End-to-End Admissions Consulting with Interview Prep Reviews

'Specialist' and 'Holistic' are the two terms that epitomize the approach followed by Experts' Global. A student works with a team of specialist Mentors- an Advising Mentor who defines the theme of application and choice of schools, a Writing Mentor who guides in preparing impeccable and impactful essays, an Applications Mentor who helps with the online application, resume, and recommendation letters, and an Interview Mentor, who helps with rigorous interview preparation. Result is authentic, holistic admissions consulting that leads to a smooth experience and robust results!

Before you enroll, get an exhaustive profile evaluation conducted and receive a Guarantee Statement- the Least Possible Admits and Scholarships. In an unlikely scenario that the Guarantee Statement is not met despite your due cooperation, entire fee is refunded- something that is yet to happen! Learn more.
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Based on 163 reviews
July 22, 2017

Joined: Mar 26, 2017

Posts: 37

Kudos: 9

Self-reported Score:
710 Q51 V34

Amazing dedication and great team!!


In my experience of having been associated very closely with Experts Global, I have found the team extremely helpful. Over the span of my GMAT preparation earlier and the ongoing applications process now, I have seen them following a methodical approach with clear milestones. Every time I have missed a milestone, I have heard from the team, encouraging me to keep up with the tasks for getting the results.

This approach shows that my mentors are involved with me and they are equally (honestly, may be more :)) bothered about the results than I myself.

Thank you Experts Global team for all the genuine help!

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April 25, 2019

Hello @SHire2709,

So good to hear from you! :)

Nothing gives us more happiness than to see our students make it to their dream schools; the methodical approach we follow is a means to that end! :) Very glad to know that our approach worked for you.

It was a pleasure mentoring you through the GMAT, as well as, the admissions consulting process.

All the best! :)

Experts' Global
Students from 20+ nationalities
Every 10th Indian in US top 50 is our student!
$ 2Mn+ Scholarship Each Year Since 2010!

July 17, 2017

Joined: Mar 28, 2017

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Authentic Admissions Consulting.. Loved the Journey

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It has been a long association with Experts Global.

After completing my GMAT preparation with them, I approached them for applications and schools shortlisting. Mentors were appointed for both applications and interview preparations. They were always quick in responding and were even more sincere than me in the follow ups. Throughout the process, I never felt that any of my query went unanswered. The mentors were available over phone and through emails and were always updated with any changes. Experts Global did an excellent job and the whole process of applications and interview preparations was quite smooth.

I would strongly recommend their services to all who seek a great future and want to get into a great college. I hereby wish the entire team ALL THE VERY BEST..!!!

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July 23, 2017

Dear Anshil,

We thank you for your words.

What a journey it has been! After the GMAT marathon, that lasted really long, owing to your sailing assignments, we could start your application process only in June, which is very late for international applicants to get admits. However, we appreciate your sincerity and due cooperation in acting proactively and completing all applications timely and then preparing rigorously for the interviews.

As a result, we have achieved some great results and we are glad that you will be flying soon for your MBA.

Needless to say, we will be in touch!


Thank you once again!
Experts' Global Team

July 11, 2017

Joined: Sep 07, 2010

Posts: 4

Kudos: 1

Genuine, Honest and Professional service from Experts!


Experts Global made me think deep and truly recognize what drives me and motivates me. I uncovered many aspects about my personality that remained under the surface for years, and was able to clearly articulate why I wanted to go for an MBA. This process was not comprised of a one-off hour-long phone conversation. It was a series of conversations and mentoring from the Experts team, focusing on my goals and helping me find the right path to achieving it. This is why I chose Experts - for the human touch. Every other consulting service that I explored had a money-minded client-vendor approach. The fact that I remained in touch with my mentors at Experts through B-school and till date is testament to their high-touch approach.

The results speak for themselves. Because of the way I was pushed by Experts, I was able to submit competitive applications leading to multiple top-tier interviews including Stanford and Duke. They not only guided me on the application process, but also provided personal guidance on building my unique timeline. In fact, it was based on my mentor’s advice at Experts that I decided to push out my application by a year. He helped me create a plan for that year on improving my profile and strengthening my application, all the along way providing answers to my hundreds of questions. He took the time out to speak with me and help me clear my mind on the best step forward.

I had only seen such guidance come from family members or close friends. I was pleasantly surprised to receive such attention to detail from a consulting service.

Additionally, I want to provide specific feedback on the following categories:

1. Quality of work: I was extremely pleased with the quality as my Experts mentor helped bring out the best in my story. I was able to tell my story in the essays in an honest and genuine way even though my storytelling skills leave a lot to be desired! They helped me bring out the small nuances and details that helped make my story memorable.

2. Professionalism: There is no sugar coating here. Be prepared to receive some tough feedback. But along with the tough feedback, my mentor also helped me work on my weaknesses in a systematic, well-laid out approach. They were extremely professional in their conduct and guidance. I was impressed.

3. Holistic nature of association: I paid just once but got constant guidance over the course of the entire year! Right from my GMAT prep to selecting schools to preparing the application. They even set up mock interviews with multiple mentors at Experts before the real ones. Their service went beyond expectations on all fronts.

I have already referred Experts to several of my close friends.

I will caution though that if you sign up, be prepared to do a lot of heavy lifting and trust the process. Don't expect to be spoon-fed, instead be ready to pull your weight. If you do that, you will not go wrong with Experts!

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July 23, 2017

Dear Jyotishman,

Thank you for the kind words.

Working with you was a wonderful experience and that our association has lasted 5+ years since your graduated from MBA reflects the synergy we had in the association. Thank you for taking our advise, following the processes, and honoring the milestones.

We owe your success to your sincerity and hope that you continue to do well in your career and keep doing us proud!

Thanks again. Wish you all the very best!

Experts' Global Team

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