e-GMAT Online Focused Reviews

Full access, Focused Preparation, High GMAT Score

The most reviewed course on GMAT Club, GMAT Online Focused, is built for those who need in-depth preparation in one section – Quant or Verbal and a few points of improvement in other. Your learning starts with identifying specific conceptual gaps. The platform then provides you with a clear, milestone-driven plan which enables you to maximize your score gains without wasting on concepts you have already mastered, saving you 80+ hours of preparation. While learning, our xPERT engine provides real-time feedback to ensure that you excel in the first go. Cementing and ability quizzes in Scholaranium then help push your ability to the 90th percentile or higher. 


Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Focused:

  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Course correction with Hyper-Personalized Plans


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4.7 /5 Average Rating
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Based on 1203 reviews
June 16, 2013

Posts: 1

Kudos: 43

Excellent Verbal Course


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I used e-GMAT online course extensively for the verbal section. I targeted for 100% accuracy in SC to achieve higher score in this section; and e-GMAT was helpful in pushing towards that. RC and CR sections of this course are also very helpful to improve your scores.

e-GMAT course makes the verbal section much more logical and understandable. This course removed much of guesswork that I earlier used in this section. I found the e-Gmat method of audio visual method along with pre and post tests after each concept much more helpful than just reading books. This course helped me in pushing my verbal score from 35 (mock) to 41.

I highly recommend this course for non-natives.

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June 10, 2013

Joined: Mar 25, 2011

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Kudos: 0

Verbal review


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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My GMAT journey started sometimes in August 2011. I took the gmat in December 2011 , and it was heartbreaking for me; I scored miserably. In fact, my verbal score was such a mess that I decided to seek some help. After reading such great review about e-gmat, I decided to sign up for the verbal online , and my accuracy went from 20% to 70% . The e-GMAT SC course is what drilled the meaning approach in my mind and I am so thankful to the e-gmat team for their patience and support. GMAT verbal now makes more sense and I definetly have the tools to tackle this portion of the GMAT exam. Wish me luck for my upcoming GMAT exam.

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May 06, 2013

Joined: Jul 12, 2009

Posts: 9

Kudos: 8

Self-reported Score:
640 Q49 V29
680 Q50 V32

Worth every penny !!


Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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After giving a couple of attempts at GMAT (650 and 680), I almost gave up on my GMAT and MBA dreams. After a couple of years, when I started considering an MBA once again, I wanted my preparation to be strong. I did not want to leave any loose ends in terms of my preparation. Last couple of times, Verbal pulled my score down and I did not want the same to repeat. After seeing a bunch of positive reviews about e-GMAT, I decided to give it a shot and ended up signing up for e-GMAT's Verbal Online course.

I had to learn to understand logic with sentences to begin with. And this is where I believe e-gmat helped me the most. Although, what they taught was not radically different, the visualization of how one should approached the CR problem helped me quite a bit. This process increased my accuracy and when I did take the GMAT again, after exactly two years, I ended up scoring 730 (Q50 and V38). A total improvement of 50 points in a span of 2 months.

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May 04, 2013

Joined: Oct 15, 2010

Posts: 69

Kudos: 10

Self-reported Score:
730 Q47 V42

E-gmat turned my Gmat around


Improvement 40 Points

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I used the e-GMAT course and was able to score 730 (Q51, V35) and my accuracy in SC improved up to 85-90%. My accuracy in sets of SC questions varied between 40-95 %. I tried very hard to get some consistency but to no avail. I took e-GMAT’s SC course. This course completely changed my approach to SC. I have got to say, this is one killer course. I had done all the grammar rules, but it was like rule overkill for me. I was unable to concentrate. This course gave me a lot of direction. It taught me a concrete technique/approach to SC and immensely helped me improve my accuracy up to 85-90 %. While grammar rules are obviously very important, the approach to the questions can help improve accuracy as well as enable you to solve the question quickly. e-GMAT really helped me attain this. I also found the structure of the concept files very helpful. This course was a very good confidence booster. For all of you out there who feel their weakest section is SC, this course can do wonders.

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April 24, 2013

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Kudos: 5

e-GMAT Methodology works


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Well this is the first course after Manhattan test series that I had heard alot from my friends I had inititally gone only for SC but later I registered for CR and RC.

The best part of the course is that each steps of action in each course is written in methodologically that helps one to not only build the approach but also make it part of one`s thinking thank to application file and same answer explanation in number of ways that makes the approach part of your thinking.

Course needs to be done couple of time to get the real gist and approach.

I am very happy with the course may even go for Verbal Live and have already recommended to number of my Friends

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April 16, 2013

Joined: Sep 17, 2011

Posts: 158

Kudos: 244

Self-reported Score:
720 Q48 V40

Especially good for people struggling with basics!


Improvement 150 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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“I used the e-GMAT course and was able to score 720 (Q48, V40) after scoring 570(Q32, V35) in GMAT prep1 (and some 4 months of hard-work in-between). I took e-GMAT’s SC and CR course. SC was a challenge....I read MGMAT SC guide...but even after completing it twice I was just not 'getting it' I tried other means: namely 'Thursdays with Ron' videos....and later when I realized that I learn much better in the video format, I purchased the e-GMAT course(I got Grockit and GMATClub tests free with it....great deal I must say!).

Each of these three sources has their strengths, and at the end I was feeling much more comfortable with SC. I also recommend, very highly, going through OG explanations of why a certain answer choice is wrong. It’s their game after all, u got to follow their rules....Thanks e-GMAT...for that much needed "extra push"

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March 26, 2013

Joined: Dec 01, 2012

Posts: 7

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
650 Q48 V32

Thank you for improving my Verbal score from 19 to 32


Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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By then, I have already attempted GMAT for 2 times but could not get a good score that I would have liked. I prepared from all the books that were available for Verbal (MGMAT, Kaplan, OG, Princeton), but I could not gain confidence in verbal section.

I worked hard to gain expertise on verbal section and only concentrated on Verbal. Though I was not confident in the first attempt, I felt that I could crack verbal in 2nd attempt. I was going well during the practice tests with a good verbal score and was gaining confidence in verbal. But I did not knew that I was never in the game and with pressure I totally screwed the test both times with scores of 23 & 19 in verbal. After so much of hard work and preparation, a score of 19 in verbal and 550 overall killed me.

Not giving up, I again started my preparation with the same books I had. I even joined a coaching class nearby but that class was not even worth of a single penny. Just when there was about 1 month for my test, my friend called me and told me that he received an e-mail from e-gmat course and he saw very good reviews for this course.

I told him that we would be getting so many mails of this kind and we cannot believe in all reviews. He told me that the course was offering few chapters for free and asked me to study those free courses and then decide whether to purchase or not( as I had experience in GMAT topics). I wanted to give a try and started off with the free courses that e-gmat provided. By the time I completed free chapters of SC section, I was very happy with the way they explained each detail of main topics especially meaning errors(I was weak in this).

Me and my friend purchased SC & CR sections as we were happy with the lessons. I completed the entire course of SC & CR within 3 weeks. After the course, I re-did OG questions and this time I knew why was I choosing a correct answer and dumping wrong answers. My confidence levels boosted with this and I was well-versed in the topics, which I was weak earlier. I was also able to solve CR questions within 2 minutes and gained a 80% accuracy in CR & 90% accuracy in SC.

On the day of the exam, after I completed my math section, I was relaxed this time during verbal. I marked answers with confidence and could find all the errors in SC & break down CR questions with ease. I could manager my time in each question and did not get tensed during verbal unlike my last attempts. I was confident that I would get a good score this time and I scored 32 in verbal & 48 in math, scoring an overall 650. I did not concentrate on math, if not I should have scored 50.

The things I liked about this course are:
1. The way they drilled down each topic and the explanation provided on each subject with an example, making it easy for non-native speakers to understand.
2. Providing examples and practice questions with answers at the end of the chapter.
3. Increasing level of questions, there by making us know at what level we are and our accuracy %.
4. Video tutorial with excellent presentation, making every topic interesting.
5. Their confidence in providing some main topics for free.

I would like to specially thank e-GMAT guys for helping me in improving my score and for providing such a wonderful course, which is helpful specially for non-native speakers.


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November 06, 2012

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Kudos: 0

Very Good Course For Verbal


Improvement 10 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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This is a great course for Verbal. I am not a native speaker but have a very strong grammar. However, I still struggled with GMAT's verbal section. The first time I took the Gmat I barely studied for it. The second time I registered for eGMAT because my verbal score was too low. You can't go wrong with this course. Take the full package if you struggle with verbal and also complement it with CR bible.

My only advice is that if you struggle with RC practice that (don't reply solely on the course material, sharpen your skimming abilities)

Perhaps practice the material more than once...

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September 05, 2012

Joined: May 13, 2010

Posts: 33

Kudos: 16

Self-reported Score:
600 Q47 V26
710 Q49 V38

e-gmat RC - equally important as SC


Improvement 110 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I bumped into e-gmat (through some posts in GC) very late in my preparation cycle. I had only 1 month left for the actual GMAT and my verbal was stuck at 32-33 even after months of studying. I had completed MGMAT SC and improved my accuracy to 75% in SC but that was not sufficient. I realized that most of the times the main killer of my verbal score was RC. Sometimes I scored as pathetic as 25%. e-gmat was about to start the beta trial of their RC course and I thought there could be nothing better than trying this out. I had already tried other courses such as Kaplan, MGMAT for RC and found them a bit unsuitable for my style of study since I am not a voracious reader and hence always struggled to comprehend a long or unfamiliar passage.

Thus I went ahead and volunteered for the beta trial. The kick off session was interesting as Rajat mentioned about the pedagogy of the course and how it has been split into Concept files, Application files, Practice files. I found that quite interesting as it resembled the structure of some tutorial companies in India who conduct courses for Engineering and medical entrance exams. Belonging to a typical Engineering aspirant (common in India), I had already experienced this format and hence was comfortable in following the RC course of e-gmat.

I could see the improvement after the first week itself. RC passage was no longer scary to me and my accuracy started to improve. By the time of reaching last week before my actual test, I was confidently scoring 70-80% in RC and my verbal score in mock CATs ranged from 35-41. On the actual test I managed to score 38 in verbal and was really comfortable even in answering the last RC passage (by the time you reach there you are almost dry of energy and the anxiety to view the score dominates the senses).

Few interesting points I found about this course are:

1. Illustrative and well paced narration: The course flows smoothly and is divided into several sub topics such as: Reading Strategies, Main point, Inference, Detail Concept, and Structure Concept which eventually covers all kinds of questions possible in RC. So targeted focus on each area helps in understanding how to tackle all types of RC questions.

2. Audio Visual tutorial: As I mentioned already, I found reading through hundreds of pages on how to answer RC questions or how to read RC passage was not my cup of tea. Rather the audio visual aid used in e-gmat had a lasting impact on me till the test day and I was able to remember how should I tackle the RC passage and question.

3. Generating interest in the passage: The course focuses more on generating an interest on the topic of the passage by setting short goals of summarizing a small paragraph or few lines after you read through, predict what the author could write next etc. This helps in getting involved in the passage and no topic would appear dry afterwards.

4. Lots of practice material: I found e-gmat contains a decent number of practice passages from every walk of life (after OG 12 edition of course) and the passage analysis of each of these passages certainly wires the brain on how to read the passage in the actual test.

5. Short tutorials: All the files in this course was relatively short, lasting to a maximum of 20-30 minutes. This ensures you are not yawning midway and are able to follow what you are studying.

Since the course is still in its inception and will be released soon, I see more improvement coming into the course and thus would recommend the non-native and not voracious readers to gain most from this course, which makes reading a passage more fun than a struggle.

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September 05, 2012

Joined: May 13, 2010

Posts: 33

Kudos: 16

Self-reported Score:
600 Q47 V26
710 Q49 V38

The perfect verbal dose for non-native speakers


Improvement 110 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

My struggle in the verbal section was clearly visible from my first GMAT score and subsequent practice tests. Many of the forum members kept on mentioning that SC is an area where improvement is quick and it can save a lot of time if you master tricks of solving SC questions. And I wondered how? If my SC basics are poor how am I going to achieve this? I sat for couple of months to build up my grammar basics by following Wren&Martin. But frankly speaking I was getting slow day by day in solving SC questions.

That's when I heard about e-gmat from gmat club members and signed up for a free SC course and OG solutions. Upon accessing the course I found that the approach was totally different. Here instead of identifying grammar bits and pieces, the emphasis was on to understand what the author is implying to say. Now that was something unusual for an Indian student. We are always taught to target the pain points and identify the faults. So my earlier approach was in line to my past experience. With the new methodology adopted by Mr. Sadana and his team, learning became fun. Instead of trying to apply all grammar rules, I practiced to peep into the author's mind and that straight away alerted me to where the problem lies in the sentence. With the long sentences it helped a lot since I saved more time in re-reading the entire sentence in the 5 answer choices.

The idea of application files and concept files is also equally innovative and helps grasp the crux of the SC approach easily. With the several practice sentences and their detailed analysis by the instructor, the mind automatically gets wired to dissect a SC question during practice and during test.
All this helped me in bringing down my timing from around 2 minutes to 80-90 secs. Just imagine 7 minutes of extra time in verbal section will do wonders for you in RC questions towards the end.

It not only helped me improve my SC accuracy but also gave me some additional time to spend on the last RC question. The result was evident. From a dismal score of 26 in Verbal I could improve to 38 in my final attempt. I am sure if I had taken this course a little bit earlier, I could have easily improved another 2-3 points. Since then I suggested some of my friends about this course and few of them registered for it as well. This appreciation from my friends led me to write this review with a view that it will help many more non-native speakers to get the right verbal coaching. You would soon hear from on of them who has recently scored a 42 in verbal. Now that's an impressive score for any non-native.

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