Heidi Granner Reviews

Company: mbaMission

4.9 /5 Average Rating
Based on 62 reviews
December 25, 2023

Joined: Sep 05, 2019

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Heidi helped me get into Kellogg!

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I worked with Heidi throughout the summer, and she was instrumental in helping me communicate my experiences and aspirations and organize my materials. First, I was applying during a very busy time at work. Heidi helped put together a calendar for me to effectively draft and review my various essays, while also paying attention to key deadlines and admissions events. Whenever unforeseen circumstances arose which impacted this schedule, she would work with me to adjust the remaining time to ensure no deadlines were missed. Second, Heidi provided invaluable critique on my essays. My writing tends to be verbose, so for multiple applications with restrictive word limits, Heidi’s feedback ensured my writing was concise without sacrificing authenticity or comprehensiveness. Third, Heidi helped me select and prepare recommenders whose responses played a huge role in my admissions. Overall, Heidi masterfully connected where I was, with where business schools look for students to be, and helped me articulate a clear vision for how to get there. I highly recommend Heidi to any prospective student looking to refine their materials to fit their dream school.

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December 20, 2023

Joined: Jan 29, 2023

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V40

mbaMission / Heidi Granner Review


I worked with Heidi Granner and mbaMission with a two school package and could not be happier with the results having been accepted to both schools. The process was extremely straightforward, organized and stress free during the three months that we worked together. Every aspect of the application was thoroughly discussed and Heidi offers extremely personal and direct feedback throughout the process. The full school package exceeded my expectations and made the application process much more enjoyable. I would recommend working with Heidi and mbaMission to anyone that is looking for any type of guidance on the MBA application process. From brainstorming stories about my childhood and life to organizing my thoughts on my career transition, Heidi was critical in guiding my thought process in the right direction towards MBA admission success. There was never a moment when I felt stressed or that I was getting impersonal feedback through our 15-20 hours of work together per week.

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June 25, 2023

Joined: Jun 20, 2023

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Great Experience

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Heidi Granner exceeded my expectations as an MBA consultant. She helped me craft clear essays and explore various career paths. She had invaluable insights into crafting a compelling, honest, and persuasive application. Heidi was a source of constant encouragement (especially as I was working under a relatively tight timeline) and also pushed me to produce better work. I feel like I got to know myself better through this process. Thanks to Heidi's guidance, I was accepted to Wharton and will be enrolling this fall. I cannot express enough gratitude for everything Heidi has done. I wholeheartedly recommend her services to anyone pursuing an MBA.

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March 19, 2023

Joined: Nov 19, 2019

Posts: 8

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q47 V40

Highly Recommend Heidi!


I worked with Heidi on a multi-school package. Though the upfront cost was high, it was very well worth it in the long run, and I have no regrets. While I’ll never know if I truly needed to work with an admissions consultant to get into a top business school (I have friends who didn't work with a consultant and still got into their top choice programs), working with one made the application process a lot more streamlined, a lot less stressful, and made me feel confident submitting my applications and during my interviews. There is value to that.

Heidi took the time to understand my strengths and helped me align on career goals that made sense given my past experience and current passions. She also connected me with previous clients to discuss career paths in my focus industry, which was invaluable. Heidi was a great sounding board throughout the process and was able to pinpoint seemingly mundane stories from my past that became the core of many of my essays. Applying to business school is stressful and takes a lot of work. Heidi helped take a lot of the stress out of the process by being there for me whenever I had questions or needed help. She also created a calendar for me to follow at the beginning of the process that kept me on track to submit all of my applications in time. Heidi also provided great, constructive feedback - she pushed me to constantly add more detail and specifics, and I saw my materials get better, draft by draft. I felt confident hitting submit on all of my applications because of Heidi’s help. When interview invites rolled in, I did mock interviews with Heidi, and she provided feedback and tips that helped me approach those conversations with confidence. Finally, Heidi helped A TON when it came down to deciding on which school to attend. She provided amazing advice and asked questions that forced me to really consider what was important FOR ME.

You truly get what you put in, but you will not regret working with Heidi.

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February 22, 2023

Joined: Jan 09, 2022

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Self-reported Score:
740 Q49 V41

Right advice at the right time!

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I was in a severe time crunch when I decided that I wanted to apply to a business program. I had 3 weeks before the round 4 deadline and I was also getting married a week after the deadline. I originally did not have plans of reaching out to an admissions consultant as I had used one for my Master of Science degree and had had a bad experience working with one. Owing to the time crunch situation that I was in, I decided to reach out to an admissions consultant. I read through a few reviews, did my research before picking a firm and a specific consultant. The most important thing that I learnt in this research process was that the connection with the consultant was very important. Hence, I signed up for a few 30-minute trial sessions with different consulting firms to gauge my connection with different consultants. I finally ended up going with Heidi Granner from mbaMission. She gave me realistic advice taking into consideration my unique situation (I have a fairly non-traditional background though I’m from an Over-represented demographic) and background. The process was very streamlined with a lot of focus on introspection and self-discovery. Note that in my experience, the student does most of the leg work and the consultant’s core purpose is to point the student in the right direction. If I had not hired Heidi, I don't think I could have picked the appropriate experiences and subsequently crafted a well-rounded story. Heidi is a skilled storyteller, a great listener, and an empathetic consultant. I only applied to two schools but still got into a top tier – European business school. I’m more than happy that I picked mbaMission and particularly, Heidi as my consultant!

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February 14, 2023

Joined: Jun 27, 2021

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
690 Q49 V35

Completely worth it, and Heidi is the best!!


Initially, I was nervous about the price, but it proved more than worth it. I got accepted, with outstanding scholarships, to 4 out of the 6 schools I applied to. At the beginning of the process, I was nervous because I felt I didn't even know how to articulate my goals or personal and professional experiences, but Heidi helped me and guided me through the whole process. She was always super kind and understanding and never made me feel weird or bad about any of my past experiences. Instead, she always found value in my words and helped me create excellent applications. She even helped me create a calendar to be on time with every task I had to complete and, if necessary, adjusted to my personal needs. Since I started working with her, I felt relieved and she was helping me carry the heavy weight of the application process. I do not regret having worked with Heidi for a second!.

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February 10, 2023

Joined: Feb 10, 2023

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Fantastic experience with Heidi Granner


I definitely recommend working with Heidi and mbaMission! Thank you, Heidi, for your time and guidance!

Heidi is a reliable and practical consultant who will be honest with you from the start while still being warm and encouraging. Do not fear that your essays won’t sound like your voice — Heidi is amazing at providing guidance and suggestions for strengthening essays while having you very much keep your own writing style/voice.

As someone who admittedly isn't the best with time management (especially for longer term projects/goals -- i.e. completing 4 applications over 2 months), I was open about this with Heidi from the start and asked for her support. She built me a custom calendar that had all of my deadlines -- not just when apps were due/should be submitted, but also when I needed to send her essay drafts so we'd have sufficient time to go back-and-forth on editing essays. Having her help build this structure for me made the whole process way less daunting and more approachable.

Applying to business school is an overwhelming time! I am sure Heidi hears similar anxieties/frustrations across clients during the process, but she always empathized with how I felt. I was also unsure of how I could possibly craft a “story” based on my background, and I really wasn’t sure how to form a narrative around my future goals, but Heidi was tremendously helpful in that regard, which made the process much more enjoyable.

Heidi has a strong and up-to-date understanding of what different schools look for/care about in an application. I also loved that Heidi was part of the larger mbaMission organization, as I felt that I had access to other resources if necessary. For example, I was particularly concerned about the direction I’d taken one of my essays and whether it “made sense” for a particular school. I fully trusted Heidi, but she also offered to share my essay with another mbaMission consultant -- an expert in that particular school — who affirmed Heidi’s sentiments.

I applied to 4 schools - Booth, Ross, Wharton, and Sloan. Accepted to both Booth and Ross with merit scholarships + Forte Fellowships and will be attending Booth in the fall (my top choice all along, which Heidi was well aware of!). I interviewed at Wharton but was ultimately denied, and I didn’t receive an interview at Sloan.

Again, I would definitely recommend working with Heidi!

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February 08, 2023

Joined: Apr 26, 2022

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V40 (Online)

Heidi Granner is the best


Heidi Granner was an absolute pleasure to work with. The entire MBA process is full of treacherous paths and turns; I would strongly recommend using a consultant to help guide one through this journey. Heidi helped walk me through this process, where she genuinely listened to my story and what I had to say. When you hire her, you're not just getting someone to review your essays, but you're also getting a psychiatrist who will help you clarify your thoughts and identify the strongest points you have. Prior to meeting her, I had very low expectations and I imagined myself to be a boring person. This entire process of has taught me that everyone is unique and has something to offer, and that sometimes all it takes is hearing from an outside perspective to discover that.

Heidi's passion for helping her students, extensive knowledge in MBA admissions, detailed and realistic analysis, and responsiveness are worth every penny. Not only will you do the best you can, but you will learn more about the whole process and not have to rely on conjecture from reddit :).

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January 23, 2023

Joined: May 04, 2022

Posts: 2

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V38

Highly Recommend Heidi!


Heidi was a crucial part of my application process. I worked with her for CBS and was able to convert it.

Being from an overrepresented demographic with an average GMAT score, I was skeptical of even getting an interview at CBS so I feel Heidi's support really made all the difference.

She helped identify the most unique aspects of my story and provided brilliant suggestions on all parts of the application material. Her depth of experience was evident in the quality of school-specific inputs she shared, which helped me tailor my resume & essays well.

Her feedback on my material was clear, concise, well-reasoned, and always on schedule (even a day before the deadline in one instance!)

She also helped me with a mock interview, where again the depth and breadth of feedback provided was unparalleled.
Not only was she able to fine-tune the content of my answers but also helped improve the body language and overall presentation.

Would absolutely recommend Heidi to anyone looking for expert help with their B-school applications!

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January 10, 2023

Joined: Jan 10, 2023

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Could not be more satisfied!

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Heidi helped me to clarify and strengthen my personal story and career goals in order to stand out, especially coming from an overrepresented Big 4 consulting background. She was very efficient and was able to support brainstorming, resume, essays, short answers, and interview prep in a smaller package of hourly services. The biggest benefit of using mbaMission and Heidi was the time, and stress, I saved. I had access to the best materials and always had proper direction along the way. I'm extremely happy with my results, getting into one of my top M7 choices. I highly recommend working with Heidi!

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