e-GMAT Online 360 Reviews

Starting from basics. Learn everything you need to earn a 740+ score

Whether you start from a 500 or 300, GO 360 will provide the right kind of learning, practice, and analytics you need to reach your target score. GO360 helps you master concepts using proven methods, offers 500 points of personalized feedback to ensure that you excel, and tracks your progress with the help of a milestone-driven plan that understands your strengths and weaknesses. Finally, GO360 also gives you access to experts who will help push you to a 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Intensive:

  • Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT
  • Forum Support



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July 19, 2021

Joined: Jan 12, 2021

Posts: 4

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V38

Journey to 730. A ride filled with self doubt and exhaustion.


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Archit

Location Online


I am a non-native speaker from India with an Engineering background. I was always confident about my Quant ability but was sceptical about Verbal ability. After taking an Initial Mock, my hunch was confirmed in which I scored a 640 ( Q48 and V26). Even though I scored less in verbal in my Initial mock, the thing which boosted my confidence that I can score well in Verbal was that Verbal in GMAT is more logical play than a theoretical play. Having given GRE before, the one thing I didn't like in GRE prep was the requirement to remember a lot of information which can lead to exhaustion very easily.

Course Shortlist:

Knowing I had to mostly concentrate on my Verbal ability, I was searching for the best Verbal course for non-native speakers ( I was looking from utter basics to advanced level). I came across the E-GMAT course while I was researching for courses. I took the trial to see the user experience of the course to decide if it is fit for my likings and I immediately liked and enrolled on the course.


I started with my Verbal prep carefully going through all the videos, tests and practise questions in the course. After done with Verbal course completion I skimmed through the Quant course to brush up on my Quant knowledge. After I was done with all the concepts, I started with scholarium for practising the concepts. Initially, the score was low in all three sections in Verbal, but with scholarium analytics, I slowly improved on my weak areas.


E-GMAT mentorship played a crucial point in my journey by giving structure to my preparation. Archit has been super helpful in devising an improvement in each of the three sections in Verbal. I would strongly advise getting mentorship as it will be helpful to have a mentor to guide you in the right direction based on their experience.

Result: Scored 730 on The Day with V38 and Q50. Scored 95% in CR, 90% in SC and 28% in RC. My average RC percentile has been around V40 but scored only V22 on exam day. Clearly, there is scope for improvement in RC, so will be giving the exam again.

Things that helped immensely:

Pre thinking approach for CR was a game-changer. I improved my accuracy from the mid-'60s to above 90's with the approach. I scored above 90% in all the mocks and also in the final exam with the help of the approach.

Sentence Correction takes time and there is nothing to worry about your ability. Your ability will increase with practice and you will notice an increase in accuracy and speed with more practice. Attention to detail in sentences is very important to spot errors. I cannot stress this point more as we usually tend to skim through the sentence. The meaning-based approach also helps in improving speed and accuracy.

Jotting down points and summarising each paragraph helps to remember more information from paragraphs. A comprehensive reading course by E-GMAT helped me realize the need for easily understanding each statement.

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July 19, 2021

Joined: Jun 15, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q49 V34

Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Atreya Roy

Location Online

I had pre-conceived thoughts about an online tutoring program and it's efficiency, and was initially skeptical about choosing the e-gmat online course. But, I was proved wrong! The course is curated in a very structured manner. The personalized study plan actually works! It helped me pace myself efficiently. Best part of e-gmat course was the SC component. It helped me secure a 98th percentile on the particular section. The meaning based approach yielded dividends on the exam. CR and RC materials are on point as well. The Scholaranium made a huge difference. Cementing, Custom and Ability quizzes really prepped me up for the exam. Overall, the course was amazing.

I was approached by the e-gmat team for the Last Mile Program and Atreya Roy ( big kudos to him) turned out to be my mentor. The best parts of the LMP are the guidance and review sessions. Atreya spent a good chunk of time curating the right personalized strategies for me to implement. He was always reachable (even for the silliest of the doubts). The plan was easy to grasp and follow. The constant monitoring and the push from the mentor's end definitely helped me ease through the last mile of my preparation. Big thanks to Atreya and his team for guiding me through my prep journey. I would definitely recommend e-gmat course for any gmat aspirant.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
July 18, 2021

Joined: Sep 07, 2020

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q50 V32

E-GMAT Mentorship Program


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Atreya Roy

Location Online

I started preparing for my GMAT in early July 2020 and gave my first attempt at October 13th 2020. I had prepared well, I was scoring 710-720 in official mocks and I was hoping to convert the same in my real test, but I got shocked when I ended up with a 660. Now, I have always had a fear of tests, I tend to do well in prep, mocks and solve questions with high accuracy during my practice in a limited time frame, but the D-day is where it all goes wrong. So I decided, I will go with a nothing to lose attitude and attempt gmat once more in a month. In my second attempt, I ended up with a 670. One month and 10 point improvement was not what I was expecting. I thought since I have a good momentum going, I will focus on gmat for one more month completely and try to just beat my current score, whatever it maybe. I subscribed to the egmat course and I ended up with a 680 (Q50, V32). I wasn't completely satisfied but I took it in my stride and started thinking of applications.

I decided to give one last attempt in July 2021 before I start my applications, and that's when I resumed my egmat subscription in May and asked for help from a mentor to guide me through the prep and correct me in case I go wrong. And since the first day itself, Atreya was as involved in my prep as I was. I was given a complete day to day plan with instructions on how to review the errors I was making. Since I had lost touch in the last 5 months, it was not easy to pick up right where I left off. But within 1 month, my mock scores went from 690s to 740s. My verbal improved from V34 to V42 in my mocks and my Quant stayed consistent at Q49. I was given a constant push from Atreya to hit Q50 in every mock I give. And that is when the error log and going through the explanations helped me a lot. Through the data analytics after my each test, I was able to understand that I was making a lot of errors in the Number systems and word problem sections and I went back to the drawing board to do concept cementing quizzes to better my quant performance. And it worked within a week of consistent effort. For verbal, what helped my performance was patience to go back and do the questions using the correct approach. Trust me, meaning based approach to solve SC questions is a miracle. It surpasses the need to find flaws in a sentence and saves a ton of time and effort. Similarly reading skills are really important for CR and RC. Having a proper approach really helps in answering these questions.

I was still super afraid of the tests as a lot of it was banking on the score, but one thing that sigma mocks helped me do is to gauge my performance in a gmat and gain some confidence. The mocks are really close to the gmat exam, especially the verbal section, which will test your test taking temprament very well.

In the final 2 weeks, all my weak focus areas were pointed and Atreya was able to get me help from all the subject matter experts in a very short time frame. He very dilligently helped me everyday with my doubts and questions and kept the motivation up till th every last day of my exam. It helped me a lot to get over my nerves and do better.

I would recommend e-GMAT to anyone who is planning to start their prep. It is always helpful to have a constant guiding light when one is confused about so many things.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
July 12, 2021

Joined: Apr 21, 2021

Posts: 3

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q48 V41 (Online)

Well structured course with excellent mentorship


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Dhananjay(DJ)

Location Online

When I started off with my GMAT preparation, I was under the impression that I would not need a structured program to get 700+. Afterall, how difficult could high school math and elementary verbal reasoning be? Right? WRONG!

GMAT, across both quant and verbal sections is a test of one's logical thinking prowess and mental stamina. A structured preparation is a must and I realized this the hard way in my initial endeavor.

It was then that I reached out to eGMAT and was told about the LMP (last mile push) program which is aimed at providing the right course content along with highly personalized 1-to-1 coaching. I was glad to get assigned DJ (Dhananjay) my mentor who promptly put me on a study plan comprised of the right combination of video lessons and practice on Scholaranium.

Since I had already got a head start in my preparation before subscribing to eGMAT, DJ advised me to go through specific lessons in Verbal while focusing on practicing questions under time pressure. However, I was so enamored by eGMAT's brilliantly crafted verbal section that I ended up completing the entire course - every single video lesson and practice question.

eGMAT's structured approach to cracking CR is extremely helpful in hitting a high accuracy in difficult 700+ level questions. And their SC methodologies are almost guaranteed to enable 90%+ accuracy on even the most convoluted and tricky questions. One just needs to trust in the process and remain patient while the course builds up the ability to take on even the most difficult questions head on.

Since I was focusing mainly on improving my verbal performance, I did not go through the entire quant course. However, the sections that I did go through were very comprehensive while retaining the trademark eGMAT structured approach. Their frameworks are gold standard across topics - the meaning based approach in SC and the pre-thinking mandate in CR being a couple of top-of-mind examples.

Scholaranium 2.0 is a massive upgrade and an extremely useful tool and throws trenchant insights into one's strengths and weaknesses. In terms of making one cognizant about areas of improvement, it is just about as subtle as a sledgehammer! With the level of granularity of inputs it provides on sectional ability and the pointers for improvement it assists with, it is the best "digital coach" that I have come across to build test readiness.

And talking about coaches, I cannot thank DJ enough for all the support and multitudinous insightful recommendations he shared with me throughout my preparation. He was very prompt in responding to my queries and gave sharp weekly action plans for me to execute. With a fortnight to go for my test, he helped me with a hyper-specific, completely personalized plan basis the insights that Scholaranium 2.0 had thrown. This helped me focus on areas of improvement at a time sticking to a sagaciously chosen study schedule mattered the most.

In my first attempt, I got 720 (Q48, V41). I could have done better in quant and will go for a retest. In verbal, I was consistently in the 35-38 zone in prior mocks and the 40+ score in the actual test was thanks to the rigor I was exposed to in the well rounded eGMAT course and ofcourse to DJ's inputs.

All in all, try as I may but I find it hard to critique eGMAT's offerings. It is a rock solid, profoundly well-thought through, robustly crafted, comprehensive course for GMAT preparation and test readiness. In my opinion, easily the best course out there. I would highly recommend it.

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July 01, 2021

Joined: Apr 22, 2020

Posts: 3

Kudos: 6

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V38

Heading: A 1.5 year of journey to 710 - E-gmat- A true Saviour


Improvement 140 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Archit

Location Online

Hi All,
My name is Pooja and I recently took the GMAT and after a year and half of constant hard work, repeated failures and a super stressful work environment I was able to score a 710 with V38 and Q49. I initially began my journey by self-studying and taking help from two other courses on separate occasions but I realized that none of them actually gave me the improvement I needed. After a few days of sever self-criticism and depression, I came across e-gmat. I tried its 7 day trial and I found that the free videos and lessons were already helping me figure out what incorrect approach or concept gaps I had (when I resolved a few incorrect questions I had attempted earlier).
The first concept that absolutely blew my mind away is their staunch focus on meaning based approach in SC. Prior to that I always focused on splits and grammar which is fine for certain questions, but absolutely wrong for a majority of hard level questions. Once I adopted the strategy I observed that my application ability increased immensely compared to before and I was more comfortable approaching the questions. The best part about this is that the meaning based approach principles can also be applied while solving CR and RC questions. In verbal, I also loved their approach to pre-thinking using the falsification strategy (a true knight in shining armour I would say).
In quant the lessons are so easy to understand and cover quite a few strategies which show their brilliance while solving hard level quant questions. I have always been weak in quant and have had a squeamish approach towards it. But e-gmat converted this feeling to confidence through their methods like maintaining error logs and conducting strategic reviews on every incorrect question. Originally maintaining an error log seems like a tedious process but soon you do get used to it and open your eyes to a whole new approach to your GMAT studies.
In addition, I was approached by e-gmat for their mentorship program and jumped to undertake it as I really needed a second pair of eyes to understand the possible areas where I am faltering as I surely could not figure it out myself after 3 GMAT attempts. Here I was introduced to Archit Bhargava my mentor and in six months he completely changed my ways of dealing with the exam. I was given precise study schedules which covered what should be studied, revised or a quizzed based on my grasping ability. One of the major issues I faced was timing, despite being aware of the fact that when faced with a question were you are confused or unable to solve, just take an educated guess and move on. I, however never did that and it led me to sometimes spend 3 to 4mins on questions which resulted in a race to complete the quiz at the end. In order to tackle said issue, Archit suggested a timing matrix which tells you at what amount of time you should have completed what number of questions. Like for example: In quant when you are in question 10, the timer should be reading around 49mins.
This matrix really helped me. It took me a while to adapt it but with Archit’s constant support and my dedication to not give up on my weakness, I was able to adopt it. In my actual exam I managed to finish even the hard level questions which originally took me 3-4mins in 2mins as per ESR.
I would genuinely recommend e-gmat as the course to undertake by all the GMAT novices as it is the perfect platform that can help you launch in the direction of your perfect score. They are not only focused on GMAT preparation but also provide support in areas like mental frustration. In addition anyone opting for the mentorship program should definitely choose Archit as their mentor because his structure and guidance is very straightforward and very helpful for students who are more anxiety driven. Two thumbs up for sure!

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June 28, 2021

Joined: Oct 19, 2019

Posts: 3

Kudos: 4

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V36 (Online)

2 year long journey to 710 - Thank you eGMAT!


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Dhananjay(DJ)

Location Online

After my third attempt in Jan 2021, my confidence was at its lowest and a 700+ score only seemed like a distant dream. This was until I met Dhananjay (DJ) who completely changed my outlook towards the exam.

In our first call, he broke everything down for me from my ESR analysis and identified my gaps - RC was a weak area, there were some process gaps in SC and issues in quant which were collectively affecting my score. In addition to this, he also pointed out how my habit of not letting go of questions was keeping me away from achieving my target score.

Since I had gone through the egmat course for verbal earlier, he did not ask me to go through everything again but rather made small achievable goals for me.

I started with quant, as egmat launched its quant 2.0 course right around the time I started my prep. This was a total game changer. The course is extremely exhaustive and teaches you all the concepts you need to know along with the RIGHT PROCESS you should follow, which is key and something I didn't pay attention to earlier. I immediately began looking at my mistakes in quant in a different way - I could identify what step I made the mistake at - translation, inference, constraint, visualisation, simplification etc.
After finishing each block in quant, I would update DJ and share my error log with him and he would send me an analysis and detailed next steps.

For verbal, egmat taught me way more than just concepts:
- importance of meaning in SC
- visualization and prethinking in CR
- reading slowly by applying learnings from master comprehension in RC and making para summaries

One difference in my prep this time around was the emphasis on error logs - both for quant and for verbal. I learnt that it's okay to make mistakes, but not to make the same mistake twice. In all my previous attempts, I was crazily chasing accuracy and was doing questions after questions. It didn't take me anywhere and I was stuck at 680-690.
Making a concrete error log and focusing on my mistakes is what took me to 710! Another helpful strategy was to really learn the art of letting go of questions, which is where DJ helped.

Key takeaways:
- Follow the egmat plan exactly as prescribed
- If you don't understand a concept, don't rush through and move to the next one. Understand it completely before moving forward.
- Make error logs! They are supremely helpful
- Solving 100s of questions wont help, doing them right would
- Learn to let go of questions if you too are someone who struggles with timing

Lastly, I want to take this opportunity to highlight that this won't have been possible without DJ - the first call he had with me to analyse my ESR and share an action plan and the countless videos and emails he shared with me analysing all my mistakes, timing, scholaranium stats!

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June 24, 2021

Joined: Mar 11, 2020

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V44 (Online)

E-GMAT mentorship program review


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I had attempted GMAT a prior to taking up e-GMAT's offerings, and could not break past the 720 mark in prior attempts. The e-GMAT platform helped me get to 760 in the matter of a few months.

e-GMAT changed the game for me - their lectures were super insightful and very easy to follow and retain concepts. I really liked the course on SC which really helped me solidify these concepts. The application files and review files which feature between various concepts ensures that you retain what you've learned.

e-GMAT also teaches a strategic review process which is one the most sophisticated forms of maintaining an error log. Strategic review is what really helped me improve on my mistakes and build confidence as I answered problems in their Scholaranium (which has a very good and large set of questions).

The last piece I would like to highlight is the mentorship - they assigned me Atreya Roy who was supremely helpful in guiding me through the process. The mentorship program helped me analyze my tests and quizzes with a fine tooth comb and identify concept gaps at a sub-topic level. He also helped me 'break out of a rut' every time I faced roadblocks by suggesting various targeted exercises. I also really appreciate the motivation and support provided by these mentors - really helps ride through pre-exam anxiety.

All in all - I have recommended e-GMAT to all my peers who have faced similar issues with GMAT, and are looking to improve their score by 50-60 points.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
June 22, 2021

Joined: May 15, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V36 (Online)

710 on 1st GMAT Attempt: Q50 and V36


Improvement 110 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Archit

Location Online

I had the opportunity to be a part of e-GMAT's LMP mentorship program. I started preparing after enrolling myself in the e-GMAT course. This itself took some time as I had to go through various demo classes by other institutes and obviously chose the best finally.

Reasons for choosing e-GMAT:
1. As a working professional, I do not have much time for attending live classes. Also, recorded classes do not make sense to me. e-GMAT 's concept file format and practice/application quiz after each concept appealed to me greatly.
2. I gave the first free sigma-x mock from e-GMAT's portal to gauge my level before starting the preparation in which I had scored 600. I approached the e-GMAT team with the same and they were very helpful in providing insights and how to proceed further.

Talking more about the course:
SC: Best in the market filled with slicing approaches. Clear and crisp meaning-based approach with zero corner cutting strategy. Each answer is explained as to why it is correct and other choices wrong. Not that it is important, but this course will help you eliminate apps like Grammarly if you have them 😊
CR: This course will truly clear the doubts in terms of logical gaps if any. The best part about CR course is its pre-thinking approach and understanding of what exactly has been asked and protects you from falling in traps which may be contextually similar but is very different from what the question demands.
RC: Honestly, this was my favorite as I feared this one the most. I have a slow reading speed. But what this course did for me is that it taught me to extract the meaning very efficiently as I read. There are multiple passage explanations which analyzes in depth why the author has written this sentence and what is the intent behind it. It actually builds your muscle memory of searching for transition words and linking the previous part to the next one that you are about to read.
Quant: The question level exactly matches of the final examination. The OG questions are somewhat easy compared to what is asked. I would recommend to at least practice the questions from the wonderfully curated Scholaranium 2.0 for quant (and of course Verbal) to improve the score.

After 3 months of preparation and finishing the Verbal and Quant portion, I went on to give my 2nd Sigma-x mock. I wrote to the e-GMAT team again for how to proceed with mock strategy. This is when Archit, an expert from the e-GMAT team approached me for the e-GMAT Mentorship program – the Last Mile Push.
Archit went through each of my mock performances and gave me suggestions of where I am exactly faltering. He went through the process of making a personalized video for me after each mock and mentioned the exact reasons for score dip. The personalized feedback of where I am lacking and what are the exact things I need to revise and focus on helped me to stay on track without losing time. Also, the insights he gave helped me to improve my sigma-x mock performances from 680 to 750 (Average score of 720 which is close to my final score)

I would surely recommend e-GMAT to any serious aspirant.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
June 20, 2021

Joined: Feb 04, 2019

Posts: 7

Kudos: 4

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q50 V38 (Online)

GMAT mentorship (e-gmat)


Improvement 20 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Archit

Location Online

I signed up to eGMAT in April at a point when I was feeling quite lost in terms of what material to study, what should be my prep strategy etc. I had taken this course previously as well, however I could not take the full advantage of it then. I did not waste any time or energy exploring any other service providers as I knew how amazingly e-gmat taught it’s verbal content, so I went ahead with the e-gmat complete test preparation package, and I was lucky to have Archit assigned as the mentor for me during the course.
After getting a very specific analysis of my first Sigma-X mock (600, Q44, V28), Archit recommended I follow the CR & RC course, which would create a good base for increasing my Verbal score, along with cementing my quant and SC concepts. He provided step by step guidance on what to do when and how long should it ideally take to complete that step. Upon completing this course I felt a lot more confident answering Verbal questions, it started to become a second nature to me and I could improve my quant efficiency by a lot. However, my speed was not up to the mark and missed a few questions when I attempted the next e-sigma mocks. Archit provided guidance on how to improve TAKT time and move past the ridiculously tough questions. Archit mentored me very carefully throughout the last few days of preparation, which helped me to really get the most out of my time. This included a very specific video-analysis of my most recent mock test which pinpointed the lowest hanging fruits as well as coming with a step-by-step plan for the last 3 days. 2 days before the exam, Archit gave me quick tips on how to be well prepared for the online exam set-up, which really helped me as I was most nervous about the online set-up.
I am grateful to Archit to help score well in my GMAT exam, it was very useful to have someone who could provide the right strategy to study and improve the score. He provided a lot of feedback by providing a lot of insights from my performances in the quizzes and mocks. I would highly recommend the e-gmat program for all the GMAT test-takers because I feel it will definitely save you from all the hassle and doubts about the GMAT exam, prep strategy and mentors here will provide proper guidance.

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June 18, 2021

Joined: Apr 20, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q50 V34 (Online)

120 Point Improvement - 620 (Q48 V27) to 740 (Q50 V40)


Improvement 120 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Dhananjay(DJ)

Location Online

On scoring 620 (Q48 V27) in December 2020, I was a tad bit taken aback. Having been a bright student throughout school and university, I couldn't settle with such a low score. Soon, I came across the ESR Analysis service provided by e-GMAT and signed up for it. They scheduled a video call with an expert who helped me analyse my ESR thoroughly and meanwhile, I registered for the e-GMAT free course post which I decided to enrol for the full course.

The e-GMAT prep program stands out in terms of -
1. Meaning based approach for solving Sentence Correction problems - The emphasis is not just on correcting grammar but also on making sure that the chosen answer choice conveys the intended meaning per the original sentence.
2. Visualisation and Pre-thinking for answering Critical Reasoning Questions - Dissecting the argument in terms of background information, premise, and conclusion helps understand given information better.
3. Process Skills for solving Quant questions - I feel just applying formulae consumes a lot of time while attempting hard Quant problems. So, application and process skills need to be sharpened to reach your optimal potential.
4. Analytics provided by Scholaranium - The tool keeps a track of accuracy and average time you spend on questions (question-type wise, subsection wise and section wise). Each question is supplemented with detailed explanation which helps you solidify your concepts as you get to check your thought process behind rejecting options and choosing the correct one.
5. Mocks and LMT Program - Sigma-X Mocks provide great insights into your performance and as and when you attempt a mock, your mentor helps you analyse it further and provides the course of action ahead.

On scoring scoring 700 (Q50 V34], I had a chat with DJ to discuss the specifics of the exam I had appeared for and to chart the plan ahead. He believed in my abilities and was of the opinion that I could have done much better. So, he advised me to take another shot at the GMAT in 16 days. This time he took up one micro issue at a time and provided a plan to sort it out. For example, I was facing a problem with Humanities RC Passages so he suggested me to read about 2-3 articles from any reputed newspaper daily for about 2 weeks and this really improved my Takt Time and accuracy. Further, this time the plan wasn't as hectic as the last one and it just involved 3 mocks with strategic review and revision of notes. It felt as if I was doing too less but DJ had the optimal plan to pull up my score and he was confident about it. As per the charted plan, I booked a date for the exam and ended up scoring the coveted 740 (Q50 V 40).

I would like to thank DJ from e-GMAT for consistent support and guidance all through the process. He helped me analyse my sectional tests and mocks. He also provided video feedback for the first two mocks, explaining the areas that need improvement and created a hyper-specific plan. I couldn't have asked for a better mentor.

e-GMAT is a one stop platform for your GMAT prep needs. You are covered in terms of concepts, application skills, and even periodic motivation; you just need to be disciplined and follow the plan.

Useful Tips:
1. Start your GMAT preparation with a target score and make a precise plan and stick to it.
2. Take notes of the points you'd like to revisit and add the questions you get wrong or spend extra time on to error logs (E-gmat provides templates), I cannot emphasise this enough. It played a huge role in preparation.
3. Do not rush to solve questions as the question bank has only a limited number of questions. Focus on understanding and internalising the concepts first.
4. Learn the art of letting go questions. I learnt this the hard way. Spending say more than 4 minutes on a quant question is not wise until you have those extra minutes in hand as you'll end up skipping the questions you might know to finish the test in time.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.

270 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for e-GMAT
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