August 01, 2022

Joined: Mar 05, 2022

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
770 Q50 V47 (Online)

Amazing online gmat course - Thank you so much e-gmat


Improvement 130 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I recently used the e-gmat platform to prepare myself for the GMAT test. It was an absolutely positive experience and I am tremendously grateful for all the help they provided.

E-gmat’s platform is a one-stop shop for all your GMAT needs. It contains a dedicated section for the verbal and quant parts of the exam, and even provides support for integrated reasoning section. Ii was super easy to use and I was able to focus all my needs in just one place. The only outside material I used was the official GMAT essays as additional preparation as I approached my exam date.

One of the things I found most convenient about e-gmat is that it gives you a personalized study plan. When I set out to start studying, I realized that there was a lot of information available on the internet, books, courses and it became a bit overwhelming the amount of options and methods I found. With e-gmat I didn't have to worry about anything at all. The platform provides a clear method that guides you step by step on how to approach your study session. It helps you define when to study what topic and in which way. The fact that they gave me a personalized study plan was an absolute relief, and it reduced many hours of preparation that I was able to put to better use by studying.

For the verbal section, e-gmat was able to provide a very clear and structured method for addressing the questions. Although I had a strong performance in verbal from the beginning, initially I was answering the questions purely by intuition, which not only resulted in mistakes, but also made me feel insecure and nervous. Thanks to e-gmat, I was able to apply a structured thought process that helped me become much more precise in my answers and gain confidence. In addition, given the personalized study plan, I was able to focus on those areas that were the most difficult for me, and quickly review those areas where I felt more comfortable.

In the quant section, e-gmat provides an incredible tool called PACE which diagnoses your knowledge of concepts and then gives you specific material to fill in the gaps. The tool worked wonderfully and helped me understand concepts in depth, thus avoiding having to resort to memory during a stressful situation like the GMAT exam. In addition, the number of questions offered in the database is so large that it allows you to practice constantly. At the end of a few weeks of focused practice, you can easily identify the types of question you will encounter during the GMAT test, leaving little room for surprises.

In addition to the videos and extensive question bank available, I think what I valued most about e-gmat was the study method provided, which helps you feel super confident during the test. They support you with an impressive number of taylor-made quizzes and cementing quizzes so you can make sure you absorb the concepts properly. In addition, they provide tools for the process of reviewing incorrect or time-consuming questions, which positively impacts your performance.

After only 2-3 months using the platform conscientiously, I managed to go from a score of 640 in my first mock test to a 770 in the official exam. I am super grateful for all the tools provided and absolutely recommend e-gmat!

This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
November 17, 2022

Hi Javieralarenas,   

Congratulations on your 770 score! 

Scoring a 770 is a remarkable accomplishment. Your diligence, consistency and resilience has helped you to attain the 99-percentile ability.  

When I reviewed your account, I concluded that yours is one of the most ideal student accounts I could come across that demonstrates all the good qualities listed above.   

Let's look into the key takeaways from your journey:  

You set out the right way by planning for your GMAT preparation journey by creating your Personalised Study Plan which showed you the ideal and the most suitable sequence you must follow to go through different subsections. As you adhered to the Personalized Study Plan diligently you were able to achieve your target score in the time frame recommended by the PSP. 
Here is the screenshot of your Personalised Study Plan (PSP): 

Image Link -

What stood out to me was the efforts you have put into the Verbal improvement. Despite being confident of your Verbal skills, you were willing to unlearn your Intuition-based approach and then learn the structured-process approach which gradually became second nature to you and helped you improve from a V39 (88th percentile) to V47 (99th % percentile) 

You didn’t become complacent here, instead you went a step ahead by not just reviewing every Cementing quiz you took but you also analysed your weaker areas from the various data points on the platform and worked on them. 

You successfully capitalised on the PACE tool which ensured that you spent adequate time on your weaker areas. You then used the Quant 2.0 question bank to hone and sharpen the skills that would get you to success. Here is an image showing how you used the PACE tool:

Image link -

Javiera, all of us at e-GMAT feel proud of your journey and your achievement. We are certain that this was just the beginning of the very best that you are yet to accomplish. 

On behalf of e-GMAT, I wish you the very best in all your future endeavours. 


Dhruv Joshi 

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