e-GMAT GMAT Course Reviews

Everything you need to ace the GMAT

e-GMAT is the world's most reviewed company whose students have delivered 10x more 700+ scores than students from the average GMAT Club Partner. e-GMAT truly understands the test and the test taker and accurately creates personalized GMAT journeys for students, whether they start with a score of 300 or 600, and helps them achieve 740+ on the GMAT.

Created by Four out of the GMAT Club's Top five experts, e-GMAT is a unique combination of proprietary methods in Quant and Verbal. To ensure that you excel on these methods, e-GMATs' xPERT AI personalizes your learning and provides real-time feedback that can quadruple your chances of success and help you save up to 120 hours while preparing.

Finally, e-GMAT also gives you access to strategy experts who will help push your score to 740+ if and when you find yourself stuck below a 700.

Here is what you will get with e-GMAT 

  • GMAT Strategy Onboarding
  • 5 SIGma-X mocks to get an accurate assessment of your abilities
  • e-GMAT PSP to build a personalized and time-optimal study plan
  • Top Instructor curated 200+ hours of video lessons
  • 2500+ Application and Exercise Questions
  • Scholaranium platinum with 2500+GMAT like Questions
  • 24*7 Customer Support
  • Forum Support
  • Hyper-Personalized Improvement Plans
  • Last Mile Push from e-GMAT Mentors


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e-GMAT Course Reviews

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August 28, 2022

Joined: Jun 05, 2020

Posts: 0

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
680 Q49 V32

Highly recommend e-GMAT!


Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

I cannot thank Rida at e-GMAT enough for the personalized study plan leading up to my GMAT. This self-paced platform helped me improve my score by 100 points. Both the verbal quant courses helped me solidify my foundational skills in order to gain confidence in Medium and Hard level questions. Their cementing process and analytical approach to practice exams immensely trained me for the actual test day. It took me about a year to complete the GMAT, but if you are diligent and focused for three months, you will definitely succeed and hit your target score! Overall, I would highly recommend this course for anyone looking to improve their GMAT score.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
August 28, 2022

Joined: Aug 28, 2022

Posts: 3

Kudos: 1

Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q49 V38

My journey to 720


Improvement 70 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

Initially, I was quite apprehensive to take any course for GMAT preparation as I was seeing all the questions and materials available on GMATClub. But when I started my preparation, I soon realized my preparation was going directionless and I was not able to track my progress properly. Sharing this problem with one of my friends, I was recommended to take the e-GMAT course.
I checked out the course and I started by giving the first Sigma-x-Mock. I secured a 650 score. Being a non-native speaker and not good at literature subject, I knew I will have a steep learning curve. I was confident that starting it would not be a great challenge. But later when I started the course slowly, I realized my gaps.
The e-GMAT course is very comprehensive and covers a very good depth when it comes to both sections. The approaches suggested are very convenient to apply, but we have to be patient enough to make the approaches intuitive to ourselves and keep trusting the process.
As suggested by e-GMAT, I divided my preparation into 3 stages- Concept, Cementing (working on application), and Mocks. During my first phase of preparation, I was not regular and didn’t revise well, this led to spending more time making my concept clear.
Meanwhile, I was hitting roadblocks during my preparation and was sometimes demotivated. I reached out to the strategy team at e-GMAT. I was assigned with Rashmi for help. She helped me to identify the problems and gave me action items to solve my problems. Sometimes the action items seemed to be too much, but it was very helpful to progress during my preparation. Rashmi also made sure that I give regular updates about my preparation which helped me be accountable to someone during my preparation.
After going through the course at e-GMAT and giving my first attempt, I feel I have more scope for improvement in my scores and now I know where exactly I need to work. Hence, with some support from e-GMAT, I am planning to give it one more shot at GMAT. 😊

Tips for the people who are starting their preparation
I want to keep the crisp.
1. You must be very discipline with your preparation. It is not much to ask for if you want to be in top 3 percentile throughout the world.
2. The basics should be on your fingertips.
3. Revise and reflect.
4. Have patience and trust the process.
Please take some time to let the above pointers to sink in 😊
Hope this helps, especially the one who are starting their GMAT preparation journey.
Thank You.

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August 23, 2022

Joined: Jan 15, 2019

Posts: 8

Kudos: 4

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q49 V38

Improvement 100 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

There are a multitude of online test-prep options for GMAT, but what separates e-GMAT from the rest is not just the pedagogy, course content and the Scholaranium platform, but also the committed set of strategy mentors, who are always there to guide, mentor and motivate you.

Having read so many reviews and after watching so many success stories, I was sure there must be something that e-GMAT has and others don't. Initially, I was thrilled by the amount of granularity that the Scholaranium platform had to offer and I immediately signed up for the course. After signing-up, the first activity I did was to take a diagnostic mock to ascertain my level. I scored a 610 (Q48, V26) and it was a no brainer that Verbal needed a lot of work.
So, I got started with the Master Comprehension course - a module that is extremely important for all the subsections. This module consists of nuances such as strategic pause points, which come in handy when one is reading long sentences. Thereafter, I did the Sentence Correction module and I could see the change in my approach to the SC questions. The meaning-based approach is a game-changer. Of course, the grammar rules taught in the course are as important as the methodical approach to each SC question, but the meaning-based approach will take you from a 70 percentile to a 90+ percentile. And I can say that because it helped me score a 98 percentile on my actual attempt.

Just like the meaning-based approach in SC, the pre-thinking approach is a game-changer in CR, and I didn't notice it until I actually started using it. Of course, it requires a conscious effort initially, but once you get used to it, it starts happening sub-consciously and saves you a lot of time. Add to this approach, the specific step-by-step methodology required to tackle each question type, and this is true even for the RC module. With that being said, the essence of the course is in strengthening your basics and making you become process-oriented. If one can stick to the process and believe in the e-GMAT processes for all types of questions across sub-sections in the Verbal section, success on the GMAT is inevitable. And I was successful, when I took a mock after completing the Verbal score, scoring a V35 - a 9-point improvement in less than 2 months. Gradually I got better and even scored a V41 on one of my mocks later.

Coming to the Quant section, I must say that this is an underrated course. First of all, the PACE enabled course lets you go through only those concepts that you’re required to go through, thereby helping you save time. Then, the sheer clarity with which the concepts are presented, followed by the concept quizzes and practice quizzes strengthen your basics so well that one can easily tackle the sub-600 and 600-700 level questions on the GMAT. And for the 700-level questions, you have the Scholaranium platform. The types of questions on the Scholaranium platform help you get better at taking care of the traps that one usually gets into on the trickier questions on the actual GMAT. Add to that the granular level analysis provided by the Scholaranium data, which helps you identify your improvement areas. I truly believe that if you leverage the Quant course well, a Q50+ is definitely attainable. And I'm saying it because I hardly practiced 40% of the questions, due to time constraints.

Now coming to the most important factor that differentiates e-GMAT from many others and in fact, any other test-prep company is the support it offers to the students through its dedicated mentors. As a part of the mentorship, which is offered along with the course, one always gets a personalized approach and expert guidance throughout the preparation. I got a chance to work with three different mentors throughout my journey, and their contribution to my success is as much as the contribution of the course. When I started working with Harsha, as a part of the Last mile push program, I was faltering in the CR and RC sub-sections. To understand the exact issues with my approach, Harsha was generous enough to get on a 1:1 session with me, first for the CR sub-section and subsequently, for the RC section. And after these sessions, I was able to course correct the behavioral issues, performing well across subsections subsequently. Harsha is undoubtedly the best Verbal subject matter expert I’ve ever come across. Combine that with his ever motivating nature. There were times during my preparation when I felt dejected, but Harsha always made sure I was looking at things positively. His contribution to my score is significant. As is the contribution made by Kunal and Rida. After my previous failed attempt, in which I managed a 660, Kunal shared with me the improvement plans for all the subsections and he kept track of my performance, not just in terms of accuracy, but also in terms of time management. He constantly kept sharing feedback and corrective measure plans for the areas I was faltering in and made sure I was always on the right path. Towards the end, but the most important leg of my preparation, Rida helped me analyze and take lessons from my mock scores and even when I performed terribly on my last mock before the actual test, she motivated me by keeping me in the positive frame of mind and by sharing the last-minute-tips that proved to be extremely helpful.

The contributions by the mentors become especially important when I look back at my journey and realize how their suggestions to make some small tweaks to my behavior and approach made a significant impact on my final score. I still remember Harsha telling me to “enjoy reading the CR arguments / passages” while solving CR questions and that made a lot of difference to my subsequent accuracy in the subsection. Similarly, Kunal told me to not just focus on the accuracy but also the timing aspect. He made me work on the timing aspect and that helped me finish both my sections on the actual test in time. Likewise, Rida’s suggestion to breathe after every question helped me immensely on the test day, especially considering the fact that I’m an anxious test-taker.

To sum it up, I’ve no second thoughts in claiming that if you stick to the e-GMAT process and do everything diligently, there cannot be a better option for your GMAT prep. Thank you, e-GMAT!

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November 15, 2022

Dear ShakebAjaz,  

Congratulations on the massive 100-point improvement to 710. This is Rida, your mentor from e-GMAT.  

 Not only is a 700+ score not easy to get but a 12-point verbal improvement from V26 to V38 makes your success all the more commendable. Kudos to that! 

 You have shown how through sheer grit, perseverance and a process-oriented approach one can achieve what only the top 10% of the test takers dream to achieve.  

 Here are a few key takeaways from this inspirational journey: 

 You set about planning your journey the right way by taking the diagnostic mock to assess your starting abilities and creating a personalized study plan to guide you with your preparation.  

You followed the plan diligently, first learning the fundamentals and then solidifying your ability by mastering the application by working on the questions on Scholaranium.  

It is commendable how this systematic style helped you internalize the meaning-based approach and reach high ability in SC. Here is an image that shows how consistent and methodical efforts helped you get to a 90th% + ability in SC: 

Image Link - 

 While you used this process-oriented approach in verbal, you streamlined your quant preparation focusing on your weak areas through an atomic study pathway designed by the PACE engine. It has to be mentioned here that you saved close to 40 hours in your quant preparation through this strategic approach.  

This image below shows how in Word Problems alone you were able to save over 10 hours through the use of PACE: 

Image Link - 

 Finally, I must appreciate that you used all the weapons that you had in your arsenal. You worked closely with our mentors – and your zeal to succeed showed in how diligently you followed the suggested improvement plans.  

See how by identifying areas to improve and through focused practice you were able to reduce your timing in CR while improving your overall accuracy to 76%  

Image Link - 

 Shakeb, your GMAT journey is an example of how a structured, methodical approach can help achieve an inspirational score on GMAT. Keep inspiring! 

Here is wishing you all the very best in your forthcoming journey.  


Rida Shafeek

August 22, 2022

Joined: Jun 25, 2022

Posts: 0

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V40

Must for a smooth GMAT journey


Improvement 150 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

The high popularity of the e-GMAT made me choose their course and I have to say it lived up to my expectations. With years of experience, they have developed these courses that are highly functional and extremely streamlined.

Their verbal course is hands down one of the best. GMAT is an exam that tests your logical ability and I believe a strong fundamental approach to logic is needed to tackle GMAT with ease. e-GMAT's teaching methodology relies on the most fundamental things - Meaning based approach for SC and Pre-thinking for CR. With these fundamental approaches in mind, one will be able to handle the toughest questions on GMAT. Not only do they teach these techniques, but they also provide a framework to work on them until they become second nature to you.

The Quant course is more than adequate. This PACE-enabled course helps you navigate the voluminous Quant curriculum quickly by understanding your strengths and abilities in each sub-topic. e-GMAT's questions in Quant are usually tougher than what we see in GMAT/OG but it never hurts to be over-prepared. If you feel Quant is your weaker area, this course helps you a ton.

Scholarium (e-GMAT's test bank portal) understands you better than you understand yourself. With one quick glance, you can understand what your strengths and weaknesses are and focus accordingly. Trusting Scholarium blindly will make your life easier during your GMAT preparation.

The sigma-X mocks are very close in nature to the actual test. They give you a very good understanding of where you stand and what else is needed.

The Last Mile program (e-GMAT's mentorship program) is icing on the cake. This program helps you during your mocks. Each mock is immediately analyzed and they come up with a customized plan just for you until the next mock.

Rida, my mentor, was very helpful and friendly during this journey. She is experienced and understands the ins and outs of GMAT preparation. She was there whenever I needed her. Having an experienced test taker like Rida as your mentor is a huge plus to your GMAT preparation.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
November 03, 2022

Hey Robu,

Congratulations on reaching the top 3%ile! A GMAT 740 is an amazing score and I am so glad that I could be part of your journey.

Your path to 740 is an embodiment of the phrase “trust the process”. Your score improvement from 590 to 740 goes to show that with diligence, determination and perseverance, nothing is impossible. Your mock scores are testament to the fact that with the right attitude, you can move mountains -

Image Link -

I absolutely love how you were able to focus on the underlying skills required to ace the GMAT – logic and meaning. By focusing on these two aspects, you were able to master GMAT Verbal and reach V40.

I can also clearly see how you combined a structured learning pedagogy with feedback and data from Scholaranium to tackle weak areas with laser-sharp precision.

For example, in RC you saw a potential for improvement in Economics and Business type passages.

As we can see below, by focusing on improvement in this area, you were able to improve your accuracy from 58% to 84%, and also reduce your time from 2 mins to 1min 24s – phenomenal!

Image Link -

Your improvement from Q44( 50th percentile) to Q50 (87th percentile) was a cakewalk, because you made the course work for you by highlighting weak areas and creating a streamlined learning path. You tackled even the toughest questions, so that on D-Day, you were able to attempt every question with ease.

Your willingness to learn new methods, and most importantly, to unlearn old habits sets the foundation for your success.

I wish you all the very best for your MBA endeavors Robu – I cannot wait to see where the future takes you, but I am sure you will plan that journey as successfully as this one.


August 21, 2022

Joined: Jan 24, 2019

Posts: 148

Kudos: 41

Verified GMAT Classic score:
740 Q50 V39

Super Helpful Team and the Best Platform for GMAT Preparation


Improvement 110 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I started my GMAT journey in 2021 and like most other people relied on free material available on the internet for my preparation. Solved OG question diligently. Took a few mocks available online and took the GMAT in Nov’21. Scored a 630.

Realised I needed some sort of expert guidance and subscribed to the e-GMAT course after seeing the GMATclub reviews. Fast forward to 6 months and I have a 740 (V39, Q50).

Key takeaways:
Verbal: The specific frameworks taught in each and every aspect of the verbal section are crucial to ace the section. Coming from an engineering background I never had the confidence to tackle the SC questions. The e-GMAT meaning based approach really instilled confidence in me and improved my SC solving abilities significantly. CR was another tricky part and the pre-thinking approach was a gamechanger. Helped me save quite a lot of time during the actual exam. Same with RC. The techniques taught were brilliant.

Quant: Quant has always been my strong part. Still needed some guidance in specific question types like PnC and Probability. The e-GMAT course had a wonderful curriculum and boosted my confidence in those specific topics as well.

The most useful section of the course was the Scholaranium. It is an extremely resourceful tool comprised of question tailored to your needs. The analytics section highlights your strong and weak areas and it really helps to streamline the final preparation. The mocks replicated the actual level of the exam and my final GMAT score was pretty similar to the scores I was scoring in the e-GMAT mocks.

Also signed up for the Last Mile program where Rida monitored my daily progress and provided her inputs. Really helped me in the final lap of the journey.

Kudos to the whole team of e-GMAT for all their efforts!

Happy Learning!

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October 13, 2022

Dear Rasalghul853,

Congratulations on your amazing GMAT 740!

A 110 point improvement is an achievement that requires dedication, determination and the right strategy – all of which you had in spades.

I can see that you put your wholehearted effort into imbibing the three-step approach and improving your accuracy across Verbal. You masterfully used the course materials and the analytics from Scholaranium to accurately figure out what were the cracks in your armour and take the necessary steps to turn them into strengths.

Look at this snapshot to understand how to identify and tackle weaknesses. –

Image Link -

Finding and following the right process is one of the most important parts of GMAT prep, and I am delighted to see how much effort you put into learning, perfecting and executing on methodologies to get you to a 97th percentile score.

You exhibited the same leaps of improvement in Quant, especially in your weaker areas such as Permutations and Combinations, as can be seen below.

Image Link -

In mocks, I am glad to see that you were able to consistently score well. You were able to achieve the same Verbal and Quant scores that you got on the test across different mocks.

Have a look at the image below to see Rasalghul853’s mock performance!

Image Link -

It was a pleasure working with you Rasalghul853. Your diligence and your willingness to give it your all finally culminated in an amazing GMAT score. I wish you all the very best in your future endeavours!



August 21, 2022

Joined: Aug 05, 2019

Posts: 3

Kudos: 6

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V36 (Online)

Most Comprehensive Online Course for GMAT!


Improvement 40 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online

Thank you E-GMAT, I could improve my score from 670(Q47, V35) to 710(Q50, V36) with one month of diligent preparation. The amazing Analytics of the E-GMAT course facilitated my journey.

For my previous attempt, I thought that self-study using OGs would suffice. However, I could not cross the 700 hurdle. With a very hectic full-time job, I understood that I needed to tackle my next GMAT attempt in a very focused and efficient manner. I saw the E-GMAT reviews on GmatClub and subscribed to E-GMAT online course for my journey ahead.

My next phase of preparation with E-GMAT started in June 2022. The e-GMAT course is very comprehensive. It's Quant and Verbal sections cover all that is required to successfully ace the GMAT exam. Along with the course, I also received free subscription to GMATCLUB tests.
E-GMAT online course + GMATCLUB tests = The Winning Formula.

From my previous attempt, I understood that Number Properties, Algebra, and Geometry were my weak areas. Since I was time constrained, I decided to strategically work only on those areas. I took cementing and timed quizzes. I practiced from their Scholaranium and improved my ability to score Q50 on the actual test.

E-GMAT Verbal section is very comprehensive. SC Module was extremely resourceful. The meaning-based approach helped me tackle SC questions in the right way. SC Practice and Application questions coupled with cementing and sectional quizzes helped me improve my accuracy in SC from 70 to 90 percentile. I think the E-GMAT SC course is enough to improve one’s accuracy to 90+ percentile.

My E-GMAT SIGma-X mock scores were very similar to my actual GMAT score. I scored 720 in two of their mocks just days before the actual exam.

Due to paucity of time, I could not utilize E-GMAT CR and RC courses. However, I will utilize them for my next attempt to break the GMAT 750 barrier.

I want to thank E-GMAT once again for helping me in my GMAT journey.

Happy Learning!

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August 20, 2022

Joined: Jul 21, 2021

Posts: 1

Kudos: 0

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q50 V39

Improvement 80 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Intensive

Location Online

I started my preparation for GMAT in June 2021 when I had taken some other classes and gave my first attempt of GMAT, scoring a 650 (Q45 and V34). I knew that I had certain conceptual gaps and felt the lack of application skills required to solve questions in the most efficient manner in a timed environment. I took a break from GMAT and started preparing again in May 2022. This time around I tried the free lectures on the e-GMAT website and instantly loved how structured and comprehensive the course was.
Verbal Course: With e-GMAT’s Master Comprehension course and meaning based approach, I really understood the pause points, reading strategies, importance of contextual words, structure of sentences and most importantly visualisation of sentences which helped me to tackle the daunting long sentences, not only in Sentence Correction but also in Critical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension. Critical reasoning being my weak point needed a lot of work. Earlier in my preparation I felt that I was falling for the trap answer choices. However, with a consistent application of the pre-thinking approach, I started identifying a pattern in most questions which improved my accuracy and ability to solve Medium-Hard level questions for Critical Reasoning.
Quants Course: Similarly in Quants, while I was fairly comfortable with the concepts, understanding and application of e-GMAT’s “Process skills” such as Infer, Translate, Simplify, Manipulate, Visualise, All cases, Apply constraints was a real game changer for me. Each module in the Quants course is comprehensive and gives an opportunity not only to learn the concepts and skills but also to apply them to similar questions immediately which boosts your confidence to tackle similar kind of 650-720 level questions. Further, e-GMAT’s PACE function, diagnostic quizzes and analytics tools shortened my preparation time significantly for topics I was confident about and ensured that I had a targeted focus on other topics.
Cementing and Error logs: Cementing of the modules, strategic review of each question and logging of the mistakes with corrective actions/ learnings in the error logs made me identify the areas which needed work and helped me bridge the gaps in my conceptual understanding and application skills. The error log entries along with made revision of the entire course really quick and ensured that I made a conscious effort not to repeat the same mistakes again. Further, the discussions available on the expert forum and the quick responses from the e-GMAT team helped in timely addressing my doubts, line of reasoning, understanding the trap answer choices, etc.
Mocks and strategy experts: The SigmaX mocks on e-GMAT are excellent in their questions and gives a detailed review of your performance. For instance, the time spent on each question and each block, whether it was adequate, in excess or too low and also how you progresses throughout the mock. I worked with Rida Shafeek, one of the mentors and strategy expert at e-GMAT. She analysed each of my mock in depth and gave me hyper-intensive feedback on the weak areas, ideal time to be spent in both the Verbal and Quant sections including the subsections and various blocks of the exam. Between each mock, she gave me test readiness packs to solve. I could see an improvement in my time management in each subsequent mock and scored a 690 in the first mock and a 750 on the last.
I scored a 730 on the test (Q50 and V39).
Overall, I had an amazing experience with e-GMAT and truly grateful for their efforts and their support in my preparation. I would recommend e-GMAT for their well-structured course and Scholaranium which has ample of good Hard level questions to solidify your concepts.
Happy Learning!

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October 27, 2022

Dear Aastha,

Congratulations on the 96th percentile score!

I really enjoyed working with you in the weeks leading up to your GMAT attempt. What struck me was how you truly immersed yourself in the process – unlearning old habits is one thing that most students struggle with in their preparation. But reading your review, it is clear to me that you have put in the time and dedicated effort in order to let go of processes that haven’t worked in the past and embrace pathways that lead to success.

This is clearly visible in Verbal – your effusive praise of the Master Comprehension course makes it obvious that you understand that the core of Verbal success is meaning, you carried this learning into all Verbal subsections. I can see in CR, the effort you have put in to get to a 90th percentile ability by internalizing the pre-thinking approach.

Have a glance at the image below to see Aastha’s amazing CR ability.

Image Link -

In Quant as well, you understood that it was the process, not brute force, that would lead to success. The process skills (I am glad to see that you can list them all out!) helped you tackle GMAT Quant with skill and strategy, and the PACE engine on the e-GMAT Platform ensured that you took the swiftest route to a Q50.

All of this effort to learn and improve would have been meaningless without learning from your mistakes – which is where the error log comes in. Just a glance at your mocks shows how you were able to improve consistently -

Image Link -

Your improvement in cementing, test readiness and mocks are a testament to your understanding of one key fact – to excel in the GMAT, the goal is not to make zero mistakes, but to make new mistakes every time.

I wish you all the very best for your next endeavor Aastha – any program would be more enriched to have you as part of its cohort.


August 20, 2022

Joined: Sep 21, 2021

Posts: 5

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Classic score:
730 Q49 V39



Improvement 120 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

When I started my journey of the GMAT, the biggest challenge for me was the verbal section. I searched for various courses online and decided to enroll in E-GMAT program.

I scored 730 (Q49 V 39) and the whole credit goes to the well-structured program of E-GMAT.
The program teaches me how to get the meaning out of any complex sentence. The meaning-based approach is key to score 700+ score on GMAT.
Some salient features of the course is Meaning based approach & Strategic review that helped me improve all sub-sections of Verbal.
I was confident to tackle any difficult question after the program. E-GMAT mocks are comparable to actual exam in terms of difficulty level.
If the student is already good in quant then PACE feature will also help the student to improve quant in minimum time.

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October 25, 2022

Hi pratulsinghal,

Congratulations on your 730 score! The mammoth 120-point improvement is highly commendable.  

Your perseverance is the most important factor that helped you excel; I must appreciate you for completing the course diligently and with the right spirit, which helped you attain the 96th percentile (730) on the GMAT.

You successfully internalized the meaning-based approach, which helped you get to a V39 (88%ile). Your diligence in imbibing the process and approach can be seen in your scholaranium stats, here is an image that you can refer to where you have improved to the 85%ile ability in Hard questions in RC.

Image Link -

I love the fact that you enjoyed PACE and that it helped you save time on the Quant side of preparations

Your journey is a great example to justify, I quote, “When you trust the process, you learn. When you learn, you score well. When you score well, you succeed! “

I wish you all the best for the next steps.  


August 19, 2022

Joined: Feb 05, 2022

Posts: 0

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
720 Q50 V38 (Online)

An efficient and comprehensive course


Improvement N/A

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online

I came across the e-GMAT course through the reviews on the GMAT club and decided to give it a shot. The course was so well-structured and comprehensive that it helped me finish my prep in a little over two months and helped me score a 720 on the first attempt.
I started at a low score (around the 60th percentile) in the quant section. The quant course was so helpful, especially the PACE engine, that quickly helped me identify my weak areas and recommend steps to study, thereby saving a lot of time. I never thought that I would finish my quant prep within a month. The quality of the questions was impeccable; they were a close representation of the actual questions in the exam.
The best part of e-GMAT's verbal section is its SC course. I was introduced to the meaning-based approach, which transformed my SC score. I usually used the elimination technique to differentiate and eliminate a few options, but I quickly realised that it only works on medium-level questions. You must know the meaning-based approach and specific grammar rules to ace hard-level questions. And the course was beneficial in this. The RC reading strategies also helped me significantly reduce my time in reading the passages.
The structured three-stage learning provided by the course and the fantastic guidance by the mentors were a great help as I just had to follow the personalised plan for me. This helped me save a lot of time and put my entire focus on studying rather than planning.
Overall, I would recommend the e-GMAT course to anyone aspiring to score high by understanding concepts and working hard in an efficient manner.

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This reviewer has not participated on GMAT Club but it is a REAL person and a REAL review. GMAT Club has verified this test-taker's identity through GMAC/Pearson Vue Score Reporting system and confirmed that this reviewer indeed took the GMAT, is unique, and has not submitted multiple reviews.
August 17, 2022

Joined: May 17, 2021

Posts: 29

Kudos: 2

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q50 V37

Timely Help by mentors


Improvement 90 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

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I started out my GMAT journey with E-Gmat and I have no regrets looking back , Quant was a Killer , It so happened that after using e-gmat's quant course I was able to finish my Quant section 15 mins ahead of time with desired accuracy

I have poor test taking skills - Even though I was able to crack on mock tests with higher GMAT score , Panic on the day bought my scores down - Ended up with 710 . For Non native speakers Verbal SC course is very good .

Would like to thank all the mentors in e-gmat who were part of my journey

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528 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for e-GMAT
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