e-GMAT Online Focused Reviews

Full access, Focused Preparation, High GMAT Score

The most reviewed course on GMAT Club, GMAT Online Focused, is built for those who need in-depth preparation in one section – Quant or Verbal and a few points of improvement in other. Your learning starts with identifying specific conceptual gaps. The platform then provides you with a clear, milestone-driven plan which enables you to maximize your score gains without wasting on concepts you have already mastered, saving you 80+ hours of preparation. While learning, our xPERT engine provides real-time feedback to ensure that you excel in the first go. Cementing and ability quizzes in Scholaranium then help push your ability to the 90th percentile or higher. 


Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Focused:

  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Course correction with Hyper-Personalized Plans


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4.7 /5 Average Rating
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Based on 1205 reviews
December 01, 2015

Joined: Apr 24, 2013

Posts: 146

Kudos: 25

Self-reported Score:
710 Q50 V35

e-Gmat Verbal for Non-native Speakers

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Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I took help of the e-GMAT Verbal Online followed by the Verbal Live courses for my GMAT verbal preparation. Based on my research and the fact that I wanted a study at your own pace kind of a program that wasn't limited to weekend classes, I chose e-GMAT over others. e-GMAT fit the bill in terms of convenience. The verbal online material for the sentence correction section was very well organized and focussed on the topics that you were frequently tested on GMAT. I didn't find the other sections of the material really helpful or worth the money. While the material definitely helped me improve my verbal score from a 30 to 34, it didn't help me achieve my target score of 37-40 on verbal. The verbal live sessions didn't add much value to me. After scoring a 34 on my first attempt, I had a phone call with Rajat Sadana, the CEO of e-GMAT and he convinced me to sign up for the verbal live sessions. I ended up with the same 34 on my second attempt as well. I'd recommend their sentence correction package but nothing else.

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November 30, 2015

Joined: Dec 18, 2013

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
580 Q35 V35

9 point improvement


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I took the e-GMAT Verbal online course which helped me improve my verbal score by 9 points. The course not only provides an excellent framework for the content but it also provides a repeatable process for success. I clearly saw in improvement in my verbal ability as i progressed through the course. Upon completion of the course materials, the Scholarium platform specifically highlighted my weaknesses which allowed me to focus on topics that required more attention. The live sessions are extremely helpful in reinforcing strategies learned throughout the course. I am extremely satisfied with my investment in e-GMAT and would recommend the course to anyone and everyone committed to an improvement in their verbal abilities.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
November 25, 2015

Joined: Oct 02, 2012

Posts: 12

Kudos: 30

Self-reported Score:
700 Q51 V32

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

Phase I :

I am an Power Plant Engineer and currently work for a government power sector. When the idea of taking GMAT came in my mind, I started preparing on my own from the resources available for free at GMAT Club. Though I became confident day by day in the Quant Part but I realized that that quality of confidence lacked for the Verbal Part. Though I spent a lot of time and effort in Verbal but the improvement was not there. I analyzed that inherently I was comfortable with Quant Section but my Verbal Part was a disaster.

Phase II :

With many doubts and thoughts unanswered in my mind I googled the GMAT Club for Verbal online course that will suit me. I came across a dozen of them all claiming to be the best. Even I saw many of the courses free Verbal videos but couldn't relate anyone of them to my requirements ( The one that starts from scratch and approaches to superior level). One evening when I was googling through GMAT Club, I got a invitation to attend a free Webinar on SC from e-GMAT guys. I registered for the same and attended. That event made a huge difference.

Phase III :

After attending the session for almost 3 hours in the evening, I knew this course is the one that I would buy. The reason being, I had never seen such a Quant Type Approach ( because in Quant if you know the steps to follow, you will solve it correct). Since I am a guy from engineering background, I prefer a methodical approach in all types of problems, be it Quant or Verbal, and that approach wise SC solving technique really fascinated me.

Then I also attended the CR Pre-thinking Webinar, and with no surprise, the way/ strategy to approach the CR questions was really very different and effective. So with this I decided to go for Verbal Online Course of e-GMAT.

Phase IV :

I never had a The process-wise approach to attack the GMAT SC and CR better for the non native speakers like me. I have gone through the e-GMAT course module many times to get the process wired in me. First I thought that I am investing too much time in understanding the process and then applying it, but this investment of time seems paying me now in form of accuracy and time saving. Though I don't have an official GMAT score to prove my point at this time but I can see the improvement while solving problems during my practice sessions. The logical diagram to connect Premise and Conclusion dilutes the haunting CR problems and gets you to the right track of thinking with a clear understanding. You can really visualize the argument and its assumptions.

Thanks a lot e-GMAT Team

Saunak Dey

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November 23, 2015

Joined: Sep 16, 2014

Posts: 0

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q49 V34

E-GMAT Review


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

All of you looking out for a great online course that is self explanatory and provides a plethora of practice questions, please pursue E-GMAT. The best value addition to my learning has been in CR. I have learned how to break down an argument, identify the different parts of the argument and easily eliminate 3 answer choices. Moreover, the Scholaranium section is fantastic. It is a real indicator of how you would feel on the test day in terms of difficulty and pacing yourself to answer these difficult question within a particular time frame. Beyond that I think the SC learning modules are great. The most important part is to understand the explanations that are provided along with the questions. Great emphasis on the POE method as it trains you completely to tackle SC for the test day. I faced a lot of difficulty in RC during my test and it reflected on my verbal score as well. However, simply following the RC modules and the E-GMAT approach has boosted my percentile in RC. Therefore, I would recommend E-GMAT to anyone looking for studying for the GMAT for first time or to someone looking to boost their score. It's fantastic and it is guaranteed that you will improve your score.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
November 23, 2015

Joined: Aug 23, 2015

Posts: 111

Kudos: 12

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q47 V41

Finally cracked the GMAT!


Improvement 60 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

So.. Gave my GMAT on 6th Nov 2015. This was my 3rd attempt and hence I knew in my heart that this time I have to crack that 700+ mark and aim for a high score. My previous attempts fared like this:

Attempt 1: 590 (Q 42, V 29)
Attempt 2: 650 (Q 47, V 32)

Finally in the 3rd attempt scored a 710 (Q 47, V 41, AWA- 6, IR-5). While I was hoping for a 730+ (and honestly could have done better in quant) I was nonetheless quite happy with my performance.

I started my prep for 3rd attempt around August 2015 (wanted to start early but hectic work schedule did not allow that ). Below I have tried to list out some steps I followed during my 3 months of prep for GMAT.

1) before i started my prep, I decided to reflect back on my performance. Clearly, Verbal section was a challenge for me and I needed to put in lot of efforts to increase my verbal score. Being a non native speaker made it even more difficult to understand and grasp the verbal concepts.
That is where e-gmat came into picture. After doing a lot of research, reading through forums, and talking to people I decided to attend few free verbal sessions offered by e-gmat. I found their teaching methods highly methodical yet simplistic and felt that e-gmat might be the right choice for me to work on my verbal skills. With that in mind I enrolled for their Verbal Online course (even verbal live prep is very good but for me self studying works better). As it turns out, this was one of the best decisions I had ever taken in my approach towards gmat preparation. The modules offered by them are nicely structured for all 3 sections.

SC was always my strength but I used to make some critical mistakes on the 700+ questions. E-gmat's 3 step approach to solving SC questions made life much easier. I realised that by simply focussing on the meaning of the sentence there was a lot that could be unraveled regarding the sentence structure. Once I got a hang of it I stopped relying on my ear and started focussing on the meaning of the sentences to get through a sentence correctly.

CR was a challenge for me during my past attempts. A huge challenge. After enrolling in the e-gmat course I realise why it was so. I had missed out on the most important aspect of CR q's- PRE-THINKING!! Pre-thinking in CR q's is a non-negotiable according to me. Once you start to pre-think the underlying assumptions that the passage has, half the battle is already won. E-gmat's module teaches you to excel this skill through it's well structured modules. From a 30-40% accuracy in CR to a 100 % accuracy on actual test (source- enhanced score report) is no mean feat and understanding a cr argument, breaking it down to it's simplest form, and pre-thinking assumptions is something that comes in handy very single time.
RC - they key to excel in this section is to NOT GET BORED while reading a passage. That is most important. Losing your interest in what the passage is talking about affects your RC performance deeply. Practice as much as u can without worrying about time spent per passage (initially). read editorial sections from newspapers to get a hang of complicated language and sentence structures.

Also the scholaranium tool offered by E-gmat comes very handy. You can track your performance on a regular basis and the tool offers a huge question bank.

2) Created an air tight daily schedule for my prep and followed it without fail. reviewed my performance weekly and noted down concepts/ q types that I still needed to work on. This step is very important. There are so many different topics to cover (both in quant and verbal ) that If you do not have a plan in mind then you can easily lose track and end up messing your entire preparation.

3) For quant I used OG and Magoosh course. Magoosh again is a very helpful course specially for quant section. The modules are really helpful and Magoosh also offers an extremely helpful question bank.

Also I cannot stress enough on how important OG is when preparing for GMAT. Official guide questions can often give you insight into every single concept that can be tested on gmat so make OG your first check point towards GMAT.

4) Tests - GMAT prep (best possible source. very accurate and reliable). MGMAT tests- another useful source. the 6 CAT's allow for good practice and even the scoring algorithm is close enough to the real GMAT.

But the most important aspect to success in GMAT is patience. GMAT is no rocket science. More than anything it is a test of your nerves. all the prep that you put in boils down to just one thing- how well can you manage the stress levels during your actual test. Make no mistake that the most important aspect the test likes to explore is your ability to understand the logic behind questions under a stressed environment.

All the best !

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November 21, 2015

Joined: Jun 24, 2013

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EGMAT Review - Verbal online course


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I registered for E-GMAT verbal online course after completing my initial prep from various other sources. Though i have been good at quant, i couldnt improve much on verbal prior EGMAT course.

EGMAT completely changed my approach towards verbal. SC has been the most dreaded part but the concepts followed by tests has helped me improve in each topic in SC. I find the verbal course very structured and easy to learn.

I am in midst of my preparation and have already experienced improvement in my score and feeling confident about CRACKING the verbal.

I am looking forward to CRACKTHEGMAT with EGMAT.I would surely recommend this course for GMAT Verbal prep

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November 19, 2015

Joined: Feb 08, 2015

Posts: 1

Kudos: 1

e-Gmat & how it changed the way I think about Verbal

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Improvement 50 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I learnt of e-Gmat from the Gmat club and I was very impressed with the reviews about this prep test company. Then i decided to go with the e-Gmat verbal online. e-Gmat actually does what it advertise. The way e-Gmat teaches students is very different from other prep companies. It gives international students (like me) different perspectives on how to solve the questions on SC, RC and CR. So far, I have improved 50+ on Verbal and even though this 50+ is still a bit far from my targeted goal, I am very hopeful that I will reach it by the last week of my studying. e-Gmat certainly is very helpful to me. Give it a try guys!!! :)

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November 14, 2015

Joined: Aug 29, 2014

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
420 Q37 V12

Detailed and well structured learning


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

The course helped me realise how I should not have taken my GMAT exam without such basic platform.
First and best thing to start with was the SC preparation. It gives a very clear picture of how to look and categorize a complex sentence structure. Initially i was not good at grammar and i prepared for SC by studying the grammar rules. But once i started my preparation with e-GMAT I got rid off the basic fear of reading a complex sentence. I learnt how to break the sentence to understand the meaning clearly. This helped me indirectly in CR as I need not go through the sentence twice to understand it. I feel for CR and RC one needs to develop fast and clear comprehension (which I'm not good at) along with this online material.
I'm yet to complete the course as I need a balance between professional practise and my education and that i need more time. Still I strongly believe e-GMAT has a very detailed and clear structure comparitive to other online study materials (I purchase one another online course before e-GMAT).

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
November 13, 2015

Joined: Aug 27, 2015

Posts: 15

Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:

E-GMAT Verbal Online Review


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Instructor Shraddha Jaiswal

Location Online

E-GMAT verbal online is a great course for GMAT verbal prep. I signed up for the course and I became more and more confident to solve GMAT verbal questions.

This course takes you from the scratch to the advanced level. All the videos are simple to comprehend. This course is not about the grammar but logic. E-GMAT team take step by step approach in videos to train the students in every aspect of GMAT verbal.

Honestly, one should go for the course, if one is looking for above 70% percentile in GMAT verbal. I have revised the course 2 times and hoping to score in 80th percentile of verbal in my next attempt.

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November 10, 2015

Joined: Dec 20, 2013

Posts: 36

Kudos: 7

Self-reported Score:
620 Q48 V27

Improvement guaranteed


Improvement 110 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online


I would like to share my experience with E-gmat Verbal Online. The course content is great and meticulously planned to give a good insight into each verbal section specially the SC which i happened to focus more. I did manage to run through the CR course before my 2nd GMAT attempt though i was quite literally struggling to master this section. Another area of weakness was RC and here to i was not in a position to complete the course despite the 6mth validity period. So i just decided to give the exam come what may with just a fair improvement in SC.

Honestly i would Not be the right person to give a constructive feedback on the CR & RC courses as i haven't mastered the E-gmat process yet. This is more to do with the kind of approach i used in practice which was best suited to me but never yeilded concrete results. But i am sure the course if pursued with due diligence would yeild results.

Just to add to my prep , I have enrolled for the E-gmat Vlive prep to understand the gaps in my learning and as of now i can already see further improvement in SC. I believe I can master the CR and RC courses if i can manage to diligently follow their process

Only concern i have is the time frame recommended for this Vonline course. I found that to be challenging since my fundamentals in Verbal were totally exposed in the 1st GMAT and literally it was learning verbal from scratch. Hence i did take a lot more time to cover the majority(SC & CR) of Vonline.

I would recommend this course for people who need just a brush up on the fundas and for others like me i suggest directly enroll for live prep which is more comprehensive in all aspects.

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