Gatehouse Admissions Consulting Reviews

Gatehouse Admissions partners closely with business school applicants targeting the most competitive MBA programs. Through establishing deep partnerships, providing unrelenting support, and infusing expertise into each step of the application process, Gatehouse Admissions helps its clients put their best foot forward in their business school applications. Gatehouse Admissions provides both Full Support services and A La Carte services, including mock interview sessions and hourly services.
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April 22, 2024

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The results speak for themselves

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(1) Background: 26 y/o white female; project manager in untraditional sector; int'l work experience; Ivy undergrad, 3.86 GPA, 166V 166Q (total 332) GRE

(2) Results: Admitted at HBS, Kellogg ($140K scholarship), Booth ($100K), Darden ($164K), Waitlisted MIT Sloan, No interview GSB

(3) Experience: I was accepted to 4 of 6 top-tier MBA programs (most with full or near-full rides) thanks, in large part, to April. Here are the highlights: (1) Because I'm a professional project manager, I initially questioned the need to hire a dedicated (and expensive) admissions consultant. I’m glad I did: As a first-time MBA applicant, I relied on April’s deep knowledge about the admissions cycle and school-specific expectations, which freed up my time to focus on test prep (allowing me to cinch a great score at the 11th hour) and essay drafting. (2) I appreciated that April had strong, well-reasoned opinions about how to frame my untraditional background and approach each essay; she is assertive and direct, not a ‘yes person.’ My essays looked night-and-day different after 5-10 rounds of edits. On a scale of "prescriptive" to "lax," April is quite prescriptive. While her feedback was sometimes uncomfortable to hear (I also have strong opinions, and sometimes disagreed on her approach), she always had the right intention (i.e., getting me into every school I applied to). (3) Finally, I credit April with revealing the extraordinary parts of my story to the admissions committee. When I joined Gatehouse, I tended to underplay my contributions (lots of “I helped” and “It was a team effort”). April noticed this habit and elevated my profile through consistent coaching to make my stories about me. While I struggled with this mindset shift, I believe it demonstrably improved my admissions outcomes (esp. at HBS). All in all, the results speak for themselves.

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April 21, 2024

Joined: May 24, 2023

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
660 Q44 V37

Highly Recommend! Rachel Is A Miracle Worker!


Background: White female, 3.8 GPA at top liberal arts college (Williams/Amherst), strong extracurricular activities, 4 years of work experience at start-up, 660 GMAT.

Results: Accepted to Kellogg (+ received an interview invite at Wharton and was admitted to several other T15 schools with scholarship!).

I began seriously considering business school last spring but procrastinated on starting the application process until October because I wasn’t sure how to approach it. I was very set on attending school in the fall of 2024; however, being not the greatest standardized test taker, I was unable to improve my score in time for round two applications.

Knowing that my score was well below average for the caliber of schools I hoped to attend, I knew I’d need a consultant who could elevate other aspects of my application and provide much-needed guidance. Rachel did just that and more! She helped me convey my personality and experiences authentically in my essays and successfully navigate the challenges posed by a low test score. Plus, working with Rachel, I gained more from the application process than offers of admission — I developed a new skill set that I know will be invaluable in business school and beyond, including honing my career goals, improving my writing skills, and effectively preparing for behavioral interviews.

Above all else, Rachel is a genuinely great person to work with! She gave me the confidence to push forward with my applications, even in the moments when I felt discouraged. After I submitted my applications, she continued to support me, regularly checking in and wishing me luck ahead of decision dates. I can’t recommend Rachel enough to anyone navigating the business school process, whether you’re seeking direction from square one, or aiming to refine an already strong application. Her expertise, honesty, and support can enhance any application. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner through the process and wouldn’t change a thing!

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April 18, 2024

Joined: May 14, 2023

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q48 V44

Truly exceptional MBA admissions consulting!


As someone who previously found self-reflection and personal essays extremely difficult during the undergraduate admissions process, I gained a ton of valuable insights and guidance from Alex while working with him on my MBA admissions. I was accepted to 3 out of the 4 schools that Alex supported me on for R2 - Booth, Kellogg, and Haas - with $150K in total merit scholarship across the schools.

Alex was especially helpful in the following:

1. Helping ideate and connect past experiences into cohesive essays: From the day I started my applications to the day I submitted them, Alex listened to my thoughts, experiences, and perspective and recommended ways that I could powerfully tell my story. As someone who (successfully) went through this process himself and as an English major, Alex has a gift for storytelling and essay revising that would benefit anyone who works with him.
2. Establishing clear cadence and timelines: Starting my MBA applications, I initially found it overwhelming to workplan and hold myself accountable because the entire process seemed so vast and nebulous at the time. Alex took into account my busy work schedule, personal commitments, and school deadlines to craft a working cadence and interim deadlines that ensured I was always on track.
3. Going above and beyond during times of greatest need: I was rejected to my R1 schools and hadn’t put too much thought into R2 before receiving these rejections. This meant I had ~1 month before R2 deadlines. Needless to say, I was stressed, overwhelmed, and discouraged. When I reached out to Alex after these R1 results, he got on a call right away to gameplan R2 apps and to provide emotional support when I needed it most. For the schools with the earliest deadlines, Alex even provided revisions ahead of our agreed schedule to make sure we had ample time before these applications were due. This is just one of many ways that Alex has given 110% during our time together.

Background: I graduated from a top 25 US undergrad university with a 3.8 GPA. ~2 yrs. of work experience in MBB consulting. 740 GMAT.

Result: Accepted to Chicago Booth, Northwestern Kellogg, Berkeley Haas, with ~$150K in total merit scholarship across schools.

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April 17, 2024

Joined: Apr 17, 2024

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Unparalleled Interview Preparation

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I was admitted into HBS, and I attribute a large part of this to the two mock HBS interviews I did with Brooke. The detailed feedback I received was incredibly helpful for course-correcting many of my bad habits. Yet at the same time, Brooke provided feedback in a confidence-building way, something that was critical for me as I approached my actual interview date. In addition, Brooke’s questions were so insanely accurate; several of them came up during my actual HBS interview! Not only the questions themselves, but the style and the flow of the interview–suffice it to say, I felt very prepared during the actual interview.

If you are interviewing at HBS, you need to do a mock interview with Brooke. I seriously cannot recommend it enough. I can personally say that I would not have gotten into HBS without Brooke’s help.

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April 16, 2024

Joined: Jan 22, 2023

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She Is The Best There Is!

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Background: In-state undergrad, 2 years of banking, 3 years of private equity. 750 GMAT. MBA being sponsored through my current fund

Result: Admitted to HBS; GBS; Wharton (with $55k per year scholarship). Chose HBS

Rachel is the best there is. I come from a very overrepresented background of MBA applicants and did my undergrad at my generic middle-of-the-pack state school. On paper, my resume looks very similar to many folks with my background, but Rachel was critical in helping me tell a compelling story that gave schools a deep understanding of who I am and allowed me to stand out in the ways I hoped. She guided me through all parts of each application and every single line (down to the 100 character entries on the online apps after you’ve uploaded all your essays) was thoughtfully crafted. Rachel got an incredible sense of me as a person over this process and then helped me think about the mosaic I wanted to build out with each aspect of my application (i.e. let Recommender A cover X, so you can use real estate in your essay to elaborate on Y). Most critically, she was able to see throughlines in my experiences that allowed me to have connected themes and narratives guide my essays. She had my back every step of the way and wasn’t afraid to tell me when to pick it up (either in my quality of drafting documents or in the pace of turning them to meet my target deadlines). She is a wonderful thought partner and an especially kind and caring person. I tremendously enjoyed working with her and couldn’t recommend her enough.

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April 10, 2024

Joined: Apr 10, 2024

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Rachel is the Best! Highly Recommend!

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Background: Ivy undergrad, Consulting > Buyside, 760 GMAT, re-applicant (previously applied for 2+2)

Result: Admitted to HBS and Wharton

As a quant-oriented person, I was nervous about essay writing. Rachel guided me through the entire writing process and rounds of revisions. She helped tell my story in a way that highlighted my accomplishments, created a coherent narrative across my personal / professional life, and didn’t feel forced. For both schools, she coached me on what the adcoms are looking for – I didn’t realize how different my essays needed to be!

When I was given a “Further Consideration” decision at HBS, Rachel helped steer me through the process. She gave me the direct feedback that I needed to put together the best overall package possible. This ultimately resulted in being accepted to both schools that Rachel helped me with (my top 2 choices)!

I cannot recommend Rachel enough - I would tell anyone applying to business school to look no further!

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April 01, 2024

Joined: May 13, 2023

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Highly Recommend Working with Rachel

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Background: 2 years of Banking, 2 years of PE, 710 GMAT, Claremont McKenna undergrad with 3.6 GPA.

When signing up for a consultant, I did not know what to expect exactly. Rachel made the process incredibly easy and smooth for me. First thing Rachel did was truly get to know me. She took the time and effort to figure out my story to understand how we can make the best application possible. Rachel did not tell me to just do xyz, she really worked with me so I understood why we were doing what we were doing. This allowed me to tell the story that worked for me and my application.

When working with Rachel, you realize how much work your application really needs if you want to make it the best application possible. The MBA process is incredibly competitive, so it is important to put yourself in the best position possible to succeed. I truly think that Rachel did that, and she truly got me to a place where I felt like I had the best application possible and also felt prepared for my interviews.

You will only get what you put into it, and Rachel really made me feel that I got all that i put into the process. Truly would not have done it any other way.

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March 07, 2024

Joined: Mar 07, 2024

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5 Stars for Laura!

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Background: Mid-20s female, based in Boston, worked in healthcare private equity and then operations at growth-stage healthcare company, went to Colby College for undergrad, Spanish and International Relations double major, Economics minor, 3.8 GPA, 161V/162Q GRE.

Result: Attending HBS Fall of 2024 and admitted to Wharton

Working with Laura was an absolute dream. Laura’s firm, Gatehouse, came recommended to me through a former coworker who also had great success working with Gatehouse and is currently at HBS. I was given the option to “interview” a few consultants before choosing who I would work with throughout the process but I only needed 30 minutes with Laura to know I wanted to work with her. Between her background of working in HBS MBA admissions and also having been in my shoes at one point in her life as an MBA applicant, I was confident she was going to ensure that my application was as strong as possible and that I was over prepared for interviews and navigating the process in general.

What struck me most about working with Laura was her organizational skills and holding me accountable to our timeline. Laura gets straight to the point which I really appreciated. There are so many different work streams that overlap during the lengthy application process that it would be easy to get lost without someone with excellent time management skills guiding you through it. Her expertise in interview prep made me feel confident and prepared walking into my interview, and all of her advice paid off. I never had to worry about not knowing what was going on or feeling confused about the process because Laura had either thought ahead and prepared me with detailed documentation and materials or I knew I could reach out to her at any time with any question.

I am so thankful to have worked with Laura throughout the MBA application process. She was with me every step of the way. I would recommend Laura (and already have) to anyone applying to business school.

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February 14, 2024

Joined: Feb 14, 2024

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Liza is the one! Exceptional guidance and incredible results

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Background: Late 20s, female, Texas, technical role at oil and gas company, undergraduate business degree from state school (business management & finance double major), 3.7 GPA, GRE: 162Q/159V.

Accepted: Wharton, Chicago Booth, MIT, Yale
Attending: Wharton School (Class of 2025)

I had the privilege of working with Liza at Gatehouse Admissions for two years. Coming from a niche role at an oil and gas company, I knew that I needed exceptional guidance to navigate the competitive admissions process. Liza proved to be the perfect partner in my journey to business school.

Liza played a pivotal role in shaping my personal story. She helped me craft a narrative that described where I came from, the decisions I made along the way, and most importantly, my "why." Liza's guidance in this aspect was invaluable as it helped me present a clear and strong case for my candidacy. Further, Liza took a holistic approach to the application. She ensured that all components of the application (resume, essays, short answers, etc.) were consistent and connected to my “why”.

One of Liza’s specialties was her ability to help me articulate my accomplishments, projects, and performance in a way that was clear and compelling to admissions staff who may have been unfamiliar with the energy industry. Liza took the time to understand my nuanced role and pushed me to dig deeper in my reflections in both professional and personal experiences.

Additionally, Liza provided strategic advice on re-testing for the GMAT & GRE and helped guide me through my decision to delay my applications until the following admissions cycle, ensuring I could present the strongest possible application to the admissions committees. Her thoughtful guidance underscored her dedication to not just meeting but exceeding the expectations of top-tier business school admissions processes.

Further, my experience with Gatehouse Admissions offered access to a variety of resources. I participated in a mock interview with another specialized admissions consultant and engaged with other Gatehouse clients in a simulated Wharton “Team Based Discussion” interview. Throughout the entire process, Liza and the Gatehouse team consistently offered constructive feedback and support.

Liza at Gatehouse Admissions was a vital partner on my journey to business school. I am incredibly grateful for her expertise and guidance, which undoubtedly played a key role in my successful application to business school. If you want to gain admission to the top business schools, you must work with Liza and Gatehouse Admissions!

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January 26, 2024

Joined: Jan 26, 2024

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q46 V40

Exceptional Experience with Marcus


I am thrilled to be attending Wharton next year and attribute my success to Marcus and the Gatehouse team. I came to them with a condensed timeline, a non-traditional background (investor relations hoping to transition to entrepreneurship) and Marcus helped me create a compelling story across my varying experiences. My gpa (3.9) was strong but my GMAT was slightly below the average of my target schools. With Marcus's hands-on support in editing and reviewing my essays and resume, I was admitted to a handful of programs with scholarships. Notably, given my condensed timeline, Marcus spent much time helping me on weekends and provided thorough and efficient feedback in each step of the process. I also want to highlight that Gatehouse has incredible resources for preparing applicants for interviews and truly helps you throughout the entire process of applying. I give my highest recommendation!

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59 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for Gatehouse
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