays, where I didn’t even think of. We cranked through 25+ essay drafts in a few weeks. Bonus – Jen’s years of experience at Kaplan were also helpful for GMAT/EA questions and strategy.

It was easy to lose steam through the application process. Jen kept me going at a strong pace to get through 3 big applications. I loved how sincerely uplifting, yet realistic Jen was; Her positive energy was always refreshing.

My biggest regret is sitting on the decision of whether or not to hire a consultant, wasting precious time spinning my wheels and writing countless essay drafts. If you are already in the headspace to hire a consultant, I can say with confidence that Jen is top-notch and worth the investment. THANK YOU JEN!

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April 21, 2020

Joined: Apr 21, 2020

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Jen - The #1 MBA Cheerleader!!!


Jen has been the best cheerleader to guide me throughout my MBA journey. From our very first call, Jen was super resourceful. She was able to help piece together fragmented life experiences into cohesive stories that exhibited an abundant amount of colour and authenticity. She helped uncover both professional and personal stories that had been completely overlooked, helping create the best possible version of myself on paper! I am not sure if I would have been able to highlight my entire life’s story and post MBA trajectories in merely 500 words without her help! She helped me concisely and thematically express my ideas without me ever losing my personal voice. If I ever make something of myself and have stories worthy of telling the world, Jen would definitely have to be my editor (if she’d have me!!!)

Jen has this smiling voice that always instantaneously put me into a jovial mood as soon as I would hop onto a phone call with her. I remember there had been several instances in which I had become increasingly frustrated with the writing process. As soon as I expressed my concerns, she not only knew exactly what to say to placate those negative thoughts, but she also laid out action items to specifically help tackle those roadblocks. I was fickle about picking the right schools, changing my mind several times. Each change was met with undying patience and supportive advice, ultimately helping me realize that selecting the right schools should be influenced by internal factors of what schools are truly the right fit for you, over external factors. I never had to worry about sounding silly with Jen. No question or idea was ever deemed foolish. She was able to create a supportive environment for me to grow and learn more about myself than I ever had. This was the first time in my life in which I truly enjoyed the journey of a process, and I have Jen to thank for that. Thank you Jen for all that you have done! Jen and I joke that I am a cheerleader for my clients at work, hence the reference in the beginning. Well, Jen has played that role amazingly for me throughout this process. Anyone would be so lucky to have Jen in his/her corner cheering him/her on through to that MBA finish line!

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January 03, 2020

Joined: May 05, 2019

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V42

Best preparation I could have wished for


Before deciding which admission consultant company to choose, I conducted several free consultations to get a sense for the different approaches and also for the consultants I would be working with later on.

I found it very helpful that Jen, who conducted the initial consultation, was also the actual consultant who helped me create my applications later on - at some other firms the initial consultations were not conducted by the actual consultants. From the beginning I had the feeling that Jen was very knowledgeable and that she provided exactly the advise that I felt I needed. Therefore, I decided to work with her.

This decision turned out to be perfect, as she managed to help me demonstrate my strogest self in my applications. She took several hours in the beginning to understand my background thoroughly which allowed her to probe my application at later stages, as she always hat alternative situations in mind that I could possibly leverage.

I found the process extremely smooth and not stressful at all. Jen was approachable and always replied within the company's turnaround time. Quick questions were answered much faster.

Therefore, I can only recommend Jen to anyone applying to business school. Jen's knowledge, experience and communication style made her the perfect consultant to work with. Her support exceeded my expectations by far.

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January 01, 2020

Joined: Jan 01, 2020

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q45 V38

Jen is an amazing consultant!!


Background on me: White, male, finance, small school (GPA 3.9 / GMAT: 680 / 5 years of experience upon matriculation). Pre-MBA I worked at a relatively unknown firm.  So all in all, I felt like I had a somewhat weak profile compared to the whole of the applicant pool. 

I knew that I would need to use an admissions consultant to differentiate my self from a competitive applicant pool. I spoke to a few consultants and told them my background. However, Jen truly stood out because she generally understood my background and on a free consultation helped me start to craft my story. She seemed to be generally enthusiastic about the process too.  Ultimately I signed up for the complete package.

Working with Jen helped me tremendously throughout the entire challenging process.

Jen helped me tremendously when finding and developing my story - taking what I said/wrote and crafting it into a coherent story. Jen's main strength is her story telling ability. She has a unique talent of transforming somewhat incoherent details into a compelling narrative. She helped me uncover both personal and professional stories that I had forgotten/didn't think were relevant and helped me make them come to life. I believe that my applications were sent in with a clear cohesive story that helped me stand out as a unique candidate. Also, the mock interview prep was thorough and very helpful. And most importantly, I felt that she was truly invested in my success. We were a team and by the end of the process, I felt that we had built a strong professional relationship. She was one of the first people I notified when I got into my top choice and I could tell that she was genuinely thrilled for me. That meant a lot. I couldn’t have done it without you, Jen!
While certainly not a cheap investment, it has paid itself back tenfold.

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4 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for Jen Kedrowski
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