April 16, 2013

Joined: Sep 17, 2011

Posts: 158

Kudos: 244

Self-reported Score:
720 Q48 V40

Especially good for people struggling with basics!


Improvement 150 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

“I used the e-GMAT course and was able to score 720 (Q48, V40) after scoring 570(Q32, V35) in GMAT prep1 (and some 4 months of hard-work in-between). I took e-GMAT’s SC and CR course. SC was a challenge....I read MGMAT SC guide...but even after completing it twice I was just not 'getting it' I tried other means: namely 'Thursdays with Ron' videos....and later when I realized that I learn much better in the video format, I purchased the e-GMAT course(I got Grockit and GMATClub tests free with it....great deal I must say!).

Each of these three sources has their strengths, and at the end I was feeling much more comfortable with SC. I also recommend, very highly, going through OG explanations of why a certain answer choice is wrong. It’s their game after all, u got to follow their rules....Thanks e-GMAT...for that much needed "extra push"

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