e-GMAT GMAT Course Reviews

Everything you need to ace the GMAT

e-GMAT is the world's most reviewed company whose students have delivered 10x more 700+ scores than students from the average GMAT Club Partner. e-GMAT truly understands the test and the test taker and accurately creates personalized GMAT journeys for students, whether they start with a score of 300 or 600, and helps them achieve 740+ on the GMAT.

Created by Four out of the GMAT Club's Top five experts, e-GMAT is a unique combination of proprietary methods in Quant and Verbal. To ensure that you excel on these methods, e-GMATs' xPERT AI personalizes your learning and provides real-time feedback that can quadruple your chances of success and help you save up to 120 hours while preparing.

Finally, e-GMAT also gives you access to strategy experts who will help push your score to 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT 

  • GMAT Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Forum Support
  • Hyper-Personalized Improvement Plans
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT Mentors


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e-GMAT Course Reviews

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August 24, 2021

Joined: Oct 01, 2020

Posts: 14

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Classic score:
640 Q50 V28

SC King: Scratch to 90+ Percentile


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I started my GMAT journey last year in October with a diagnostic mock on I managed to score a 600(Q49,V23). To be very honest i was clueless about the Verbal Section and was playing on instincts, i.e., what sounds better.

Coming from an Indian Board, I knew that Verbal will be challenging for me because I did not have much interest in reading books or writing. For the first attempt, I was of the opinion i can shoot up my score in a month with quality resources and hardcore prep. Joined GMATCLUB, the mecca of GMAT and looked through the materials. After studying like a 10th grader, i.e., completing the syllabus and doing questions, I could see how i was playing on instincts only. A month of prep and i registered for the GMAT (Huge mistake) only to find i did guess work in Verbal and ended up with a 640 (Q50,V28).
Due to Work, I took a three month gap and started preparing again. I had gone through some of the free videos of E-Gmat and during my first attempt so had made up my mind to enrol for the course. I started the course in April some time and Sentence Correction was never this easy.
I genuinely was not aware of Nouns, Pronouns, Parallelism etc. The Master Comprehension Course was a game changer. I went through their SC course meticulously and had started to see improvement in a month. My plan was to complete a module and try to filter the questions in GmatClub of that module and finish only Official Guide Questions. I was seeing the improvement. Meaning-Based Approach with crystal clear concepts, hands down, are impeccable approaches. My worst section became the Best. If you want to start from scratch in SC, E-GMAT is a no brainer. Just go for it. These institutes have done immense research and have got it into perfection. The amount charged is nowhere near to the knowledge gained.

In two months time, I registered again for the online Gmat and had a pathetic experience with some technical glitch. Registered again for an offline attempt and got a 710(Q50,V35) with a 91 Percentile in SC. Scholaranium on E-GMAT is a great place to cement your skills. The ability quizzes increases one's stamina. The analysis is on spot with insightful video explanations. Sometimes the background noise used to just reverberate in my ears while doing normal work. It became a habit to approach all the questions in a certain way.

Thankful to the E-GMAT team!

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August 24, 2021

Joined: Jan 25, 2020

Posts: 58

Kudos: 20

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q48 V38

An E-gmat review, pros & cons


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

Here are my attempts
Attempt 1 (Feb 2021): 670 (V32, Q49)
Attempt 2 (Mar 2021): 680 (V32, Q50)
Attempt 3 (Aug 2021): 700 (V38, Q48)

Good improvement in Verbal, on the hand, got cocky and overconfident in Quant and screwed it up.

However, I thank E-GMAT for that V38 and in this post I’ll share why:


1. Clever Approach to solving SC
I have taken another test prep's company's SC course (won't name them) before taking E-GMAT SC. The primary difference between the two courses is the approach. E-GMAT’s is based on understanding the meaning of a sentence while the other course focussed on “time-saving grammar hacks” to arrive at the answer, in which the meaning of the sentence took lower priority..Now if you are looking for a 650, the “time-saving grammar hack” approach works faster but when you are talking 700+ official GMAt questions, the GMAT is very clever, it will give multiple answer choices that are all grammatically correct, and it's the meaning that differentiates the correct answer from the wrong one. Therefore, I prefer the meaning-based approach because it helps solve tough questions much more quickly and easily.

2. Course contents really good, well taught
I’ve always sucked at tests that needed me to do well at English grammar because of the extremely confusing rules and tons of jargon English grammar has e.g "Participle Modifiers" or “Gerunds” or “Adverbial modifiers”. I mean, when I hear the term “Participle Modifiers", I experience severe mental pain, it causes me to get depressed and makes me want to eat an ice-cream to improve my mood. But hats off to E-GMAT because for the first time in my life I’ve come to like grammar and admire its beauty. E-GMAT teaches SC by avoiding these horrible sounding jargons and follows a very logical approach to explain each concept. And since it is logical, it's easy to remember, absorb and finally apply on the questions.

E-GMAT Critical Reasoning:
Some facts:
Attempt 1: CR % (based on my ESR) => 28%
Attempt 2: CR % (based on my ESR) => 28%
Attempt 3: CR % (based on my ESR) => 97% (I knew it, i wasn’t dumb!)

After my 2nd Attempt, I sent a desperation email to folks in E-Gmat’s support team telling them I follow their so-called “Pre-thinking approach” but it really isn’t taking me anywhere. They soon replied to understand how I did pre-thinking and then the problem was identified. I was spending about 50 seconds reading the argument, 10-15 seconds pre-thinking and then over 45 seconds on the answer choices. This was WRONG. They asked me to go for a 30-55-35 split, in which I was spending about 55-60 seconds pre-thinking. I immediately tried it and it worked well. I also got creative, tried to visualize the problem in a 3D manner (think of Iron Man, the 3D models floating in air, him using his hands to move models etc). The results are here, a 97% tile on CR. Thanks DJ & Archit for the guidance.

I had received really shitty RC advice from my previous GMAT test prep company. They had asked me to read the 1st line of each para, skip everything in between and then directly read the last line of each para and repeat this for every para. And then I was supposed to magically understand the main idea by combining these statements together and also only refer to the first and last line of each para to get a complete gist of each para. What a mess and what a waste of time, I can’t believe I did this for several months only to get confused and come to hate RC. So what worked for me in RC was E-GMAT’s webinar in which a guy called Rajat gave simple advice: read each and every sentence, not skip a single word. And also, E-GMAT’s timing strategy helped a lot as well, in which they told how many minutes to spend reading the passage, how many mins to spend per question etc. E-GMAT’s para summary idea is also good and I modified it a bit (See below)

Make all these summaries in your mind and make them fast. Don’t spend 10-15 seconds thinking of a summary, another 5-10 seconds writing it down. Spend about 2-5 seconds thinking of a summary, if you feel a summary is hard to make in 2-5 seconds JUST MOVE ON!
Also, remember you don’t need to get all 4 out of 4 or 3 out of 3 right. So, sometimes when you don’t understand something in a particular para, try re-reading it if you think its important. If you still can’t understand, JUST MOVE ON because maybe if you are lucky you won’t have a single question on that tough part.

Another good part of EGMAT is the schloranium section in which I could easily take quizzes of varying difficulty and combine questions from different sections. The explanations section in Scholaranium is very helpful and the e-gmat team members reply within like a day.

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August 22, 2021

Joined: Aug 29, 2020

Posts: 14

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q50 V42

Great service for that final push


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Mentorship

Instructor Atreya Roy

Location Online

For me, Atreya helped me focus my preparation by identifying weak points and suggesting exercises to address these weak points. The suggestions were thoughtful and actionable. Atreya was always responded promptly, answering any and all types of questions. He was supportive and empathetic. I get anxious as the test day nears, and he always had some kind words to cheer me on. Thanks Atreya.

The best advice that I got from him was to focus on OG towards the end. The Scholaranium makes it easier to track mistakes and review them before the exam day. I instruction material for verbal is also great. I would recommend spending the money if you want to improve on the verbal section. Quant questions are a bit too tough and tricky sometimes.

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August 20, 2021

Joined: Aug 17, 2020

Posts: 6

Kudos: 9

Verified GMAT Classic score:
750 Q50 V42

Thank you


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I had started my GMAT prep back in Aug, 2020. Took the usual route of going through the OG Bundle, Advanced guide and Manahattan prep books without any guidance. My study was quite inconsistent until in Feb 2021, I realised that I needed to book a date for GMAT.

So, I took my first GMAT in June, 2021 and ended up with a 720. Although the score was decent, I knew I could do better. I really want to aim at those top b-schools and did not want my GMAT to hold me back. However, I really needed a direction to proceed in and areas to improve upon.

That is when I came across e-GMAT while browsing for suitable prep courses. I was naturally weaker in Verbal (got a V39 on the 720 attempt) compared to Quant (Q49).

I got in touch with e-GMAT and Karan from the team went through my ESR. He was very helpful in providing insights into where I could improve, examples of previous success stories as well as how e-GMAT could help me achieve my target score of 750+. I immediately signed up for the course as I knew I could reach my target with e-GMAT's guidance.

Hence, I took up the GMAT Online course for a 2 month duration. I am really grateful to e-GMAT for assigning me a mentor - Aditee through its LMP program. She was a constant support and a source of motivation throughout my journey. Her deep insights into my performance really helped me to understand where I was going wrong and her advise of maintaining an error log was truly outstanding.

She started off by analyzing my ESR and we understood that I needed work in Geometry and WP (Quant) and Critical Reasoning (Verbal). Also, a few topics in SC and RC.

It would not be a stretch to say that in my 720 attempt, I did not even know how to approach CR questions. In fact, I did not even know how I ended up with a 84 percentile, considering how I would get confused in each CR question and end up choosing a random choice. Pretty sure, it was by chance.

I started off by taking ability quizzes in the above sections and they truly demonstrated that I was in fact weak in those areas. Aditee, then helped to create a detailed study plan for me, explaining each step to follow. I followed each step diligently.

This brings me to my next point - e-GMAT's GMAT Online course (Quant + Verbal). The structured approach to each section, the level of data insights and nature of the questions are truly phenomenal.

I started off with CR - was literally mind-blown by the Pre-thinking approach. By the end of the CR module, I could make sense of every CR question. Although it takes some time to master this approach, it is truly rewarding once you get the hang of it. In fact, CR slowly became my strongest areas.
In my 750 attempt, I am pretty sure I nailed CR since I was able to tackle every question using the Pre-thinking approach and the correct answer stood there crystal clear.

I also took this opportunity to go through some of the RC, Master comprehension and SC modules as per Aditee's analysis of my sectional test and mock test scores.
These other sections were equally at par with CR.
In fact the low RC score in my first attempt was because I used to rush through the passage in order to reach the questions earlier. e-GMAT's RC and Master Comprehension modules taught me how to slow down, understand each word and tie it back to what you have read so far to assimilate the gist of the passage. SC's meaning based approach taught me to how to crack those 700+ level questions where grammar can only help you so much.
The data analytics engine in the course was very insightful and helped to identify my lagging areas quickly.

Quant was equally great. In fact, I would say the medium and hard Quant questions were at the GMAT club test level. I am pretty sure if you do the Quant questions diligently, you can be sure of a Q50+. The way each solution is broken down is commendable and very well written. Each of them take you through the Process Skills approach and nail those concepts in your mind.
I would also like to thank the quant experts and verbal experts who constantly provide valuable comments to students' queries on the forums and through the video solutions. I learned new tips and tricks by diligently following these posts from the experts. Special shoutout to Harsha and Shraddha for their simplified verbal explanations, which really ingrained the concepts in my mind.

Coming to Scholaranium 2.0, the question bank therein and the analysis provided is stupendous. It is a question bank pool one can truly rely on to practice on GMAT-like questions. They are really close to the type of questions you can see in the exam. Moreover, the difficulty of each question is also accurately set. The quality of explanations is also fantastic. New questions are constantly added and you can be sure to never runout of quality GMAT-like questions.

Next, the Sigma-X Mocks are one of the most accurate mocks out there which come with their own detailed ESR. The mock I took right before my exam accurately predicated my score as I got a 750 there also. The predicted quant and verbal scores were also similar. Hence, apart from official gmat prep mocks, you could blindly rely on the 5 Sigma-X mocks to see you through your GMAT journey. The level of insights there is also phenomenal and accurately pinpoint the areas you need to work upon.

This post cannot be concluded without thanking the entire e-GMAT team for creating such a fantastic course and a huge shoutout to my mentor Aditee. I cannot thank her enough.

So, what are you waiting for? Go join e-GMAT and see for yourself how that dream score turns into a reality.
Good luck :)

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August 20, 2021

Joined: Jun 17, 2020

Posts: 3

Kudos: 38

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V41

e-GMAT and DJ: way to 720


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

First, I got interested by eGMAT course because it is not just video lessons, but an interactive study platform with a clear path and strategy. Secondly, when I first logged in, I was surprised by design, user interface, how well-detailed and nice the whole platform looks - I know its not a key element, but it really helps for something you spend 200+ hours looking at.
I started doing courses one by one, sometimes skipping, not truly following the recommended path - my bad. Actually, the course is designed in a "fool-proof" way, so as long as you follow the structure, one have no chance but to improve its ability.
For any topic, you do Diagnostic quiz (thats where you understand you are NOT good at Geometry, for example, after go with basics, all the small quizzes after each concept, after Application quizzes, Process quizzes, and finally GMAT skill quizzes. Such a structure is really amazing way to gradually build confidence and reach the GMAT level hard questions.
For Quant, some topics looks to easy and there is temptation to skip, but truth is better do each and everyone, and make sure there are no gaps.
Same for Verbal, the level of details is really impressive, and some lessons, like "ING modifiers" I have done 3 or 4 times (that make me feel really dumb) but I was able to understand it very well.
In the CR, the "Pre-thinking" concept is not only explained, but kind of substantiated by many examples and quizzes, so it really drills into your brain. I found it much, much useful.
What was funny for me, when I did Quant "Advanced" module, Combinatorics and Probability, I checked my ability in Scholaranium (it was low), so when I came back to course 2 weeks later, there was already updated files for each topic, much more detailed - I felt bad I need to do all again, but was great to see that improvements are constant, even product looks good, eGMAT team (I dont know, thousands of experts, coders and designers?) are constantly updating it.

I did not understand fully at once, but transfer from Study Course to Scholaranium is also very logical and makes a lot of sense. After course done, you do Cementing quizzes, where you solidify all you learned, and after can do specific quizzes.
When you first open Scholaranium, you think it is just a question bank, so one may want to rush and exploit all the 3000+(?) questions for Q and V, but that is actually the worst thing to do.
Scholaranium have immense number of questions, yes, but it is best use as a very detailed analytics tool for each topic, sub-topic, question type. Yes, it is greatly designed as well (especially I witnessed changed from Scholaranium to Scholaranium 2.0, and was impressed by amount of refinements made.
Another great thing about Scholaranium, that every question, (for me especially valuable was SC) has a QA under it, with all the questions asked and experts reply. Actually, I got immense knowledge from this QAs, and only sometimes asked question, and got reply fast.
Speaking about feedback or customer support. Well, that was the most impressive part. eGMAT have one email for all questions, and any question you ask, they kindly answer within 24 hours, which impressed me the most. And it is not small replies but a step by step to-do lists, which really made me feel that I am guided and not alone in my preparation.
Most importantly, somehow I was selected for "Last Mile Program", which is essentially a free private tutoring, and Dhananjay DJ took time to make call with me to go through my ESRs, went through my Scholaranium statistics (and extracted much more insights from it than I had imagined possible), and created a super-detailed plan what to focus on in my last 2-3 weeks before the GMAT. Such a kind and supportive help was really what touched me, and I thought I was very lucky to be selected for this Tutoring Program.
With DJ support, I was able to break my 690 plateau: he forced me to make error log for SC (was the best action in my whole GMAT prep.) , recommended to go through some course topics again (while I just wanted to do more, more questions :D ) , and he was able to empower me to be confident in the last couple of days - I am so much greatfull for his heartful support.
To sum up, all I got from eGMAT is amazing study platform, extremely helpful and kind (and free!) support, and piece of mind that I have all I need in one place; I have the path to follow to reach my target. -> That is why I think eGMAT is a unique value proposition, and I recommend it to all my friends; and to anyone who starts preparing for GMAT.

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August 18, 2021

Joined: May 06, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V38 (Online)

E-gmat - An essential if you are aiming for a 90+ percentile


Improvement 110 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I am sharing this from my personal experience as even after 2 months of preparation with Manhattan books and solving all the OG questions my verbal score only improved from V25 to V29. SC was the area where I was faltering most at. A friend recommended me e-gmat to help me improve my score. After coming across so many reviews I felt confident and decided to invest in e-gmat. It was truly the best investment I had ever made. You do not even need OG books if you enroll for e-gmat. I found their SC course to be the most helpful along with their pre-thinking skills for CR. Their math is also really good if you are aiming for that high score as they help you strengthen your math base with really tricky questions. Particularly, E-gmat helped me alot as just two weeks before my exam I contracted the COVID-19 virus and I was bedridden for 10 days. They helped me develop a personal study plan and I was able to give my exam just two weeks after recovering. Dhananjay was really helpful as he helped me devise a plan for when to take mocks and how to review my key areas. The main thing after learning concepts comes down to strategically reviewing the areas you falter at. Scholararium by e-gmat helps you do that as it is the most advanced analytical tool I have ever come across in the education sector. It provides you with a detailed analysis on each topic and areas you are constantly faltering at. All in all I would highly recommend e-gmat to all those who are stuck with their gmat preparation. Check out their success stories on youtube which helped me motivate a lot during my preparation.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
August 17, 2021

Joined: Apr 30, 2021

Posts: 36

Kudos: 7

Self-reported Score:
710 Q50 V37

Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I started off with the e-gmat course September, did it three months. but then before I could take the exam, went on a holiday for three months, and then restarted my GMAT prep in April.

Overall I definitely recommend the e-gmat course. 5/5. Why?

- Value for Money
- Tested strategies
- Helping the mainstream population which is non-native English speakers
- lot of free sessions, which is really great. My favourite ones have been by Harsha for RC, Ameya for Math and generally watching Rajat get so excited about comments during the sessions. Shreya's were pretty great also!
- one more thing is that they seem to be developing their products
- amazing replies over email and guidance - big shout out to mr Dhananjaya.

Even if you are a math wizz, its totally worth to take their math session and their quant workshop. you definitely learn alot.

The 2 reasons to take e-gmat are:

1. Verbal sections
2. Amazing feedback and fast responses via email.

Things i learnt:
RC Reading Strategies
SC Based Approached
CR Pre thinking

Math in general - formulas which we tend to ignore, and how to process things.

They also have a ton of videos of success stories which are then also transcribed, so it becomes so much easier to to follow and relate to other gmat-takers.

They also help with personalized videos and hyper plans specifically - this is where Mr Dhananjaya was a huge rockstar, pointing out issues and things i wasn't looking at. If you use their platform well, you'll sure get data to see what things aren't working for you. DJ also had a short call with me to go over my ESR and plan my study. In fact honestly, e-gmat goes beyond than what you sign up for.

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August 17, 2021

Joined: Jun 19, 2021

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q50 V42

My Personal Experience of the EGMAT Prep Course


Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Atreya Roy

Location Online

I did not research very extensively on which prep course to take for GMAT but rather went ahead with the course that 2 of my friends were preparing from – E-GMAT. I was skeptical about whether or not I should be paying a high amount for the study material mainly because I believed that I needed help with only some of the sections of GMAT. My quant was good to begin with and I was of the opinion that I couldn’t improve some areas of the verbal (RC and CR) much in a short duration of time by using some sort of study material because I thought that these sections mainly hinged on factors that could only be changed by engaging in long term activities and habits such as reading different types of texts. So I was apprehensive about paying the amount just for the SC section’s study material.
What convinced me was the sigma-x mocks and the EGMAT’s scholaranium since my friends told me that the difficulty level of the questions of the scholaranium is very close to that of the questions you see in the actual exam and the sigma-x mocks had an adaptive grading algorithm that is also very close to that of the actual exam. I also realized that just finding such exams that are similar to the actual paper and give a good reflection of the score that you can achieve was a big deal and hence these sigma-x mocks alone were very valuable.
The platform also has other useful features. It has a section where you can create your modifiable study plan, good extensive study material, a very good and apt question bank, options for creating quizzes in which you can even customize the difficulty levels, the number, and the topics of the questions that you want to have, a good test series, detailed customizable analysis of your progress, active forums for asking your queries and also a very prompt customer support service.
Following is a description of how I utilized the platform for various sections :
1) Verbal (SC) – This was the section I spent the most of my time on. I went through all of their study material, which is very extensive, and I also made some notes so that I do not have to go through the videos again. Then I followed the approach that they had defined for the questions and I performed well in it. I got all the questions correct in SC in my final exam and this most likely has to do with me spending my largest proportion of time on it.

2) Verbal (CR) – I did not go through the study material of this section extensively but I did see their pre-thinking approached. I went through the quizzes that were spread throughout the study material. I used to get most of the questions wrong at first, but since their questions are very good and have detailed explanations attached with them, I soon got the hang of this section and the pre thinking approach. But I mainly learned it through practicing the questions from their scholaranium and OG. I got just 1 question wrong in this section in the final exam.

3) Verbal (RC) – I did not go through the study material for this section but again went through the quizzes that were spread throughout the study material. My accuracy slowly improved as I practiced the questions but this was till the end the toughest section for me. I have a slow reading speed and that is mainly what was my weak point. I got 4 questions wrong in this section in the final exam.

4) Quant – I have good quantitative aptitude and hence did not have to go through their study material. But I did take some quizzes from their scholaranium. I then analyzed my section wise accuracy using their platform, and gave some more quizzes for my weaker sections. I got only one question wrong in my final exam for quant.

5) IR – I went through all of their quizzes from the study material. The difficulty level of the questions was higher than the actual paper but the question types and the explanations were good.

Apart from this, whenever I did not understand the explanation properly or was not convinced by it (did not happen many times tho), I went through their forums for that particular question and 90% of the time had my doubt already posted by some other student in the past. The experts had also already answered that doubt. This usually helped solve the doubt. In case it did not, I wouldn’t scratch my head too much over it and just move on to the other questions but again, there were not many instances of this.
Also, whenever I mailed the E-GMAT team regarding any issue or when I was stuck, I got a very prompt reply. Their Last Mile Program also helped me where they assigned a mentor – Atreya Roy to me for making a customized plan for me. Although I did not follow his directions a 100% (because of my other personal commitments and shortage of time), he DEFINITELY gave me a lot of important insights. He nudged me into giving the exam sooner than I had planned and also helped me identify my weak areas and accordingly devise a study strategy for my final week. He was very helpful with the process and also helped me have more self-confidence and take less stress for the final examination. He also offered to help with any type of questions that I was having difficulty with. This made me feel like I had a private tutor/expert with me that I could go to for help if I needed.
In conclusion, although I did not research extensively on other prep courses and also did not use a lot of material and features of the platform (mainly because I did not spend enough time in exploring the features), I can say with confidence that the platform has everything that you would need for your preparation for the final exam and the quality of everything is also top notch.
Finally, if you’re thinking of taking GMAT, I would advise you to do the prep with a positive mindset and not take stress or set unrealistic timelines for yourself. Rather, just try to enjoy the process and give lots of time to any section that you think is not saturated for you yet. I was able to improve my score by a 100 points with just 120 hours of preparation because I took proper rest, enjoyed myself and did not pressurize myself too much with the preparation. The quality of time you spend on studying is more important that the quantity. Don’t just keep on doing questions for the sake of it and try to learn as much as you can from a whatever you can – be it the study material or the explanations and analysis of your attempted questions. All the best!

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
August 16, 2021

Joined: Oct 14, 2017

Posts: 14

Kudos: 4

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V38

GMAT 730 (Q50, V38)


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I took the e-GMAT Online course and completely did my preparation from scratch from this course along with OG. Since Verbal was my weak spot, I started my prep with the e-GMAT verbal concept files. I spent most of my prep time on the CR and SC modules and these are some of the key highlights from them:
Critical Reasoning: The process of pre-thinking followed by e-gmat is quite helpful and the module’s concept and application files further strengthen our technique to tackle the 700+ GMAT questions.
Sentence Correction: The overall SC module by e-GMAT is quite exhaustive and if done diligently, one won’t need to resort to other resources for concepts. The module combined with the practice from the quizzes and application files really embed the concepts and technique required.
Scholaranium: This was quite useful in my prep journey for both Quant and Verbal- especially the explanations given by the team for questions is very detailed that I feel is better than the OG explanations as well at times. Also, the queries on any question can be posted in the forum and are resolved in a short duration which I really liked. Additionally, the cementing and Custom Quizzes are quite helpful to focus on those weak topics and have an efficient prep throughout.

I believe I truly benefitted from the Last Mile Program during the last 1-2 months or so of my journey. Shweta Koshija, my mentor for the LMP, was able to gauge my weak spots and guided me to push in those last weeks. The personalized videos analyzing my mocks and the next steps strategy plan post the mock were especially helpful for me to have a focused and streamlined preparation in the most efficient way possible. Other than the expert strategy help that I got from Shweta was how motivating and calm she was throughout the process. My first GMAT attempt was on the Online platform but due to some disruptions- I wasn’t able to perform as well and got a 700 score, post which I was extremely disappointed and had lost hope. But Shweta encouraged me to take another attempt-this time at the test center, and also formulated a test readiness plan for me to follow in the next 2 weeks which really helped.
Overall, I believe it was a great experience with e-GMAT and I would totally recommend it as a one-stop shop for GMAT prep.

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August 14, 2021

Joined: May 15, 2019

Posts: 5

Kudos: 12

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V40

A doctor's journey from 640 to 730


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Archit

Location Online

My journey with eGMAT from a 640 to a 730 has been wonderful. There are too many things to write about eGMAT. I will try to sum it up under a few sub-topics.

Content: It is extensive and covers all topics well. It is ideal for anyone who has been away from quant or verbal for some time. You really don’t need to search for concepts anywhere else. The course literally spoon-feeds you. The diagnostic and practice tests at the end of each chapter helps you apply your learning. An extra module on how to read helps a lot especially where to pause while reading and what keywords to look for.

Scholaranium 2.0 and Sigma X Mocks: Scholaranium 2.0 provides a lot of insights. The interface allows you to investigate every aspect individually and address your weak points. The questions are very standard and very similar to GMAT patterns. The solutions are well crafted and helps to strengthen the concepts so that a path can be worked out even if a question does not seem familiar in the exam (I am saying this from my own experience on the test day). Though the question banks may seem a bit too difficult at times, they really improve you thinking and application skills. The SigmaX mocks are exceptional. They are a wonderful mix of medium and difficult level questions. Be it the question bank or the mock, each question comes with an “Ask an expert” option at the end of the solution. This helps a lot, especially when you have used a different approach or have applied a different concept to reach the solution. Simply post the issue/approach/concept and the expert team gets back within 24 hours. It gives that sense of 1-on-1 tutoring to be frank.

Mentorship Program: I will certainly suggest this to anyone who signs up with eGMAT. Having a mentor really helps. I worked with Archit for 3 months, and it certainly decreased the amount of time I would have otherwise needed to reach my target score. The mentorship program allows you to work under a timed and structured fashion with weekly milestones to be achieved. The program provides customized plans to suit each student and that sets it apart. It keeps you on your toes and if you can stick to it efficiently, it will certainly prove beneficial.

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