e-GMAT Online Focused Reviews

Full access, Focused Preparation, High GMAT Score

The most reviewed course on GMAT Club, GMAT Online Focused, is built for those who need in-depth preparation in one section – Quant or Verbal and a few points of improvement in other. Your learning starts with identifying specific conceptual gaps. The platform then provides you with a clear, milestone-driven plan which enables you to maximize your score gains without wasting on concepts you have already mastered, saving you 80+ hours of preparation. While learning, our xPERT engine provides real-time feedback to ensure that you excel in the first go. Cementing and ability quizzes in Scholaranium then help push your ability to the 90th percentile or higher. 


Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Focused:

  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Course correction with Hyper-Personalized Plans


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Based on 1206 reviews
December 08, 2017

Joined: Feb 02, 2013

Posts: 0

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Self-reported Score:
690 Q50 V32

Great course overall!


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Before joining the Verbal Online prep, I took an official GMAT mock test. Being an engineer, I was always good at Quant and Verbal was always scary. This is what reflected in my mock test too; I scored 50 in Quant but just 30 in Verbal. This was the time for me to delve deep into introspection and to boil down to a game plan to achieve a 730+ GMAT score.

I started off by attending some free demo classes at some well-known coaching institutes, but honestly I realized after just 1 class at each of these that these are only good for an average score as the level of class material was too low. A friend recommended e-GMAT and I eventually bought the Verbal Online course. I think it was a great decision to go for this course. The highly interactive and fun videos in the course make sure that you can study even after 12 hours of work.

SC and CR were my biggest weak areas in Verbal; e-GMAT came as a savior. The way even difficult concepts have been structured and presented in videos is highly admiring. The topics are arranged in a fashion that makes it easy to assimilate. The practice provided in the course is brilliant and really makes you work on your concepts. The videos are short, concise and easy to comprehend. The explanations for all the questions are detailed and e-GMAT tutors made sure my questions were answered within minutes and with detail. "Pre-thinking" technique in CR truly needs a kudos. The RC videos were really helpful as well. e-GMAT provides you a number of key strategies that you must keep in mind while reading through RCs.

Scholaranium is really helpful as it helps to analyse your performance on timing and accuracy in different areas of verbal. The detailed analysis can then be used to focus on weak areas. Complete material of e-GMAT has been well strategised, defined and then laid out.

I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is struggling to attain a good GMAT score, and is particularly weak in Verbal.

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December 07, 2017

Joined: Sep 04, 2014

Posts: 18

Kudos: 14

Self-reported Score:
690 Q46 V38
720 Q49 V39

My Struggle with Sentence Correction (V38 to V44)


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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Sentence Correction has been my achilles in Sentence Correction.

I have always avoided studying SC, because I never knew where to start. In January I took my 1st Official test, 690 (Q46 V38) and although I am happy with the score, I know there is room for improvement.

I talked to my struggles to a current Haas student and he recommended to e-gmat. I decided to give the GMAT one more shot (looking to break 700) and enrolled in e-GMAT SC.

I like how the SC is organized, and the lessons seem intuitive and not that hard to follow. Spanish is my primary language, so my English fundamentals need practice.

My personal favorite feature is that each lesson is tied to real problems from the Original Guide, so as I'm learning new lessons, I feel more confident tackling real GMAT problems.

I recently took a GMAT Diagnostic test and got a 740 (Q49 V42). I credit e-gmat for breaking the V40 barrier. Over the Christmas break I'm going to re-watch the lessons to see how far more I can take my verbal score. I never thought that I could break V40, but now I can dream of getting a 43 or 44.

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December 07, 2017

Joined: Nov 10, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
510 Q36 V24

My GMAT Experience


Improvement N/A

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My GMAT journey started many years ago in 1997 when I sat the exam to attend graduate school to pursue my MBA and received a score of 520. I was excited because the school’s minimum score for acceptance at that time was 400. However, after pursuing my MBA (GPA 3.94), I took a break from studying but decided to sit my Certified Public Accountant (CPA) examinations and started studying again, sat and passed the exams in November 2003. I was (still am) a lecturer at one of the Universities in Jamaica and with teaching being my passion, my calling I got caught up with teaching and enjoying my teaching experience. However, I decided it was time to pursue my terminal degree (PhD in Accounting) and my GMAT journey started once more. I thought I could study for this exam on my own (although I had been out of school for quite some time) with books from publishers such as Barrons, Princeton, Kaplan, Manhattan, just to name a few. I sat the exam in July 2016 and was devastated when I received a score of 510 V27 Q36.
My goal was to start doctoral studies in September 2017 so I sat the exam again in February 2017 and received a score lower than the 510 that I had received in August and cancelled my score. My hopes of commencing studies in September were shattered. I realised then that I needed help and did a Google search and came across e-GMAT online courses and my GMAT preparation took a turn for the better. I knew about Manhattan online courses and the other online courses and read reviews about their courses but since their books were not helping I did not bother to try their courses.
I read reviews upon reviews about e-GMAT and how its verbal (my weakness was GMAT verbal. I dreaded all three sections especially SC and RC. I just did not like those reading comprehension passages. I needed a reading strategy) helped students improved their verbal score and so decided to give it a try. I registered for their GMAT online courses in March 2017 (Quant. and verbal) and my GMAT experience has not been the same since. Their verbal online videos bring home the material and content in such a way that I wished I had found this review course many months ago. The RC videos and its strategies on how to ace RC passages turned my fears into hopes.
My studies were disrupted though for a few weeks when my father passed in July from the Big C but despite the sad times I continued my studies.
The verbal videos explain the content so even someone who has been out of school can understand and relate to the material. The videos are absolutely awesome. The ability quizzes are a gem. They are helping me to build my confidence and also to manage my time in answering questions. I have seen my accuracy level moved from in the 30%, 40% to 100% on some quizzes.
So far I have no regrets in choosing e-GMAT and I know with continued preparation I will achieve my target score of 770.

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December 07, 2017

Joined: Feb 06, 2012

Posts: 1

Kudos: 1

Self-reported Score:
660 Q40 V40

GMAT Preparation


Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I have been introduced to e-GMAT courses by my friend and the courses are worthy for any candidate who is preparing for GMAT. It will help us to rectify our mistakes through their scholaranium tests for each and every topic and help us to prepare in a better way. I have seen a good improvement in my GMAT preparation after I opted for e-GMAT Online course. The course structure and live teaching is awesome and will help us to improve our score by good number. Both verbal and Quant courses are very good and I would recommend e-GMAT to everyone who is preparing for GMAT.

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December 07, 2017

Joined: Jul 28, 2014

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Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
550 Q48 V19

Best platform to prepare for GMAT - Special for Verbal


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Earlier I had tried multiple of GMAT preparation courses and material but was not able to excel in the test as attempted GMAT once in 2015 and was only able to manage 550 (Q48 and V19). As you can see I was really poor in Verbal. And that came to me as a biggest fear as how to overcome this. And as because of that GMAT was one of the huddle which I was struggling to cross till I came across the e-GMAT Online course which was a best decision I have ever made till date.

I was good in quants but the verbal was really effecting my overall score and e-GMAT course came as a saviour for me. First, I got to know about e-GMAT course while I was browsing through the GMATCLUB website and thought of giving a try as they were offering the Free Trial to see if it’s really worth taking up the course. So, in the free trial I was able learn those aspect of Verbal which I did not know early and it offered a systematic approach of how to address a particular type of question in GMAT. And as I was able to gain and was getting the right approach, I made my final decision to taken up the GMAT ONLINE course offers as I want to learn in my own convenience without any time constrain. And the best thing about the purchase was the 7 days money back guarantee. After the purchase, I followed the provided study plan provided by e-GMAT. I would stay up till late night, watching the videos. They were light and helped me clear up my concepts very well. For each concept, I use to make notes while watching videos as that not only helped me revise, but also create a handy notebook for me to skim through while I was analysis my errors. This tip helped me a lot and I would really recommend it to you all as well.

About the approach of the course, it is very innovative but most importantly structured. The idea of application files and concept files helps grasp the crux of the all the Concepts specifically in Verbal section of SC, CR and RC. With a whole host of practices and their detailed analysis helps is finding the real problem in the approach and helps in rectifying then with the further practice sessions. Now I am able to attempt a SC question in an around 1-1.5 mins.

In the CR section the concept of pre-thinking seemed very obvious to me but the application was just as difficult. However, adopting the step-by-step e-GMAT strategy I was able to get to a proper structured approach to CR questions. What I found excellent were the solutions CR questions and the methodology use in approaching the CR questions which gave the real understanding of how to attempt a CR question and help me to easily eliminate the wrong answer choice, which I think gave me a confidence boost to score well in CR section. 

The RC videos were really helpful as well. e-GMAT provides you a number of key strategies that you must keep in mind while reading through RCs. The two strategy that worked wonders for me were, first - "to get immersed" – with each passage I was able to say "Oh! this sounds interesting, lets read what happens next!" I use to summaries each paragraph in RCs passage to get the GIST of each paragraph and for the overall summary of the passage on a regular basis and was thereby able to get all my main point and structure questions right and reading to the context of the passage and not getting bog down to an unknown word which help me built a better faster way to attend the topic given. These strategies seem very time consuming in the beginning, but found within no time, you start to internalise them and able to reduce the time in RC sections.

Additional Master comprehension course built the foundation for me to have a systematic approach to attempt the verbal section in total as it helps a lot of how to go thought the each provided passage or a sentence without being lost.

And finally, the best thing about e-GMAT course is the Scholaranium. Customized practice tests are excellent both in terms of quality of the material and quantity. Question are optimized to make the candidate be extra-ready for the exam level questions. It is a great tool through which you can take 'Verbal Ability' tests to identify your weak areas and then selectively work on them using e-GMAT's 'custom quiz' option. Once you have mastered those areas you can again take an 'ability quiz' to gauge your progress. In total Scholaranium has a total of close to 750 questions from which you can take customized quizzes. From the day, I started practicing on e-GMAT Scholaranium, I developed a habit of taking a 10 CR, 10 SC, 4 RC test for sure! I witness a huge impact both in terms of accuracy and speed. I have been able to improve my overall accuracy from 40% to 87%. Answer explanations are also great which helped me in areas where I was making repeated mistakes. I am working on right now achieve a 96% accuracy which will be a great achievement for me as my GMAT test is due in next 30 days.

Thank you e-GMAT for the course as it is really helping me to be prepared for the GMAT test and achieve my desired score of 700+. With this I will have only thing to says that e-GMAT courses are the best and I hope whom so ever is reading my review will be motivated and make the rightful selection in choosing a course as I did.

I will be uploading my final review and GMAT results after 16th with additional information regarding my preparation next time.

Please wish me luck for my GMAT test. And all the best to you all who are aspiring for MBA and preparing for GMAT!!

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December 06, 2017

Joined: Oct 15, 2014

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
640 Q47 V31

700 is not that tough to crack - Thanks to eGMAT


Improvement 50 Points

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After almost studying for 6 months on my own, I finally gave my GMAT was shattered to see the 650 score which was nowhere near my target score of 700 or above. At this point, I really could not figure out what I did wrong and which area to work upon to improve my score on 2nd attempt. Being an Indian, I was good in Quant but my verbal performance really let me down. While I was confident that I still had it in me to break the 700 barrier, I really could not figure out How! It was at this time that I came across few debriefs, all that had one thing in common in their success story - eGMAT.

I attended the 1st free strategy session of eGMAT, only to realize things which I never really knew. I was taken aback by the realization that eGMAT team made during the session. I felt like a fool to not have even touched upon such aspects and to have gone ahead and appeared for the test. I planned to take up the course. With each module , there were some really key realizations and learnings that no book really gave me.


Meaning is the key. The examples , the carefully curated modules to make one realize its importance is phenomenal. The scholaranium is the biggest resource for verbal , I feel , after official guides. The quality of questions and solutions to each and every option to make one realize the errors is brilliantly articulated. As per the study plan given by egmat, I followed every step and I could see my accuracy as well as my time hit the optimum point.


The pre-thinking approach advocated by trainers in egmat is a second to none. None of the approach is as effective and accurate once you get into the 700+ level questions.

I strongly recommend anyone who needs a command over GMAT verbal to be taking this course for sure.

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December 06, 2017

Joined: Aug 07, 2016

Posts: 89

Kudos: 530

Self-reported Score:
690 Q48 V35

Best in the market for verbal prep


Improvement 50 Points

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Its the best option available if anyone wants to improve their verbal score. I was able to increase 4 points from the previous score. The sentence correction module in the course is the best Gives you structured and detailed concepts . Also the scholaranium is one of the best adaptive platform. You can see your score improve gradually from time to time. The full length tests which we get with the course is not good . You may use other options like MGMAT. Also for math you get the GMAT club tests which are more than enough to prepare for math. I was able to improve my score in a span of 2 months. The CR and RC modules are also pretty decent .

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December 06, 2017

Joined: Sep 02, 2015

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Self-reported Score:
590 Q46 V24

Excellent GMAT verbal course


Improvement N/A

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I had given my GMAT 6 months ago (590 - V24, Q46) and i was devastated with my score. One day somehow, i attended the free verbal webinar from EGMAT and immediately i registered for the verbal online course.

I have been learning this course for the past 3 months and i feel confident about my verbal questions solving skills. I want to talk specifically about each section here.

SC - This is the best course in the industry. You will learn every technique which tests on GMAT. Especially the three step process to solve the SC question is the best way to solve the GMAT SC questions. Initially you feel it as a tedious process and as you go on you feel this is the best way to do.

CR - To decode the CR questions, EGMAT teaches you the pre-thinking method which i feel is the best way to solve the CR questions.

RC - I always get intimidated by the RC questions before i learn some important techniques from EGMAT course. Now, my RC section ability has improved to 76% from a very low 26% when i started this course.

Overall, this is a very useful course and i advise one and all who are struggling with verbal section should enroll to this course and reap the benefits.

I am going to give my GMAT once again on 05th Jan'18 and will post my scores here once again.

All the best for your GMAT preparation!!!

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December 06, 2017

Joined: Sep 25, 2017

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
590 Q43 V28

Comprehensive tool for all Verbal needs


Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I took the verbal online course material after consulting with a friend of mine, who scored 740. He said that the single source of all information for Verbal section can be found in e-gmat.
I improved the verbal section tremendously and am considering to purchase the quantitative section as well.
Please complete the scholaranium section as well.
The sentence correction is the best among all the courses available in the market. After going through the CR section, i found that this section has some areas of improvement as my it took me more time to solve the 700 plus questions. Thank you.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
December 04, 2017

Joined: May 13, 2017

Posts: 7

Kudos: 5

Self-reported Score:
700 Q48 V38

A brilliant course that improves your verbal score !

REVIEWER IDENTITY VERIFIED by gmat club tests [?]

Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I am not a native speaker of English and I had trouble with the verbal section in GMAT. In my first attempt, I got a 630 with 48 in quant and just 28 in verbal. I was not happy with my performance and I did not have much time as the deadlines were nearing. I came across the e-Gmat course reviews on the internet and decided to purchase the verbal online course. It was the best decision I ever made! The positives about this course are :
The videos are short, to the point and easy to comprehend
The explanations for all the questions are detailed
The Scholarium is the best collection of questions which helped me improve my performance. After completing the sentence correction and Critical reasoning questions from the Scholarium, my accuracy improved and I was very confident about improving my score in the next attempt.
I managed to score 700 with 48 in quant and 38 in Verbal.
I recommend e-Gmat to all those who are preparing for the GMAT exam and this is the best verbal material I have ever come across!

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