Harshad Mali Reviews

Company: mbaMission

With an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, a BE in mechanical engineering from the Government College of Engineering in Aurangabad, India, and an ME in mechanical and aerospace engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Harshad Mali has enjoyed a successful career as both an engineer and an entrepreneur. In addition to having worked in design and product development within the automotive industry for the truck manufacturer Navistar, he has traveled extensively in Europe, Asia, and South America to evaluate and create supply chains for critical hardware. After graduating from Chicago Booth, Harshad co-founded a consulting start-up to address the operational and product commercialization challenges faced by small- and medium-sized manufacturing companies. His corporate and entrepreneurial experiences have given him valuable insight into the various career paths MBAs pursue. An avid mentor and coach, Harshad has participated in university career fairs, discussing professional goals and career paths with graduating students, and has also freelanced as an MBA essay consultant.

4.9 /5 Average Rating
Based on 73 reviews
April 17, 2019

Joined: Jun 19, 2018

Posts: 9

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
680 Q47 V35
710 Q48 V40

To kick off this review, I will say I am not the most straight forward candidate. I have a sub-par (<2.5) GPA, no alternative transcript, and 3 years of work experience at a no-name tech firm.

Every MBA consultant either turned me away, insisted that I apply to part-time programs, or asked that I apply to lower ranked schools. However, I was determined to join a full-time top 20 program and needed a coach to guide me through the process.

Harshad was exactly that and much more. Right from the start he was honest and let me know that if I wanted to punch above my weight, I'd have to approach the process swinging, and that he would help guide me through it. Harshad was always available at a moment's notice and truly helped me refine and craft my essays, story, and pitch. Harshad truly is an awesome story-teller and can really bring out a top notch applicant in anyone he works with.

In the end I not only gained admission to a top 20 full-time program, but I did so with a bloody full scholarship! To this day I can't believe it. Looking back at my essays that I attempted to write before I met Harshad and comparing them to my completed essays after working with Harshad, it is clear that there is no way I would be where I am today without him.

To anyone thinking about working with Harshad - biting the bullet and hiring him saved me two years worth of MBA tuition (>$120k in tuition fees!); unbelievable!

I would recommend Harshad to anyone who is going through the application process. There is no doubt Harshad will put you on the path to achieving your goals!

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April 12, 2019

Joined: Feb 27, 2018

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Confidence Inspiring

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Harshad and I started working together in August and he helped me through two rounds and applications to seven schools. I can honestly say this feat would have been impossible without him. Fundamentally, he is a warm and kind person who has just the right touch of honesty and pragmatism to keep you focused on what really matters. He is extremely efficient and is more than willing to help you under tight deadlines, which for me was crucial in round 2 where a number of deadlines were back to back. His approach helped me discover a lot about myself and he really pushed me to dig deep and develop unique and interesting ways of defining who I am within each school's vastly different essays.

Harshad made me a better writer and helped me write great essays. He never injected his voice into my content, but simply helped flush out my own ideas in compelling narratives. I felt confident that my essays were the best I could have done and I am not entirely sure what that peace of mind is worth.

Best of all, Harshad's hard work helped me get interviews at every single school I applied to, which was a difficult feat given my competitive but not stellar GMAT.

Four admits, two waitlists (hopefully admits), and one rejection (after an interview) later, you could say Harshad was worth every penny. I am still deciding between two of my dream schools (both in the top 10) and I know I wouldn't be in this position without Harshad. I would highly recommend his consulting services to anyone.

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April 06, 2019

Joined: Mar 23, 2019

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Best advice

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The application process is awful, but you have to commit to it. It’s nearly impossible if you don’t have a support system that’s pushing you, encouraging you and supporting you. Harshad is incredible. In the midst of all the self-doubting, he’s there to remind you why you are embarking on this journey. He gets you excited about the prospects, and with it, motivates you to put your best application forward. He’s incredibly wise and his advice has been unparalleled to anyone else I’ve spoken during this application process. He is able to shape your story in a way that makes so much sense that you wonder how you didn’t come up with it yourself — that’s how natural it flows and that’s a huge + in applications. His tips on crafting the story and guidance on the daunting essays are truly what helped me get to where I am now. I would not be where I am now without Harshad. He is so excellent at identifying which schools would be a good fit for you. If you have decided to embark on this MBA journey with all the potential loans in the future, this initial investment is essential. You will not regret it. There are so many consultants out there, but I can honestly say that this is was the best experience and I could not have imagined having to work with anyone better.

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December 19, 2018

Joined: Jan 14, 2018

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Confidence Boosting Consultant

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This review is long overdue, which is somewhat fitting as my application probably would have been too if it wasn’t for Harshad. There is not a doubt in my mind that I would not have gotten into Chicago Booth if it wasn’t for him. I may not have even applied if it wasn’t for him encouraging me and giving me the confidence through all of my self-doubt.

On a number of occasions after I made the decision to apply, I second guessed myself. Wondering if instead I should take some classes at the Graham school to show that my undergrad GPA wasn’t something the adcom needed to worry about, or if my lower end of the range GMAT and low quant score would ruin my chances of admission. Harshad helped me keep focus, reminding me that although I didn’t have the best stats, I had a unique story which he helped me shape and reiterate.

Harshad’s true strength lies in being not only an honest critic, but in being a very good story teller. He was able to analyze my life stories and help me come up with not only an application I was proud of, but one that was good enough to get me into my dream school. If you want someone authentic who will give you structure and no BS, Harshad is the consultant for you. He’s a great judge of character and from what I’ve read about him and experienced for myself, he knows how to get people into schools that they may not feel they have a chance at.

Long story short, work with Harshad if you’re the type that tends to procrastinate and second guess yourself. Harshad doesn’t make time for any of that nonsense. If he believes in you, you better believe in you, because the man has a track record of getting people in.

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May 08, 2018

Joined: May 08, 2018

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You Will Be in Great Hands

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Applying to business schools can be a testing experience that requires a lot of self-reflection. I started using Harshad as a pay by the hour consultant to help tighten my stories. After working with him for a few sessions, I realized that I was going to need more help in coming up with my unique stories that would stand out in my applications. I upgraded to the full time package, and it was the best decision and money I spent in the application process.

Harshad has a unique ability to connect with the people he works with. We have only communicated over the phone and email, but I found myself quickly trusting him. I opened up about events in my life that I have told few people. He brought out powerful stories and emotions, some of which I had buried deep down inside myself.

Harshad will also very honest with you and is a great communicator. He will let you know if you produced a strong piece or a piece that needs more work. If he does provide constructive feedback, he does so in a way that never feels personal. I always felt that Harshad was rooting for me every step of the way.

All in all, I cannot recommend Harshad enough. He will bring out the best version of yourself and help you distill that version onto paper.

I was accepted into two great schools, and I have no doubts that Harshad was a big part of me getting into those schools.

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April 25, 2018

Joined: Feb 12, 2018

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q48 V44

Highly recommend Harshad! Great consultant


I highly recommend Harshad to anyone looking for an admissions consultant. His support and guidance was critical to my success, and ultimately contributed to me getting accepted at both Wharton and Kellogg.

Before I was connected to Harshad, I’d spent several months narrowing my list of schools, visiting, thinking about why I wanted to go to school, what matters to me, and what I wanted to do when I grew up. In December, I found myself planning to apply R2 having done a lot of thinking, but with no essays or concrete application progress made. After a 30 min “real talk” consultation with Harshad, I was off. With his support, I turned the many thoughts into compelling coherent applications.

Highlights of the experience:
– Harshad doesn’t mince words, but he explains himself clearly and logically. His first set of comments on my first essay attempt were tough to swallow (but accurate) – this approach let me quickly kick it into gear and start making progress!
– He maintains the integrity and truth of everything his clients write. He helped me edit words out and make suggestions about which approach to take of multiple things I’d try, but he never inserted his own voice into my essays (and would explain when he couldn’t edit something until I worked on it further because it would require him to make decisions about the message)
– When I was holding back and my responses were suffering as a result, Harshad would always kindly but directly call me out. This is how I work best.
– He works like a madman in application crunch time to be there when his clients need him (all hours of the day/night, all days).
– Always provided actionable feedback (both on essays and when we did a mock Kellogg interview). I will carry his interview advice forward for all future job interviews

Because we started working together 4 weeks before my app deadlines, we agreed that it would make the most sense for me to purchase hourly consulting services. Harshad worked very efficiently, leading to cost savings over what I expected. As a consultant myself who bills by the hour, I really appreciated Harshad’s diligence in managing and communicating time he’d spent with me or reviewing my essays.

Harshad cares deeply about his clients and manages to work efficiently while also getting to know people and forming supportive personal connections. He is funny and optimistic and a pleasure to work with.

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April 11, 2018

Joined: Feb 01, 2012

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Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V38

Harshad made my MBA dream come true!


After being rejected from all the schools I applied to last year, I felt I needed some professional help to be successful and I’m happy I picked Harshad to guide me through this challenge. With his help I was able to secure 3 offers of admission from some of the top-10 schools with substantial scholarship $$$.
He was incredibly helpful since the first 30 minutes consultation when I immediately appreciated his “we’ll make it happen” attitude. He was capable to identify the weaknesses from my previous applications and provided great insights to help me reflect on my achievements, redefine my career goals and strengthen my personal brand. The opportunity to work with a person who could deeply understand me on a personal level was fundamental to my success: he was truly there to fight this battle with me.
Harshad’s encouraging consultation style helped me to grow confidence in my work, kept me motivated throughout the application and boosted my morale when I was feeling discouraged (and trust me, there will be moments of discouragement!) At the same time I appreciated his frankness in pointing out my errors and his guidance in resolving my weaknesses. He always provided clear and compelling explanations in support of his recommendations so that I could understand the thought process and develop my own critical judgement.
Overall his ability to reshape my profile and develop a customized strategy joined with a great competence as storyteller made him the ideal consultant to work with. I wish I had him on my side on the first application round to avoid the unnecessary pain of failure.

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April 03, 2018

Joined: Apr 18, 2015

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q48 V44

Excellent Process, Excellent Outcome


When I began evaluating consultants, I was looking for someone with a similar background to mine. On paper, Harshad and I could not be more different. Angela assured me that he is extremely talented, but I still had my doubts about whether or not he would be the right fit for me. Boy was I wrong.

Based on my credentials, I was an underdog in the b-school admissions process. I had a number of prospective consultants break the news that I was a long shot for top-tier schools and they encouraged me to lower my expectations. Not Harshad. From the get-go, it was clear he was in my corner. Instead of trying to convince me to settle for lesser schools, he immediately focused on what I could do to best position myself to be accepted into my top choice programs. This attitude was the primary reason I chose Harshad and it was quite possibly the smartest move I made in the entire process.

Harshad’s approach really worked for me during the essay-writing process. He dug deep into my background, my motivations, and my career aspirations and made sure my essays were a reflection of who I truly am. He was masterful in pointing out my strengths for me and also in encouraging me to think about how my weaknesses could be addressed through an MBA--this self-reflection made for great essays. I was also impressed by how economical he could be with word count--all of the content was my own but he was able to really help me eliminate fluff and say what I really meant to say. Another thing I really appreciated about Harshad was his follow-through. If he said he would get you revisions on a draft by Wednesday AM, I could count on it being in my inbox when I woke up Wednesday morning. He was reliable and always made himself available for me throughout the process.

Harshad pushed me really hard, but I appreciated all of his feedback. I knew that he was challenging me to be better because he genuinely cared about my success as an applicant. Harshad was the first person I emailed when I got my GMAT score, the first person I notified when I received invitations to interview, and the first person I pinged when I got off the phone with Admissions Officers letting me know I was in. He was more invested in my success than some of my closest friends. Applying to B-school is an arduous and humbling process; there were many times I questioned my worth along the way. Harshad was always there to pick me back up when I was knocked to the mat.

I have serious doubts about whether or not I would have succeeded in this process without Harshad. In fact, I’m almost positive I wouldn’t have gotten into my top schools. With Harshad’s help, I got into my dream schools, Wharton and Columbia, but had other excellent options like UVA Darden and NYU Stern as well. I was waitlisted at Kellogg but I’m pretty sure that’s because I opted not to have Harshad help me with that one in an effort to save money :)

I can’t recommend Harshad highly enough. I direct anyone I know who is about to embark on this process to him.

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January 21, 2018

Joined: Jan 16, 2018

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Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q50 V34

Top notch service @Harshad Mali from mbaMission!


It has been amazing working with Harshad Mali from mbaMission! The quality of the service I received went above and beyond my expectations. I was very tentative about working with a consultant initially for two main reasons - cost of the service, and I was concerned that the application would get heavily influenced by the consultant's writing style and personality. But these concerns were put to rest from the time I started working with mbaMission and Harshad Mali. The first big breakthrough happened in the Brainstorming session. Harshad made me talk about my story starting from early childhood, patiently listening for the most part, but every now and then asking me questions to make me think about why I reacted the way I did, and highlighting important values that I had clearly failed to see. Through my conversations, Harshad was able to point out my leadership style and also guide me to pick my best experiences to share in my applications. Following the brainstorming session, my resume and essay writing became much more simple. I was also happy that my essays were my own, and Harshad's contribution was to pick out the meat from my essays by cutting out extraneous information, so as to help me hit my word limit. Harsahd also brought his school expertise, and shared with me valuable information on labs, clubs, and activities. Because of his help and guidance, I was able to put forward a strong application, and in the end, received an acceptance from both Booth and Kellogg! I'm extremely pleased with my work with Harshad, and would recommend him to anybody wanting to put forward a strong MBA application.

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January 20, 2018

Joined: Jan 20, 2018

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q46 V38

Man Of The Year!


Harshad Mali is incredible. With so many moving parts, I started my MBA journey scattered minded and overwhelmed. Honestly, I did not know where to start so I decided to get a consultant. After checking out the tops 3 firms, I settled on mbaMission because they showed a genuine interest even though I had a low GMAT score, which I significantly increased before applying to any school. During the consultation call Harshad and I hit it off and started immediately.

Within one call we had a clear path to my goals. Harshad’s work on my essays, resume, and all the typical material needed to complete an application was top notch, as expected, but what really stands out is the support Harshad provides that one can’t merely read about; building my confidence, being available 24/7 during crunch time, digging deep into my stories, and outstanding insight into each program. In fact, that insight played a huge role when I decided on which program to attend. Those are only a few of the many examples, but I think you get the gist.

Financially, at this point in my MBA journey, my decision to work with Harshad has been the most critical, however, it has already paid itself back in exceptional dividends. I received scholarship for a few reasons I’m sure, but the offer letter stated one being leadership abilities. In my opinion, I would not have been able to display this ability without Harshad’s dedication to showing my intrinsic strengths via essays.

Punctual, brilliant message conveyor, organized, high level of empathic intelligence, transparent, honest, easy going, hardworking, has a holistic application approach, and is an all-around nice guy.
Just an overall astute consultant.

I highly recommend any driven applicant, who wants to win, to schedule a consultation with Harshad.

Post script: I can’t help to think while writing this post that Harshad is going to read it and think to himself “Man, I could have said the same thing in half the words.”

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