e-GMAT Online 360 Reviews

Starting from basics. Learn everything you need to earn a 740+ score

Whether you start from a 500 or 300, GO 360 will provide the right kind of learning, practice, and analytics you need to reach your target score. GO360 helps you master concepts using proven methods, offers 500 points of personalized feedback to ensure that you excel, and tracks your progress with the help of a milestone-driven plan that understands your strengths and weaknesses. Finally, GO360 also gives you access to experts who will help push you to a 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT Online Intensive:

  • Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT
  • Forum Support



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July 13, 2022

Joined: Nov 24, 2019

Posts: 5

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V40

My rollercoaster GMAT journey to 730


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

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I have read several stories on this forum for the past two years - every one of them have helped me carve my path; This post is NOT a story about someone who scored an amazing score in her/his first attempt, instead it is about someone who struggled her way to a 730 score. I will try to keep it as informative and to the point as possible.

As I started my GMAT journey Verbal was my main concern, however, after exploring some materials and attempting few mocks I came to realise that though my Quantitative ability was strong my test taking strategies were not up to the mark, acting as a roadblock to a high score. After studying several GMAT Official and GMAT Club materials, I could improve my Quantitative score to Q48 GMAT Club Quant tests: They more difficult than the actual GMAT but they prepare you to face difficult questions in GMAT) , and I still struggled with application of verbal concepts that I learned - V34 in Feb'21 was the maximum I could score at that point. Then a friend of mine suggested eGMAT - yes, I had read plenty of reviews and saw multiple ads, but you can never be sure, right? So, I signed up for a 1 month Verbal Online course in March 2021. As I progressed through the course I kept re-purchasing and then ended up taking a 6 month Verbal course with eGMAT. Here is the reason why -
• Prior to eGMAT course I was solving questions from GMAT Club, Official guide, etc. , looking for learnings, and moving to the next one. But in the eGMAT course there is an Application file, after every concept, that ensures that you go through the logical steps of solving a question. It was tiresome to follow the steps for every question, but the thought process here was one that was in sync with mine, every small little "what if?" or "but, what about?" that popped in my head was covered. So, I decided to stick to the process.

• Once I crossed the cementing stage I realised that I was not making a conscious effort to follow the steps, instead the thought process came naturally to me, hence it wasn't that time consuming anymore.

Trying to juggle GMAT prep and a very demanding high-pressure job, the time pressure took the better of me during my GMAT attempt in Nov'21 (V27). But the eGMAT team went an extra mile to follow-up and encourage me to fight back. This is the point at which I realised that eGMAT is not just about the students who do well in their first attempt but helping the ones who are struggling too. The subject matter experts and strategy experts are very approachable and involved in your journey (I always received a response from the team within 36 hrs). A big shout-out to Harsha who guided me every step of the way in terms of subject matter on RC and CR, and strategy when it comes to SC and Quant, and encouraged me to keep going. After my Nov'21 attempt I was so disappointed that during my session with Harsha I told him "I feel like I cannot get a decent score under pressure no matter how much I study". To which Harsha showed and explained to me the statistics from my tests on Scholarium that gave a comprehensive analysis of my performance on GMAT like questions and Official questions; This re-assurance about my ability encouraged me to keep going.
• I reviewed my AI guided stats on the Scholarium portal and identified that there were few aspects of Quant that could help me get that Q50+. Hence, I signed up for a full GMAT Online course and followed every step of the detailed plan suggested by Harsha and team.
o The PACE mode in Quant helped me move through the concepts quickly and focus on only the areas which required improvement
• I followed a detailed and personalised revision plan for RC and SC and a timing improvement plan for CR. These plans really helped bring structure to my preparation.

Finally, at the risk of repeating what every other post might have highlighted, it is the error log - It is painful to fill and takes much more time than the time taken to solve the questions, but it is essentially what helped me improve the most. And, eGMAT actually provides a very comprehensive error log that captures a lot of the nuances that I could've otherwise missed.
o Timing was my main concern in the test. There were two aspects of time during the exam :
1. I often ran out of time towards the end of the exam because I spent a lot of time trying to ensure I was getting each question correct.
• This stemmed from the notion that I knew the necessary concepts hence, I couldn't let a question go. Yes, letting some questions go, was the most important lesson I learned while analysing my mocks.
This is one aspect that was not stressed upon a lot during my eGMAT experience, but it came handy in my case.
2. The fact that I might run out of time at the end played in my head as soon as I got confused or started taking longer in a question - This, in turn, impacted my ability on that question.

Thus, I reviewed my error log for the 10-question set quizzes to understand when and where do I get confused, what kind of wordings in the answer choices confuse me, does it have anything to do with my understanding of the question stem or passage, etc. As I worked through these aspects, the next time I was in a similar situation I knew what to do, this helped me avoid the confusion, and as a result save time.
This video helped me understand how and where I can manage time:

As I came close to the exam I focused on Official questions (from Official Guide and Advanced Official questions by GMAC) to practice and get accustomed to them.

By now, I was tired of preparing for GMAT, but this time around I felt confident about my ability, and honestly a positive attitude and faith in your efforts as you walk into that exam centre is as important as the months/years of effort that goes into the preparation.
And finally the score popped-up on the screen 730 (Q50 V40)!

To those who are currently fighting for that score, this quote I heard in the TV series The Good Doctor kept me going - "You haven't failed until you stop trying!". I hope my experience helps you in your GMAT journey.
All the Best! Hang in there!

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June 21, 2022

Joined: Sep 24, 2021

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q51 V34

E-GMAT Review


Improvement 150 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

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I started with my GMAT Journey in January of 2021. Since I was in the final year of college and had sometime on my hands, I decided to give gmat a shot. I started my preparation by purchasing the official guides, and I started solving some questions from these guides. After a few months I realised that my preparation did not have any formal structure and that I was going around in circles. This was in the November of 2021. I had taken 5 Manhattan Mocks and was scoring in the range of 620-640. I realised that I was desperately in need of a structured preparation plan. I reached out to the egmat team and got on a call with Manas Sadana to discuss my problems. He guided me through the details of the egmat plan and I really liked the overall program structure and processes. I decided to enrol.

I started off with Sentence Correction and went on to Quant and finished the course with CR and RC. With EGMAT, every sub topic has a structural improvement plan to guide students with different level of abilities- if I was strong in Geometry, the AI driven insights would guide me in a way that I only had to study limited content. This helped me save time in my preparation and focus only on my weak areas and keep working towards improvement. After completing the course, I would undergo the process of cementing to ensure that I hit my target abilities in each subsection. Taking these quizzes would enable me to deal with GMAT like questions and strengthen my process abilities. In each question, the course provides the students with forum posts related to the doubts and issues faced by the students. This would allow me to resolve my doubts and also strengthen my conceptual understanding. I could also post fresh doubts that would get resolved within 2-3 business days by the egmat team. The mentors for Verbal- including Harsha, Kanupriya, Stacey, Shraddha would provide excellent support on the forum. On the quant side also we had Bikramjit, Krishna and several others who would provide detailed solutions to each problem.

Coming to the mock stage- I gave 6 mocks before sitting for the exam over a time period of 1 month (I gave weekly mocks). During this phase, I was assigned a mentor to guide me through my preparation - Kanupriya Sharma. The mock phase is one of the most important stages of preparation and having Kanupriya’s guidance every step of the way helped me structure my improvement plan and work on my weak areas after doing a detailed mock analysis. I would take a mock on the weekend and Kanupriya would help me put together an improvement plan that I could work on during the week before my next mock. I was scoring 710-720 in most of my mocks. However, 4 days before the main exam I scored a 560 in Official Mock 6. I became extremely stressed upon seeing such a drop in my score but Kanupriya guided me and helped me work on a small improvement plan in the last 2 days of my preparation. Her support really helped me regain my confidence and I was able to ensure that I remain calm enough to make it through till the exam day. To regain my confidence, Kanupriya suggested that I take a final mock 2 days before the exam. I scored a 720 in this mock. I was able to regain some level of calm and composure upon seeing this score.

Exam Day- I had an 8 am slot at the Pearson Noida exam centre. I reached there in time and overall had a smooth exam experience. I ended up with a 710 (Q51,V34,IR-6,AWA-5.5).

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June 05, 2022

Joined: Mar 19, 2019

Posts: 10

Kudos: 10

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q49 V42



Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

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I had struggled a lot with the GMAT verbal section especially with the SC and CR part. But the approach followed in the e-GMAT curriculum makes questions easier for you and gives you more confidence in the answer choice you have marked.
The dashboard and the analytics help you revisit topics where you seem to be getting questions wrong. The forum works absolutely great to help resolve any queries that you have. The quant section is as detailed. And the quant question bank is one of the best for tough questions. Commit to the process which is stressed upon throughout the e-GMAT curriculum and you would surely be good enough to grab a V40+.

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May 30, 2022

Joined: Apr 01, 2021

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q48 V41

e-GMAT Online & Mentorship


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

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As an Globally renowned institute of authority, and my mentors who are responsible for my score, it would be great, if e-GMAT (Ms. Payal & Mr. Rajat) took up my case and clarified the anomaly with and GMAC.
This will not just help me, but also help e-GMAT guide its students in a better way.
Q48 and V40 leads to a score of 720: courtesy GMAC Official practice tests. A Q48 & V41 SHOULD lead to a score of 720+.

Now coming to why e-GMAT is one of the best prep courses for a 700+ score on the GMAT:
1. One-of-a-kind analytics:
• Customized timed plans based on your current skills
• Zeroing down to your each strength and weakness; and suggesting a plan to improve the latter. They actually have graphs tracking your progress as you go.
2. Mentorship support:
• I was mentored by DJ first, and Harsha later. During our long back and forth emails, we discussed everything from difficult CR questions, to testing strategy. His mentorship advice is as comprehensive as his Verbal dissections.
• Towards the end, Harsha gave me detailed plans to follow every day- what to revise, what to practice, what to score on quizzes. Super helpful.
3. Great content:
a) Verbal:
• SC- If you’re an English buff who solves SC questions by selecting what sounds right, you’ll likely falter on this section in the exam. e-GMAT’s meaning- based approach along with the detailed grammar lessons are your go to- s.
• CR- The pre- thinking approach was a game changer.
• RC- Read The Economist daily and read the entire passage- once, carefully. e-GMAT’s Master Comprehension course is a good resource to start with.
 For all of Verbal, watch out for Harsha’s explanations on the forum- they rule!
 e- GMAT Verbal is the closest to Verbal Official imo.
b) Quant:
• I didn’t do e-GMAT Quant much; the questions seemed to be decently more difficult (and longer) than Official Quant. But they’re great to build concepts, and to make sure you’re roasted to a level that you can crack the final test, with high accuracy (Q48+), and in the given time.
c) IR:
• A solid combination of e-GMAT’s Quant and Verbal finesse.

 The OG bundle is actually a waste without e-GMAT. The questions are the same, but the answers are poor. Use e-GMAT's Strategic review process here. e- GMAT actually has several different types of quizzes they recommend you do at different stages of your prep.
 Cherry on top- The simple and polished software further makes the content easy to absorb.

Good luck!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
May 25, 2022

Joined: May 12, 2021

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
670 Q47 V35

A comprehensive guide for the dedicated student


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

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e-GMAT preparation is comprehensive and contains all the information that one would expect to be tested-on in the real test and even more. It offers structured courses in quant and verbal that if followed diligently are guaranteed to secure a very good score. I have particularly performed well in quant thanks to it
e-GMAT does the effort of generating detailed explanations for every question. A nice feature to mention as well is the question performance statistics, where the student is able to compare their timing and their answer choice on a particular question with the rest of the takers
e-GMAT also keeps up with the changes in the official test by providing solutions to the official GMAT to support your preparation of these questions

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
May 22, 2022

Joined: Mar 25, 2020

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q48 V44 (Online)

Amazing material to efficiently get to your target score !


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online 360

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I am very glad I chose e-gmat to help me in my preparation. I had heard about them from my friend who had referred to their material after first trying other organizations and not getting his target score. Given I was short on time, I knew I had to strategize and refer to material that would be structured enough to help me cover all my bases and yet something I could go through efficiently. The e-gmat material came to my rescue with an amazingly well put together course for verbal, quant and IR. I started my preparations in December and had completed the main material by March. The online platform helped me stay on track continuously letting me know how many more hours I had to put in for each topic. But the best part was the PACE engine which is in built into the course and which helped me identify areas where I was good and could skip altogether. This reduced my overall prep time, leaving sufficient time to work on my weaker sections. The e-gmat material also has cementing quizzes which help solidify your concepts and has the ability to build custom quizzes. Each of these were a big help especially closer to my examination day when I needed to focus on improving my time management. Overall, I am very happy I chose to go ahead with e-gmat and thankful to the team that put together such great content and helped me achieve my target score of 750 :)

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
May 21, 2022

Joined: Jan 20, 2022

Posts: 22

Kudos: 20

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V40

Great Resource


Improvement 200 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

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You wont go wrong by taking a subscription of E-gmat. The course is structured to take you step by step from the basic theory to practice for GMAT level questions. The scholaranium is a huge database of practice questions, which also provides great analytics helpful for topic wise review. I took eGmat course based on a friend's recommendation and got quick results , especially for Quant. The mock tests provide analysis of your answers at a topic level and give insights on where you are going wrong. I personally went through a lot of questions twice in order to gain mastery of the subject and it reflects in me scoring 100% on SC in GMAT( per my ESR). The quant questions in the course might feel tough but it will set you up for a comfortable score in GMAT. I strongly feel that practicing from OG and scholaranium is more than enough to achieve your target GMAT score. My only feedback to the company is to increase the number of mock tests for better practice

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May 18, 2022

Joined: May 18, 2022

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
640 Q44 V34

E-gmat is the Solution!


Improvement 180 Points

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How do you crack Gmat? This was the first google search that most of us do and get a lot of content on the internet advising - "what needs to be done". However , finding the right schedule and the material to follow still remains the most difficult thing to do!
As I started my journey last year in December , I thought just doing the Gmat official guide and giving as many mock tests as possible will get me a decent score.
Note: Absolutely no touch with books from the last 8 years
I had hard time concentrating and that increased my anxiety. After a month of preparation , I gave the test and got 460.

Hugely disappointed by my performance , I thought I have no where to go but that's when I saw one of the videos of e-gmat and that actually helped me understand one of the concepts. Immediately I took the e-gmat Online 360.

What I liked the most - The whole course is self paced and the concepts are in the form where it actually helps a person to visualise. To cement what one learnt there are quizzes and it actually breaks down where should one focus. It helped me get a hold on my concepts, increase my speed and build the confidence on each module. I gave my Gmat on 10th May 2022 (with 6 weeks of preparation (solely e-gmat) and one mock test)
and received a score of 640 - V34,IR6,Q44. 180 points jump!!!!
With more practice and efforts , one can reach the desired score. My sole intention of writing this review - It actually helps. It helped me in 6 weeks to jump 180 points. I am sure with further support from their team I can even work to get a better score than this. Highly recommended

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
May 17, 2022

Joined: May 16, 2020

Posts: 18

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q48 V38

Proper mindset is very important for GMAT


Improvement N/A

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So I started my GMAT journey in September, straightway with the OGs without the help of any mentoring services available. Along my journey, I felt several hitches, and it ultimately reflected in my final score too. I ended up getting a score of 640 which was really heartbreaking. The PG course that I was looking forward to needed anything above 700. There are a lot of concepts and patterns that need to be cracked in order to hit the 700 mark. That’s where egmat came in and acted as the backbone of my journey. I delve deep into the verbal videos and noted the concepts thoroughly. In Quant, I got 49 or 50 in the mocks that I gave, so I didn’t practice it much. But it was a personal choice, I wouldn’t recommend that. Please go through all the videos on the egmat course.
After the videos I jumped on the Scholaranium which felt like the exact replica of the GMAT exam. The period from September to November was really hectic for me. I was working as a developer, something that I scarcely liked. It was the initial phase of my job, so I had to attend training after work. In addition to this, I was looking for the PG course that suits my expectations. This may look simple, but it's a whole new world out there with a plethora of specialized courses. That took a considerable time. After all these, I would sit down and practice for my GMAT exam. I knew that I have grasped the concepts, but still I couldn’t ace my scholaranium quizzes. Two and a half months passed, I was on the verge of finishing my question pool and still no progress.
At this point in time, it's easy to give up and just think that maybe it's not possible. But I calmed myself down took a couple of days off and soon realized that GMAT doesn’t only check your conceptual knowledge, it also checks your mindset. It's about how you approach questions and how you deal with them. After all my daily chores, the exhaustion wouldn’t allow me to be calm and solve questions with proper concentration. So firstly I quit my job, fixed my daily routine and after a short break I tried to give it another shot. I was out of scholaranium quizzes and most of the OG questions. I started looking for similar resources that could offer me the same level of English as GMAT, and what’s better than the American editorials. So I got The New York Times subscription and started reading 4-5 articles daily while keeping the concepts that I learned in the egmat course in my mind.
Find the article that you find interesting and read it with full concentration. You’ll find everything there modifiers, subjunctive tense etc.§ion=Science.
After around 2 and a half weeks of dedicated reading, I attended my remaining questions and I could actually recognize the patters and concepts in the questions At this point in time, I felt a little confident and booked my exam date for 24th December. Ultimately, I managed to get a 700+ score and the feeling was just gratifying.
One last thing, do maintain an error log. It may seem frustrating, but you’ll see the difference.

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May 17, 2022

Joined: Sep 09, 2021

Posts: 34

Kudos: 17

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q49 V35

E-Gmat course review: A strong & structured Quant section (Q49)


Improvement 130 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

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Although I purchased the course material in the early January, unfortunately I could start my preparation quite late.
eGMAT provides a very structured schedule based on the hours I can put for the preparation. Keeping up with the schedule helped me in structuring my preparation for Quant smoothly.
The Quant section of eGMAT is very thorough, structured and detailed. The experts do not want students to rely merely on the equations and formulae but rather on the logic behind those formulae. This approach ensured me that I could solve questions confidently even if I forget the formulae in the test hall. The diagnostic tests after every module also helped me to seal my learnings and use it on mock questions. The video answer solutions are beautifully created in a step-by-step method. In addition, the query forum for Quant section is lively and the experts take no time in replying back!
I was also assigned a mentor who kept an eye on my progress in quant section and provided suggestions to improve myself. The feedbacks assisted me further in boosting my confidence and making me test ready!
All in all, my experience with e-GMAT was amazing as I got a very good hold in Quants which in turn helped me to score a 700 with Q49 and finally securing a seat in INSEAD MBA D'23. For the future GMAT aspirants looking for a strong full proof Quant preparation, I would recommend E-GMAT Quant modules.

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